Star Odyssey

Chapter 3547 Lively

When Yi Shang saw the quotation, he didn't care about the Baiye Chamber of Commerce with 50 billion spiritual seeds, which belonged to Lu Yin. He automatically ignored it, raised his eyes and glanced at Yue Susu: "Did you do it?"

As he spoke, invisible pressure enveloped him. Except for Lu Yin, the entire venue was under the pressure of Yi Shang.

Regardless of whether Yi Shang has the position of Sang Tian or not, his ability to survive hardships is real. When he invades Tianyuan Universe, there are only a few people on the border battlefield who can stop Yi Shang.

This pressure is not earth-shattering, but it makes people unable to hold their heads up.

A group of people from the chamber of commerce were suppressed, with fear in their eyes. They regretted extremely that they should not have participated in this competition and got caught between two behemoths.

Yue Susu looked directly at Yi Shang without fear: "Long time no see, senior."

"Where is your father?" Yi Shang said calmly.

Yue Susu smiled lightly: "Father is naturally resting at home."

Yi Shang praised: "You are young, you are very courageous, you look at the spiritual universe, not to mention your cultivation talent, there are really not many people who can compare with you in terms of vision and magnanimity, but I am very curious, what is your Si Ma Chamber of Commerce's reputation?" Why are you fighting with me? Just because I lost my position as Sang Tian?"

Yue Susu solemnly said: "The General Chamber of Commerce will not weaken because the seniors lose the position of Sangtian. Even if the seniors do not lose the position of Sangtian, this day will come sooner or later. We, the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, have been waiting for this day for a long time."

"Everyone knows that our Si Ma Chamber of Commerce specializes in searching for the basic materials of the sequence for Tianwaitian, which is why we have our current status. This is the root of our Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. However, with the General Chamber of Commerce's ability to control all chambers of commerce in the Linghua Universe, senior, Intercept the basic materials of the sequence layer by layer to compete with our Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. If we don't take action, our Si Ma Chamber of Commerce may be crushed by the General Chamber of Commerce."

A smile appeared on Yi Shang Yuanyuan's face: "I said at the beginning that your Si Ma Chamber of Commerce would be merged into the General Chamber of Commerce. Yueting is stubborn. As his daughter, you should think about the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. Or do you think that this mere means can Make me regress?"

Yue Susu smiled and said: "Compared with the seniors, the little girl is like a toddler. There is no comparison. But even a child is still a threat if he holds a weapon that an adult cannot stop. No matter what happens, we can both die together. ."

Yi Shang's eyes flashed, and terrifying pressure came, pressing on Yue Susu.

Standing next to Su Su, the old man stood up, completely withstood the pressure, and coughed: "Old friend, be gentle, this old bone still wants to live for a few more years."

Yi Shang looked at the old man and was surprised: "Shan Xian? Are you not dead yet?"

The old man chuckled and looked at Yi Shang: "After all, we are all comrades in arms. It would be rude to curse me to death when we meet."

In the corner, Lao Tao was surprised: "Shan Xian? He's not dead yet."

"It's coming soon. I won't live much longer." Lu Yin looked at the old man. His strength at the Lingshi realm was already approaching the end and he was not far from death: "Do you know him?"

Lao Tao exclaimed: "I met him once a long time ago. He is a strong man of the same generation as Yi Sangtian. He once participated in the expedition to the consciousness universe. It is said that this person is not good at killing, but he is extremely defensive. With his protection, he is almost foolproof." "

"It doesn't matter that this person is still alive, but he is still protecting the girl from the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce. It seems that the rumors are true."

"What rumors?" Qingxiao was curious.

Lao Tao said in a deep voice: "The Si Ma Chamber of Commerce has been protected by the heavens and the sky, and is secretly protected by masters. Those masters are almost all people who are sure that the end is coming."

"Just like those old guys waiting for death in the Gate of All Laws, these old guys have no ability to go out to fight. They may die if they make a move, but if someone comes to the door, their actions will be equally shocking."

In the middle of the field, Shanxian turned to look at the corner: "Don't call me an old guy. He's not that old yet. It's just that his time is coming."

Lao Tao sneered, embarrassed that someone heard him.

After Shan Xian finished speaking, he looked at Yi Shang: "Old friend, the General Chamber of Commerce has made enough money under your leadership. Give others a way to survive. The Si Ma Chamber of Commerce's appeal is only to monopolize the basic materials of the sequence and maintain their own status. It won’t be so tense.”

Yue Susu said: "As long as senior agrees, from now on Linghua Universe will not compete with our Si Ma Chamber of Commerce for the basic materials of the sequence. For what happened today, Si Ma Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay the price to calm senior's anger."

Yi Shang looked deeply at Yue Susu: "Do you think everything will be fine with Shanxian protecting you? I want to kill you, and he can't stop you."

Shan Xian was helpless: "That's why I chose this time. I have just lost my position as Sang Tian. If there are rumors that the General Chamber of Commerce's status is unstable, and there is competition for quotations in dispatching, how do you think the General Chamber of Commerce will be the external leader?" What image? If there is one Sima Chamber of Commerce, there will be a second one. How many of these chambers of commerce are not chambers of commerce? You know very well that my deadline is approaching. What about you, old friend? It’s almost here too.”

Yi Shang Yuanyuan's face completely darkened: "You were only ordered to protect Yueting, when did you protect the entire Si Ma Chamber of Commerce?"

Yue Susu smiled sweetly: "I have become a disciple of Senior Shanxian. He is my master."

Yi Shang was surprised and then laughed: "Okay, okay, Yueting has raised a good daughter. He is stubborn and not good at words. I didn't expect that the daughter he raised is amazing. I guess you are right. Yueting doesn't agree with this at all." He thinks he can keep the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce with his own abilities."

Yue Susu was helpless: "My father's ideas are sometimes very naive. What I admire most is Zhikongyu, who can see far."

Yi Shang praised: "Yue Ting is stupid, but his daughter is smart. Nothing in this world is eternal. With his talent, he can protect the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce for a while, but he cannot protect it for the rest of his life. You have seen far enough."

As he said that, his eyes flashed: "Have you ever thought about coming to our General Chamber of Commerce?"

Yue Susu was puzzled: "Senior, what do you mean?"

Yi Shang said: "Marry my grandson Yi Xia."

Yue Susu was shocked. She didn't expect Yi Shang to have such an idea.

Shan Xian was surprised and looked at Yue Susu. This is feasible. After all, his end is approaching. He liked this girl very much, so he agreed to participate in this matter. But if he dies, what will happen to this girl? Even if she saves the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, how can she save herself?

Yueting can have one daughter or two.

Yue Susu got it wrong, and even Yi Shang got it wrong. Yue Ting was not stupid, but he didn't want to stand up. From the beginning to the end, he passively accepted the calculation against the General Chamber of Commerce. However, only Shan Xian Only this person who has protected Yueting for a long time can see that Yueting's passivity is actually his initiative.

Yue Susu thought that she would take the initiative to protect Yue Ting, but Yue Ting wanted her to do so.

In the end, the General Chamber of Commerce was forced to agree not to compete with the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, and Yue Susu had to bear Yi Shang's anger.

From the beginning to the end, Yueting was an outsider, but he kept the Sima Chamber of Commerce. As for Yue Susu's fate, it could only depend on her fate.

Shan Xian could see it, but he couldn't stop it. Yue Susu really wanted to protect the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, and she also really wanted to protect her father. He couldn't get involved in this matter.

But it would be different if Yue Susu married Yi Xia.

"Old friend, are you serious about this?" Shan Xian looked at Yi Shang seriously.

Yi Shang's round face showed a smile again: "It's absolutely true."

Shanxian looked at Yue Susu and suppressed his excitement: "Girl."

Yue Susu looked at Shanxian and said something.

In the corner, Lu Yin rolled his eyes. This is nothing, and it can evolve into this. If these two families really get married and the Linghua Universe Chamber of Commerce is unified, it will be easier to collect resources in the future, which will not be a good thing for Tianyuan Universe.

Shanxian hopes Yue Susu will agree.

Yue Susu's expression was confused, she didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Yi Shang said: "Marrying Yi Xia, whether you are the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce or the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, whether you merge into the General Chamber of Commerce or not, will not affect the status of the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce."

Yue Susu looked at Yi Shang, who was smiling and sincere.

"Sorry, senior, I can't agree to this."

Yi Shang's expression froze, and then became gloomy, with a cold look in his eyes.

Shan Xian looked at Yue Susu's side face and sighed. He had forgotten that the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce could reach this point thanks to Tianwaitian. Although Tianwaitian supported the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce because Yueting could find those precious materials. Reason, but if the Sima Chamber of Commerce and the General Chamber of Commerce unite, what will Tianwaitian think?

Tianwaitian can support a Yueting, but it can abandon the entire Si Ma Chamber of Commerce.

Yue Susu cares about the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, but Shan Xian knows that Yueting can not care about the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, and the worst is to rebuild one. As for Yue Susu's daughter, she has been abandoned by Yueting since she took the initiative to plot against the General Chamber of Commerce.

What Yueting values ​​most is always himself.

Without Yueting and Si Ma Chamber of Commerce, Yue Susu is nothing. What's the point of marrying Yi Xia?

People can have added value, but they cannot let the added value exceed their own value. Otherwise, which one is more important, will the person still be the same person?

Yue Susu's value lies in the Sima Chamber of Commerce and Yueting. If she loses these, her magnanimity and her thinking will have little value in Yi Shang's eyes, unless she has Sangtian-level strength.

Yueting, even if he loses everything, as long as he is still there, it is the greatest value.

Yi Shang couldn't understand it, but he still put forward this condition, which was just a counterattack against what happened today. If Yue Susu couldn't understand clearly, what awaited her would be the end of being abandoned, whether it was the Si Ma Chamber of Commerce or the General Secretary There is no place for her in the Chamber of Commerce.

This was a game. Yue Susu plotted against the General Chamber of Commerce, and Yi Shang plotted against her. They both saw each other clearly, but Shanxian couldn't see clearly at first.

Lu Yin praised: "As expected of a businessman, he can kill his opponents with just a few words."

He originally wanted to destroy it, but now he doesn't have to.

Yue Susu is smarter than he thought.

There are always smart people in this universe. The Huizu of the Tianyuan Universe, the Only True God, Qiong Xi'er, Wang Wen, Wei Rong, etc., and the Linghua Universe's Yu Sangtian, Yi Shang, Yu Lao, etc., they are all smart people.

If you are not careful, you may be plotted by them.

Some people don't seem to be very smart, but outsiders can't tell.

The Great Heavenly Lord is like this. She was scolded by many people as a stupid woman, but in the end it was the Great Heavenly Lord who saved the entire Tianyuan Universe. Otherwise, no matter how smart Huizu is, how talented Lu Yin is, or how powerful the First Ancestor is, they will not be able to stop him at his peak. The only true God.

Da Tianzun has her own way, no matter what she does, she is called Taihong, and she is not inferior to anyone.

Lu Yin let out a breath, he wanted to call him a stupid woman again.

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