Star Odyssey

Chapter 3583: The Great Wild Burning Sky Beast

As he spoke, the battle between Aragami and Wuhuang had begun. As expected, Aragami was completely suppressed. Although he fought better than Star Toad, in the face of Wuhuang's overwhelming power and defense, Aragami was unable to cause any harm at all. .

Wuhuang didn't use any combat skills, talents, etc., it was just pure defense and strength, which far surpassed that of Aragami.

Lu Yin frowned, looking at the spiritual universe, the only one with power beyond him was Yu Sangtian, and the only one who could rival him was Wuhuang. Wuhuang was the strongest beast-shaped spiritual transformation, and was almost recognized as the third among the seven Sangtians. One, unfathomable, Aragami is far inferior compared to it.

Xing Toad was feeling proud while healing his wounds. He finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Aragami being beaten below.


Boom, boom.

The roar resounded, and Wuhuang kicked the Aragami out and pressed him into the ground. Immediately afterwards, a long spear stabbed out and swept across the void, leaving a trail of afterimages, rolling up the ripples of time, and hitting Wuhuang.

Wuhuang stood there without moving, allowing Wujiang Changge to stab him, but it was difficult for him to penetrate even half of his body.

With five fingers clenched, he punched out, and the Wu Jian Chang Ge was shattered. The Aragami was knocked away by Wu Huang again, his chest was penetrated, and his blood spread all over the earth.

In the distance, Yi Die looked at Wujiang, this should be over, Wujiang's next person to fight should come down.

Wu Huang thought so too. In terms of defense, Aragami surpassed Xing Toad. Together with Wu Jian Chang Ge, he could bring trouble to Wu Huang. However, compared to Xing Toad's last move, it was still far behind. He always felt that that move was a little bit... It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

At this moment, Wu Huang was still thinking about Xing Toad.

The sequence particles soared into the sky, and the Aragami stepped out in one step. His body changed from human form to animal form. The violent pressure swept across all directions, bringing indescribable ferocity and violence.

Compared to Star Toad, Aragami's performance was much better. Star Toad could be knocked away by Wuhuang with one palm, but Aragami endured it several times and could fight back, but it was useless. Once or a hundred times, it was useless even if it could not hurt Wuhuang. , especially Xing Toad's last move is so amazing, no matter how well Aragami performs, it will be difficult to surpass it.

Wuhuang knocked Aragami away again, this time tearing apart half of Aragami's body, and the sequence particles had no effect on him.

The Aragami rushed out again, his blood-stained body and his indomitable momentum gradually attracted Wuhuang's gaze. He no longer thought about the Star Toad, but stared at the Aragami who was rushing towards him desperately. He jumped out, swept across with one leg, and shattered the void. Even time stopped. This kick hit Aragami's neck, almost kicking his head out. Aragami's neck twisted, and his body slammed into the distance, sinking into the ground, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Above Wujiang, Dou Sheng Tianzun clenched his long stick and said, "It's my turn."

"Wait." The ancestor stopped and looked down, his eyes unbearable.

Chu's eyes twitched: "Master, the gap is a bit big, the rhubarb has reached its limit."

The ancestor looked deeply down: "It didn't give up."

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and stared at the ground. The God of Desolation used his immortal body and invincible soldiers to complete the process of practicing the rules of destruction sequence. All of these are extremely powerful at the level of sequence rules. Now he has broken through to the Spiritual Beginning Realm. With all the means, He can compete with all the strong men in the Beginning Realm. Even if he has lost a long time of training, he is still not an ordinary strong man who can fight against him.

Among the powerful people at the beginning of the spiritualized universe that he encountered, Aragami was definitely the best.

But compared to Wuhuang, this gap is irreparable, and if you continue to fight, you may die.

An invincible body does not mean that he is truly immortal. Aragami's body can be reborn after being broken, but Wuhuang can beat it to pieces. Lu Yin believes that Wuhuang will do this. Not fighting him does not mean that he is afraid, especially After being sneak attacked by Xing Toad, he suppressed the fire.

Underground, Aragami walked out, his eyes were frighteningly calm, Wu Jian Chang Ge appeared again, sequence particles flowed around the body and rushed towards Wu Huang.


There was another loud noise, Wuhuang's strength increased, and he kicked half of Aragami's body into pieces. Aragami coughed up blood, and his body reorganized, and the immortal body was displayed in front of the spiritualized universe for the first time.

After his body recovered, Aragami rushed out again.


This time, most of Aragami's body was penetrated and shattered, dripping blood on the ground, but he still recovered and rushed out.



Loud noises signified that Aragami was beaten almost to pieces time and time again. Not to mention Wujiang, even Ten Thousand Beasts and the spiritual universe cultivators who were watching couldn't help but hope that Aragami would retreat. His power to restore the body made Countless people are greedy, but that doesn't give him the confidence to challenge Wuhuang again and again.

Wuhuang won so easily that he didn't even use any combat skills. This was the strength of No. 1 Sangtian.

If he had not faced Wuhuang, with the fighting power of Aragami, he would not have been so miserable even if he had lost to the other six Sangtians.

"Are you looking for death?" Wuhuang's face was gloomy. Xing Toad sneak attacked him, making him furious. Now he is being pestered by the Aragami as if he is looking for death. He obviously has overwhelming strength, but the beating is extremely frustrating. He has endured it to the end. limit.

"If you come again, I will smash you to pieces."

Aragami's body continued to reorganize, he coughed up blood, and looked at Wuhuang with a mocking smile: "Wuhuang is recognized as the strongest among the seven Sangtians. When did he become so timid? Why, are you afraid of our Lu Sangtian?"

Wuhuang's eyes widened sharply, he took a step forward, appeared above Huang Shen's head, and pressed down with one hand: "You are looking for death."

Like the bell of death, it rings in the void, causing boundless ripples and swaying without borders.

With this blow, Wuhuang will completely crush the Aragami.

Lu Yin clenched his fists and stared down.

Chu Yi's expression changed drastically: "It's asking for death." He turned to look at the ancestor. Chu Yi's face turned pale: "Master, Dahuang is asking for death."

The ancestor's face was as sinking as water, and Dahuang always seemed calm, but in fact it could not face the Tianyuan Universe, its brothers, or its own master.

It cooperated with the Eternals and gave up humans for the starry sky beasts of Tianyuan Universe. It thought it could find a way for the starry sky beasts to survive and avoid being enslaved by humans, but it was plotted by the only true god.

The purpose of the only true god is to restart the Tianyuan Universe. At that time, not to mention humans, even the giant beasts in the stars will die.

Dahuang knew about this after his resurrection. Although he didn't show anything, he still had a knot in his mind about the Eternals and their abandonment of the Fourth Continent.

In that era, human rights and wrongs no longer mattered. It almost killed the entire Tianyuan Universe.

Wujiang set out for the spiritualized universe, and it also boarded, not only for itself as its master, but also to atone for its sins. It demanded death, and its eyes were lifeless.

Lu Yin had already seen this when Aragami asked to be the first to fight, but what could he do? This knot is Aragami's nightmare. If it doesn't get out of it, it will be worse than death.

The more emotional a creature is, the harder it is to get rid of this knot.

Wuhuang pressed down with one hand, and he didn't hold back at all with this palm. If no one stopped Wujiang, then this starry sky beast would have no choice but to die, and he couldn't be blamed.

On the first day of the new year, he was anxious: "Master." The ancestor breathed out: "Don't worry about it."

Lu Yin couldn't help but look at the ancestor.

Chu Yi's face turned pale: "Master, that's rhubarb. Rhubarb can't die. We have to go back together."

The ancestor looked down with complicated eyes: "I want it in the end, and the thing will return to its original owner." After saying that, he took out a blue-red fruit core-like thing from the Ningkong Ring and threw it towards the Aragami.

On the earth, Aragami raised his head, received the Emperor Wu's palm, and looked at the ancestor. For the first time since his resurrection, he smiled sincerely: "I'm sorry, Master, I can no longer protect you."


The earth shook, and Wuhuang pressed down with a palm, crushing the void. With this palm, it disappeared into ashes.

The land of all beasts is silent and silent. If there is no emperor, what will happen if you kill the people of Wujiang?

The nine-tailed fox and Yidie looked at each other, Wujiang was already dead, would he still do what Wuhuang said? Not likely.

The cultivators who were watching silently retreated and looked towards Wujiang. The real war might be about to begin.

Above Wujiang, Lu Yin and others stared down.

Wuhuang raised his head and looked at Wujiang. If he wanted to fight, he would fight. It would depend on whether Lu Sangtian was really capable of fighting against him.

A strong wind blew by, and everyone was waiting for Wujiang's reaction, but they didn't notice that a blue-red light appeared in the ground, flowing along the cracks in the earth, and then turned into a beam of light and rose into the sky. A roar came out of the ground and roared to the sky.

Wuhuang was shocked and looked at the ground in astonishment. He's not dead yet? Impossible, that palm would definitely make it disappear into ashes.

Lu Yin and others breathed a sigh of relief.

The calmness on the ancestor's face also relaxed, and he was also worried.

The next moment, a different kind of powerful aura spread from the ground, and the beating heart sounded in everyone's ears, as if the earth had turned into a monster, and like the universe, there was the beating of a heart.

Everyone is confused, what's going on?

Wuhuang looked downcast, stared at the ground, stepped out, pretending to be a ghost.

The ground collapsed, and a huge figure rushed out, slamming into Wuhuang. Wuhuang punched out with a bang. The punch that could have easily knocked away the god of waste was unable to move forward at this moment. It was still the god of wasteland who appeared in front of Wuhuang, but Different from before, the blue-red liquid was flowing on Aragami's body at this moment, and it was that liquid that blocked his punch.

Wuhuang frowned and pushed Aragami hard, but Aragami remained motionless. At this moment, Aragami actually had the power to block Wuhuang.

Above Wujiang, Lu Yin was shocked, the power of the wild god?

The powerful beasts looked at each other in vain, feeling the power of palpitations. At this moment, the Aragami transformed.

Chu Yi was surprised: "Master, this?"

The First Ancestor smiled, but his tone was a little bitter: "In the era before the Tianshang Sect was founded, the First Space was ruled by starry sky beasts. In addition to the disappeared Hunji, there were also many powerful starry sky beasts. Some starry sky beasts even forced me to fight with them. Only by joining forces can we fight."

"The Great Desolate Sky Beast is one of them. It is also the master of the starry sky beast in the first space after the disappearance of Huji. It is the source of Dahuang's bloodline."

Lu Yin was surprised: "So, that thing belongs to the Great Desolate Sky Beast?"

The ancestor nodded: "I killed the Great Desolate Scorching Sky Beast and got its heart. In fact, it is also the inheritance of the talent of the Great Desolate Scorching Sky Beast. I didn't want to give it to Da Huang. If I take it out, it will know that the death of the Great Desolate Scorching Sky Beast is mine. But there is no way, the knot in its heart must die once before it can be untied, otherwise it will be impossible to reach the state of suffering in this life, let alone break through the state of suffering."

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