Star Odyssey

Chapter 3602 Searching

As he said that, Lao Tao glanced at Lu Yin carefully.

The consciousness and life of the spiritualized universe actually spread from here, beginning with the Great Saint. This news was transmitted to Yi Jing through his heavenly hand, but he did not know whether the news was true or false. The whereabouts of the Great Saint, He doesn't even know.

Lao Tao didn't want to think about this. Sometimes seeing something clearly meant letting others see him clearly.

All he had to do was tell Lu Yin what happened.

On the bow of the ship, Yu Shan looked inside Wujiang from time to time, looking surprised.

The Tianyuan Universe was indeed united with the Consciousness Universe. He had just told Lu Sangtian about the thirty-six domains hoarding conscious beings. Five domains including the Tiangong Domain were attacked by conscious beings. He said it was a coincidence. He was not an idiot. How could he believe it? .

He couldn't understand the current situation more and more.

Master allowed himself to be tied up in Wujiang, wouldn't it damage his reputation? Yu Shanben thought that being tied up for a while at most would be enough to give him peace of mind, but he had been on tenterhooks for too long. Peace of mind was too luxurious.

But he didn't expect An Xin to be so far now that the entire spiritual universe seemed to have forgotten about him.

Why is the existence of this group of people from Tianyuan Universe allowed by Linghua Universe? Even allowing the third master to succeed Sang Tian simply challenged his cognition.

Also, no one in the spiritual universe would have guessed that the Tianyuan universe is united with the consciousness universe? Then why do you still allow Wujiang to exist?

Yushan couldn't understand this thing.

For many people, some things are complicated and some situations are difficult to understand, but in the eyes of some people, these things and situations can be solved with a single thought.

The giant is standing there, and ordinary people look up from the bottom. It is unattainable. Even if the giant cannot move, it is difficult for ordinary people to climb up. It is too complicated, but for practitioners, they can reach the top in one step.

That's the difference in location.

Whether it is Yu Sangtian or Lu Yin, their eyes have already jumped out of the limitations and will not compete for one city or one place.

Sang Tian? It's just a noun.

"The latest news is that Zi Tianshu walked out of Tianwaitian and took charge of the artistic conception." Lao Tao put down the Ling Yun Stone and said to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's heart moved: "Zi Tianshu?"

The original voice came: "Is Zi Tianshu alive too? It seems that he is not weak."

Lu Yin looked at Yuan Qi.

Yuanqi explained: "Zi Tianshu, like Lan, was a strong man of the era. When they became famous, I was already Sang Tian and gave them guidance. I didn't expect that many years later, they would all go to Tianwai Tian."

Lao Tao said respectfully: "Lan is the general manager of Tianwaitian, and Zitianshu is one of the forces that protects Tianwaitian. They are both strong men who can survive hardships."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Zi Tianshu protects the sky outside the sky?"


"Then before I took action in Tianwaitian, why didn't Zi Tianshu come out?"

Lao Tao was stunned, but he actually took action. The leader was too cruel: "I don't know about this."

Lu Yin remembered. Lan said that she belonged to Tianwaitian and only Tianwaitian, so Lu Yin was not allowed to engrave words. Even if Yu Sangtian agreed, she would stop it, but Tianwaitian did not belong to her, so she might not be qualified. Let Zi Tianshu take action.

Yu Sangtian knew very well that Zi Tianshu could not stop him, so he stopped him personally at the last moment.

Whether Zi Tianshu takes action or not is of little significance.

Now that Zi Tianshu is in charge of the artistic conception, it doesn't matter whether Wuwei returns or not.

Letting Wuwei leave is also to protect yourself.

No one can tell whether there is a connection between Wujiang and the universe of consciousness.

Even a foolish old man would not be so confident, even though he believed that Tianyuan Universe should choose the path he gave.

Now it's a bit troublesome. The thirty-six domains have sent consciousness and life to the artistic conception. How can I snatch it away?

Lu Yin knew that once he took action, he would definitely scare the snake away, but he had to do it once. The consciousness he had just absorbed was supplementary, but it was not enough. What he wanted was to integrate into Wuwei's body and see Wuwei's memories, not just those Conscious life.

The reason why he didn't destroy the Tiangong Domain and other domains was because he didn't want to hit the grass too hard. He didn't expect that the Thirty-Six Domains were so fearful. They all ran away after just a light hit. No one thought of using those conscious beings to attract Conscious life rescue hidden in the spiritualized universe?

This should be the most basic method.

Lu Yin underestimated the power of his blow, because he did not understand the spiritual universe.

Tiangong Domain and Zhou Domain are second only to the seven major forces among the thirty-six domains. The only ones that can rival them are Lingbao Domain and a few others. Because of their huge role, especially Tiangong Domain, they are called Eternal. It does not fall and can withstand Sangtian attacks.

Although this statement is exaggerated, it also proves Tiangongyu's confidence in its own defense.

Let me ask, there are only seven people in the Linghua Universe Sangtian. Even if there are masters comparable to Sangtian in the rest, how can they attack the Tiangong Domain? Aren't you afraid of the outside world?

No matter how much Tiangongyu exaggerates its own power, no one can prove it.

Mie Wuhuang's attack caused a sudden change in the atmosphere of the Tiangong domain. It was also for this reason that the defense that the Tiangong domain was proud of collapsed. But who was the opponent? It was Mie Wuhuang, and he was definitely at the Sangtian level. If a strong person is not at the Sangtian level, how can he break through the defense of Tiangong Domain.

This kind of defense was actually easily swept away by consciousness life, and the five realms were plundered in a very short period of time. This was no longer as simple as Sangtian level, and it might even be two Sangtian level powerhouses.

How could the other thirty-six domains dare to confront such an enemy? It was precisely because they thought that Tianwaitian might intend to use their conscious lives as bait to attract the attention of powerful enemies that they immediately sent all their conscious lives to the artistic conception.

In this way, there is no need to use it as a bait, and it will alleviate the sin of hiding conscious life, so why not do it? They are not stupid. They can stand out from countless parallel time and space and become the Thirty-Six Domains. Regardless of how strong they are, that is from Lu Yin's perspective. In fact, compared with Tianyuan Universe, the overall strength of the Thirty-Six Domains is much stronger. .

As for the conscious life hidden in the spiritualized universe, what does it have to do with them? They are incapable of fighting.

The spiritualized universe appears to be a whole, but it can never be a whole.

Lu Yin often thinks about the spiritualized universe as a whole, which leads to cognitive errors.

If he was not dealing with the Tiangong Domain, but an ordinary domain, this might not be the case.

But in that case, he won't snatch much conscious life. If he wants to snatch it next, the enemy he faces is likely to be at the Sangtian level. It will be more laborious and even attract Yu Sangtian's eyes. Exposing it can absorb consciousness. It's even more uneconomical.

Nowadays, many conscious lives have been gathered into the artistic conception. It is impossible for Tianwaitian to use these conscious lives as bait. It is too obvious. It is also impossible to send these conscious lives back, which is even more obvious.

Lu Yin robbed the conscious life of the five realms, which really disgusted Tianwaitian and Yu Sangtian.

Yu Sangtian also didn't expect that the spiritual universe really has conscious life hidden in it.

The other party is definitely not hiding in the spiritual universe, otherwise he will definitely be able to find clues and hide them forever, and he can occasionally detect them.

No matter what happens, these conscious lives will never last beyond eternity.

They must be hiding in parallel time and space.

The spiritual universe is becoming increasingly unstable. It seems that before conquering the conscious universe, these conscious beings must be dealt with first. Otherwise, all the masters will leave, and the spiritual universe itself will be in danger.

Lu Yin went into seclusion again. He didn't believe that all conscious life had gone to the artistic conception. There must be something hidden. A small amount would lead to a small amount, and a small amount would add up to a large amount.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed. Lu Yin rolled the dice with his consciousness. He reached six o'clock three times, and once merged into the body of conscious life in the artistic conception. He saw many, many conscious lives under the artistic conception. The number was comparable to the number of conscious lives in the artistic conception itself. Although the level is a bit lower, if he can absorb these consciousnesses, Lu Yin's consciousness will be even more majestic.

Unfortunately, I can't get it.

The second time, he merged into a conscious life. This conscious life did not care about the artistic conception. It was a conscious life that had been marked. It was alone and worthless.

The third time was considered valuable. Lu Yin finally integrated into a sect that hid conscious life. This sect hid some conscious life. The number was very small, but it was better than nothing. Lu Yin took note of it and didn't grab it yet.

There were less than four months left before the duel with Wuhuang. Lu Yin continued to roll the dice. No one bothered him now.

Soon, another two months passed, and he hit six o'clock five times, more times than before. He was lucky.

And among these five times, three of the conscious lives he integrated into brought value to him, and the other two were still branded conscious lives.

Lu Yin walked out of Wujiang and repeated his old tricks, using consciousness to snatch consciousness, which once again caused a wave of excitement in the spiritual universe, and forced those forces who were lucky enough to have to send the hidden consciousness to the artistic conception.

Shi Xiu was the happiest. The artistic conception already had no conscious life, but now there were so many more at once, and they were not controlled by the Qi family. For the first time, he had a taste of truly controlling the artistic conception.

Zi Tianshu just sits in charge of the artistic conception and does not participate in anything about the artistic conception.

It's a pity that Wuwei left and didn't know where he was hiding. That Lu Sangtian was eyeing Wuwei, and Yu Sangtian didn't care. If Wuwei was there, the artistic conception would really be the artistic conception.

In the static space of time, the conscious lives of this group of people captured by Lu Yin recovered for a year. Like the previous group, they wanted to leave and were eventually absorbed by Lu Yin.

Unfortunately, it is far inferior to the previous batch.

If the consciousness of inaction can be absorbed, Lu Yin's consciousness will definitely transform again, and that will be a life of consciousness that can survive the suffering.

Looking up again, watching the dice spin slowly, it's time to find Wuwei.

He has been searching continuously for the past few months and integrated into the body of consciousness. He is already very familiar with it. He has replenished his consciousness twice, which should be enough to make up for the time spent searching. As long as he can find Wuwei, it doesn't matter how long it takes to integrate. He just wants to see the memory once, just once. .

Lu Yin took a deep breath, pointed a finger, and watched the dice spin. This scene had happened too many times in the Tianyuan Universe, and it was about to begin in the Linghua Universe as well.

Once, twice, three times, and the fourth time it reached six o'clock. This time, Lu Yin planned to find Wuwei. No matter how long he spent in this dark space, as long as he could find Wuwei.

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