Star Odyssey

Chapter 3606 Wooden Wings

Yi Shang had a toothache: "I said, there will never be any mistakes, it's just tens of trillions of spiritual seeds."

"I do not believe."

"If it doesn't work, can I give it to you now?"

"Okay, give it to me." Lu Yin said simply.

Yi Shang looked at the Ningkong Ring: "I'll go to the Daquan Domain and ask the General Chamber of Commerce to allocate it to you."

"High-five as a pledge."

"What's another high-five?"

"You go to the Daquan Domain and allocate your spiritual seeds to me. I don't trust you, so I swear by high-fiving you."

Yi Shang gritted his teeth: "I'll go now."


Yi Shang was bitter, he understood, this person was going to be arrested.

"Lu Sangtian, if you are so persuasive, I think you didn't come here accidentally, but you came here specifically to find me."

Lu Yin shook his head: "If you go into another universe alone, with enemies everywhere, you can understand my caution. Besides, what should I do with you?"

Yi Shang and Lu Yin looked at each other: "You and I are both smart people. There is no need to beat around the bush. There will definitely be a handicap, and Lu Sangtian's share will not be less. Now that I am leaving, please don't stop Lu Sangtian. "As he spoke, he began to retreat. At the same time, the conscious life beast also slowly retreated. His eyes were full of alertness and vigilance, as well as fear, and he followed Yi Shang all the time.

Lu Yin sighed: "Sure enough, none of you who have spiritualized the universe are trustworthy. You are all plotting against me, so don't blame me for being rude." While speaking, he raised his feet and stepped out into parallel time.

Yi Shang shrank his eyes, grabbed the giant beast with one hand, and took another step back. With just this step, the whole person disappeared.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the blank starry sky. They were gone and disappeared without a trace. It was not distance, but space. He should have gone to another void.

Even at his or the ancestor's level, if he wants to parallel time and space, there is a process of tearing the void apart, no matter how short the process is.

But Yishang just skipped this process and was gone.

Is this the ability of his Zhuo Bao? No wonder the ancestor said he couldn't see his back, and he couldn't see it either.

But the giant beast saw it. There was a giant beast between Lu Yin and Yi Shang just now, and the distance between the giant beast and Lu Yin was five meters.

The purpose of Lu Yin's parallel time was not to catch Yi Shang, as he knew he could not, but to get close to the giant beast and see clearly the process of Yi Shang's departure.

Before he merged into the body of the giant beast, he could not find the memory of Yi Shang Zhuo Bao. I think Yi Shang was also guarding against this conscious life, but it was different. He was afraid of Lu Yin. Relatively speaking, he was not too wary of the giant beast. Mind you, in that case he couldn't avoid all eyes perfectly.

He avoided Lu Yin's sight, but couldn't avoid the giant beast's sight.

The five-meter range allowed Lu Yin to merge into the giant beast. The moment Yi Shang escaped, he saw clearly that it was a gadget in the shape of a wing. Judging from the material, it should be wood, a wooden wing.

Yi Shang disappeared instantly with this wooden wing, and that wooden wing was the Zhuo Bao.

Zhuo Bao is the most miraculous thing in the universe. It is beyond common sense. Even the ancestors, Mr. Mu and others cannot explain it.

The only true god tried every means to plunder the Zhuo Bao. Yi Shang himself was mediocre in strength, but relying on the Zhuo Bao, he was able to escape from under the eyes of the ancestor and Lu Yin. You can imagine how powerful the Zhuo Bao is.

That wooden wing should be specially used for escape.

With that Wood Wing, it is very difficult to catch Yi Shang. The problem now is to find him first. In the unfamiliar parallel time and space, Yi Shang breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the wooden wing in his hand. If it was not a last resort, he would not use the Zhuo Bao. There was nothing he could do just now.

He found this Zhuo Bao accidentally and saved him many times. Without this Zhuo Bao, let alone the position of Sang Tian, ​​it would be a problem whether he could get out of the Great World.

A businessman is not good at killing, but he has achieved Sangtian. He has experienced far more difficulties than others imagine.

Folding its wooden wings, the giant beast roared from the side.

Yi Shang was not in a hurry to go back, but kept thinking about how Lu Yin found him. He left no clues and no one knew where he was. Why did Lu Yin find him?

Could it be that the only thing that happened when Yi Shang took out the Ling Yun Stone was that Rong Xiang used the Ling Yun Stone to contact him, and Lu Sangtian could rely on the Ling Yun Stone to find him?

Although Yi Shang wanted to avoid Lu Yin, he couldn't feel at ease without solving the reason why he was found. Who can guarantee that if Lu Sangtian finds him again, he will find a way to control him without being able to react. Lu Sangtian had no way to catch himself and find out the reason.

Half an hour later, Yi Shang returned to Linghua Universe.

Lu Yin did not return to Baicao Domain, but rolled the dice nearby. There was still more than a month before the battle with Wuhuang. It was meaningless whether to go back or not. Rolling the dice would be more helpful.

How many conscious lives are there in the spiritualized universe? How many conscious beings are there in those parallel times and spaces? What are these conscious beings thinking? After hiding for many years, he saw something again and knew something. This was a shortcut for Lu Yin to see clearly the spiritual universe. He couldn't do it before, but now he can do it. It is equivalent to opening the door to a new world for him. That feeling of omniscience and omnipotence is back. .

It's a pity that it would be more perfect if it could be integrated into the body of a cultivator of the spiritualized universe.

However, this is impossible. The spiritual cultivation method is destined to be unable to be integrated. Every individual is no longer the same life.

Lu Yin sometimes wonders, are these cultivators of Linghua Universe human beings? They rely on spiritual transformation to become humans or beasts. From a cultivation point of view, they have advantages and can choose by themselves, but are they still pure humans?

In Tianyuan Universe, human beings rely on will and tempering to surpass the giant beasts in the stars step by step, allowing the human race to reach the top.

But in the spiritual universe, he couldn't see this kind of tempering. Instead, he saw assimilation.

Humans can spiritually transform into beasts. What is the essential difference between that and humans becoming the corpse kings of the Eternals? Both the starry sky beast and the corpse king are no longer human beings.

With complicated thoughts, Lu Yin pointed out that there was no point in thinking so much and rolled the dice.

More than a month is too short for cultivators. Many people have gathered at the source of Fuhe, waiting for the battle.

If Lu Yin wins, there will really be no one in the Linghua Universe who can fight him except Yu Sangtian. If there is no Huang Sheng, the attitude of the Linghua Universe towards Wujiang will change. If a person is torn off the label of invincibility, then He is just an ordinary person, no matter how powerful he is, he is still an ordinary person.

An ordinary person who can be touched can be surrounded and killed.

In the dark space, Lu Yin saw the ball of light, rushed towards it, and blended in.

He shook it four times, but it didn't reach six o'clock. After ten days of rest, he shook it twice more, and it didn't reach six o'clock until the third time.

He had seen a lot of light balls before, but he passed them all without integrating. He was looking for two light balls, one was Wuwei, and the other was the giant beast following Yi Shang.

After searching for a light ball for a long time, I finally found a light ball that resembled a giant beast, and then I blended in.

Opening his eyes, it turned out to be that giant beast. Yi Shang was actually in Daquan?

Lu Yin didn't expect that Yi Shang had returned to Daquan Domain and had just met Rong Xiang.

Daquanyu, Buyi City, Rong Xiang was surprised: "Did Lu Sangtian find you?"

Yi Shang looked solemn: "Tell me in detail what he said and did before he came here."

Rong Xiang recalled for a moment and spoke slowly.

Lu Yin withdrew from the integration, and his consciousness returned to his body, heading towards the Great World.

This Yi Shang is addicted to playing black under the lamp. First it was Qin's training place, and now it is the whole domain. Do you think he can't find it?

Wait, Lu Yin suddenly paused. No, Yi Shang is not stupid. If this trick failed once, he would not think that there would be a second chance to succeed. After all, for a practitioner of his level, It is not difficult to go to the Daquan Domain once, so why is he still in the Daquan Domain and has no plans to leave.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, he was waiting for him, he was looking for a way to find him, just like what he just asked Rong Xiang, he was also looking for clues.

A thousand days to catch a thief is not the same as a thousand days to guard against a thief. Yi Shang was not sure that he would react immediately and escape if he suddenly made a move, and he could not keep holding the wooden wings in his hand, thus exposing Zhuo Bao.

The only thing he could do was to avoid being found by himself and find out why he could find him.

It was his initiative to deliberately expose his traces, attract himself to take action, and see how long it would take him to find him and how he would take action. At this time, Wood Wing must always be in his hand, waiting for him.

Once he takes action, he can escape. For him, it is just showing up, but for him, every search consumes a lot of consciousness, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Unless, I can catch him all at once.

Lu Yin pondered on the spot, can he catch Yi Shang? Impossible. I don't know how to use the Zhuo Bao. Is it necessary to hold it in my hand or something? I can't get close to Yi Shang. After all, Yi Shang is a strong man who can survive hardships. If he uses any force, he will have at least a moment. reaction time.

The only thing that can be used is the consciousness life, which takes action from behind, and this move only has one chance. Once it fails, not only will there be no chance forever, but Yi Shang will also be guessing why he can let that giant beast do things for him. You know, that The behemoth consciousness has followed Yi Shang for too long. At that time, he was not even born. The only way to get that consciousness to take action was to control it.

It is not difficult for those who are strong in hardship to think of a certain possibility, just like it can be thought of in eternity. Once it is thought of, the fact that one has integrated into the conscious life will be exposed.

Lu Yin rubbed his head, it would be great if Yi Shang was not a strong man who could overcome hardships.

Lu Yin thought well. Yi Shang had no intention of leaving the Daquan area, so he was waiting for Lu Yin in the Daquan area. Of course, only Rong Xiang knew his whereabouts.

Since he wanted to find out why Lu Yin could find him, he naturally couldn't let others know his whereabouts.

At the same time, he was also worried. His own strength could give him a chance to react even if he was sneak attacked by Lu Yin, but he had no idea how to face a sneak attack from a strong man like Lu Yin. However, this risk had to be taken. Risk.

The General Chamber of Commerce has opened a bet on a battle between Lu Yin and Wu Huang. There are various bets, such as who will make the first move, what the first move will be, what the second move will be, and who will be defeated by what strength of the opponent. There are dozens of kinds, all kinds of strange things.

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