Star Odyssey

Chapter 3628: Spiritual Combat Skills

This power existed in Wuwei's memory. It silenced the consciousness of the universe. He once used this move to obliterate two Thirteen Elephants. It was one of Yu Sangtian's most terrifying powers.

Now, this force has finally taken action against Wujiang.

Fortunately, they were not without the ability to fight back. Lu Yin and the Ancestor together were enough to break the eternity of one thought.

In the memory of inaction, the eternity of one thought has not been broken in the universe of consciousness.

The world was restored, and on the first day of the new year, Huang Shen and others hurried over, and all they saw was Ru Mu lying on the ground.

"Master, what happened?" Chu Yi asked.

Lu Tian looked at Lu Yin: "Xiao Qi?"

Lu Yin waved his hand: "It's Yu Sangtian's test, it's okay."

After saying that, he walked towards Rumu. There was something strange about this woman. She was not Rumu, absolutely not. How could Rumu, a mere spiritual warrior, ignore Yu Sangtian's pressure? And why did Rumu attract Yu Sang? God takes action?

If they failed to cut off the black tornado, Rumu would be taken away.

Yu Sangtian wanted to take her away first, but when he couldn't take her away, there was that ray of black light. This not only showed that Rumu was very important to Yu Sangtian, but also showed that Yu Sangtian was afraid of Wujiang, and he was prepared with both hands. .

I would like to ask the Linghua Universe, who can make Yu Sangtian take action and keep both hands prepared?

Rumu is not dead, but it is no different from being dead. He has become a living dead, and it is impossible to wake up anyway.

Originally, she was going to take herself to Yushen Mountain.

Is it because of this?

The ancestor said: "Yu Sangtian has mastered the method of sequence. The time just now was a test. If we can't break that power, there will be no threat to him."

Lu Yin raised his head with a heavy expression: "That power is Yu Sangtian's deified sequence, which is comparable to the foundation of the sequence."

"Why did he want to arrest this girl?" The ancestor was puzzled.

Others looked at Ru Mu falling to the ground and wondered, if Yu Sangtian wanted to test Wujiang's strength, why would he attack this non-Wujiang person?

Lu Yin was very sure that Yu Sangtian wanted to capture Ru Mu.

Rumu has a huge secret.

"She was originally going to take me to Yushen Mountain."

Everyone looked at each other. Yushen Mountain was Yu Sangtian's forbidden area. Outsiders could not enter Yushen Mountain, and Yushen Mountain also did not allow intermarriage with outsiders. No wonder Yu Sangtian was anxious.

"How did Yu Sangtian know that she was going to take you to Yushen Mountain? Can he spy on us Wujiang?" Ce Wangtian was surprised.

Yuan Qi shook his head: "Although Yu Sangtian can see the entire spiritual universe, it is impossible to monitor Wujiang. There must be other reasons, maybe a coincidence."

"I never believe in coincidence." Luo Shan said.

Xing Chan was scared: "Otherwise, let's not go to Yushen Mountain."

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "The more you don't let me go, the more I will go."

Xing Toad is speechless, this character is disgusting.

Lu Yin took out the Ling Yun Stone and contacted Zhou Yu to contact Ru Silkworm through Zhou Yu and ask him to take Ru Mu away.

Mainly, he wanted to get in touch with people at Rujia.

Beyond the sky, in the extreme palace, Yu Sangtian closed his eyes and only opened them after a few days.

"It's getting more and more out of control. He's progressing too fast. When he got here, he would never be able to catch this blow."

"If you still have to wait, if you continue to wait, I won't believe that I won't be able to wait. That position must be mine."


"Sir." Lan arrived and saluted respectfully.

Yu Sangtian looked at her: "What's going on in Zhouyu?"

Lan replied: "Zhouyu reported that Wujiang and Yushenshan will compete for it. As for the result, it is unknown, but Zhouyu has resumed the production of war boats."

"The strange thing is that they announced that they would recall the time and space-class warships for upgrade and maintenance. This has never happened before."

Yu Sangtian said: "Recall all the time and space-class war ships?"


"Then let them recall and wait until the upgrade is completed to attack the universe of consciousness. This time, completely destroy the universe of consciousness." Yu Sangtian said solemnly.

Lan cheered: "Yes, sir."

Tianwaitian ordered to cooperate with the boat domain to upgrade the war boat. The upgrade of the war boat was completed and the expedition was launched into the consciousness universe.

The spiritualized universe is shaking, and countless people are excited. Finally, there is a determined time. This expedition to the conscious universe will definitely destroy conscious life. If they go there, they will not come back easily. They must wait for the universe to restart and step into a higher level.

Zhouyu rejected all orders and began to make every effort to maintain the recalled time and space-class warships. Fortunately, because of the day of memorial service, all the warships were returned. There were six ships, one of which was good.

Six huge war boats lay across the boat area, like six behemoths.

The process of recruiting cultivators from the expeditionary consciousness universe has also begun. The screening conditions are much looser than before. The main reason is that all six war ships are dispatched to bring more cultivators.

Soon after, another order was announced, and Wujiang, as the seventh space-time-class warship, accompanied the expedition into the consciousness universe.

This news brought countless eyes to Wujiang again.

Sure enough, Yu Sangtian will not allow Wujiang to act recklessly. Even if Wujiang is accepted, Wujiang must contribute to the spiritualization of the universe.

This expedition to the conscious universe is a time for contribution without borders.

Of course, many cultivators are dissatisfied, thinking that this is a wasted opportunity given to Wujiang waiting to restart the universe.

Wujiang, Lu Yin didn't know whether he was happy or worried when he heard the order.

He knew that there were two Thirteen Elephants hidden in parallel time and space in the conscious universe, waiting for the strong man from the spiritualized universe to leave. He took action from behind and left without borders, just to avoid this fight.

But he knew better that the land of meaning was the tomb left by the universe of consciousness to Yu Sangtian and the powerful men of the spiritual universe. Once there, it would be easy not to come back.

Although Lu Yin is confident in his own strength, he will not surpass Yu Sangtian.

The conscious universe is very aware of how powerful Yu Sangtian is, and specially dug a trap for him. Even Yu Sangtian cannot escape, and it is even less possible for him to escape.

If you follow Wujiang, you will easily suffer disaster.

For Yu Sangtian, this is to prevent Wujiang from causing destruction in the rear. Even if Lu Yin leaves, Linghua Universe will not be able to contain these masters on Wujiang. After all, there are many of them, especially the ancestor.

Being able to bring Wujiang with him proves that even if Yu Sangtian defeats the universe of consciousness, he has no intention of restarting it, otherwise why would he take advantage of Wujiang?

Moreover, Wujiang is also an uncertain factor. Who can guarantee that Wujiang will not unite with the consciousness universe to deal with the spiritual universe?

The future vision proposed by a foolish old man is simply talk on paper.

Unless Yu Sangtian planned to use Wujiang as cannon fodder, or simply use Wujiang to kill Yiland, he also had doubts.

Wujiang has enough weight to become bait.

First Rumu, now Wujiang, Yu Sangtian seems to be planning to do something, not as passive as before.

Yu Sangtian didn't want to be passive, and Lu Yin didn't want to be passive either.

In the Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin has a way to turn passivity into initiative, but in the Linghua Universe, it is difficult. He cannot have omniscience and omnipotence.

Unless, you can be omniscient and omnipotent.

Lu Yin had an idea in his mind, so he went into seclusion, raised his hand, and rolled the dice.

Watching the dice slowly stop, at four o'clock, time stopped in space, just in time, he needed time.

The scene in front of him changed. Lu Yin had stayed in the static space for a year. It was not enough. He continued and rolled the dice again. This time it was six o'clock. Lu Yin looked for a consciousness that he could integrate into. After searching for a while, he saw a few dim His consciousness was meaningless, so he returned to his body and continued to roll the dice.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed.

Although the time was short, it was very long for Lu Yin. He moved to four o'clock fifteen times, which was equivalent to fifteen years of seclusion. He finally completed his vision and created a combat technique in which consciousness linked to his own.

This combat skill needs to be coordinated with consciousness. It is not difficult to practice. What is difficult is to find a powerful consciousness life and cooperate with it in combat.

And this is how Lu Yin can become omniscient and omnipotent.

He can only integrate into the conscious life body. In this case, let the spiritual universe spread out the conscious life. As long as there are enough conscious lives, the news he can know will naturally be more.

There are very few conscious lives in the spiritual universe itself. If you want to have enough conscious lives, of course you need those hidden conscious lives in parallel time and space.

After Lu Yin came out of seclusion, he announced in a high profile that because of his understanding of consciousness, he created a linked combat technique called Yi Ling. As the name suggests, consciousness drives the cultivator himself to produce a power similar to the incarnation outside the body, and he controls the initiative. in the cultivators themselves.

This not only avoids the gap caused by insufficient cooperation, but also prevents the betrayal of conscious life. The most important thing is to more than double one's own strength.

The stronger the cooperating consciousness life, the stronger the power exerted.

This spiritual warfare technique spread without borders and quickly spread to the entire spiritual universe, causing countless people to argue.

Most people don't care because they have no idea that life can be enslaved.

Many people say that Wujiang is trying to please the spiritual universe and avoid following the expedition to the conscious universe.

This excuse just saves Lu Yin an explanation. Yes, this is the reason. The more selfish the reason, the more reassuring the Linghua Universe is.

In the spiritual universe, it is impossible for most practitioners to obtain conscious life. However, because conscious life can survive for a long time, many conscious lives have been passed down as treasures. There are still some people who can enslave conscious life.

These people have cultivated their mind and spirit. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it is simple anyway. We will talk about it after they have practiced.

As a result, the combat power surged, causing a lot of shock.

As there are more and more people like this, the vibrations caused in the spiritual universe are getting bigger and bigger. Especially after the little Situ from the Bu Fan domain and the boy Shukaku from the Yunhe domain won the battle, the movement caused by it formed a wave and soon swept across the world. The entire spiritualized universe.

Little Situ and Shukaku Boy have always been evenly matched, and no one can have the upper hand. However, when Little Situ uses his mind, and Shukaku Boy simply uses his consciousness to fight, the two of them compete, and Little Situ's combat power is greatly improved. More than double, this was an exaggeration, and it overwhelmed Shukaku Doji.

Gradually, more and more cultivators with conscious life began to cultivate their mind and soul, especially when faced with the opportunity to expedition into the conscious universe. Their enhanced combat power would give them a strong chance of survival and greater military exploits.

This is an opportunity to take a leap.

Mind spirit is rapidly becoming popular in the spiritual universe, and countless people are looking for life in the conscious universe, but now who doesn't know that this is an excellent opportunity to transform one's own combat power, and no one will sell it.

Many eyes have been cast on the artistic conception, hoping that the artistic conception will sell a batch of conscious lives.

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