Star Odyssey

Chapter 3678: Virtue in the world

Directly in front of the war boat, Torch City is brightly lit. Compared with the bustle in the past, Torch City is much quieter at this moment.

Because of the arrival of the day of worshiping spirits, many cultivators returned to the spiritual universe, resulting in a much reduced number of cultivators in Torch City.

Torch Fire City is not worried about the incoming consciousness universe. Cultivators of the consciousness universe can only follow the spiritual universe warship secretly. Otherwise, it will take too long to come from the consciousness universe to Torch Fire City. It is not worth it at all. They don’t have it. Time and space class warship.


In the corner of Torch City, houses collapsed, and several cultivators escaped in panic and scattered in all directions.

In the collapsed ruins, a tall figure stood up and glanced around with majestic eyes, but with a hint of drunkenness: "Who, who dares to scold Ben Mie Wuhuang? Stand up and see how Ben Mie Wuhuang teaches you a lesson."

"Conquer others with virtue. You despicable people must convince others with virtue."

No one answered, and no one around him dared to look at him for fear of being stared at.

This person is none other than Mie Wuhuang.

In order to avoid Xing Toad and the others, he ran out of the Linghua Universe. He said he was going to fight in the Conscious Universe, but in fact he stayed in Torch City to dominate and dominate. No one could do anything to him. Yi Xia had to shout respectfully when facing him. Senior, if you are slightly unsatisfied, it will happen all of a sudden.

Yi Xia was miserable.

As for the situation of the spiritual universe, Yi Xia couldn't get any information from him at all. This guy was a rogue.

In fact, even if there was no expedition from the Spiritual Universe to the Conscious Universe, Yi Xia was still planning to hide. The Mie Wuhuang was getting more and more badass. Last time, he actually went to the city lord's mansion to run wild. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have cramped and skinned him.

The arrival of Mie Wuhuang made many cultivators in Torch Fire City hold their breath. This guy is really such a bastard, with such a bad personality, yet he seems to be walking the world with virtue. It's disgusting, bah.

Those practitioners did not dare to say anything to their faces, so they could only curse behind their backs to vent their anger.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually started eavesdropping. He can't be scolded behind his back. It's too tasteless.

Who is Mie Wuhuang? A smart person who thinks that the beast-shaped spiritual transformation is the strongest and the most suitable to lead the animal-shaped spiritual transformation to surpass the human-shaped spiritual transformation. He is virtuous, talented, and able to convince others with reason. How can he allow others to scold him behind his back? Impossible, not possible in this life, not allowed, his reputation cannot be tarnished.

And it's really shameless to curse people behind their backs. Such people don't deserve to talk about him.

So he is very busy now. After teaching a group of people, he secretly goes to hide somewhere else to listen to whoever dares to scold him behind his back.

Ever since Emperor Mie Wu did this, the atmosphere in Torch Fire City has changed. Everyone is cautious, lest a pair of eyes stare behind them. Some women don’t even dare to take off their clothes. They yell at the slightest sign of trouble, causing everyone in Torch Fire City to People's nerves are broken.

Emperor Miewu found this very interesting and became more energetic. At the same time, he also had another hobby - planting flags.

The flag represents his destruction of the emperor. There is only one word on each flag - virtue. Virtue spreads all over the world and convinces people with virtue. This is how he destroys the emperor.

In a short period of time, the German flags were planted everywhere in Torch City, making the eyelids of those who saw it jump. They had seen such shameless ones, but never seen such shameless ones.

On this day, Emperor Mie Wu went to the city lord's palace carrying the German flag, and swaggered it into the city lord's palace. Watching the German flag swaying in the wind, he was very satisfied: "Yi Xia, Yi Xia, where are they? Come out."

An old man came over with a grimace on his face: "I've seen Senior Mie Wuhuang."

Mie Wuhuang looked at it and grinned: "Isn't this the deputy city lord? Where is Yi Xia? Let him come out and see what Mie Wuhuang can do for him.

Qi, as a human being, you must convince others with virtue. Ben Mie Wuhuang found that the atmosphere in Torch City was wrong. Why did he like to talk about people behind their backs? "

The old man was speechless. It was not because you forced him to say: "City Lord Yi Xia has gone into seclusion."

Emperor Miewu raised his eyebrows: "Retreat? When?"

"Just a few years ago."

Emperor Mie Wu was surprised: "Have I not seen Yi Xia for several years? That's right. In the past few years, Emperor Mie Wu has been focusing on moral education in Torch City and has forgotten to come to visit. By the way, how many years has it been?"

The old man thought for a while: "It must have been ten years."

"Ten years is enough. He can leave seclusion. Let him come out and see this flag. It will be hung here in the future. Let the people in Torch City see what it means to persuade people with virtue. Let them remember this flag when they see it. There is no emperor in this destruction."

The old man sighed, don't look at it, your old deeds will definitely be passed down through history. As long as Torch City exists, it will never be forgotten.

"Well, the city lord is in retreat, we can't shout out."

Emperor Miewu was dissatisfied: "What can't be shouted out? What is he doing in seclusion? To improve his cultivation? Is it useful? Yi Shang has been ruined. He will never want to be Sang Tian in this life. Go and call him out."

The old man was embarrassed and did not move.

Emperor Mie Wu came closer, glaring at the old man with his big eyes, his breath was suffocating, overwhelming the void, making the old man's back feel cold, and he felt like he was being slapped to death at any moment.

"Are you rejecting me?"

The old man's face turned pale: "I don't dare, it's just that I can't find the city lord."

"What do you mean you can't find it? Torchfire City is so big, how can he still go to Tianyuan Universe?"

"City Lord, the City Lord is within the foundation of the section."

Emperor Mie Wu was stunned: "What's he doing there?"

The old man said: "Practice in seclusion."

Although Emperor Wu is a bastard and shameless, he is not stupid. The foundation of the section guards the springboard. The springboard is guarded because he is afraid of attracting unknown civilization.

The more we understand the universe, the more we are in awe. A strong person can easily destroy parallel time and space, but a parallel time and space is nothing more than a speck of dust in the entire universe.

The springboard uses the power of the universe to reach heights that are difficult for living things to touch. The universe itself is so big and endless. Who says there are only three universes? Emperor Miewu knew that there were more than three universes, but who could tell how many universes there were.

The existence of the springboard is inherently strange. Whether it is a natural formation or man-made, there is no conclusion in the spiritual universe.

If the springboard is exposed and attracts other universes, God knows what kind of cosmic civilization will appear. Anyway, it will definitely not be a good thing.

Yi Xia was smart and hid in the base of the section. Even if she found him there, she couldn't take action against him to prevent any accidents.

Wait, is he hiding from himself? It's not necessary. Emperor Miewu suddenly thought of something and stared at the old man: "Has there been any news from the Linghua Universe during this period?"

The old man looked pale and didn't know how to answer for a while, because Yi Xia specifically asked not to spread the word before retreating.

Emperor Miewu grabbed the old man's clothes, and the terrifying pressure came, making the old man feel that his whole body was being crushed. The despair of death shrouded him, leaving him with no desire to resist: "Yes, yes."

"Ten years ago?"


Emperor Miewu threw the old man away casually. The bastard Yi Xia was not hiding from himself, but from the spiritual universe. If he could hide, there must be Sangtian level coming, maybe more than that. Yu Sangtian wouldn't come. Thinking of this, he I am about to leave, but where? By the way, the foundation of the section, Yi Xia can hide in the foundation of the section, and so can he.

No matter what

, to take precautions, he was about to move.

In the distance, the war boat descended suddenly, which could be seen from Torch Fire City. Similarly, Torch Fire City could also be seen from the war boat.

Emperor Mie Wu opened his mouth wide and immediately rushed towards the base of the section.

This is a restart, the spiritualized cosmic warship pilot ship, Yu Sangtian must be here, unlucky, good but not working, bad spirit.

Yu Sangtian was just above the restart. The moment he saw Torch Fire City, he also saw Mie Wuhuang.

Seeing Emperor Miewu rushing towards the foundation of the section, he raised his eyebrows, and the vast consciousness came, as if there was an extra sky, blocking Emperor Miewu forcibly.

Emperor Miewu thrust out his claws to tear open the sky of consciousness.

When the sky of consciousness was torn open, what appeared next was a white royal robe, with the word "roy" on it burning the sky and destroying the earth, covering the Torch Fire City, and pressing down on the head.

Emperor Miewu knew it was too late. Even if he could break the imperial robe, Yu Sangtian was still waiting for him and he couldn't break through.

The imperial robe descended, and the emperor slowly fell down.

The war boat also stopped at the same time.

In Torch City, many cultivators looked at the appearance of the war boat, breathing rapidly. Finally, someone has arrived. They have been tortured by Emperor Wu for many years and have gone crazy. Finally, a war boat appears. They can return to the spiritual universe, even if they kill the conscious universe. It's better than staying in Torch City.

The scene where Emperor Wu was suppressed by the royal robe just now is not something that every cultivator can see.

Any cultivator who could see it knew that not only the war boat was coming, but also Yu Sangtian himself.

Yu Sangtian goes to battle in person. Is this to defeat the universe of consciousness in one fell swoop?

In the city lord's palace, the old man rushed to the war boat to greet Yu Sangtian.

In Torch City, one after another figures rushed over, at least they were all from the ancestral realm, to welcome Yu Sangtian's arrival.

Emperor Miewu's face was full of bitterness and he couldn't run away.

"See Lord Yu Sangtian."

"See Lord Yu Sangtian..."

The sound resounded throughout Torch City, shocking all the cultivators in Torch City.

Master Yu Sangtian personally conquered?

At this time, another war boat arrived and stopped next to Torch City in an instant.

On top of this war boat, the Nine Immortals stepped out, shaking Torch Fire City.

Then, the third war boat arrived, it was Wujiang.

Wujiang is completely different from other war ships. It does not belong to the spiritual universe at first glance, because the practitioners in Torch City have not seen it.

Previously, Wujiang was in Torch City and stunned all the cultivators as soon as he arrived. Except for Yi Xia and Lao Tao, the others didn't even know about Wujiang's existence.

Now, the cultivators in Torch City are looking at it in confusion. They have never seen this war boat.

Emperor Mie Wu was stunned when he saw Wujiang. Why is Wujiang here?

Could it be that those people in Tianyuan Universe were eliminated by Yu Sangtian?

Then he felt a familiar aura. Lu Yin, the strong man who had defeated him, and the dead toad were also there. The people in Tianyuan Universe were fine.

He knew something was wrong with him.

Above Torch City, in the base of the section, Yi Xia watched Wujiang's arrival with complicated eyes. If it weren't for Wujiang, he wouldn't be like this. What on earth did Wujiang do in the spiritual universe? He came out safe and sound.

Yu Sangtian is here, and so is Wujiang. The two universes are joining forces to fight against the universe of consciousness. I don’t know if they can completely solve the universe of consciousness this time. If the universe of consciousness ends, the meaning of Torch Fire City’s existence will be much less, and it will be completely reduced to a springboard for protection. .

Immediately afterwards, the arrival of one war boat after another kept shaking Torch Fire City.

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