Star Odyssey

Chapter 3681: The Remnant World

Lu Yin knew that the realm of Yili was a trap set by the thirteen phenomena of the conscious universe for Yu Sangtian. This was the most important thing. In this battle, if the conscious universe could really solve Yu Sangtian, the situation would change.

He wanted to see the future clearly, but unfortunately, the passage of time could not build a bridge to the future.

Combat strength and cultivation are two concepts.

Destiny can calculate the fate of a virgin through the passage of time, but Lu Yin cannot do this.

All he can do is to take one step at a time. When the opponent is strong enough, the so-called strategy will be a joke.

Unless the universe of consciousness allows him to transform.

Sailing in the dark is boring, but because of the practice of such scriptures, this journey is no longer boring.

For the top cultivators in Wujiang, a mere ten years cannot bring about a transformation in strength, but the changes in the Nine Heavens and the Sutra can transform some people.

Lu Yin felt that the Crazy Dean's aura was becoming more and more restrained. Even though he was sitting there, he almost ignored it at times. It was an aura that blended in with the surrounding environment.

When a person practices cultivation, he or she can blend in with the surrounding environment at first. No high level of cultivation is required, but it depends on the environment. There are extremely powerful people everywhere in Wujiang. If you can disappear from the eyes of these powerful people, then It’s not simple anymore.

Crazy Dean's road to the mortal world has always been anticipated. Regardless of whether his combat power will change or not, the road to the mortal world will forcefully push Baoqi and Aragami into a difficult situation. This is real.

Maybe one day, others will need this help too.

The closer they get to the universe of consciousness, the more curious everyone becomes about this unfamiliar universe, and almost all cultivators of the spiritual universe have been to Wujiang.

"The situation of the conscious universe may be different from what you think. Let me first ask, is the Tianyuan Universe similar to our spiritual universe?" Tianya said, and he was asked about the situation of the conscious universe.

Ce Wangtian said: "Almost, they are all stars in the universe. However, because Tianyuan Universe does not have a unified cultivation model, there is no absolute main time and space. Whichever parallel time and space is stronger will be followed. Now they all follow the beginning space. Before the beginning space, there was no It’s called the main space.”

"Other than that, there's not much difference, the sky, the stars, the stars, etc."

Tianya nodded: "Then my guess is good. The consciousness universe is indeed special, even though I have never been to other universes before."

After a pause, he continued: "Stars also exist in the conscious universe, but they are alive."

Everyone was surprised: "Alive?"

On the side, Diewu rolled her eyes at him: "Stop talking nonsense, this life is just an infinite loop of scenes."

"What's going on?" Lu Tianyi was curious.

Diewu explained: "There is a star phenomenon in the universe of consciousness, called the residual world. In the area covered by this star phenomenon, some scenes will continue to occur in cycles, such as the growth of living things, the birth of planets, species fighting, or survival, etc. Wait, and this kind of stars are all over the universe of consciousness, and even every planet in the universe of consciousness has residual realms, some big and some small, so it looks like it is alive."

"We still can't figure out whether these scenes were born out of thin air, or whether things that happened in the past reappeared. There are some speculations in our spiritual universe. These scenes may be that the conscious universe has been restarted. The previous conscious universe The scene continues to the present, but it is only speculation.”

"Some people also speculate that it is a mirage of stars."

"Xinghai mirage?" Mu Zhu was surprised.

Die Wu nodded, with a solemn expression: "The universe is so vast and boundless, and even an immortal powerhouse can't reach its edge even if he exhausts his infinite time. Apart from the three-dimensional universe we know, are there other universes in the universe? Of course there are. , and it may not be very few, but it is too far away and cannot be reached by us. Because there are countless conscious lives in the conscious universe, these lives are essentially consciousness. The conscious universe itself has the power of consciousness. Perhaps this power is different from other universes far away. It creates an echo and reflects the scenes that have appeared in other universes here in the form of consciousness. This is the mirage of stars."

Star Toad muttered: "It's the same as a mirage."

"Almost." Die Wu said.

Luo Shan asked: "Is there any danger in this remnant world?"

Tianya looked solemn: "This is actually the key point we are telling everyone today. The remaining world is dangerous, very dangerous. Once you see it, don't get close."

"There have been countless scenes in the residual world, many of which don't even contain living things. Although the creatures in many scenes have never been seen before, they are not dangerous. They are very ordinary. A practitioner who walks in the starry sky can easily traverse most of the residual worlds in the conscious universe. That’s all."

"But that doesn't mean all of them. The creatures in some residual worlds are so powerful that they are terrifying. Some residual worlds even have battle scenes from the past. Once outsiders enter and are affected, it will be the same as being affected by the battle in reality. Can they come out to watch the battle? Strength of."

"Let me tell you this." Tianya glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "There are no less than a hundred people at the spiritual level who died in the remnant world of the Linghua Universe. There are no less than ten people who are strong in the Lingshi Realm and have overcome hardships. There was also a time when Sangtian died in the Remnant World, and Baicao Sangtian was severely damaged in the consciousness universe, and one of the reasons came from the Remnant World."

Luoshan is serious, so dangerous?

In the distance, Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back. He knew the universe of consciousness very well, better than anyone else, who had allowed him to integrate into Wuwei and Huamanyi's bodies.

The residual world is the world within the monument that he encountered in the original space.

The past scenes will be repeated endlessly in the Monument Realm. Everything inside is gray, gray people, gray creatures, gray battle aftermath, etc. The first time I came into contact with the Monument Realm was the battle for the Star Tower. At that time, if I had not gone backwards , he might not be able to get out, and the second time was at the ruins of the Hanxian Sect in the beginning space, which is where the Baiye clan is located. There were attacks by strong men from the ancestral realm in the remaining world there, severely injuring him at that time.

At that time, I was wondering why the world in the monument existed.

As the cultivation level increased, the possibility of guessing became less and less. Many possibilities were denied, and in the end, we no longer cared about this kind of thing.

Even if a person's cultivation can destroy the stars in the universe, he may not be able to explain the origin of a grain of sand.

Lu Yin didn't think about the world in the monument anymore.

But after understanding the universe of consciousness, he was surprised to find that the universe of consciousness was actually the realm within the monument magnified countless times. The scene in the remaining realm was also gray. Once alerted, the creatures inside would attack and destroy all foreign creatures. There The aftermath of ancient pre-war battles can also appear.

Now I have to think about what is going on in the world within the monument.

Similar scenes have appeared in the Monument Realm, the Hanxian Sect ruins, and the consciousness universe, so there must be something in common.

"This scar is self-inflicted

boundary. Tianya rolled up his clothes and let everyone see the traces on his shoulders: "Although the scars can be recovered, I keep them to remind myself that this injury came from the residual world. Don't underestimate the residual world." "

"People will unconsciously look down upon the residual world, because most of the residual world, or 99% of the residual world are harmless, and most of the remaining 10% of the residual world do not pose a great threat to practitioners. , which also leads to cultivators who expedition to the consciousness universe to underestimate the residual world. Some people have been fighting in the consciousness universe for thousands of years, or even longer, and have never encountered danger in the residual world. Those people like to cross the residual world. This is Extremely dangerous.”

"So the cultivators who are going from the spiritualized universe to the conscious universe for the first time are warned not to underestimate the residual world."

"But the number of people who die in the residual world every year remains high."

"So the spiritual universe cultivators fight in the consciousness universe in small teams?" Dou Sheng Tianzun asked.

Tianya nodded: "There are reasons for this, but the more reason is consciousness life. The coverage of consciousness attacks is too wide. Once it cannot be resisted, no matter how many people are there, it will be useless. If you can block it, one is enough. Spreading it out is beneficial to combat. ."

Lu Tianyi spoke: "Does the residual world have any impact on conscious life?"

Die Wu said: "There are, but the impact is not very big. Just like when we fight against conscious beings, if we can't affect consciousness, we can't hurt them. Unless those conscious beings take the initiative to transform into biological forms, then they can enter with us. There is no difference in the residual world.”

"In the remnant world, the advantages of conscious life are far greater than ours."

Dou Sheng Tianzun was curious: "Where is the most dangerous residual world you have ever experienced?"

Tianya and Diewu looked at each other: "It is not fixed. This is also the characteristic of the residual world. The residual world will float away. Today it is here, and it may be there tomorrow. We once entered a residual world unintentionally. At that time, we also wanted to escape. A certain Thirteen Elephants were chasing us, and a group of people rushed into the remaining world, and in the end, only the two of us left alive."

"The scene that is repeated in the remaining world is the sacrifice."

"When we entered the Remnant Realm, we subconsciously kept quiet, but there were always people who didn't care and looked down on the Remnant Realm. And because the Thirteen Elephants were chasing and killing those people, the creatures in the Remnant Realm were alarmed."

"We have never seen those creatures. Their behavior should be like offering sacrifices. All of us have been sacrificed. The strongest creature definitely has combat power comparable to that of Sang Tian. It kills all of our cultivators with a bamboo knife and stabs it with one blow. My shoulder, we were lucky enough to escape. Looking back, the Thirteen Elephants who were chasing us must have known how terrifying that residual world was and didn’t pursue it at all. Otherwise, in many cases, conscious beings would pursue the residual world.”

"This is also one of the ways to tell whether the residual world is dangerous. It depends on whether the conscious universe can enter it. Because conscious life has survived for a long time, and the residual world belongs to the conscious universe, their understanding of the residual world far exceeds ours."

Lu Yin listened quietly, and then released Wuwei, staying five meters away and blending in.

He wants to find the remaining world from the memory of Wuwei.

Wuwei's memory is majestic. He has seen the memory twice before, but he only saw the tip of the iceberg. Now he is specifically searching for memories about the remaining world.

In the memory of Wuwei, there are many remnant realms of the conscious universe, all over the starry sky. These remnant realms, as Die Wu Tianya said, are not fixed and will float away. In fact, conscious beings cannot tell whether the remnant realms are dangerous, but they exchange information with each other. .

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