Star Odyssey

Chapter 3691 Beautiful

Gui Shaoqing cared about Tianque and saw the Great Wild Burning Sky Beast and Hunji. They were creatures from the Tianyuan Universe. How could they be found here?

In front of his eyes, gray air flowed by. Lu Yin raised his hand to touch it, but stopped. He looked around. The darkness was boundless. It felt like rolling a dice at six and entering a dark space, but it was different.

Conscious life appeared directly under the cliff, why didn't I? Because I am not a conscious being in the universe?

Thinking about it, Lu Yin placed a spiral of cause and effect on his fingertips. He waved his hand and the spiral of cause and effect moved towards the gray airflow. He wanted to see what kind of cause and effect existed here. If there was memory, there would be cause and effect. To whom does this cause and effect belong?

The causal spiral blinked through the gray airflow, scattered the gray airflow, and then went in all directions.

Lu Yin is entangled in cause and effect and keeps releasing it.

Suddenly, his eyes changed again. He appeared under a strange starry sky and saw a young man. The young man had a handsome appearance, bright eyes, unique temperament, and aloofness. He looked so bright and proud under this dark starry sky. Unattainable.

He's obviously just a young man.

When he saw the young man, Lu Yin, or Yi Tianque's memory, also saw the cause and effect in the young man's hands.

In his hands, cause and effect jumped, very happily.

Lu Yin didn't know how to describe his mood. This man was very young, probably about the same age as him. He also mastered the cause and effect. The smile on his face was full of relaxation, as if there was nothing in the world that could trouble him. Cause and effect was at his fingertips. Jumping, Lu Yin seemed to be able to hear some kind of laughter.

I don't know why, Lu Yin had complicated emotions at this moment, was he jealous? Maybe, it's not that he's jealous of this young man's control over cause and effect, but that he's jealous of that smile, the smile that sees all the beautiful things in the world. That kind of cleanness and purity is something he can't have.

That smile shines brighter than the light.

It is enough to sting all practitioners.

The most precious thing in the world is not the powerful martial arts and combat skills, nor is it the understanding of the power enough to step into eternal life, but the beauty. The beauty in the world is always there. Darkness covers the universe, but it cannot cover that beauty, that beauty, Really jealous.

Once upon a time, Lu Xiaoxuan also had that kind of beauty. He smiled happily, ate heartily, had the closest family, the best brother, the most beloved woman, the strongest talent for cultivation, and he had possessed all the beauty in the world until this moment. , Lu Yin realized that he wanted to go back to the simple and beautiful days of the past, and be like this young man, making both cause and effect full of laughter.

Unfortunately, there is no going back.

Lu Xiaoxuan is Lu Xiaoxuan, Lu Yin is Lu Yin, Lu Xiaoxuan's beauty is just a memory, Lu Yin is the reality.

I was born as Lu Xiaoxuan, carefree, and lived as Lu Yin, tempered by reality, and what I pursued was still Lu Xiaoxuan, free and easy.

This beauty will never change forever.

The current Lu Yin will not change. If he changes, who will protect his relatives and friends, who will protect the Tianyuan Universe, and who will protect human beings.

Someone has to sacrifice.

What this young man achieved was based on sacrifice. He saw all the beauty in the world and understood cause and effect at such a young age. It is really enviable.

As the years went by, Lu Yin seemed to have been looking at that young man, seeing that he had also experienced suffering, hesitation, and the separation between life and death. After all, that smile was lost, that sense of letting go.

A person's jealous smile becomes an eternal memory, but will never appear again.

Is it him who is looking at him, or is the universe looking at him?

He watched the young man become more and more vicissitudes of life, and the smile in his eyes did not appear again for a long time. He also watched the young man practice cause and effect more deeply and gave Lu Yin enlightenment. Lu Yin did not know where this man was now, but he soon To be sure, this person was born far earlier than him. If this person still exists now, his control over cause and effect is beyond his imagination.

I don't know how many years later, Lu Yin seemed to have experienced those years, but it seemed as if he hadn't. He became increasingly unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

On this day, he heard the young man, no, he should be a middle-aged man now, typing overwhelmingly about cause and effect: "The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect."

Endless cause and effect released the starry sky, and Lu Yin was shocked. This cause and effect was far more than him. Compared with his cause and effect heavenly law, this cause and effect astronomical phenomenon could be easily covered and crushed.

At this moment, an accident occurred in the cause and effect astronomical phenomenon. The middle-aged man vomited blood and looked up at the stars: "Who, who is hindering me?"

The voice came from Lu Yin, but it was not him: "What a pity, what a pity."

"Who are you? What's the pity?" The middle-aged man covered his chest, his face was pale, and he looked up at the stars. It could be seen that he was very shocked at the moment, as if no one should be able to spy on him or even destroy this cause-and-effect astronomical phenomenon.

"Your path has gone astray. It's a pity. I thought that through that beauty, a companion could be born. It's a pity, it's a pity."

"Who?" The middle-aged man took action, shocking the world with a shocking blow.

Lu Yin could see clearly that this attack surpassed all the strong men he knew. It was difficult to fathom how strong this person was.

However, the perspective changed again, and the middle-aged man disappeared. He saw another person, still a young man, but compared to the smile of the previous man, this young man's eyes were deep. In him, Lu Yin saw his own shadow. .

This young man also understood the relationship between cause and effect, but he was far behind Lu Yin.

What Lu Yin saw in this person was not beauty, but darkness. There were too many things hidden in this young man's eyes. He thought about himself, was he the same in the eyes of others?

This time, the memory was not about long-term observation, but guidance.

It's not about pointing out cause and effect, but pointing out this young man's pattern, mind, and yearning for the beauty of the universe. It seems that in this memory, beauty is the way to the future.

This advice made the young man sneer, and also made Lu Yin disdainful.

Is this memory pure or ignorant? When you are born in this world, except for the first few years when you are ignorant, you can do whatever you want. Once you have knowledge, you cannot do what you want. Beauty is only a moment, and eternal beauty is always a fantasy. People must see reality clearly.

In fact, being born is already the most beautiful thing.

Fighting, fighting, separation, and the cruel past are enough to completely change a person. If you really don't want to change, just be a madman.

The guidance of the memory voice failed completely: "It's a pity. You could have a bright future and become my companion, making me no longer so lonely. It's a pity, it's a pity."

At this moment, the original young man has also become vicissitudes of life. He knelt down before the stars and begged: "I can't do it. I can't do what you think is good. I can't change myself. Please give me another chance. I want to worship you as my wife." division,

I'm very talented and I will definitely succeed, please. "

The voice of memory did not answer, and no matter how much this young man begged, he remained indifferent for one day, ten days, a hundred days, a hundred years, or a thousand years.

"You don't know anything at all." The vicissitudes of life young man shouted, pointing to the sky and roaring: "Can you change my destiny? You want me to feel beautiful and have the purest heart, why? What about those enemies? Hatred. What should I do? Can you change human greed? You can't do anything, but you ask me to change. You are playing tricks on me. I will not give in. You..."

The memory changed, and Lu Yin saw a group of giant beasts galloping under the starry sky, constantly destroying the stars.

Because I am a human, is the memory I saw first related to humans? Lu Yin guessed that seeing giant beasts now meant that humans no longer had memories related to cause and effect?

Could it be that this memory is like the long river of time in the mirage, and with what power can one see the past?

If this is the case, will this be a different kind of river of time? But what happened to that sound? Is the universe itself conscious? It is not impossible, because this is the universe of consciousness, and it is also possible that it belongs to a certain creature.

If it is the latter, it means Tianque is similar to the river of time. Then, could the river of time also be the memory of a certain creature?

Thinking like this, he saw a giant beast in the starry sky comprehending cause and effect. The memory voice seemed to want to find a companion and began to give guidance. However, his guidance still failed. Human nature is greedy, and giant beasts also have the greed and instinct of giant beasts. Even if Living things can live forever, but it is difficult to change their instincts.

If a person steps into eternal life, will he have no emotions anymore? Not necessarily, maybe entering eternal life, there will be more emotions, no one knows.

The repeated failures to remember the voice, just like the continuous passage of time, made Lu Yin exhausted. He did not expect that so many people who understood the cause and effect were born in the universe in the past. Although compared to all cultivating creatures, this number is almost nothing, but every time The long years of experience made him exhausted physically and mentally, and also made this memory voice tired.

The memory changed again. This time, Lu Yin saw a grass, crisp and green, shining under the splash of water. It was very cute and reminded him of a small sapling, so innocent.

It seems that the memory voice gave up on living things and chose plants instead, thinking that plants would be beautiful without too many ties.

However, plants have also failed. They have no emotions and yearn for beauty, but they have also lost their understanding of bad things. Cause and effect, there is effect only when there is cause. Without those darkness, how can we embody light.

Expectations again and again, failures again and again, Lu Yin spent endless years, and finally returned to the space of Yitianque. In front of his eyes, the gray had just flowed past, and the cause and effect spiraled around, and it was no longer useful.

It seems that the memory related to cause and effect is completely gone.

Lu Yin exhaled. If his guess was true, then he would release his consciousness.

Although Lu Yin spent endless years in his experience and memory, the external time was only a moment.

At the same time, Frost Knife rushed into the hut.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Miewu also rushed into the hut.

He had no idea what was in the hut and was always ready to escape.

After rushing into the hut, he appeared in the dark space, just like Lu Yin, but he neither saw Lu Yin, nor Yu Sangtian and Shuang Dao.

Behind him, a large gray air flow swept past, he opened his mouth, and destroyed the Wuhuang Cannon.

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