Star Odyssey

Chapter 3695: Hard to Breathe

"Who are you?" Shuang Dao shouted fiercely, and his consciousness turned into a blade and slashed towards the cliff.

Gui Shaoqing, Xiwen all took action, especially Xiwen. Zhongcang's sword was faster than the blade. However, although the cliff was close at hand, it was far away. No matter how they attacked with consciousness, they could not touch it.

Fake, everything is fake, it is Yu Sangtian's method.

Lan Huifeng murmured to himself and looked at the cliff: "It's all fake."

The old man stared at those people on the cliff. They had mocking, teasing, and ridiculous looks. He looked at them as if they were ants. Is it true? It's useless. They have tried too many times and never been able to touch the top of the cliff. That is the top of the sky. There seems to be a distance, but in fact, there is no distance.

How did Yu Sangtian come into contact?

On the cliff, the young man laughed: "Look at these consciousness bodies, they are so stupid. They can't touch this place."

"Don't underestimate them. If you and I weren't standing here, you wouldn't have the ability to resist them. A single thought would make you faint."

"Sooner or later we will surpass them."

"We are not of the same class as them..."

The leading woman stared down, turned and walked towards the palace: "Follow me."

A group of young people laughed at the cliff and followed closely.

There is also a group of young people on the opposite side, who are also exposed in the eyes of the old man and the others. Like the young people led by the woman, they look down on conscious beings such as the old man. From their perspective, this is called looking down.

"Although it is exposed, it is another kind of fun, isn't it?" A woman smiled, her words full of arrogance.

Someone next to me said: "I really want to catch two of them and take them back. The power of consciousness is also a direction in which we can cultivate."

"It is not easy to cultivate consciousness. I advise you not to underestimate these consciousness bodies, if you know who the people who are fighting against them are."

"Oh? Who?"

"Yu Sangtian." The voice of the man leading the team came out, resounding above the cliff.

Most of the young people were surprised: "Yu Sangtian? The gifted spiritual god of the universe?"

"It turned out to be him, no wonder he was able to hit the cliff."

"I just said it looks familiar. I have seen the statue of the God of War."

"Since he is the God of Xiayu, even if he is gifted, he should listen to our Jiuxiao Universe. Why break the cliff? This Yu Sangtian is indeed as uncontrollable as the rumors say. I heard that the God of Yueya Xiayu has long been dissatisfied with him. ."

"Not only the God of Yueya, but also the God of Superiors are dissatisfied."

"It would be better if he disappears and disturbs our fun."

The leading man frowned. Although Yu Sangtian was gifted, he was an extremely strong man. He had defeated Ru Shi, who was also the god of imperial control. As a result, the Ru family had to contribute such scriptures to protect itself. It is not easy to deal with such a strong person. Unless the God of Control takes action.

Why is this person here? How did he know about Yi Tianque? This is not something that a cultivator of the spiritual universe should know, and he can actually reach the cliff and derive a second path.

Thinking of this, he looked across the cliff. The woman was walking, approaching the palace, and looking at him.

The two looked at each other, both seeing the uneasiness in the other's eyes.

They have looked down on the world like these young people. Even if their cultivation level is very low, they can't look down on the spiritual universe and the conscious universe. But the more they practice, the more they can realize that being superior is not something they are born with, nor does it depend on their stance, but on their position. It's one's own strength.

For Yu Sangtian, even though he stood below and looked up, his gaze was still looking down.

Hope nothing happens.

Above and below the cliff, two worlds.

No matter how much Shuang Dao and the others below asked, no one on the cliff answered. No matter how they tried, they couldn't touch the cliff.

They could only watch the two groups of people walking towards the palace on the cliff, heading to the place they had longed for for countless years.

I originally thought that they were the top powerhouses in the universe, second only to the Immortal Realm and Yu Sangtian, but at this moment, the boss and the others' cognition was completely shattered.

Apart from Laosou, the others and Yu Sangtian, there was another person who saw this scene, it was Lu Yin.

After Lu Yin brought Mie Wuhuang back to Yi Tian Que, he did not dare to leave his body with his consciousness to prevent him from being surrounded by the old man and the others at the foot of the cliff. He had no choice but to find other ways out. At the beginning, he fought with strength and saw many things about strength. Memory, this feeling is the same as fishing in the long river of time, and it also makes him increasingly doubt whether the long river of time is time or memory.

Through power, he also saw the memory of Hunji.

However, I just saw the shadow of Hun Ji from a distance, and the next memory was gone. I don't know if it meant that Tianque's memory owner was not interested in Hun Ji, or if that memory had completely disappeared.

He also saw the memory of the Great Wild Burning Sky Beast, and could not tell which universe it was in, because the years when Hun Ji lived had greatly changed from the current Tianyuan Universe. The existence of humans changed the starry sky, and there was a war with the Eternals for many years. The universe is completely different from the past.

The Tianyuan Universe of that period was full of desolation, like the Behemoth Starfield magnified countless times.

Lu Yin saw a lot of memories when he punched them with power. He tried to punch them out with other methods to see if he could see any memories. When Lu Yin hit them with his streamer, he happened to see a scene under the cliff. He saw a thought of eternity. Following an eternal thought, I saw the person on the cliff.

This was not a memory, but something that was happening right now. Lu Yin did not expect to see this scene through similar power.

He didn't see Yu Sangtian, and his perspective only saw the direction in which Yi Nian Eternal was hitting, but he recognized Yi Nian Eternal.

I’ve also been to the bottom of a cliff.

He didn't expect that there was someone on the cliff. He must be from Jiuxiao Universe. Jiuxiao Universe did control the spiritual universe and the consciousness universe. However, the two universes were not clear at all. There was a layer of curtain covering them. Now, this curtain was torn open by Yu Sangtian. Completely shattered the perception of conscious life.

Jiuxiao Universe can directly lead to Yitian Tower. Is there any secret of Yitian Tower?

Lu Yin felt heavy. The level of the Jiuxiao universe was too high, making them unable to breathe.

The old man and the others saw the teasing and mocking gaze, and Lu Yin also saw it. Those gazes were not only directed at conscious life, but also at the spiritual universe and the Tianyuan universe.

Behind the three universes is the Jiuxiao Universe. Eternal has the subordinate Feng Bo, which represents the emergence of the Eternal Clan. The calculation of the Tianshang Sect is not only the Linghua Universe, but also the Jiuxiao Universe. The truth behind the Linghua Universe is that the spiritual seeds are plundered Liquid, the biggest secret of the conscious universe, Yi Tianque is even more of a joke.

The big hand of the Nine Heavens Universe is always shrouded.

It's okay if you don't see the truth clearly, but when you do, it's hard to breathe.

how to say?

Lu Yin suddenly felt very grateful to the Eternals.

He once thought he had reached the peak, but he saw six realms of calamity, which overturned his understanding. At that moment, he did not give up, even facing the spiritualized universe.

Even when he was facing this behemoth, he would not give up, and now that he has seen the truth about Jiuxiao Universe, he would not give up even more.

The human heart is tempered and strengthened again and again. He is not the kind of person who is born fearless, but he can become that kind of person.

What Lu Yin wants to do most now is to keep an eye on Yu Sangtian, waiting for Yu Sangtian to strike out the Eternal Thought again. With the help of the Eternal Thought, he can climb the cliff. This may be the only way to get close to the palace.

But it's not easy. How can he keep an eye on Yu Sangtian?

The only way is to keep shooting out the stream of light, and when you see the eternal thought again, immediately appear under the cliff. Only then will you have a chance.

This opportunity is fleeting.

If he was one step early, he would be besieged by Laosou and the others; if he was one step too late, it would be too late.

Lu Yin did not dare to be careless and began to shoot out the stream of light continuously, hoping not to see too many memories that wasted time.

At the border of the conscious universe, the door was closed again after the seven war ships entered. The next time it is opened, maybe the conscious universe has been defeated, or perhaps, there will be a more protracted war, no one knows.

Outside the gate is a square inch, and the endless darkness has no edge. Only a dim light shines, getting closer and closer. As the light approaches, it is a meteorite, which is comparable to a springboard to promote the battle. The speed of the boat hit the gate head-on.

"What is that? Be careful." Outside the gate, a spiritual universe cultivator took action. He was a strong man in the Spiritual Beginning Realm. He stabbed the meteorite with a gun, and the sequence particles spread all over his body.


Huge shocks swayed the starry sky, and the meteorite broke through the door, smashed a hole, and disappeared deep into the universe of consciousness.

And the strong man in the Lingshi Realm who resisted turned into nothingness. Both himself and his weapons were completely turned into nothingness.

Outside the gate, the spiritually transformed universe's master of overcoming misfortunes looked at the gate in shock. What is that?

Inside the gate, the starry sky of the universe is conscious. Although the existence of the gate is broken, it slows down the speed of the meteorite. Inside the meteorite, an eye opens, with madness and ferocity, turning and looking around.

Time keeps passing by, and Lu Yin keeps seeing memories, which come from the power of time like flowing light. As a result, he doesn't know how long it has passed, maybe a long time, maybe a moment.

The memory itself gave him a vague sense of the passage of time.

In order to prevent missing the opportunity, Lu Yin changed his power, the Nine Heavens Change. Yu Sangtian also had the Nine Heavens Change. If he used the Nine Heavens Change, he might be able to see something. If not, he should be able to see Yu Sangtian take action with the Nine Heavens Change. .

As consciousness emerged, Lu Yin forgot that his Nine Heavens Change was not himself, but his consciousness. As soon as his consciousness came out, his body came directly to the bottom of the cliff.

Looking up, the palace is looming, and on the cliff, two groups of people are still walking. They seem to be very close to the palace, but in fact they are very far away.

"Hey, someone is here again." Someone spoke on the cliff, causing others to look. They didn't know how long they would have to walk to get close to the palace. The fact was that they would never get there, but they had to walk once. This process was very boring. People in the past would It is fun to take conscious lives and see how these conscious beings try to approach the cliff. Now, although they are exposed, it is also another kind of fun.

On both sides of the cliff, dozens of people looked down, and each young man was full of expectations: "Don't let us down, fight, make the fight exciting."


Thank you to brothers Mosimi for the reward, thank you for your support, I will give you more, thank you! !

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