Star Odyssey

Chapter 3711: Spiritual Cultivation

Lu Yin pointed out and the door shattered. He turned around and saw Luo Heng staring at him closely: "Are you really going to fight to the death?"

Lu Yin was amused: "Why do you want to fight me to the death?"

Luo He gritted his teeth and looked at Yu Sangtian: "If I am caught, I will say anything. No matter what this person wants to know, whether he should say it or not, I will say it."

Yu Sangtian stopped and looked at Luo Heng.

Luohuang looked at him. He wanted to obtain Yu Sangtian's protection in this way. Yu Sangtian didn't know what he knew. Once he said something detrimental to Yu Sangtian, Yu Sangtian would also be unlucky.

"Haha, little guy, you think too much. Instead of worrying about protecting you, I can keep some secrets by killing you." Eternal voice came.

Luo Heng's eyes narrowed: "That's right, but you can't kill me."

"Yu Sangtian, are you really not going to help me?"

Yu Sangtian ignored him, not knowing whether he didn't care or whether he was hiding his desire to kill him.

Luo Heng exhaled, gave up the idea of ​​letting Yu Sangtian protect him, and looked at Lu Yin: "How much do you know about my Jiuxiao Universe?"

"I don't understand." Lu Yin said bluntly.

The few Jiuxiao Universe cultivators caught by the old man and the others were speechless. They had obviously pretended to be Shao Yu before, and they had no shame at all.

Luohuang didn't care about this: "Have you ever heard of spiritual cultivation?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "If you are stalling for time, it is completely unnecessary. No one will save you."

"The so-called spiritual cultivation..." Luohuang had no choice but to tell some of the truth about Jiuxiao Universe's cultivation, and everyone on the cliff would know these truths.

Needless to say about Yu Sangtian, Yongheng even knew Shao Yulou. As for the old man, they would also know it from the mouths of those Jiuxiao Universe cultivators, so there was no need to hide it.

They all thought that Lu Yin didn't know, but they didn't know that Lu Yin knew a lot through Ru Guo.

Now hearing Luofu say it again is like verifying whether Ru Guo has lied to him.

Luo Heng said in a low tone: "Sleeping Shaoyulou Octagonal Pavilion, you should know the weight of it. Each of us has a powerful cultivating spirit beside us. This is our protector, but Shaoyulou has rules. Once the secret is used, If you practice spiritual cultivation, you will no longer be able to enter the Shaoyu Tower, which is equivalent to losing the Shaoyu qualification."

"I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. You and I each take a step back. If you come to Jiuxiao one day, I will stay home and sweep the bed to welcome you."

Lu Yin didn't believe it anymore: "A cultivation spirit can give you the confidence to face me? Then what's the point of our cultivation?"

Luo Heng sneered: "Do you think the cultivation of the three of you is meaningful to Jiuxiao Universe?"

"The only meaning is to pave the way for us."

"If you don't believe it, ask Yu Sangtian. He knows very well whether spiritual cultivation is true."

Lu Yin looked at Yu Sangtian: "Moshang, can you say a few words?"

Yu Sangtian looked over and then looked at Luo Heng: "If you don't practice it by yourself, it will never be yours. It's just trash."

Luo Heng looked downcast, stared at Yu Sangtian, and then looked at Lu Yin: "Although the words are unpleasant, it is also the truth. Unless it is a last resort, I don't want to use spiritual cultivation to gain other people's cultivation. There is no need for you and me to die. No end, I can tell you that my cultivation spirit comes from my Luojia ancestor, a strong man who has overcome the hardships of Great Perfection."

Of course Lu Yin knows that this is true. It's a bit tricky, Shao Yu? Sure enough, there are some trump cards.

But the more this happens, the more he wants to catch Luo

Hey, this person must know a lot.

Regardless of his identity as a descendant of the Tianmen Luo family or his identity as Shaoyu.

As for using spiritual cultivation to lose the qualification of Shaoyu, Lu Yin also knew the reason. As mentioned before, once you use other people's spiritual cultivation, you will never be able to practice again, which means you will be stuck in the realm of using spiritual cultivation for the rest of your life.

Once Luohuo used spiritual cultivation, although he reached the state of overcoming suffering and great perfection, he could not go any further and was fixed at this state for the rest of his life.

When Lu Yin heard this for the first time, he thought it was unbelievable. Can he even achieve the state of overcoming hardship? It was simply beyond his common sense.

Ru Guo broke his cognition with just one sentence.

"Otherwise, what do you think is the meaning of spiritualizing the universe and cultivating spiritual seeds in completely opposite ways?"

This is the meaning. The spiritual seeds of cultivators in the spiritual universe turn into liquid and fill the Jiuxiao Universe. The Jiuxiao Universe can practice spiritual seeds out of the body. When the spiritual seeds return, they can increase their own cultivation. If the spiritual seeds fall into the hands of others, they can increase the cultivation of others. Cultivation level, and the most important thing is that some of the older generation of powerful people in Jiuxiao Universe will let their spiritual seeds leave their bodies before their time comes and leave them to future generations, becoming the strongest life-saving thing for future generations.

Jiuxiao Universe has turned the realm into a unit of measurement that can be given or taken away. Even if it is an illusory realm like surviving hardships, it is also because the spiritual liquid has become a visible power.

This leads to the problem of severance of combat power in the Jiuxiao Universe. The longer this universe exists, the more powerful cultivators are preserved. A bunch of masters can emerge at critical moments. Although these people can no longer practice, their own realm is enough. , most people may not be able to reach this realm after practicing for a lifetime.

In Jiuxiao Universe, it is not too unexpected for a young man to have extremely strong cultivation, and the cultivation method of Jiuxiao Universe can even allow spiritual seeds to become a second life, resulting in fewer vendettas, because since it is impossible to kill a person for sure , taking action will be meaningless.

The power of Jiuxiao Universe comes from this unique cultivation method, and the cultivation environment, including the scarcity of forces, also comes from this method. The stronger the forces, the more powerful cultivators will be collected. Plundering cultivators is taboo, but buying and selling is not.

Various methods can lead to continuous concentration of spiritual cultivation towards certain heights, and eventually a behemoth will be born.

On the surface, a force like Guhongdao is at most comparable to one of the seven major forces in the spiritual universe, and it is only a force like the Heavenly Hand. But if they are pushed into a hurry and use all their spiritual cultivation, then there will be No one knows how many extremely powerful people there are.

This is the most terrifying thing about Jiuxiao Universe.

No matter how inconspicuous any force is, there may still be an extremely powerful person.

Such information made Lu Yin feel unprecedented pressure. Whether he faced the Eternals or later faced the Spiritual Universe, there was no such great pressure. It did not lie in the terrifying strength displayed. The power of Jiuxiao Universe lay in that No one knows how deep the hidden secrets are.

When they first learned about the Insect Hive Civilization and the Immortal Master, Lu Yin and the others couldn't believe that such a terrifying civilization could exist in the universe. Now it seems that the Insect Hive Civilization is similar to the Jiuxiao Universe, both of which are unimaginable to ordinary people. a highly powerful civilization.

The only way to ignore it is to stand at the top. Yu Sangtian can not care about the existence of Tianmen Luojia, because Luojia, no one can be his opponent, no matter how many masters there are.

Luo Heng stared at Lu Yin closely. Spiritual cultivation was the last trump card, and this was the only trump card.

Only cards can deal with the powerful enemy in front of him, but once he uses it, he is finished.

Lu Yin hesitated for a moment, then looked at Luo Heng: "Mo Shang is also the Great Perfection of Overcoming Suffering. I can still deal with him, let alone a cultivation spirit that has improved the state. I don't believe that cultivation spirit can completely possess you." The combat power of the Luojia Ancestor can at most only improve your level to the perfection of overcoming hardships."

Luo Heng could hear that Lu Yin had the desire to take action, and reminded him: "But my ancestor of the Luo family is not qualified to be the Shaoyu."

Lu Yin frowned and couldn't help but look at Eternity.

Everlasting understanding of Shao Yulou.

Yongheng looked at Luo Heng: "Only the most powerful genius of an era is qualified to sleep in the Shaoyu Pavilion, waiting for the opportunity to compete for the God of Lower Yu, or even the God of Superior Yu in the future."

"You are able to sleep in the Shaoyu Tower. You must have a talent that transcends an era. The Great Perfection state of the Luojia Ancestor who has overcome hardships matches your own talent." Having said this, he looked at Lu Yin: "Perhaps more powerful than the Luojia Ancestor himself. horrible."

Lu Yin asked: "Is this Luo family ancestor the god of imperial control?"

"No." Yu Sangtian said.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Luohuang raised his head: "But I can achieve it."

Lu Yin smiled: "You want to threaten me just by talking without practicing? Even if you have the fighting power of the God of War, Mo Shang will not let you kill me if he is still here."

"Right, Mo Shang."

Yu Sangtian didn't say anything. He was wondering when Lu Yin was sure that he would help him. At first, he deliberately used Xiaoling Universe as a handle and allowed him to threaten him. Later, when this person became suspicious, he told Master Qingcao that he would help him. This person should have believed his plan by then.

Could it be the incident where Emperor Wu was killed by a sniper?

Luohuan had a headache. The relationship between the people in front of him was so complicated that he couldn't understand it at all.

Yu Sangtian fought with this person, and this person fought with another person who knew Shao Yulou. The person who knew Shao Yulou also joined forces with this person to fight Yu Sangtian. They joined forces with each other to live conscious life, conscious life I also took action against this person. This person kept trying to surround and kill Yu Sangtian, but Yu Sangtian helped him. He also saved his conscious life.

The more I think about it, the more confused I become. What is this mess?

Only they themselves understand the current situation, and even conscious beings don’t know what’s going on.

And this is what Luo Hun is most worried about. Even if he uses Xiuling, even if he has the strength to kill this person, Yu Sangtian will not sit idly by.

At most, it changes from four-party containment to five-party containment. This person has no losses, but he has forever lost the possibility of going further.

Jiuxiao Universe will not allow a person whose cultivation level can no longer be improved to become a god of inferior control. His loss is too great. Luojia's many years of hard work will be in vain. This is not something he can accept.

Not only did he lose his young master, but he also lost the spiritual cultivation foundation of the Luo family ancestor.

Luo Heng took a deep breath: "The reason why you want to attack me is because I have disrespected you before. I can pay the price. You can ask me anything you want to know. I will tell you everything. As long as you don't attack me, Tianmenluo will be dead." Please remember your favor."

"As a person from the spiritual universe, Yu Sangtian is dissatisfied with my Jiuxiao universe. He doesn't care about my Luojia, but you are different. Once you join Jiuxiao, you will know how valuable the Tianmen Luojia's favor is."

"How much is it worth?" Lu Yin asked.

Luo Heng was startled. He didn't expect Lu Yin to speak so smoothly. He was a little uncomfortable, but it was a good thing, as long as his heart moved.

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