Star Odyssey

Chapter 3720 Absorption and Counter-Absorption

Lu Yin from Yi Tian Que naturally also cares about it. Jiuxiao Universe cares about it so much. It is very likely that there are memories of powerful people in the Immortal Realm. However, he is only one person and has limited energy. It is impossible to control everything.

The meteorite was smashed away very quickly, and Lu Yin was even faster and caught up in an instant.

The meteorite crashed over, and Lu Yin struck out with a palm, knocking the meteorite away again.

This meteorite has no concept of fear. No matter it becomes stronger or weaker, it will collide with it without restraint, and it will not be hurt anyway.

Lu Yin's palm was very powerful, and the meteorite was knocked away again. This time, it did not hit Lu Yin, but flew in the opposite direction.

No one understands the purpose of the meteorite, just like the ancestors and the others don't know why the meteorite suddenly appeared in the realm of Yi soil.

Lu Yin chased the meteorite, constantly releasing the spiral of cause and effect, and at the same time, he was alert to his surroundings to prevent being attacked by Yu Sangtian or Eternal.

The universe of consciousness is very big. Lu Yin was chasing the meteorite. The meteorite flew in one direction, passing through the residual worlds along the way. Lu Yin went around the residual worlds. Some residual worlds could not even see the universe of consciousness clearly. He I don't want to be entangled.

In this way, a few days passed, and Lu Yin continued to create a spiral of cause and effect. During this period, he also saw the insect nest civilization twice. What he saw was similar to the first time, and he could not see where the insect nest civilization was going.

In addition to the insect nest civilization, he also saw other civilizations, but he didn't know which universe they belonged to.

This result made Lu Yin feel heavy. Sure enough, the universe is far more than the universe he knew. There are also outer universes, maybe quite a few. Meteorites come from a small distance and pass through more than one outer universe. This is why they don’t know these outer universes. The strength and weakness of the universe.

Inside the meteorite, that eye was crazy and manic. It was chased and beaten by Lu Yin for several days. The madness became more and more obvious. After half a day, it suddenly stopped and stared at Lu Yin. Its bloodshot pupils were like dark red gems. It's strange, spooky, and chilling to watch.

Lu Yin stared at that eye: "Where are you from?"

His eyes were still staring at Lu Yin, his pupils motionless.

"You can definitely understand me. At your level, language is not a barrier. Where are you from?" Lu Yin asked again.

He couldn't do anything about the meteorite and chased after him, but the meteorite didn't hurt him at all.

He felt like facing Master Qingcao.

Master Qingcao can't be hit no matter what, don't get close at all, but this meteorite can't be hurt no matter how you hit it.

Lu Yin even suspected that it was an immortal realm meteorite.

In the realm of immortality, no creature should be able to withstand his absolute power attack. Even Yu Sangtian would not be able to withstand it if he did not resist.

"We may not be enemies. What is your purpose? Why are you here?"

"You've seen those bugs."

"Can you speak?"

"This is the universe of consciousness..."

No matter what Lu Yin said, those eyes were only staring at him, as if warning.

After watching for a while, the meteorite flew away.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and stepped out to block the meteorite.

When he saw Lu Yin again, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he was irritated, and he was extremely manic. Bloodshot eyes instantly covered his pupils, like scarlet blood cells, making a sharp sound and crashing hard. The sharp sound was the first of a meteorite. A sound made Lu Yin's brain dizzy. This sound had no impact on the external void, but it was affecting his consciousness and thinking.

Behind Lu Yin, consciousness opened up for nine days, majestic consciousness surged out, and his voice was directly suppressed.

The meteorite hit and was stopped by Lu Yin with a palm: "I don't believe I can't break you."

As he spoke, his arms withered and he backed up.

The meteorite strikes again.

Lu Yin didn't fight back, he just withstood the impact of the meteorite again and again. Sometimes the meteorite couldn't knock him back and there was no threat, but sometimes the meteorite could knock him away. At that moment, the power contained in the meteorite amazed Lu Yin.

Impact after impact, the extremes of matter must be endured again and again. The dry body surface continued to recover and dry up again. Lu Yin was suppressing his strength.

In the battle at the source of the Fuhe River, Lu Yin exerted the strongest power in his life, and he has never seen it since. That power was not exerted by him himself, but suppressed the power Wuhuang exerted with the help of the Sealing Heaven Foundation, and together with Only when his own strength exploded completely did he have the power to shake the universe.

Lu Yin wanted to get this power again.

The impact of meteorites again and again gave him strength, which was absorbed by the extremes of matter, suppressed, and waited for the moment of explosion.

The sound of impact continued to echo through the starry sky.

After the meteorite hit dozens of times, it turned around and flew away.

Lu Yin quickly stopped it, and the meteorite continued to hit it. It was completely angered by Lu Yin, and its pupils were almost completely scarlet, making Lu Yin think he saw the Eternal Corpse King.

Finally, Lu Yin's body surface recovered, and his suppressed strength reached its limit.

He stared at the impacting meteorite: "I will give you one last chance. Is it an enemy or a friend?"

The meteorite hit hard.

Behind Lu Yin, the changes in the Nine Heavens were as majestic as the abyss, continuously increasing the combat power by multiples, the battle energy of the palm realm surrounded him, the starry sky was released in his heart, unlimited power flowed, and he punched out.

The universe of consciousness vibrates and is swayed by the stars.

It can be detected no matter how far away it is.

Yu Sangtian, Yongheng, Laosou and the others looked over one by one and were shocked by this power.

The cultivators on the war boats around Wujiang looked pale, and their power could sway the stars, reminding them of the battle at the Source of the Flowing River, where Lu Sangtian had extremely terrifying combat power and had no bottom line at all.

Far away, cracks appeared on the surface of the meteorite for the first time and continued to expand.

Lu Yin stared at the crack. He didn't believe that this thing was really a meteorite. There must be a creature hiding inside: "Get out of here."

The power surged, and consciousness came at the same time, overwhelming him.

As long as there is thinking, there is consciousness, and if there is consciousness, it can be oppressed.

Inside the meteorite, the bloodshot pupils of his pupils continued to fade. He looked at Lu Yin in shock. He seemed to have never expected that Lu Yin had such a huge power. However, when Lu Yin's consciousness came to him, his eyes seemed excited and agitated.

Lu Yin felt something was wrong, and the next moment, his consciousness was being absorbed.

absorb? No, it's swallowing. Can this meteorite swallow my own consciousness?

What a joke.

Only Lu Yin has always absorbed other consciousnesses, and this is the first time that his consciousness has been absorbed by other creatures.

What the hell is this meteorite?

Inside the meteorite, that eye was extremely excited. The madness and mania in the eye gradually decreased as it absorbed Lu Yin's consciousness. It needed majestic consciousness.

Lu Yin's eyes were cold and he punched the meteorite again. The meteorite was knocked away, but his consciousness seemed to be connected by an invisible bridge. Even if it was knocked away, it could still absorb Lu Yin's consciousness.

Lu Yin didn't believe it and wanted to see who had the stronger ability to absorb consciousness.

The heart is in the starry sky, the planet of consciousness rotates, and the changes in the nine heavens are solidified, allowing me to absorb them.

This time, the eye in the meteorite was shocked again and was absorbed back into it.


At that moment, the eye became crazy and manic again, full of anxiety and ferocity, staring at Lu Yin as it hit him fiercely. Lu Yin raised his hand to support the meteorite, and was very close to the eye.

"I don't care what you are, I'm going to tear you apart today." Lu Yin growled, his consciousness constantly absorbing.

At the top of the Nine Heavens Transformation, the Sword of Heaven slashed out, slashing towards the meteorite. Suddenly, a cold light appeared in the cracked gap on the surface of the meteorite, brushing against the Sword of Heaven, and hit Lu Yin's face directly.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply. He saw a ray of sword edge, which kept approaching. Because the distance was too close, Lu Yin could not avoid it, so he could only turn his head as much as possible.

The cold light wiped across the cheek, bringing up a trace of blood, and then penetrated the changes of the nine days and disappeared into nothingness.

Blood was flowing on Lu Yin's face, and his consciousness was injured by the Nine Heavens Transformation. The meteorite took this opportunity to absorb it crazily.

In front of Lu Yin's eyes, the stream of light shuttled back and forth for a second.


The flow of light could not reverse the cold light of the sword's edge.

That attack ignored the reversal of time.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, it was just tearing his face open. However, even in the eternal battle with Yu Sangtian, he had never suffered such a dangerous injury.

Although the injury was not serious, it was like a ray of light on my back at that moment.

Blood dripped on his arm. Lu Yin pushed the meteorite away with his palm, fearing another cold light.

The absorption of consciousness is fighting for each other's consciousness.

Lu Yin's consciousness planet rotates faster and faster, like a whirlpool, constantly pulling the meteorite's consciousness towards him. Although the Nine Heavens Transformation has been penetrated, it is still solid. The consciousness absorbed by the meteorite at the beginning is just free from the Nine Heavens Transformation. outside.

When Lu Yin reacted, the meteorite could not absorb any consciousness.

In the meteorite, the eye became more and more manic, beating constantly. The meaning conveyed by the eyes was full of murder and malice, constantly releasing threatening signals.

Lu Yin snorted coldly: "It depends on how long you can hold on. Now that it has begun, you can't decide how it will end."

That eye stared at Lu Yin. As his consciousness was absorbed by Lu Yin, the bloodshot eyes faded a little. The humanity in his pupils appeared confused, then flickered for a moment, and then he let go completely.

Lu Yin absorbed consciousness faster, but Meteor gave up and gave up his consciousness instead.

Lu Yin was confused. If the consciousness of the meteorite was absorbed by him, it would become an idiot.

The more abnormal it is, the less it can be done.

Lu Yin stopped absorbing consciousness. In front of his eyes, the meteorite's pupils were bright. He stared deeply at Lu Yin, turned around and flew away.

Still want to leave? It's not that easy.

Just as Lu Yin was about to chase after him, suddenly, there was a buzzing in his head, as if a thread was stretching his brain open, making a plucking sound that made him almost vomit.

The bloodshot eyes spread, full of madness and mania.

Lu Yin's pupils flickered and his sweat dropped. No, the madness in the meteorite's eyes came from consciousness, so he came to the conscious universe to absorb more consciousness and suppress the madness, but he used another method to release his own consciousness. It is also a way to relieve madness and mania.

Either absorb or release.

I just happen to be able to help him do it.

Trouble, Lu Yin raised his head and looked into the distance, the meteorite was gone.

It actually hit the road.

Fortunately, he stopped in time and did not absorb it completely, otherwise he would not know what would happen to him.

This feeling is just like when I took action with divine power, it was full of madness and killing, and it became unlike myself.

Lu Yin exhaled, suppressed the crazy feeling, found the direction of Wujiang, and returned.

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