Star Odyssey

Chapter 3729 The darkness behind

The spiral of cause and effect kept climbing like a ladder. She didn't dare to resist and stood there, unable to move.

Suddenly, Lu Yin's pupils shrank and he looked at his ancestor.

I saw a word appear on the forehead of my ancestor - "Slave"

It's this word again. Why didn't he expect that his ancestor was also controlled?

Karma, the guardian envoys from all directions, are all controlled by this word. He originally thought that it had nothing to do with his ancestor, but he did not expect that this character also appeared on his forehead.

No, this word must have nothing to do with Master Qingcao. Otherwise, why would Master Qingcao ask the ancestors to seek help from Tianyuan Universe?

The logic is wrong again.

When Tianci said that this word came from Master Qingcao, he felt it was wrong.

Suddenly, the spiral of cause and effect broke, and Lu Yin took a few steps back. In front of his eyes, another word - "Heaven" - "Heaven" rose above his ancestor's head, and the word "Heaven" fell.

Wujiang was shaken, causing everyone to look.

In front of Lu Yin's eyes, his ancestor completely disappeared, leaving nothing behind, including his consciousness.

Lu Yin stared blankly, his ancestor was dead.

Ancestor, they appeared on the first day of the lunar month and looked at Lu Yin: "What's going on?"

Lu Yin felt heavy, who was the person behind that word? How many means does he have left? Does the fact that Xizu has been in Wujiang mean that he is always being monitored? All of his actions were under the eyes of that person. That person was not Master Qingcao, absolutely not.

Abnormal logic led to the chess piece of Xizu. Lu Yin looked around Wujiang. Are there other chess pieces here?

Against yourself? It wasn't the case before, and the abnormal behavior of the ancestors was not new now, but with his rise, these chess pieces seemed to surround him, making Lu Yin unable to breathe for a while.

In his opinion, the people behind this were more terrifying than the three superior gods of Jiuxiao Universe.

Wait, could it be one of the three superior gods?

"Zhuzi, what happened?" asked the ancestor.

Lu Yin exhaled: "That word appears again."

The ancestor was surprised: "Slave?"

Lu Yin nodded.


"Former ancestors."

The ancestor looked ugly: "We must find out the person behind the scenes."

"Master, I can't deal with you even if I find him." Chuyi said bitterly.

The ancestor sighed: "It must be the realm of eternal life."

Eternal life, these three words weigh on everyone's mind.

At this moment, if you have not reached the realm of eternal life, you can no longer see the universe clearly.

Lu Yin became more and more eager to reach the level of immortality, even if he had reached the level of combat power.

The ancestor was weakened, Mr. Mu was restricted, the God of Death disappeared, and his destiny was hidden. Tianyuan Universe has given birth to countless geniuses, but they all lost their futures because of this man behind the scenes. This person is the biggest enemy of Tianyuan Universe.

Looking at the empty ground in front of him, his ancestor was also dead. Lu Yin was deeply impressed by the look in her eyes just now. She didn't even know why she did what she did.

The Sifang Guard Envoys even knew they were being controlled.

Karma, ancestors, don't know how to control them, this is the most terrifying thing.

What makes Lu Yin even more uneasy is that since the person behind the scenes knows everything about him but has never stopped him, it means that the other party has the confidence to completely control him.

When can I reach immortality?

Lu Yin rolled the dice, and before he knew it, the crisis was so close to him.

He thought that being unafraid of Yu Sangtian, maintaining a balance with top masters such as Eternal Life and Yue Ya, and having the opportunity to break the balance was already great, but he didn't know that the real danger was always hidden behind it.


If he hadn't thought of the illogical nature of his ancestor's behavior, he would be under surveillance now.

At six o'clock, with good luck, Lu Yin's consciousness appeared in the dark space, traveling through it, looking for the brightest ball of light.

Soon after, he walked out of Wujiang and found a star-level conscious life, which he absorbed.

Then continue.

More than a month passed quickly. On this day, Lu Yin grabbed another star-level consciousness and absorbed it. Suddenly, his whole body felt cold. Far away, a pair of eyes opened. He raised his hand and pointed out a bright light. , as if the starry sky in this universe has remained unchanged since ancient times, dividing the darkness into two, with one end coming out of this person, and the other end passing through Lu Yin's body.

A thought that eternity penetrates Lu Yin's body, also penetrates Wujiang, and penetrates the origin, illusion, and side plot in the same direction.

It penetrated four people in a row and shot out from behind Wujiang, consuming the void.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

Lu Yin stared at a thought of eternity, and light flowed around him. Reversing for a second, the thought of eternity disappeared in an instant. He threw out the star-level conscious life. The next moment, the thought of eternity appeared again instantly, penetrating that conscious life, and the light spread across it. Boundless, disappearing into the distance.

Everything happens in one second.

Yuanqi, Xuwu and Bianji didn't react. The body that had been penetrated by one thought for eternity recovered. They didn't even understand what happened.

Lu Yin looked ugly, Yu Sangtian had plotted against him.

Yu Sangtian has a method that allows him to create an eternity regardless of time and space, but it seems to require some conditions. When he first penetrated the eternal body in the realm of mind, he cooperated with Lan Huifeng, but he just penetrated his own body because of that astrological-level consciousness life.

This conscious life is by no means cooperating with Yu Sangtian, it itself is penetrated.

Yu Sangtian does not need the cooperation of others. He has the means to achieve similar cooperation, which is equivalent to placing coordinates in other people's bodies.

This reminded him of Mu Yi, who was also inexplicably transferred by Yu Sangtian to block the eternal attack.

Muyi, like conscious life, is a coordinate. How many coordinates did he type?

Fortunately, Lu Yin reacted quickly and reversed time in time, diverting the direction of Yi Nian Yong's attack. Otherwise, not only would he be severely injured, but several people on Wujiang would be instantly killed, including Wujiang, who would be penetrated.

Yu Sangtian felt a sense of crisis. He did not do this to kill himself. He knew that this method could not kill him.

He makes it impossible for him to absorb consciousness unscrupulously and increase his strength.

With this lesson learned, how could Lu Yin still dare to absorb conscious beings casually? No one could tell how many conscious beings Yu Sangtian had arranged similar means in.

One thought of eternity is enough to instantly kill a strong person in the Beginning Realm.

Except for himself, the first ancestor and a few other strong people who have endured hardships, the rest of the people above Wujiang will die if they touch it.

Even he will be seriously injured, just like eternity.

Far away from Lu Yin, on the borderless land, Yuan was afraid. The feeling at that moment brought the coldness of death, and he was almost killed.

The power of Yu Sangtian? How did you call?

Thinking about the brilliance of that moment, Yuan Qi quickly changed his position. It was so unlucky that the line happened to penetrate Lu Yin and also penetrated himself. In the future, he must be careful not to follow the same line as Lu Yin.

Xuanyu curled up, a thought of eternity almost destroyed it, and it already had a psychological shadow.

Lishou gave it a thumbs up, but Xuan Huan was not in the mood to reply.

Bian Ji didn't feel anything at all. With his level of strength, a thought of eternity would not cause any pain at all, and he would die immediately.

He thought it was a hallucination.

The Ancestor and the others went to Lu Yin to ask, and Lu Yin didn't hide anything.

This incident made everyone feel heavy. They underestimated Yu Sangtian. Yu Sangtian's methods were definitely not bad.

He had always let Lu Yin go, thinking he could control it, but now once he felt he couldn't control it, he started to contain Lu Yin, and he did have the means to contain it.

Lu Yin's so-called initiative all along was just given by others.

Since leaving Tianyuan Universe, he has never really taken the initiative. As long as Yu Sangtian is willing, he can do what he wants.

The incident about Xizu also made Lu Yin know that he had never taken the initiative in Tianyuan Universe, and that the man behind the scenes was the real chess player.

Everyone could see that Lu Yin was in a bad mood, so they all dispersed without disturbing him.

Lu Yin sat on the edge of the borderless sky, looking at the dark starry sky. It was so interesting. After doing so many things, did he end up making wedding dresses for others?

Although he thinks he is a chess player, he is actually only playing in a larger chess game.

As long as others are willing, they can stop all their actions.

How ridiculous.

Lu Yin stared at the dark starry sky, chess players, chess pieces, chess board, and starry sky. People are born as chess pieces. Everyone wants to manipulate others behind the scenes. Why do you?

I really thought I could control myself.

Have you really seen through yourselves?

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up.

Everyone thought that Lu Yin was in a low mood. What happened to his ancestors, Yu Sangtian's restraint, Yong's pressing step by step, and Yue Ya's greed were like a pack of wolves waiting for him. But these things, not to mention Lu Yin's unwillingness to be seen by others. situation.

Although he is an old enemy of Eternity and will fight to the death, it does not prevent him from admiring Eternity's forbearance and planning.

The extremely brilliant Tianshang Sect was finally destroyed by the scarlet eyes in the darkness.

How could these big shots, immortal realms, and self-proclaimed chess players pay attention to this fish that everyone seemed to be eyeing?

In the distance, Lu Yin seemed to see a cauldron, slowly circling.

"Master, do you think so too? Then let them see what we, master and apprentice, can do."

The frontier portal of the consciousness universe was originally guarded by many spiritual universe powerhouses, waiting for the day when the consciousness universe would be completely destroyed. Especially when the seven war ships arrived and Yu Sangtian personally conquered it, they felt that this day would come soon.

But then, one unexpected thing happened.

The meteorite broke the portal, Emperor Wu rushed out, and then returned. The strong man who survived the hardship died. The confrontation between thinking and consciousness made them feel that the universe of consciousness suddenly changed and became so strange.

It seems like there are too many masters popping up all at once.

Several of the original three strong men who had survived the hardships and the five strong men in the Spiritual Beginning Realm died.

The remaining people found that the border was not safe either.

The huge hole in the door frightened them.

On this day, they saw a green lotus leaf floating from a distance, gradually approaching.

The spiritual universe cultivator guarding the portal was stunned. What's going on? Even those two strong men who had overcome hardship were stunned, Qinglian? Where did Qinglian come from? There were many people above Qinglian, and they arrived outside the door in an instant.

The leader was an old man with a kind face but fierce eyes. The auras of a group of people behind him rose to the sky, shocking the spiritual universe cultivators guarding the portal.

They looked at the old man with extremely expressions on their faces. This kind of aura that made them all tremble had only been felt by Yu Sangtian.

This is the breath of great perfection in overcoming hardship.

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