Star Odyssey

Chapter 3744 Backhand

Soon, Yan Boshu came in and looked at the cliff: "Master Yue Ya agreed. I swear in his name that I will never threaten you again with Tian Yuan Universe."

Lu Yin nodded and looked at Yu Sangtian: "Send us down. This is what you want to do most."

The ancestor sighed, and they went down. Yu Sangtian stayed here alone. No one knew whether he would touch the palace.

In any case, Yu Sangtian and them are enemies. If Yu Sangtian gets the memory of the immortal realm, his future will be difficult to contain.

But Lu Yin can no longer control him.

Even if he and the Ancestor teamed up to force Yu Sangtian to climb the cliff together, Yu Sangtian could still climb the cliff during Yue Ya's siege, and no one could stop him at that time.

There is no point in another fight between Ping Bai and Yu Sangtian.

From the moment Yu Sangtian found Lu Yin and exchanged terms for entering Yitian Palace, Lu Yin had already thought of this ending. This ending was most beneficial to Yu Sangtian and was also Yu Sangtian's plan.

But Lu Yin couldn't refuse this plan, and he couldn't refuse to try to get close to the palace.

What he was striving for was that he could touch the palace before Yue Ya found them, but unfortunately, he couldn't.

As for leaving the ancestor on the cliff, it was impossible. The ancestor could only fight against Yu Sangtian by joining forces with Lu Yin, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

The ancestor is not eternal. After all, he has lost too many years of practice due to the suppression of the Sequence String. Even the changes in the Nine Heavens cannot really make up for it. Moreover, the ancestor will not trust Lu Yin to enter the killing situation alone. If they join forces, the chance will be greater.

Yu Sangtian waved his hand and thought of the eternal brilliance shining on the cliff.

Lu Yin and his ancestor were bound with spiritual threads and carried to the bottom of the cliff by Eternal Thought.

Yan Boshu's eyes were burning, he exited Yi Tian Que, and finally came down. Just waiting for Lord Yue Ya to transform, Jiu Chi Garden will also transform, surpassing many forces, and becoming one of the most powerful forces in the Jiuxiao Universe. This has been the case since the establishment of Jiu Chi Garden. The biggest change must be successful.

Emperor Miewu also wanted to leave, but he couldn't. Yanbo Shu asked him to stare at Yu Sangtian before leaving.

He didn't even know if he was watching, but Lu Yin fell down at a glance. If he attacked him, he would be finished.

On the cliff, Yu Sangtian watched Lu Yin and the ancestor go down. Not only was he not happy, but he was inexplicably uneasy. Based on his understanding of Lu Yin, would this person let him stay on the cliff and approach the palace? Impossible, even if this person faced a killing situation, he would not easily avoid it.

But he couldn't think of any way Lu Yin could deal with Yue Ya's murderous situation and drag himself down so that he couldn't get close to the palace.

He couldn't do it.

Lu Yin and the Ancestor landed under the cliff and looked at Emperor Wu at the same time.

Emperor Mie Wu opened his mouth and showed a big smile: "You two, thank you for your hard work. Well, I am the third in charge."

"Whose family do you want? I only have a toad under my command." Lu Yin said indifferently.

Emperor Miewu flattered him: "Why did the third master say that? What do you have under your command? If nothing else, that toad is the best in the universe. One day, it will become the toad I once saw. That toad, Zizi." "

Lu Yin interrupted: "Shut up."

Emperor Miewu immediately shut up and did not dare to say anything.

"Where do you want to escape from the universe of consciousness?" Lu Yin asked.

Emperor Mie Wu blinked: "Spiritualize the universe."

Lu Yin raised his hand, bent his fingers, made a fist, and made a clicking sound: "Say it again."

Mie Wuhuang said bitterly: "Tianyuan Universe."

"That's right, you can't stay in the spiritual universe or the consciousness universe, so you can only go to the Tianyuan universe." Lu Yin said.

Emperor Miewu quickly assured: "Third Master, I have no other intention in going to Tianyuan Universe, absolutely nothing. I just want to find a place to hide. Unlike those despicable people like Thirteen Elephants, I am a virtuous person, and I have good moral character. "

"Help me take care of Tianyuan Universe. I will thank you when I get back." Lu Yin smiled at Emperor Mie Wu.

Compared with the Thirteen Days, Emperor Wu is indeed different. Although he has a bad personality, he has not done anything bad. He became an eight-star black spirit in the spiritual universe because he provoked Ten Thousand Beasts and Tianwaitian. This guy is vicious in nature and mean in nature. It's not bad. When Jian Yuan fought, he wanted to force him away at first and had no intention of taking action against him.

Lu Yin specifically knew about Mie Wuhuang, so he was assured that he would go to Tianyuan Universe.

Of course, the experience of Torch City cannot be escaped. If he really goes to Tianyuan Universe, when he returns to Tianyuan Universe, the German flag may be flying in the main hall of Tianshang Zong.

What the meteorites saw always made Lu Yin uneasy. He didn't know where those bugs had gone, and he hoped they wouldn't go to Tianyuan Universe.

Emperor Miewu is gone, which can make him feel more at ease.

In terms of combat power, Mie Wuhuang is comparable to Mr. Mu, whose strength is declining at this moment.

It is an extremely powerful force.

Emperor Mie Wu watched blankly as Lu Yin and the Ancestor disappeared, and the flattering smile on his face disappeared.

Take care of Tianyuan Universe? These two guys are actually quite good in virtue, although they are not as good as him, which is a pity.

The first person to walk out of Yitianque was neither Lu Yin nor the ancestor, but Yihe.

Recall that the former No. 1 Bai Ling in the Linghua Universe had a feud with the Baicao Chamber of Commerce and wandered outside the Baicao Territory all year round, causing the Baicao Chamber of Commerce to decline and not dare to leave.

When Lu Yin took the Baicao Chamber of Commerce to compete for the quota of the Dispatch Chamber of Commerce, he encountered him as soon as he left the Baicao Domain and suppressed him at the Dianjiangtai.

Yihe didn't expect there would be a chance to escape.

He was released by Lu Yin and instantly appeared at the entrance of Yi Tian Que. What greeted him was a powerful bombardment of consciousness.

Yihe collapsed without even having time to react.

Lu Yin and the Ancestor stepped out, both activating the Nine Heavens Transformation, sweeping the surroundings with their majestic consciousness, and rushing in two directions.

The dark golden thought descended, and the Nine-foot Anti-Heaven Technique suppressed Lu Yin from top to bottom. At the same time, the sharp claws of the Yanbo Red Fox appeared inexplicably, without any trace, and he was caught.

Lu Yin had been prepared for a long time. The palm realm fighting energy spread all over his body, his body withered, and the Eternal Sword and the Tomb of Landscapes were released crazily, blasting in all directions without even looking at the surroundings.

Countless swords of eternity were chopped down, each sword possessing the destructive power to overcome hardships. Coupled with the defensive landscape tomb and the largest six ancient spiritual formations, thoughts, consciousness, and combat skills were all blocked.

The ancestor's blue sky soldiers all slashed towards the vast mist.

The vast mist promotes the nine-foot anti-sky technique and resists the blue-falling heavenly soldiers.

Lu Yin took one step forward, and in parallel time, he allowed Li Zhao's claws to touch his body, bringing up countless blood stains, but he quickly recovered under the inevitable consequences of things.

The old man shouted fiercely, and the heaven and earth locks descended, locking the cognition. In the realm of meaning, consciousnesses rose into the sky, exactly the same as the trap that trapped Yu Sangtian in the first place.

Lu Yin looked at the sky and the earth, with nowhere to escape.

Although his consciousness is stronger than that of Yu Sangtian, Yu Sangtian also has a rock foundation, and the two of them face the same pressure from this trap.

The only difference is that Lu Yin understands the Heaven and Earth Lock as much as the old man does.

Seeing Lu Yin fall into the trap, Yue Ya took out the Zhuobao belt. With a chance, Lu Yin fell into the trap and couldn't break free, so he could

He can be tied up with this turbid treasure, and this was originally used to tie up Lu Yin.

Lu Yin has a stream of light that can reverse a second, and he also has a mind that can make Lu Yin's mind go blank instantly.

The premise of everything is to control Lu Yin.

He had waited for this moment for too long.

The majestic consciousness falls from all directions, sealing the world and locking the recognition of all external objects.

Yue Ya stared at this scene, it's fast, it's fast.

At the moment when the Heaven and Earth Lock fell, Lu Yin raised his head, the stars in his heart were released, the law of cause and effect spread, and the cause and effect spirals headed towards Yue Ya and Lao Shou.

Yueya and the others couldn't see the spiral of cause and effect, but they could feel it and hurriedly avoided it. This was your last struggle.

The goal of the cause and effect spiral is not Yue Ya, nor Lao Shou, but Yi Tian Que.

There is a causal wall at the entrance of Yitianque, which comes from Qinglian Shangyu.

The power of cause and effect can only be shaken by cause and effect.

Lu Yin's cause and effect heavenly spirals gathered into tornadoes one after another, violently bombarding the entrance to the Heavenly Palace.

In an instant, the situation changed, and an unspeakable crisis came, which shocked Yue Ya, Laosou and the others.

No one except Lu Yin could see that the causal wall at the entrance of Yi Tian Que was shaken. It was just a wall, far from representing the causal power of Qinglian Shangyu, but it could pull out a green lotus leaf.

When the wall of cause and effect is shaken, the sky of mind, the realm of mind, and even the entire universe of consciousness shake.

The walls of the consciousness universe and the spiritual universe were both swayed by Lu Yin's power of cause and effect at this moment.

Lu Yin didn't expect the movement to be so loud that the Heaven and Earth Lock stopped.

Yue Ya looked at the sky, and he felt the vast power of Qinglian Shangyu. This was the power of Qinglian Shangyu. He shouted: "What have you done?"

Many eyes looked at Lu Yin with fear, horror, and fear.

The cultivators of Jiuxiao Universe are afraid of the God of Shangyu from the bottom of their hearts.

The next moment, at the entrance of Yi Tian Que, two figures came out in panic. Everyone saw that one was Mie Wuhuang and the other was Yu Sangtian.

Yu Sangtian was at a loss, he was actually swept out by a leaf of green lotus.

what happened?

Lu Yin curled up his lips and did it.

Yu Sangtian planned step by step. First, he severely damaged Eternity, and then used Yue Ya's threat to exchange conditions with Lu Yin to enter Yi Tian Palace. Finally, Lu Yin was forced to leave, leaving him alone to approach the palace palace. He did it, and in the end, only one person stood on the cliff. He was left alone.

But he never dreamed that Lu Yin had a back-up plan. Lu Yin himself didn't know whether this back-up plan would be successful. He could only try it once.

Vibrating the celestial phenomena of cause and effect with the spiral of cause and effect, the power left by the Qinglian Lord, in addition to the cause and effect city wall, is a green lotus leaf. This green lotus leaf seems to have the conditions to be touched.

Lu Yin didn't know what this condition was, but it was most likely that cause and effect touched cause and effect.

It's like fighting skills colliding with each other, enough to attract the opponent.

Cause and effect is also a type of combat skill.

Lu Yin created the spiral of cause and effect, and sure enough, a leaf of green lotus was triggered, and the leaf of green lotus moved and swept Yu Sangtian out.

In this way, there is no one on the cliff. Yu Sangtian can't even think of approaching the palace so easily.

Even if he were to climb the cliff again now, as long as Lu Yin was willing, he could still be swept away with a leaf of green lotus.

This is interesting.

Now that Yu Sangtian has been swept out, the situation of the battle will inevitably change. At the very least, Yue Ya will have to assign experts to deal with Yu Sangtian.

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