Star Odyssey

Chapter 3751 I’d rather be you

Yu Sangtian couldn't even imagine that the elites of the spiritual universe of an era would try their best to kill the conscious universe, waiting for the conscious universe to restart, waiting to enjoy the results, but in the end, Lu Yin was fulfilled.

Not only that, Wujiang has captured all the conscious lives in this parallel time and space, just to increase Lu Yin's consciousness.

On the one hand, Lu Yin skyrocketed on the cause and effect, on the other hand, he increased his consciousness, and his strength continued to rise.

Not enough, still not enough. Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked at the starry sky. He was still unable to solve the current dilemma of the conscious universe by himself.

Yusangtian, eternity, and the end of the moon, which one is not the most powerful Dzogchen to overcome hardships? There is also the God of Control of Jiuxiao Universe and the Insect Hive Civilization. Deep in his heart, he also hopes that one day he can come into contact with Mr. Mu’s universe and help his master regain everything he has lost.

He needed more, more.

A figure rushes into the point of general hell, increasing the cause and effect.

Lu Yin looked at it and was shocked: "Senior, what are you doing?"

It was Chu Yi who broke into the Diantai Hell. Lu Yin did not expect that Chu Yi actually rushed into the Diantai Hell.

"Master Lu, it's not too painful in here," Cewangtian asked, and then walked towards the Dianjiangtai Hell.

Aragami rushed over without saying a word.

Dou Sheng Tianzun grinned: "Interesting."

The insane director walked out calmly.

Mu Zhu, the second life, including Luoshan all walked out.

Lu Yin looked at them blankly: "You guys?"

Lu Tianyi smiled: "I had wanted to go in for a long time, but I was afraid that it would be difficult for others to step down. After all, I am your ancestor, so I kept waiting, looking for an opportunity to go in secretly. Unexpectedly, I let them go in first. ."

"Ancestor." Lu Yin looked moved.

Dianjiangtai Hell is very painful, and the more experienced and emotional the person, the more painful it is.

Although he wanted to increase the cause and effect, he never thought about letting people from Wujiang enter, never.

These people are willing to follow him to spiritualize the universe, which means that they have feelings for Tianyuan Universe, have thoughts about the past, and are righteous to people. Lu Yin can imagine the pain of such people entering.

Now, they actually entered one by one.

Lu Yin immediately wanted to withdraw his position and go to hell.

"Pillar." The ancestor shouted.

Lu Yin paused and looked over.

The ancestor looked pale and looked at him solemnly: "The Tianyuan Universe does not belong to you alone."

Lu Yin's body was shaken.

Dou Sheng Tianzun Leng Ao said: "Leave us aside and fight by yourself. Lord Lu, you underestimate us. Are we afraid of death?"

Aragami's tone was stiff: "It's ridiculous that I still have to be protected by others after living till now."

"Life is worse than death." Ce Wangtian shook his head: "Of course, actually I don't want to go in, so I have no choice but to give you my life."

Diewu Tianya, Lao Tao, Bian Ji and others also walked out: "Although I don't know what will happen inside, it seems that I can help the third master, so I am obligated."

"Thank you, Third Master, for taking me in."

"Thank you..."

Lu Yin clenched his fists as he watched everyone jump into the Jiangtai Hell one by one and endure the torture of cause and effect.

He has always ignored that he and Wujiang are a whole. He fights alone and protects Wujiang, but are these people on Wujiang willing to be protected? Since they left the Tianyuan Universe, they have put life and death aside. They have been able to reach this point without fear of life and death.

When Lu Yin came back covered in blood while supporting the ancestor, they felt humiliated.

The humiliation of being protected.

Lu Yin wants to protect Wujiang as much as possible, why don't they want to protect Lu Yin?

As long as they can do their part for Lu Yin, they will not hesitate, even if the process is painful.

Lu Yin no longer stopped him. He had experienced a lot of pain. Everyone had to pay something if they wanted to gain something. He belonged to Tianyuan Universe, and so did these people. What they did was not only for Lu Yin, but also for Tianyuan Universe. , for the countless hearts waiting for them to return.

"Let's go." Xing Toad kicked the force beast over.

The force beast was aggrieved, gave Lu Yin a thumbs up, and jumped into the Jiangtai Hell without fear of death.

Xuwang grinned and looked at Lu Yin fawningly, expecting something, and then he was carried in by Mu Zhu.

Star Toad's face was full of bitterness. It didn't want to go in, but the ancestor's eyes were staring at it.

Yuan Qi's face twitched, but he still had to go in. How could such a thing happen? These people are crazy.

Yi Shang gloated about his misfortune, he has been there, you can slowly experience the feeling.

Finally, the ancestor went to Dianjiangtai Hell.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed: "Senior, your injury."

The ancestor smiled: "Zhuzi, if only one person can go back alive, we would rather it be you." After saying that, he jumped into the Dianjiangtai Hell.

In an instant, the sky and the earth roared, and countless voices came to Lu Yin's ears. The cause and effect of heaven surged crazily, and the catalog of gods rose into the sky, as if there were silhouettes shining.

Lu Yin closed his eyes. At this moment, the law of cause and effect reached a certain extreme.

Linghua Universe and Tianyuan Universe, most of the elites of the two universe eras entered the Dianjiangtai Hell. Even Lu Yin did not know what the cause and effect heaven would become, and he had never thought about it.

In this case, let this way of heaven truly become the way of heaven.

This is his desire and everyone's desire.

In the universe of consciousness, all living things look in the same direction almost at the same time, causing heart palpitations.

They don't understand where this palpitation comes from, because they can't see the power of cause and effect, but they instinctively feel like they are being controlled. This feeling is very uncomfortable, especially for top masters like Yu Sangtian and Yue Ya.

"The power of Qinglian Shangyu?" Yu Sangtian looked surprised. He couldn't see the power, so he guessed it was cause and effect. Cause and effect made him so palpitating. Lu Yin couldn't do it. Only Qinglian Shangyu, not It must be that Qinglian Shangyu has arrived.

In the realm of Yiland, at the end of the moon, Chaoyi and the others thought the same as Yu Sangtian: "Qinglian Shangyu is here?"

Chaoyi's expression changed for the first time, with respect and awe in his eyes. How could it be that if Lord Qinglian came, why would he be sent here? But this invisible power is clearly the feeling of cause and effect. Apart from Qinglian Shangyu, he can't think of anyone who can have such power.

The three superior gods have different powers and can be clearly distinguished.

Yue Ya's face is ugly, Qinglian Shangyu, is Qinglian Shangyu really coming? Impossible, why did Qinglian Shangyu come?

The old man and the others were shocked. They had never experienced such unfathomable power. It was like a big hand covering the entire universe of consciousness. This was definitely a power at the level of immortality.

Emperor Mie Wu rolled his eyes, damn it, this trip to the consciousness universe shouldn't have come, and he shouldn't have come to kill him.

All creatures in the conscious universe are trembling, immersed in this power.

Lu Yin is far from the power of cause and effect of Qinglian Lord, but because he gathered the elites of the two universes, his power of cause and effect suddenly surpassed consciousness, strength, divine power, etc., and became the closest to the great misfortune.

The power of perfection, because this power surged so fast that he was temporarily unable to control it, this caused the entire universe of consciousness to feel it.

In fact, compared to Qinglian Shangyu, his power of cause and effect is like fishing for the moon in the water. It looks like the moon, but in fact it can be seen but cannot be touched.

But unless a powerful person from the Immortal Realm comes, or Yu Sangtian and others fight against him, he cannot tell the difference.

Just like the power of illusion exerted by eternity.

Suddenly, the cause and effect of heaven shrank, all concentrated on the catalog of gods.

Lu Yin looked at the catalog of gods, and a strange feeling suddenly arose.

Ever since he understood the Self-Illuminating Heaven Technique, his power began to change, especially the understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect, which transformed the two inherited talents of the Lu family, Fengshen Tulu and Dianjiangtai.

In the past, the dianjiangtai and the catalog of gods could no longer give him any help, but it was different now.

Clicking on the General Platform can increase cause and effect, and Lu Yin stared blankly at the Illustrated Book of the Gods, no way, how can this be done?

The contraction of the law of cause and effect restores calm to the universe of consciousness.

Everyone was waiting for Qinglian Shangyu to arrive, but a few days passed and Qinglian Shangyu did not appear. However, Yu Sangtian, Yue Ya and the others still could not relax and waited anxiously.

Lu Yin released the ancestors and others.

After leaving Dianjiangtai Hell, everyone looked pale and looked at Lu Yin with shock in his eyes.

They knew that the Dianjiangtai Hell was very painful, otherwise those captured by Lu Yin would not have been able to cooperate obediently after going there, especially Yi Shang. I have always been curious about Diantai Hell, but now that I have experienced it myself, I finally understand it.

To be honest, if they were given another choice, although they would still go in to help Lu Yin, their mentality would definitely be different. They would rather go in unconscious.

Facing the crowd, Lu Yin slowly bent down: "Junior Lu Yin, thank you all seniors for your support."

Everyone dispersed. Although he was not injured, his mentality was a bit broken and it would take some time to recover.

The ancestors, Lu Tianyi and the others were just willing. Xing Toad really wanted to give Lu Yin a fork. This bastard actually created such a disgusting power. It saw Tai Lao Lao again and was chased and beaten for three days. Sanye, if he had known this, he would not have gone in even if he was killed.

Yuan Qi's face turned pale, and there was deep confusion in his eyes, as well as murderous intent, not against Lu Yin, but against Yuan Tu, his son.

Dianjiangtai Hell, the cycle of cause and effect, whatever happens to a person, the emotions experienced may reappear, allowing that emotion to be clearly presented. A person's life cannot be full of happiness, but also sadness, despair, and pain. Wait, these emotions all exploded at that moment, which is the source of pain.

Yuan Qi saw the past in Dianjiangtai Hell. The Yuan family reported that Yuan Tu was not his son, and he also ordered Yuan Tu to be executed. It was normal, but he didn't know about this. If he knew, It is impossible for the original family to take action.

He is a ruthless person, otherwise he would not return to the Linghua Universe. After returning to the Linghua Universe, he never went back to the Lushan Region. Others thought that he did not want to recall the past. In fact, he did not know about the past at all. He just simply did not miss the old feelings. In this way How can people care about the life and death of the original picture.

Now Yuan Qi is full of confusion. Is the person who clearly knows this actually him?

He suddenly remembered the strange questions that Dou Sheng Tianzun asked before, about his son's relationship with him, and whether his son looked like him. Obviously, Dou Sheng Tianzun knew something. After that, he was transferred to Nanyou Realm to guard Lu Yin. At that time, he was also a little worried. Weird, there's definitely a connection here.

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