Star Odyssey

Chapter 3756 Different levels

The history of the stars is older than them. These stars may have been there since the conscious universe was restarted. Speaking of which, has the conscious universe really been restarted?

These were the words Lu Yin said while enduring the memory shock on the cliff. The old man didn't believe it, but he couldn't refute it. No one knew whether the conscious universe had been restarted.

It's a pity that they haven't touched Yitian Palace yet. It originally belonged to them, but now, nothing is left.

Withdrawing their gaze, the three of them continued to approach the border.

"What is that?" Xiwen exclaimed.

The old man and Shuang Dao looked ahead, and saw the stars crashing towards them as if they were spiritual. Although these stars were big, for the old man and the others they could destroy them with a flip of their hands. They could not understand these stars now. Why did it suddenly hit him? He obviously didn't notice any other force.

With a wave of his hand, the frost knife shattered several stars. At the moment when the stars were shattered, consciousness roared past in the form of air waves visible to the naked eye.

The old man, Shuang Dao and Xi Wen were stunned on the spot and paused for a moment.

"Let's go." As the old man shouted, the three of them rushed out. At this moment, the old man was the fastest and threw Shuang Dao and Xi Wen away. His heart sank to the bottom, and the uneasiness made him feel nervous behind him. Cool, and the consciousness just now, I felt right, it belonged to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin took action. He must have been keeping an eye on Yi Tianque and took advantage of Yue Ya and the others' split.

The old man regretted that he should not have escaped. He should have stayed with Yue Ya and the others, so that Lu Yin would have no chance to take action. Damn it, how could this person keep an eye on the realm of Yi Land?

Shuang Dao and Xi Wen couldn't see the old man in a blink of an eye. They were not surprised. They had to escape from the universe of consciousness.

Suddenly, in front of them, they saw the old man, who stopped where he was and did not move.

Shuang Dao and Xi Wen looked at each other, approached the old man, followed his gaze, and saw Lu Yin waiting for them leisurely at the border exit.

Lu Yin sat on the fragment of the door, looking at the old man and the others with a smile on his face: "Where are you planning to go in such a hurry? Everyone of Thirteen Elephants."

The old man's eyes flickered and he stared at Lu Yin: "Your Excellency, you want to block the way?"

Lu Yin looked at him with a smile: "I guessed it right, you plan to go to Tianyuan Universe. No need to bother, Wujiang can send you there."

Shuang Dao's eyes narrowed sharply, he clenched the blade and slashed it down, Dao Tianxue.

Xi Wen raised his hand, and the big peeling plate pressed down on Lu Yin.

They knew it was useless, but they couldn't let Lu Yin catch him.

The old man took a deep breath. This was the most dangerous battle in his history. He never thought about winning. He just wanted to escape. Either escape or die. There was no third way.

Heaven and earth lock.

Invisible locks fell from the void, trying to lock Lu Yin's knowledge of the outside world and his thinking.

Lu Yin raised his eyes, and in his hand, there was a spiral of cause and effect.

As the spiral of cause and effect was driven out, it penetrated the heaven and earth locks, and all around, locks imprisoned Shuang Dao and Xi Wen.

Shuangdao and Xiwen were shocked and looked at the old man, why did he attack them?

The old man is dull, what's going on? He obviously took action against Lu Yin, why?

Lu Yin smiled lightly, the law of cause and effect and self-created cause and effect can not only change the past trajectory of living things and increase cause and effect, but also change the traces of battles.

Lu Yin just added a cause and effect, the Heaven and Earth Lock, at the moment when the old man took action. The target was himself. He only needed to increase the position of his existence to the position of Shuang Dao and Xi Wen. This was a very simple change. It would consume too much cause and effect, and the result would satisfy Lu Yin


He can also create other causes and effects, such as making the frost knife become the target of the boss, but this will increase the cause and effect of the creature, which is too costly and not worth it.

The old man and the others couldn't figure out what Lu Yin had done. The Heaven and Earth Lock not only trapped Shuangdao and the others, but also broke Dao Tianxue and Dapi Tianpan.

The old man hurriedly dispelled the Heaven and Earth Lock, and looked at Lu Yin uneasily: "Master Lu, Yue Ya is your biggest enemy. Now Jiuchiyuan and Yue Ya are fighting, why don't you take the opportunity to deal with Yue Ya, there is no need to waste time on us."

Lu Yin agreed: "That's right, I shouldn't waste time on you." After saying that, he stood up, stepped forward, and approached the old man.

The old man's eyes changed, and his consciousness suddenly shot forward. At the same time, Shuang Dao and Xi Wen's consciousness also shot forward.

Since Lu Yin deliberately blocked them in front, how could he let them go so easily? This battle was inevitable.

The old man quickly retreated, preventing Lu Yin from approaching.

However, the Heaven and Earth Lock came and trapped the old man, Shuang Dao and the others. This was Lu Yin's Heaven and Earth Lock. Its power surpassed that of the old man. It was struck with his consciousness. It was equivalent to what Yue Ya and the others had arranged for Lu Yin in the realm of mind. trap.

The old man was shocked. He didn't expect Lu Yin's consciousness to be so terrifying. It had far surpassed him: "How much conscious life have you absorbed?"

"You will know." Lu Yin said lightly, his body passed through Shuang Dao and Xi Wen, and instantly appeared in front of the old man, five meters away, blending in.

As Lu Yin's consciousness returned to his body, the old man fell to the ground. In a blur, he also saw Shuang Dao and Xi Wen falling to the ground at the same time. When?

The old man was defeated because Lu Yin merged into his body, and Shuang Dao and Xi Wen were defeated because of their strength.

At this moment, the terrifying power of Lu Yin was beyond the knowledge of the boss and the others. It was almost completely different from the first duel. He absorbed the foundation sequence particles of Sealing Heaven, and his power reached a higher level.

Even if Yu Sangtian uses his heart like a rock to fight against the stars and borrows the power of the stars in the universe, he may not be able to defeat Lu Yin again.

Because Yu Sangtian's own sequence rules also have limits.

He was looking forward to another duel with Yu Sangtian.

Looking at the three people who fell to the ground, the thirteen days of phenomena have come to an end, except for Bu Wen who is hiding in the Linghua Universe.

The master of the conscious universe is the thirteen-day phenomenon, but the thirteen-day phenomenon cannot support the conscious universe.

If he had not been able to stop Linghua Universe’s conquest, the master of Tianyuan Universe would have changed.

In the distance, Emperor Mie Wu opened his mouth wide and stared blankly. He saw it. When he saw Lu Yin easily defeating the old man and the others, an unbelievable feeling filled his mind.

It was inevitable that Lu Yin could win, but he could win so quickly and easily, even Yu Sangtian couldn't do it.

During the Thirteen Days, the old man's consciousness level reached the level of Yu Sangtian. Even if he were to challenge Yu Sangtian, he would not lose so quickly. Did Lu Yin take Dali Pill?

Lu Yin's eyes suddenly caught sight of Emperor Mie Wu's expression changing. He showed a smile within a thousandth of a second and bent over, looking so naive. Only he knew the bitterness in his heart.

several times? I rushed across the border and came back. I rushed across the border and came back. Now, I can’t even cross the border? So sad.

Lu Yin waved to Emperor Mie Wu.

Mie Wuhuang passed over obediently, escape? That's impossible, not even in this life. It's impossible to cast any Mirror of the End of the World in front of this guy, and there's no way to escape.

Soon, Mie Wuhuang ran over and showed Lu Yin a smile so brilliant that it could transcend eternity: "Master, are you looking for me?"

Lu Yin looked at him: "Are you leaving?"

Emperor Mie Wu licked his lips and tested: "Aren't you leaving?"

"You're asking me?"

"Then shall I leave?"

"Are you used to answering my questions with questions?"

Isn’t it the same for you? Emperor Miewu wanted to say something, but he didn't dare: "Well, I will leave if the boss tells me to, and I won't leave if I don't. It all depends on the boss."

Lu Yin raised his hand and landed on Emperor Mie Wu's shoulder.

Emperor Mie Wu's heart trembled, and he subconsciously shrank his body a little to make it easier for Lu Yin to take pictures of him.

His hand was very light and he patted it.

Emperor Miewu breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the point of offending me? You scolded me at the cliff. Let's settle the matter."

Emperor Miewu didn't know how to answer: "Whatever the leader says is whatever it is."

"Go to Tianyuan Universe and help me take care of it." Lu Yin said calmly.

Emperor Mie Wu promised: "I promised you before I cared about Tianque. Don't worry, I promise that as long as I live for one day, Tianyuan Universe will be under my protection. No, under your halo, I will protect it with my life."

Lu Yin waved his hand.

Emperor Miewu was worried: "Then, I'm leaving?"

Lu Yin ignored him and looked into the distance. In that direction, Chao Yi and Yue Ya teamed up to chase Yan Bo Hao Miao. That battle was almost over.

Emperor Mie Wu left, rushed through the broken door, saw the distance, and left without looking back.

Finally left, is this the legendary thing but three? I was beaten back several times, and finally escaped from that hellish place. He had never felt that the distance was so comfortable.

Although this Lu Yin is a bit despicable and shameless, his virtue is not bad and he is very close to himself. Forget it, I won’t scold him anymore. Now go to Tianyuan Universe to help him a little. Tianyuan Universe is such a big universe and there are many people. Mie Wuhuang's face was solemn, the German flag was not enough, he needed to make more.

He wants the German flag to fly in every corner of the Tianyuan universe.

"Yue Ya, I, Jiu Chi Garden, have sacrificed everything for you. If you betray me, Jiu Chi Garden, there will be no good results in the future." Yan Bo Haomao screamed, vomiting blood and covering his chest. The ruler beside him cracked.

Yanbo Hongli stared at Chao Yi, his delicate face stained with blood, his long red hair cut off, and he was in a very embarrassed state.

Opposite me, Yue Ya's eyes were cold: "It's your fault. Jiu Chiyuan was willing to help me, but still regretted it at the last step. You should know that Chaoyi can help me more than you, so you should die for me."

"You." Yanbo Haomiao was extremely angry, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was ashen.

Yanbo Hongli supported Yanbo Haomiao and said, "Ancestor, we misjudged the person."

Yanbo Haomiao said bitterly: "Little Li, it's the ancestor who is sorry for you. You should find a way to escape and leave the ancestor alone."

Yanbo Hongli shook his head. They were not wrong. They could only say that Yue Ya was too shameless.

In the land of Yili, forcing Yue Ya to take action against Chao Yi was their only way to survive. They thought Yue Ya would care about his reputation and the idea of ​​​​thirteen days of phenomena and give up joining forces with Chao Yi. However, they underestimated Yue Ya's despicableness and overestimated it. The importance of the thirteen zodiac signs to Yue Ya.

Even if they didn't take action at that time, what was waiting for them was to be killed by Chao Yi, and they couldn't even escape here.

From the moment they entered the universe of consciousness, Jiu Chi Garden was gone.

The starry sky trembled, and Chao Yi took action, and Yue Ya's Sikong Jian dark golden light enveloped the sky, gradually flooding the starry sky.

Lu Yin watched calmly, he could see clearly through the stars.

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