Star Odyssey

Chapter 3759 Center

Chao Yi was thinking about another thing. Previously, he felt the power of cause and effect in the realm of mind. He thought it was the Lord Qinglian who had come. He thought a lot about it. If the Lord Qinglian came to the universe of consciousness, why would Death Hill send him? he comes.

He thought about it for a while, but when he saw that Qinglian Shangyu didn't show up, he didn't think more about it.

No matter what Qinglian Shangyu and Shiqiu think, he just needs to complete his mission.

Now that he heard that Lu Yin understood the power of cause and effect, he suddenly felt a chill. That power of cause and effect couldn't belong to this person.

Chao Yi looked at Lu Yin in shock.

Lu Yin raised his hand, with the cause and effect spiral entwining on his fingertips, and casually threw it towards Chao Yi: "Try it if you don't believe me."

Avoiding it subconsciously, he couldn't see it, but he could feel it, yes, it was the power of cause and effect.

When he looked at Lu Yin, his eyes changed completely. This man really understood the cause and effect.

"Now that I want to take the position of God of Control, it's not too much." Lu Yin said confidently.

Chaoyi stared at Lu Yin. Let alone the God of Lower Imperial Guards, even if this person wanted to be the God of Imperial Guards, it was not too much. After all, it was the power of cause and effect. Of course, whether he could finally achieve the position of Imperial Guards and step into eternal life would depend on his cultivation. , but in the eyes of everyone in Jiuxiao Universe, the power of cause and effect is the shortcut to eternal life.

None of the sleeping geniuses in Shaoyu Tower have understood the power of cause and effect.

Throughout the ages, only Qingren Shangyu was the only one in history who understood this power when he was young.

How amazing and talented is this person?

Once it is transmitted back to Jiuxiao Universe, it will cause such a shock.

Yue Ya has been hiding it all this time.

"Okay, I'll help you bring this condition."

After speaking, he looked at Lu Yin and said, "You will go to Jiuxiao Universe."

"Of course, otherwise what will happen to my position as the God of Control?" Lu Yin said.

He nodded towards Yidian: "Welcome to Death Hill as a guest." After saying that, he left.

Watching Chao Yi leave, Luo He and the others were helpless. They wished they could leave with Chao Yi.

Lu Yin threw them into the Supreme Mountain, it was time to increase their consciousness.

The old man, Shuang Dao and Xi Wen were all caught. Lu Yin immediately began to absorb Xi Wen's consciousness, followed closely by Shuang Dao.

No matter how much they begged or how much they wanted to show their value, it was not as straightforward as Lu Yin's enhancement of consciousness.

After the majestic consciousness of the two Thirteen Elephants was absorbed, Lu Yin's head felt heavy. He felt like there was a mountain on his head, and he could see the universe of consciousness more and more clearly.

He saw Yu Sangtian and Yue Ya, who landed on the planet.

Don't worry, wait until you absorb the old man's consciousness before dealing with them.

Lu Yin was looking forward to seeing their shocked expressions.

They didn't know that they had captured the old man and the others.

Lu Yin approached the old man five meters away. The old man wanted to say something, but he was already absorbed into Lu Yin's consciousness.

The old man is the longest surviving starry sky-level conscious being in the conscious universe, and his memory is vaster than Wuwei and others. Lu Yin cannot even see clearly the memories of Wuwei and the others, let alone the old man.

The Heaven and Earth Lock is the only memory that Lu Yin needs to read. There may be other valuable memories, but Lu Yin cannot find them accurately, and his memory cannot bear it.

Suddenly, Lu Yin's consciousness returned to his body, and he looked at the old man in a daze. The memory could not bear it. Yes, the memory could not bear it. Isn't this the pressure on the memory on the cliff of Yi Tian Que? However, the pressure was obvious, and reading the old man's memory at this moment was not so obvious, but the vast memory would still make it unbearable.

It's tangible, you can feel it, but you can't resist it.

An intangible thing that cannot be felt, but can be rejected.

These are two forms of memory. If he can transfer the pressure of the cliff on the string of memory into the invisible pressure of memory, it means that he can reject that memory, which means that he can approach the palace.

The more I think about it, the more excited I become. Sometimes the epiphany comes in just a moment, and you can transform it if you catch it.

Lu Yin looked at the old man eagerly. He had to find a way to change the vast and endless memory of the old man into a tangible memory oppression. In this way, he could reverse the tangible memory oppression and change it into an invisible and rejectable memory.

He didn't know if anyone had thought of it before, probably not.

Not everyone has this kind of opportunity.

The six o'clock on the dice allowed him to continuously integrate into other people's bodies, and he became accustomed to seeing other people's memories, which made him extremely capable of withstanding the pressure of memory.

Consciousness makes his memory stronger.

The old man, a creature with a boundless memory, was just the right place for him to experiment.

The epiphany is just the final touch.

But it is definitely not easy to implement.

The old man looked at Lu Yin's hot eyes, his heart was filled with despair, but now he felt fear.

He was instinctively afraid of death, but he couldn't avoid it. He was already desperate. However, what did Lu Yin's eyes mean at this moment? Why is it so scary?

Lu Yin informed Wujiang that no one should disturb him and just focus on grasping his conscious life. He wanted to try his idea. If successful, he could really get close to the palace.

Oh, and there's another problem. He can't climb the cliff.

But this is not too much trouble. He wants to climb the cliff, and Yu Sangtian wants to do the same. He has thought of a way to get close to the palace, and Yu Sangtian is also confident that he can get close to the palace. The two sides have the same goal, and sooner or later they can unite again.

On the other side, Chao Yi left, Jiu Chi Garden was destroyed, and his mission was completed. Now he was eager to return to Death Hill, not only to report the mission, but also to report Lu Yin's matter to the emperor.

A cultivator who understands cause and effect is like a strong man who has opened the path to eternal life and must be cautious.

A green lotus leaf emerged from the universe of consciousness, crossed the invisible road, and headed towards the Jiuxiao universe.

Chaoyi's eyes were heavy. Lu Yin was not just a genius who understood cause and effect. He was the Lord of the Tianyuan Universe. He was qualified and powerful enough to participate in the top game in the universe. He could lead Wujiang Kill to spiritualize the universe and let Yu Sangtian There is no choice but to let Yue Ya ask for it but he can't get it. This person is no worse than anyone else in terms of strength, scheming, and skill.

How should we deal with such people?

Just as he was thinking about it, his body suddenly stiffened, and an indescribable feeling made him feel cold all over. He was being watched, who was watching him? Who can watch him? He was riding a green lotus, and even masters like Yu Sangtian and Yue Ya couldn't catch up with him.


Chao Yi slowly turned his head and saw a pair of eyes, bright and soft, looking at him with eyes full of admiration and friendliness.

It was a young man with a handsome appearance, wearing a black and white loose robe, looking at him with a half-smile.

His eyes are so clear and his smile is so clean.

Just standing there, in the endless darkness of the starry sky, a beam of white light lit up from his place, illuminating the entire square inch, as if he was the center of this square inch.

Chao Yi stared blankly at the young man, Yiye Qinglian was very fast, far faster than the springboard, but at this moment, time and space seemed to have stopped.

From the moment his eyes met with that young man's, the distance became fixed at that moment.

It's a very strange feeling. I can't describe it. It's like going shopping and everyone in the store is there.

Make way just to bring the customer to the most distinguished position. Even if there is a wall in front of you and the customer does not want to go around, the wall must be demolished.

That's what it feels like.

The universe is making way for this young man.

Not for anything else, just because he wanted to take another look at himself.

This glance made Chaoyi feel honored.

When the young man saw him, he put his hands on his chest and slowly bent down, polite and natural.

Neither party said a word.

When the young man straightened up.

He could no longer be seen in the morning, and a leaf of green lotus took him far away.

Yes, at the speed of a green lotus leaf, even a strong man who has overcome hardships cannot leave a silhouette. Was that scene just an illusion?

Looking back, I can't see anything. The universe is deep and the starry sky is boundless. There is nothing but everything within a small distance.

Is that young man real or fake?

Can anyone keep up with the speed of a green lotus leaf?

At the border of the conscious universe, the broken portal has long become a decoration. It can neither prevent the creatures inside from leaving, nor prevent the creatures from outside from entering.

A figure suddenly appeared, standing on the fragments of the portal, standing upright and looking into the distance.

The black and white robe was fluttering in the wind, and the hair flowed along the ears, making light ripples.

The arm was raised, the fingers were long and slowly opened, and the white palm was so clean.

The moment the palm opened, the universe of consciousness vibrated invisible, a vortex appeared on the palm, and disappeared in an instant. Then, sharp fragments came from all directions and slowly fell on the palm. After a while, they combined into a If Yue Ya and the others see this long sword, they will find that this long sword is a sky-made sword that has been shrunk countless times.

"Oh? There are still a few pieces left. Isn't it so easy to get it back? I hope they will give me some face." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

In the conscious universe, on a planet, dark golden clouds float. Yue Ya has no intention of returning to the Jiuxiao Universe, nor does he want to go back again.

He encouraged Jiu Chi Garden to break the ban, which is tantamount to breaking the ban, and intervening in the affairs of the three universes is not tolerated by Jiuxiao Universe. If he goes back now, not to mention that he has been deprived of his position as the God of Control, even if he has not been deprived, he will be unlucky.

The God of Xiayu is the ultimate master second only to the Immortal Realm, but he is not the only such master in Jiuxiao Universe.

This universe of consciousness is the last place in his career, where he must either transform, become immortal and invincible, or die.

He was waiting for Yu Sangtian's plan, and no one could help him except Yu Sangtian.

Although Yu Sangtian and Lu Yin are united, they are mortal enemies after all.

And that guy.

Just as he was thinking about it, a figure appeared in front of his eyes, which startled Yue Ya.

Yue Ya stared blankly at the visitor. He was a cloud, but his eyesight fell on the visitor.

"A good thinking body."

Yue Ya couldn't believe it, how did this guy show up? Not even Yu Sangtian or Lu Yin could get so close to him in an instant, it was impossible.

No one has ever done it.

Although he did not cover the universe of consciousness with Si Kongjian, he did cover the surrounding area. As long as he entered the scope of Si Kongjian, it was impossible not to be discovered, but this person.

"You seem surprised. Did I scare you? I'm sorry, I'll pay attention to it in the future."

"Who are you?" Yue Ya shouted sharply, retreating suddenly, his heart suddenly lifted, and an inexplicable panic appeared. He actually panicked? This man was polite, but for some reason it made him panic, instinctively panicking.

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