Star Odyssey

Chapter 3767: Catching the Light Spot

Emperor Mie Wu smiled brightly: "Senior, you are so ridiculous. It is Xiao Wu's lifelong honor to serve for senior. From birth to now, Xiao Wu has been waiting for the moment to serve senior. This moment is the embodiment of Xiao Wu's life value and is Xiao Wu's most glorious moment is enough to illuminate the entire distance, senior, please feel free to give me your orders, Xiao Wu would like to thank you."

Che looked at Emperor Mie Wu's sincere face and listened to his endless talk. He was a little at a loss for a moment. He was so enthusiastic. This man was so enthusiastic that he was embarrassed to speak.

"Ahem, you're too polite, you don't have to be like this."

"Senior, please don't be polite."

"No, it's just that I'm just here to get my things back, if it's convenient for you."

"Convenient, convenient for everything." Emperor Mie Wu took out the Ning Kong Ring and handed it directly to Che.

Che looked at Ning Kong Jie: "There are so many good people."

"I want the edge fragment, that's what's on my weapon."

Mie Wuhuang's eyelids twitched, his sharp edge fragmented? He had it. The thing was scattered around from the broken sky-made sword. He took it conveniently. His weapon, his weapon. Emperor Miewu swallowed his saliva again. Sure enough, he was in the immortal realm. Except for the immortal realm, who else Can you still use that thing as a weapon?

Emperor Mie Wu hurriedly took out the sharp fragment and handed it to Che.

Che took it and smiled: "Thank you."

Emperor Miewu lowered his head: "You're welcome. It is Xiao Wu's luck to be able to serve senior. Xiao Wu would also like to thank senior. Every second he meets senior is worth remembering for Xiao Wu's lifetime."

Che was not very good at dealing with such people. Their enthusiasm and politeness made him uncomfortable. Seeing Emperor Mie Wu's attitude being so good, he hesitated for a moment: "Thank you very much for returning my things to me. Otherwise, I will also give them to you." What did you order?"

Emperor Mie Wu was overjoyed: "Being able to receive a gift from Senior is something Xiao Wu never dared to dream of. Can Xiao Wu carve out the voice, face, and smile of Senior to pay homage to him throughout his life?"

"There's no need for that." Che glanced at Emperor Miewu's right index finger. Then, Emperor Miewu raised his hand unconsciously. He couldn't control his body.

This feeling frightened him, but since he had been controlled by Yue Ya once before, he was used to it.

"I left a force on the index finger of your right hand. You can use it if you are in danger. Then, I'm leaving." Che said softly, with a warm smile.

Emperor Mie Wu slowly lowered his right hand and knelt down to Che: "Xiao Wu thanks Senior for giving me strength. Although Xiao Wu is delusional, can I become a disciple of Senior? Xiao Wu is willing to ride for Senior for the rest of his life. He just wants to see Senior's heart." With such a beautiful voice and smile, Xiao Wu could die with a peaceful mind."

no respond.

Suddenly, the body flew away uncontrollably, and the familiar feeling came back. This was the inertial force of the springboard. Can it still be picked up?

Emperor Mie Wu looked around and Che left.

He licked his lips and breathed a sigh of relief. He was finally gone. The pervert, who not only caught up with him, but also changed the inertial force of the springboard, must be the old guy in the immortal realm.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and said nice things, otherwise I would have died.

At this moment, his back was soaked. He wiped off the sweat and looked at his right index finger. He had left power on his index finger. It must be the power of the immortal realm. It's great. He can finally threaten Yu Sangtian. With the power of a strong man, I finally have some confidence.

I don't know when I started to feel insecure as a person who was extremely strong in enduring hardships.

Escape from the spiritual universe

Fire City, and was forced to go to the conscious universe from Torch Fire City. The experience of the conscious universe was simply a nightmare.

This Che got the sharp fragments from himself. The remaining sharp fragments are in the conscious universe. He will definitely get them. Lu Yin, Lu Yin, you are really in trouble. I hope you can survive. Living is at least better than Yu Sangtian.

A year passed quickly. Within this year, Lu Yin caught more than two hundred points of light.

To catch a speck of light on a meteorite, it would take about five days for the smallest residual world. It didn't even take a day for Lu Yin to get that crazy feeling, but this didn't mean that Lu Yin could catch the speck of light non-stop.

To catch the light spots, one must bring up that crazy and manic feeling. It’s okay to experience this feeling once in a while, but experiencing it continuously will make Lu Yin mentally overwhelmed. Within this year, he continued to catch the light spots from the beginning to After that, I would take a break every half a day, then a day, or even two or three days, all because my energy was too much.

In one year, he only caught more than two hundred spots of light.

More than two hundred light points are equivalent to being able to hit the Sancang Sword Intent with the destructive power of the Immortal Realm more than two hundred times. It seems quite impressive, but you must know that the strong man who is qualified to force him to use the light points is either like Yu Sang This kind of thing, one or two swords are enough to cause heavy damage, and you don't need so many, or you are in the real immortal state. Facing the real immortal state, there is not much difference between the chances of taking action more than two hundred times and the chance of taking action twice, because the shots in the immortal state are ,no limit.

It is equivalent to using more than 200 shots to face a strong man with unlimited shot opportunities. However, these 200+ shots are only limited to Sancang Sword Intent and Heaven and Earth Lock. How can those who can cultivate to the realm of immortality not see this? Get out of Lu Yin's limitations.

Therefore, having more or less light spots does not mean much. What matters is how to use them.

In this regard, Lu Yin hasn't found a better way yet.

The only consolation is that even someone of Yu Sangtian's level can't sustain a few swords, and Lu Yin can be regarded as the strongest person in the immortal realm.

And during this year, when he didn't have a chance to capture the light, he was picking bricks. Because there were never too many bricks, he didn't know if Qinglian Shangyu would notice if he was picking bricks like this. There was nothing he could do about it. He has done everything in the Linghua Universe. Nothing happened to the Linghua Universe so close to the Jiuxiao Universe. The Consciousness Universe will only be safer.

Go ahead, pick up the bricks and grab the light spots.

Yue Ya and Yu Sangtian didn't show up, but Lu Yin saw Meteorite a few times and said hello, but Meteorite ignored him.

In the Tianyuan Universe, at the border, inside the portal, there was a huge fortress filled with singing and dancing, extremely luxurious, and countless cultivators stared at it dumbfounded.

They were guarding the border and had been very quiet. I had never seen such a scene before.

That huge fortress is based on the planet, it is the Conquest of Disaster.

All members of the Disaster Conquest tribe live in the fortress. Because of their unique method of obtaining power, the Disaster Conquest tribe members have a very short lifespan, with an average of only about two hundred years old, even though they have powerful destructive power.

Once upon a time, Lu Yin could help the ancestor of the Ezhi Conquest to free himself from the power in his body, but because he was not sure whether he would still be a madman after freeing himself from the power, he finally discussed with the current leader of the Ezhi Conquest, Enan, and decided not to change the status quo and first use Ezhi's power. The power of Ancestor Jia increases the number of powerful people in the Ancestral Realm of the Tianyuan Universe.

Today, more than sixty years have passed since Wujiang left the Tianyuan Universe. For cultivators, not much has changed in the past sixty years, but for the Expedition of Disaster, a number of people have died of old age. Today’s clan leader, Disaster

The deadline is not far away.

Ernan is the son of Erji. After Erji died, Ernan became the clan leader. Over the years, Ernan's son Erkai has grown up and continues to receive more powerful blood power from the ancestor of Erji. Ernan is relieved.

After walking out of the fortress, An Nan looked back with complicated eyes.

He wanted to help Tianyuan Universe complete a mission and bring an insect nest to the Linghua Universe.

This is Jiang Feng's suggestion. Master Qingcao wants to use Tianyuan Universe as a shield for the spiritual universe. How can Tianyuan Universe let him do whatever he wants? If he wants to fight, he will fight. If he doesn't, Tianyuan Universe also has his own plan.

This resolution was approved by everyone, and the candidates were chosen over and over again, and finally fell on the head of Disaster.

Ernan has combat power close to the beginning, and is qualified to send the insect nest to the spiritual universe. However, this trip is almost a narrow escape. He is on the verge of death, so he is just qualified.

In addition to taking the insect nest to the spiritual universe, he also has a mission, which is to find out as much as possible about Wujiang's situation and come back alive if possible.

Standing by the border gate, Ekai's eyes were red and he looked at Ernan: "Father, you will come back, right?"

Beside him, Jiang Feng, Lu Yuan and others were all there to see him off.

Ernan looked at Ekai and said with a smile: "Of course, there are still decades left before my father's deadline. He won't die that easily. You, my boy, live well. What is the most important task of our conquest of E? To carry on the family line, do you remember?"

In the Ejia Conquest, the more people there are, the more they can share the power of Ancestor Ejia, and the more they can increase the number of powerful people in Tianyuan Universe.

This is what Lu Yin said to the Ezhi Conquest. Nowadays, there are many tribesmen of the Ezhi Conquest on Wujiang. They were all born in the Mirage Territory and received power.

Ekai clenched his fist: "I understand, father."

Ernan nodded with complicated eyes: "Don't worry about me. There is actually no danger in going to Fang Cun Distance. At least there is no danger before coming into contact with spiritual universe cultivators. Even if there is, father, I have a combat power close to the beginning. Not everyone can deal with the spiritual universe."

"On the contrary, Tianyuan Universe is more dangerous."

Ekai said in a deep voice: "I will definitely protect my people."

Ernan took a deep breath and looked beyond Erkai to the fortress of Er's Conquest.

It seems that they are singing and dancing, and the luxury is boundless. In fact, the people of the tribe are suffering more than anyone else. In the universe and starry sky, any cultivator can have a life span of hundreds of years or more. If he reaches the star envoy, semi-ancestor, or ancestral realm, although he is not eternal life, his life span is also extremely high. Chief, where are they?

What's the use of power coming easily.

"The clansmen are all watching you." Ekai said.

Ernan nodded: "I know, let them continue playing." At this point, he smiled and said: "I will come back and ride Wujiang."

Ekai cheered up: "I'm waiting for you, father."

On top of the fortress, all eyes are looking towards the border gate. Under the joyful atmosphere, there is the sadness of parting.

Ernan greeted Jiang Feng and the others. There was no need to say more. What needed to be said had already been said.

He took the insect nest with him, stepped onto the springboard, and quickly disappeared.

The people around them dispersed, and the huge fortress of Disaster's Conquest also left.

Jiang Feng stood there, still looking at the empty springboard, and said to himself: "I hope I didn't do anything wrong."

Behind him, a beautiful figure walked out: "What are you worried about?"

Jiang Feng did not answer or look back.

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