Star Odyssey

Chapter 3773 Encounter

Fingertips, cause and effect play out, create for me.

Karma penetrated Lu Yin himself and hit the back. No need to look, the claws were so big that there was no need to aim.

Karma and light spots merged and penetrated the sharp claws. The moment they touched the claws, Karma and Heaven suddenly shrank a hundred times. Even at such a critical moment, Lu Yin felt distressed. That was brought by the two top elites in the universe plus the meteorite. Most of his karma was gone in one go.

At this moment, the sharp claws stopped and penetrated the starry sky, and the roar of the beast came from the distance. It sounded extremely exciting, as if it had taken revenge.

This was the cause and effect created by Lu Yin. He gave his own death to the monster as a result, in order to satisfy the monster's desire for revenge. Taking this opportunity, he rushed into Wujiang and bumped into the back of the wild god.

"Let's go quickly." Lu Yin said weakly.

No one needed to be reminded, no one wanted to stay, and everyone's heart trembled when they looked at the monster blocking the sky and the sun behind them.

Wujiang quickly headed towards the springboard. Fortunately, the springboard was not far from the border. Soon after, Wujiang boarded the springboard. As the springboard was thrown out, Wujiang disappeared.

At the moment Wujiang disappeared, the beast's roar came out again, this time full of anger, turning into a violent wind and sweeping all directions. It knew it had been cheated.

The people on Wujiang stared blankly, watching the void being swayed, and Wujiang disappeared with the help of the springboard.

Only when the boundary of the conscious universe is no longer visible can everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Everyone's hands and feet became weak and they almost fell to the ground.

Only now did they realize what they had encountered. They actually fought with an Immortal Realm monster and escaped from the claws of an Immortal Realm monster. It was incredible.

Ever since the Ancient God was defeated by Master Qingcao, the words "Eternal Life Realm" have been weighing on everyone's heads in the Tianyuan Universe. Whether they are ordinary cultivators or strong men who have survived hardships, facing the "Eternal Life Realm" is no different from ants. The fighting in Tianyuan Universe, spiritual beings In the fight against the Linghua Universe, no one encountered the Immortal Realm again, but every time they fought against the Linghua Universe, everyone kept an eye out and were ready to face the wrath of the Immortal Realm.

The only thing they can pay is their own lives.

What a sad plan to use your own life in exchange for the restrictions of the immortal realm, but it is the fact.

Now, they actually escaped from the claws of an immortal realm monster, which meant that they could also face other immortal realms.

After great tribulation comes great joy.

Everyone was trembling with fear, but they were also trembling with excitement after escaping.

Not everyone has the opportunity to face this desperate situation.

However, Lu Yin was not happy, and neither did they on the first day of the year. They all looked downcast and looked behind them warily.

That's the realm of immortality, so it's not unusual to catch up.

Lu Yin felt even more heavy. Master Qingcao told him about the situation in Tianyuan Universe. How long ago did that situation happen? Soon, very close, which means that Master Qingcao can travel back and forth between the Tianyuan Universe and the Consciousness Universe much faster than using a springboard. This is the ability of the Immortal Realm.

So, what about this monster?

The attitude of Lu Yin and others affected the others. They restrained their excitement, looked back uneasily, and waited quietly.

One day, two days, one month, two months, there was no movement, the monster didn't chase me.

When two years passed and the monsters still didn't come after them, the people on Borderless completely relaxed.

Lu Yin also breathed a sigh of relief. With the monster's eagerness for revenge, it wouldn't stop for so long, but it didn't make sense. Where did this monster become aware of the universe? Could it be that it has always stayed next to the universe of consciousness?

In two years, everyone on Borderless has been recovering from their injuries. The short battle has left them more or less injured.

Less injured, some people were directly frightened out of their psychological shadow.

Lu Yin's injuries were the most serious. Fortunately, they were all skin injuries and they would be healed in half a year.

After checking, it was found that the cause and effect heaven had suffered extremely heavy losses, and the light spots in the spirit seed liquid had also been lost. From close to a thousand before, there were now less than five hundred left. This was his harvest in several years, which was too miserable.

This is just a brief encounter with that monster. If we actually fight, it is impossible to deal with it just by relying on these light spots.

Although he has the combat power of the Immortal Realm, this combat power is too fake, and he cannot use it when facing the real Immortal Realm.

To overcome hardships, there is no need for immortality substances. In the realm of immortality, it is useless to use immortality substances, and the situation is a bit embarrassing.

Looking up at the distance, Lu Yin took a long breath, hoping that nothing would happen to his ancestor.

Wujiang landed on the springboard, threw it out, and continued towards Torch City.

This is the sixth year that Wujiang has escaped from the universe of consciousness. The people on Wujiang are completely relieved, and the monsters cannot catch up.

Lu Yin was also relieved.

It's been six years, and there are still four years before we reach Torch City. We should go back to Tianyuan Universe.

As for the Sancang Sword Intention, don't use it if you can. Don't lure monsters to Tianyuan Universe, that would be a disaster.

At the same time, Emperor Mie Wu arrived at Torch City.

Looking at the starry sky floating in Torch Fire City, Mie Wuhuang's eyes were wet. He almost, almost couldn't come back. This trip was too hard, and he finally came back.

He needs to take a good rest. By the way, that despicable woman from the Nine Immortals should be in Torch City.

That woman has no morals and used him to escape. If he is found, he will not let her go.

No, we can’t talk about it here. What if those monsters from the conscious universe come too? That Mo Shang, that Yue Ya, that Lu Yin makes me tremble just thinking about it.

"Who? Stop and get checked." Someone yelled outside Torch City. Then he saw the person clearly and his eyes widened: "Mie, Mie Wuhuang?"

Emperor Miewu grinned: "Do you miss your grandpa? Emperor Miewu is back."

The cultivators in Torch Fire City did not dare to stand in the way and allowed Emperor Mie Wu to rush into Torch Fire City.

Not long after, Torch City was in chaos, and German flags were hung up one after another. It was not because Emperor Mie Wu forced them to do so, but because they voluntarily did so. At this time, no one wanted to frighten Mie Wuhuang, even though they didn’t know what happened in the conscious universe. But looking at Emperor Mie Wu's excitement, could it be that he has made a meritorious deed?

If it wasn't for meritorious service, how could Lord Yu Sangtian allow him to come back?

Thinking of this, the people in Torch City felt that a dark cloud was shrouding them, and they secretly made up their minds to run away quickly and not stay any longer. Thinking of the days when they were ruled by Emperor Mie Wu, their scalps went numb.

Yi Xia's face turned ugly. Why did Emperor Wuwu come back? He decided to hide on the springboard again and said nothing to let this guy get close.

But he didn't expect that Mie Wuhuang was just passing by. He stayed in Torch City for less than a day and ran away. He just replenished some supplies, listened to the praises, drank some wine, inquired about a few people, and then didn't look back. After leaving, the direction to go is still Tianyuan Universe.

In Torch City, many cultivators stared blankly at Emperor Mie Wu's departure, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"What is Emperor Mie Wu doing? That's the direction of Tianyuan Universe, right? What is he doing there?"

"Who knows, something big happened in Tianyuan Universe? Is it going to restart?"

"The conscious universe has to be restarted. It's not Tianyuan Universe's turn. Those people in Wujiang are not easy to mess with."

"You haven't talked to Emperor Wu of Destruction?"




unlucky. "

"Shh, don't bring him back again..."

A year later, Emperor Mie Wu saw the springboard. It was a springboard built by Wujiang. He was excited, great, there is indeed a springboard, Tianyuan Universe, here I come, hey, is there anyone?

The person on the springboard was none other than Disan. He came with the insect nest and the mission of Tianyuan Universe.

This is the last springboard. If you start again, you will reach the largest springboard in Linghua Universe in one year. It is said that the group of people who conquered Tianyuan Universe in Linghua Universe took that largest springboard and reached Tianyuan Universe in just one year. .

I don’t know how many spiritual cosmic masters are guarding there.

How about Wujiang?

Disaster was not in a hurry to adjust his condition. After all, he could not move very much within a year after being thrown out of the springboard.

While he was resting, a huge figure came from far and near.

Ernan's eyes changed, what?


Emperor Miewu landed on the springboard, face to face with Ernan, big eyes staring at small eyes, no one said anything.

After a moment of silence, Mie Wuhuang confirmed that the disaster was not threatening, looked solemn, and spoke: "Boy, who are you?"

Ernan felt the terrifying power of Emperor Wu, and his face turned pale. He had never felt such a terrifying aura in the Tianyuan Universe. This person in front of him was not a human being, but a giant starry beast. How could he be so powerful?

Could it be that the behemoth in the starry sky survives this small distance?

"I'm asking you a question, kid." Emperor Mie Wu shouted loudly, and the loud noise woke up Disan.

Ernan said hoarsely: "My name is Ernan."

"Where are you from?" Emperor Mie Wu asked.

Ernan didn't want to answer. He didn't want to bring trouble to the Tianyuan Universe. However, the springboard under his feet was too obvious. If he followed the springboard, he could find the Tianyuan Universe. And he hadn't thrown the insect nest to the Linghua Universe yet. The mission was not completed. Time thoughts are complex.

Emperor Miewu grinned: "Are you from Tianyuan Universe?"

Ernan was startled: "Are you the one who spiritualizes the universe?"

"Hehe, yes, it seems you know something, but Wujiang has come to spiritualize the universe, so what else are you doing here?" At this point, Emperor Miewu frowned: "Don't let Tianyuan Universe be destroyed."

Ernan asked eagerly: "How is Wujiang?"

"I'm asking you."

Ernan hesitated, thought for a while, and said: "I came here just to find Wujiang. Wujiang has been away for too long. Whether he is alive or dead, someone must report the news."

"Is it that simple? Let a master like you come to seek death?" Emperor Mie Wu didn't believe it. Wujiang was in control of the spiritual universe, but people in Tianyuan Universe didn't know that for cultivators of Tianyuan Universe, coming to spiritualize the universe would mean death. .

It is unreasonable for a cultivator who can withstand the pressure of a springboard to die just to see if Wujiang is alive.

Ernan's eyes flashed: "I am a dying person, I just use everything to its best use."

"My information can allow Tianyuan Universe to make the most correct choice based on the situation."

Emperor Miewu was puzzled: "What kind of dying person?"

Henan told the situation of the conquest of He, and Emperor Wu checked it. It was true that this was the power that was instilled. It was not practiced at all. The lifespan was too short. He could dig a hole and sleep and he could kill this guy. .

"The greatest use of our tribe is to confirm information back and forth." Isn't that right?

Emperor Mie Wu sympathized: "It's pitiful. He obviously has the combat power of the sequence rules, but he only has the life span of an ordinary person."

"Let me ask you, what is the current situation of Tianyuan Universe?"

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