Star Odyssey

Chapter 3786 Prerequisites

With the strength that Lu Yin has shown, no one will take action unless he is a strong person who can overcome hardships. Even in Jiuxiao Universe, where there are many practitioners, a long-standing civilization, and the means of spiritual cultivation, no one who can survive hardships will take action. too much.

It was impossible to meet him by chance, and the people who just took action were those who had undergone spiritual cultivation.

Who is willing to take the risk of a strong person who has reached the beginning of normal cultivation or has overcome hardships? However, these people who accept spiritual cultivation are their true bodies and do not release spiritual seeds.

Si Jiushi nodded and called for the beast chariot.

Lu Yin asked him to wait for a while, then left on his own, and found out the young man hiding in the next street. This man was followed by the old man from Shijing, and it was for him that the old man from Shijing took action.

Seeing Lu Yin, the young man was paralyzed with fear.

Lu Yin shook his head: "It's useless even if a person like you gets 10,000 fate scabs, he will never pass the test." After saying that, he casually pressed into the general hell, with the old man from the beginning and the four sequence rules. The same.

Pressing into the point of general hell is a good way to increase karma.

But in Jiuxiao Universe, Lu Yin really didn't dare to do this if he was not an enemy, otherwise Qinglian Shangyu might not let him go.

This young man has not received spiritual cultivation, but he has not released spiritual seeds for cultivation. He is the original body.

Many Jiuxiao Universe cultivators will mostly go out of their body unless they are in danger. After all, it is impossible for spiritual seeds to completely replace a person, and sometimes it is not polite to meet others with spiritual seeds.

There is another one on Guhong Island. It's too far away, so it won't cause trouble for them.

Moreover, one of the Jiuxiao Universe cultivators who were captured in the Supreme Mountain was from Guhong Island.

There is always a chance to find them later.

The beast chariot left the Fog Level City and headed towards the Silin Territory.

On the way, Si Jiushi asked: "Brother Qi, you looked at me strangely on the ruins of the restaurant. Is there something wrong?"

Lu Yin leaned on the beast cart and said casually: "It's nothing, I'm not the only one who blames you for the Great Five Palms Sect."

Si Jiushi was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Do you know the White Jade Clan?"

"Lingmeng White Jade Clan?" Si Jiushi was surprised.

Lu Yin looked outside and saw meteors streaking past, trailing blue tails and dotted with stars: "Tell me about it."

Si Jiu Shi said: "The White Jade Tribe is one of the thirteen tribes of the Spirit Alliance. The Spirit Ancestors are composed of cultivators from the outer universe and spiritual universe cultivators who were destroyed by our Jiuxiao Universe. In order to unite to protect themselves, in the Jiuxiao Universe Get a place to survive, and the White Jade Tribe is one of them.”

"Brother Qi, are the people who attacked you just now from the White Jade Tribe? Probably not. People from the White Jade Tribe can be recognized at a glance. They are all white jade."

Lu Yin clicked on the platform and threw out the two sequence rule practitioners: "Where do you think they come from?"

Si Jiushi looked at the two of them. They didn't know what they had experienced, and they looked in a daze.

Si Jiushi grabbed the arm of one of them, exerted force, and his expression changed: "Zhan clan, they are members of Zhan clan, and Zhan clan is also one of the thirteen clans of the Spirit Alliance."

Lu Yin nodded: "That's right. They actually belong to the White Jade Clan. The White Jade Clan asked them to pretend to be members of the War Clan to attack me, but my identity is from the Great Five Palms Clan. You know what I mean."

Si Jiushi was furious: "I++, these white jade bastards are so despicable. They have a grudge against the Zhan clan, and they actually want to borrow my sword from the Great Five Palms Sect to attack them."

"It's use." Lu Yin emphasized.

Si Jiushi's words woke up the two people. They looked at Lu Yin in shock and disbelief. How did he know?

They do suffer

The people assigned by the Jade Clan to pretend to be the War Clan to attack the Great Five Palms Sect appear to be trying to steal fate, but in fact they want to expose the power of the War Clan and cause trouble for the Great Five Palms Sect, while the White Jade Clan can sit back and watch. fight.

The Great Five Palms Sect is one of the powerful beings in the Jiuxiao Universe. Although it fell due to the defeat of the third generation of the Great Five Palms Master, it is not comparable to the War Clan.

The Great Five Palms Sect can be compared with the Spirit Alliance. If you look at the entire Jiuxiao Universe, in the eyes of many people, the Spirit Alliance is not popular at all. The Great Five Palms Sect is different. Although it is lawless, it is ruthless and strong enough.

Using the Great Five Palms Sect, the War Clan can be brought to its knees.

But why was the plan known?

They looked at Lu Yin with such incredible eyes.

Lu Yin looked at the two people and smiled faintly: "You can hide nothing from me, is that interesting?"

Si Jiushi kicked the two of them: "How dare you use my Great Five Palms, you bitch? You, the White Jade Tribe, are in big trouble. I will tell Master right now that I will not let you off easily."

Lu Yin put away the two cultivators, looked at Si Jiu Shi and was furious, and said calmly: "Is there a garrison of the thirteen clans of the Spiritual Alliance nearby?"

Si Jiushi suppressed his anger and spoke more respectfully when facing Lu Yin: "Yes, it's the Jin clan."

How did Lu Yin know that the White Jade Clan was using the Great Five Palms? Si Jiushi may seem rough and arrogant, but he is definitely not stupid, and the White Jade Clan is even less stupid. They must have paid a huge price for training those two cultivators to be like the War Clan. They were seen through so easily, not because they were incompetent, but because of the seven people in front of them. Brother is so awesome.

Si Jiushi didn't know how he did it. He only knew that he was also seen through.

This person has unpredictable abilities.

"Jin Clan? Are they powerful?"

"The Jin clan is one of the thirteen clans. They have always stood aloof from the world. Whether they are powerful or not depends on who they compare with. Naturally, they cannot compare with the traditional forces of Eternal Sky, but compared with the Baiyu clan, they are about the same."

"Then go to the Jin clan."

Si Jiushi was confused: "Tell the Jin Clan about this? Let the Jin Clan denounce the Baiyu Clan in the Spiritual Alliance? Expose their hypocrisy?"

Lu Yin looked at Si Jiushi as if he were an idiot: "Do you really think so?"

"Is not it?"

Lu Yin admired and looked at Si Jiushi with a smile: "You are really the pride of the Great Five Palms Sect."

Si Jiushi felt like he was being scolded, but he didn't seem to be scolded.

"The Jin clan's independence from the world comes from the alliance of the Spiritual Alliance. Do you think they are willing to expose this matter and cause instability within the Spiritual Alliance?"

"Either they pretend they don't know about this, or they inform the clan leaders of the thirteen clans of the Spirit Alliance and ask them to find a way to reconcile with your Five Palms Sect and make the White Jade clan pay a price, but this price will not break their bones, but it should It will satisfy your Great Five Palms Sect. After all, what the Spirit Alliance wants is stability, and no one can offend your Great Five Palms Sect, which is the most unstable factor in the Jiuxiao Universe."

Si Jiushi felt that his sect had also been scolded.

"But they won't consider me." Lu Yin's eyes turned cold: "They attacked me, not the Great Five Palms Sect, so the price is not that simple. Let's go to the Jin Clan to find some for the Baiyu Clan first. Please tell me more."

Si Jiushi was curious: "What is Brother Qi going to do?"

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "You will see it soon."

The beast cart turned in the direction of the Jin clan.

The thirteen clans of the Ling Alliance are scattered throughout the Jiuxiao universe. The main reason is that their living environments are different. Some need to live in the ocean, some need to live in magma, and some cannot touch the ground, etc.

The Jin people live in the mountains and forests of the earth, surrounded by an arc-shaped transparent mask.

"That's the Lingbao Formation? No." Lu Yin looked at the Jin Clan's mountains and forests in the distance.

Si Jiu Shi said: "The people of the Jin tribe can extract some kind of power from mountain and forest plants. When Xiaozhu attacked the universe where the Jin tribe lived, they couldn't defeat the place where they lived. In the end, it was the god Dan Jinxiayu who took action. Broken.”

Lu Yin's heart moved: "Is the God of Control under Dan Jin very strong?"

Si Jiushi nodded: "Of course, the gods of inferior imperial control are very strong."

"But there are far more than five powerful people in Jiuxiao Universe who can overcome the hardships and reach the Great Perfection."

Si Jiu Shi's words are not surprising at all, even if it is common knowledge in Jiuxiao Universe: "There are several prerequisites for becoming the God of Xiayu. It does not depend entirely on combat power. Of course, combat power must also be achieved."

"First, as the leader of the Night Pillar, it is best to lead the Night Pillar in battle and destroy powerful enemies."

"Secondly, without the ties of power, the God of Xiayu can at most have a family, such as Rujia. The former God of Xiayu, such as Rushi, came from Rujia, not a clear force."

Lu Yin interrupted: "Jiuchi Garden belongs to Yueya."

"That was after Yue Ya became the God of Imperial Control, and although everyone knew about it, no one pointed it out."

Lu Yin understood, no wonder Death Hill exterminated Jiu Chi Garden. Not only was Jiu Chi Garden violating the ban and interfering in the affairs of the three universes, but Jiu Chi Garden had completely made clear its relationship with Yue Ya. There was a completely different difference between acquiescence and disclosure. , coupled with the fact that Yue Ya was deprived of his position as the God of Imperial Control at that time, even if he acquiesced, he would be settled by Qiu Hou.

But here comes the problem. It is said that the sleeping prodigies of Shaoyulou all have the opportunity to compete for the position of the God of Xiayu, but whether it is Luofu or Qianshu, they are all bound by power. How will they operate?

"The God of Xiayu can have disciples, or even a large number of disciples, but he must not have a clear power. By the way, there is another surprise: Yu Sangtian, who spiritualizes the universe. He is the God of Xiayu who was gifted by Jiuxiao Universe. , and he is in charge of an entire spiritual universe."

After a pause, Si Jiushi continued: "The third and most important point is the possibility of entering the realm of immortality."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Is it possible to enter the realm of immortality?"

Si Jiushi solemnly said: "I also heard what Master said. Although the God of Xiayu has overcome the hardships and perfects, there are actually not many such powers in Jiuxiao Universe. Even if you don't count spiritual cultivation, each major force has at least one. If these people all compete for the position of the God of Control, the Jiuxiao Universe will be in chaos, and this condition prevents most people from doing so."

"Because most people who have gone through hardships and achieved great perfection are unable to enter the realm of eternal life."

Lu Yin didn't understand: "Since you have reached the Great Perfection of overcoming suffering, how can you be sure whether you can enter the realm of eternal life?"

Si Jiushi smiled bitterly: "This is a matter at that level. Maybe the god of superiority has seen something clearly. There is a saying in our Jiuxiao universe."

"Observe that the five aggregates are all empty and dissolve all suffering."

"Master has said this, and many strong people who have overcome hardships and reached perfection have said it, but if you don't reach that level, you won't understand it at all."

Lu Yin murmured to himself: "Seeing that the five aggregates are all empty, can all suffering be eliminated?"

He was lost in thought.


Thanks to Brother Qian Yongsheng for the reward, I will give you more, thank you! !

Thank you brothers for your support. During this special period, Suifeng hopes everyone can have a good time. If you save the manuscript and don’t reward it, Suifeng will definitely add more updates. Thank you brothers for your support!

I've been feeling a little dizzy lately, and I don't know what's going on. I'm going to go to the hospital to check, hoping that nothing's wrong! !

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