Star Odyssey

Chapter 3788: Lame leg

The middle-aged man sighed and leaned against the wall: "Daughter, it's not like you don't know that I don't have any big ambitions as a father. Your grandfather whipped me many times when he was alive, and I said the same."

"Everyone has to fight for everything in their lifetime. It's so boring. We were born in this world to enjoy happiness."

"Yes, those few look down on father, but so what? Father has you, hahahaha, who can compare with them?"

Lu Siyu sighed deeply, looked at the sky, and murmured to himself: "But I want to have a father who is a great hero."

The middle-aged man patted Lu Siyu on the head: "Silly girl, sometimes you are too alienated from your father. You and I, father and daughter, are separated from each other. If your wish is not fulfilled, it will be the same if my father's wish is fulfilled. ?”

"What is father's wish?" Lu Siyu was curious, but she had never heard of this.

The middle-aged man looked solemn and said, "My father's wish is to have a daughter who will attract wealth." After saying that, he ran away under Lu Siyu's dull eyes.

Lu Siyu was furious: "You, you, are too much, Lao Lu."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

As the laughter faded away, Lu Siyu shook his head and smiled again unconsciously.

The maids came in with smiles on their faces: "Miss, the master is really like a naughty boy, so that's fine. Look at Xilin Jianmen Sect Master Liubi, who has a gloomy face all day long. His daughter is in such a miserable state that she only smiled after so many years. How many times?”

"Yes, yes." Another maid said: "The son of the master of Beilin Jianmen spends his days drinking to relieve his sorrows. I heard he is scolded every day."

"My master has never forced you, Miss. Even the marriage is as you wish. This is an agreement made after Miss was born, and it is not because Miss has become the famous disciple of Qinglian Shangyu."

Lu Siyu had no choice but to hold her chin up again: "I know my father is very good, but the only woman in my generation who has passed down the Donglin Sword Sect is me, and I am not good at swordsmanship. I'm afraid that one day, the Donglin Sword Sect will no longer exist. , I’m sorry father.”

"Then let him have another one."

When Lu Siyu heard this, she shook her head: "I told my father a long time ago that I want a younger brother, but father." Suddenly, her expression changed: "Who?"

The two maids hurriedly blocked Lu Siyu behind them and looked around cautiously. Soon, their eyes were fixed on the corner of the courtyard, where there was someone there.

Lu Siyu looked over and breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out to be you. I thought you didn't dare to come."

The person who appeared was naturally Lu Yin. He entered the Four Lin Territory and quickly found the direction of Donglin Sword Gate and found Lu Siyu.

"How did you avoid everyone and come here?" Lu Siyu looked at Lu Yin and asked.

Although the Donglin Sword Gate is not as good as the other three gates, there are still some strong people inside. Even in the Beginning Realm, you can’t avoid everyone entering here. This is the safest place in the Donglin Sword Gate. Even the gate owner Lu Sizhan lives there. None of them are this safe.

Lu Yin looked around: "Is there any difficulty?"

"Miss, who is he?" the maid asked.

Lu Siyu waved his hand: "Step back, he won't hurt me."


"It's okay, don't worry."

The two maids looked at each other, the vigilance in their eyes disappeared, replaced by curiosity and some kind of speculation. Could it be that this person belongs to the young lady? No, you have to tell the master immediately, the master is concerned.

The maid left the courtyard.

Lu Siyu's attitude changed, and his tone was cold and sarcastic: "Little thief, you are indeed right. Even my Donglin Sword Gate can easily break into it. I was really capable of joining the Yehai Sea. Why don't you say so?" Peeping on purpose."

Lu Yin pursed his lips: "Since I agreed to complete your terms,

This matter is over, I don't care if you tell me, it will damage the reputation of you seven fairies. "

Lu Siyu snorted and stared at Lu Yin: "Let me ask you, who did you touch that day?"

This question was awkward, and it reminded Lu Yin of how he felt at that time: "I don't know."

"That scream sounds like the third sister's." Lu Siyu said, then smiled mischievously: "How does it feel? Is it slippery?"

"Okay, let's not discuss this. I'm here to help Donglin Jiangmen become the leader of the Silin Sword. That person just now was your father? No wonder you made this condition, it is really difficult." Lu Yin said.

Mentioning this, Lu Siyu felt helpless and sighed deeply, with a melancholy look on his face.

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Is becoming the leader of the Four Lin Swordsman so important to you?"

Lu Siyu rolled his eyes: "Are you afraid? Just tell me if you can't finish it, but I never put my hope in you."

"It's actually very simple to make your father the leader of the Silin Sword." Lu Yin said.

Lu Siyu was surprised: "Simple?"

Lu Yin nodded.

Lu Siyu said disdainfully: "Do you know the strength of the other three sect leaders?"

"You don't need to know." Lu Yin said calmly, looking outside the courtyard: "If you cripple their legs, they will naturally not be able to compete with your father."

Lu Siyu blinked and looked at Lu Yin blankly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"


"Do you know the strength of the other three sect leaders?"

"It doesn't matter."

"You." Lu Siyu choked for a moment. Lu Yin's attitude was really too arrogant. He was so arrogant that he thought he was the god of imperial control.

Lu Yin is very arrogant, but he has the qualifications to be arrogant.

In the Immortal Realm, he is no match, but under the Immortal Realm, he can be crushed.

Yue Ya and Yu Sang Tian are no match for him, let alone these cultivators who are not even comparable to Yu Sang Tian. They are at the level of overcoming hardships and will never reach the level of overcoming hardships, because only the four realms can Only by uniting the sword and the will can we create a Si Lin Sword Head with perfect combat power that can overcome hardships.

Lu Yin looked at Lu Siyu seriously: "What about this method? If you agree, I will cripple their legs."

Lu Siyu bared her teeth and wanted to take off her shoes and smash them in his face: "If you have the ability, go ahead. It's a good time to die. The other sisters don't need to see you anymore."

"Okay." Lu Yin left. He was serious. There was no need to limp his leg, just leave a hidden injury.

Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to help Lu Sizhan.

This person has no pursuit at first glance. For a person with an open-minded personality, words cannot make sense. This is the fastest way he can think of.

Lu Siyu never thought that Lu Yin could do it. He only thought that this person had the ability to steal into the sea of ​​karma, so he was arrogant and arrogant. After being recognized by the master with the word "fate", he thought that the world was his, and when he suffered a loss, he would naturally know that Si Lin Jianmen is so difficult to mess with.

It's a pity, I still had a little hope.

Master may have made a mistake this time.

At this time, Luo Sizhan suddenly broke in, staring at the corner, but there was no one there, and quickly glanced around, his eyes widening.

Seeing Lu Sizhan like this, Lu Siyu was speechless: "Lao Lu, what are you doing?"

Lu Sizhan was surprised: "Where is the person? Is the tryst over so soon?"

"You, what are you talking about?" Lu Siyu was furious.

Lu Si Zhan smiled sarcastically and was also curious: "Girl, where is that kid? Don't hide it from father. Father has nothing against you. Don't worry, no matter what identity the kid is, father can accept it."



"Leave? You're not polite. You don't even know how to bring something for your father-in-law. Okay, just wait and see how hard it will be for your father."

Lu Siyu covered her forehead and didn't want to explain, but she knew that if she didn't explain, the old guy would keep staring, and the matter wouldn't be over for several years if he didn't talk about it: "I don't have that kind of relationship with him, he is Sent by Master to complete the test..."

She talked about the conditions of the Seven Fairies. As long as they passed the test, they could become the master of Qinglian. Of course, she didn't mention the lotus pond, otherwise she was sure that this old guy would be keeping an eye on Lu Yin.

Soon after, Lu Sizhan left the courtyard with a solemn expression.

To be recognized by Qinglian Lord as a fate, and to freely enter and exit Donglin Sword Gate, this person is definitely not weak. He must have the level of combat power to survive hardships, and he must have cultivated it himself. Otherwise, how can a person who accepts spiritual cultivation enter? Got the eyes of Qinglian Shangyu.

How amazing and talented can such a person be? Even so, he still has to go through the test of the seven fairies. It seems that he is definitely not as simple as an entry-level disciple, but must be a true disciple.

Shaking his head, this girl is too stupid to be merciful. It is impossible for him to become the leader of the Silin Sword. Since Qinglian Shangyu proposed a test, he must be quite satisfied with the boy, but he was destroyed by this girl. I don’t know what will happen in the future. How about it.

It will not only make Qinglian Shangyu unhappy, but also offend this person.

There will be no peace in the future.

Forget it, it's already happened, don't worry about it.

He didn't tell his daughter about this. He hoped that her daughter would live a stable and happy life. What would he, as a father, have to bear after all.

I don’t know what price Donglin Jianmen paid to make this person not hold grudges.

Thinking of this gave him a headache.

At this moment, Lu Yin had left Donglin Jianmen and went to Beilin Jianmen, the strongest one.

Among the four contemporary Sword Sects, the North Sword Sect is the strongest. Unless the master of the North Sword Sect, Xun Feishen, is eliminated, the East Sword Sect cannot win.

The Si Lin Territory is bustling, and there are still seven days left before the battle for the head of the Si Lin Sword.

Countless cultivators came from all directions, and major forces sent congratulatory gifts, just waiting for the birth of Si Lin Sword Head.

The Silin Territory with the Silin Sword Head is not comparable to ordinary forces.

In the Jiuxiao Universe, it is quite extraordinary to be called a force, and the Four Lin Territory, with its Four Lin Sword Heads, is at the top of many forces and is not inferior to any one.

On the second day, Lu Yin arrived at Beilin Jianmen and heard countless legends about the master of Beilin Jianmen, Lu Feishen.

A strong man who can survive hardships by killing Fei Shen. His flying star greets the head with sword intent that surpasses Jiuxiao. He is enough to rank among the top ten swordsmen in Jiuxiao universe. He is also the contemporary face of Silin Realm. Even without Silin Swordhead, his existence still exists. It is enough to prevent Silinyu from being underestimated by anyone.

Lu Yin walked towards Beilin Jianmen step by step, his eyes always falling on the sword intention above Beilin Jianmen. The sword intention was full of agility, flying stars greeted him? No, there was a second move. He could feel it. This was Lu Feishen's real killing move.

"It is said that Master Lufei Shen's sword intention was understood from the Seventh Night Pillar."

"It's not a legend. Many people who practice swords have been to the Seventh Night Pillar. It is a pilgrimage site for swords. Every generation of the Four Lin Sword Capital in the Four Lin Region has left sword moves there. After all, the first generation of the Four Lin Sword Sect has masters. Zu came down from the Seventh Night Pillar. All the masters of the four Linjian Sects have gone to the Seventh Night Pillar to comprehend the meaning of the sword. The most famous one is the Fifth Night Pillar Tai Cang Sword Master, who also learned the sword’s meaning at the Seventh Night Pillar. ."

"I've been there too, but I didn't feel anything."

"Most people can't understand it, otherwise they would be famous all over the world."

"I heard that the master of the fourth peak of Death Hill also once..."

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