Star Odyssey

Chapter 3799 The First Night

Lu Sizhan took Silin Jianmen and the onlookers away from Jianpan. He did not let Lu Yin and Mingzuo leave, and allowed them to talk here.

Outsiders had never stayed alone in Jianpan, but Lu Sizhan showed respect to Lu Yin and Mingzui.

The main reason why outsiders are not allowed to stay alone is because Jianpan has the sword intention engraved on the sword heads of the Four Lins of past generations, and they are afraid that outsiders will learn it, but for Lu Yin and Mingzui, they will not learn it at all.

"Master has told me about your matter. If you need any help, just ask. Those girls are not easy to deal with." Ming Zhui said with a smile.

Lu Yin was grateful: "Thank you, senior."

Mingzui waved his hand: "Don't call me senior, maybe you can call me senior brother soon, haha."

Lu Yin did not explain. Since Qinglian Shangyu did not say anything about his refusal to become a disciple, he was naturally happy to receive the favor.

He didn't know how many disciples Qinglian Shangyu had, but any one that appeared was not easy to mess with. The Seven Fairies only became disciples of Qinglian Shangyu in the past hundred years. Although their own strength was average, their background was absolutely monstrous.

One Lu Siyu can mobilize the Silin Sword Sect. It is conservatively estimated that the background of the seven fairies combined can mobilize half of Eternal Heaven and Earth.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so strong in swordsmanship, strong enough to cut off Lu Sizhan's sword. I'm not exaggerating. Lu Sizhan's sword is indeed comparable to Lu Zang. In today's Jiuxiao Universe, no one who can cut off the sword There are not many people who can challenge him." Ming Zhui sighed with emotion.

Lu Yin modestly said: "I have encountered many masters of swordsmanship along the way, so I also practiced swordsmanship."

"There must be cause and effect." Mingzui suddenly said, staring at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at him without denying it, remaining silent.

Ming Zhui breathed out: "Sure enough, I have finally understood the cause and effect. No wonder Master values ​​you so much and told me your story. Even the younger brother who is sleeping in Shao Yulou has never been valued so much by Master." After saying that, he looked up and down. Lu Yin, with envy and longing, said: "Can you tell me what it feels like to have cause and effect?"

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment: "How does it taste?"

Mingzui nodded, very eager.

Lu Yin thought for a moment: "It doesn't feel like anything, it's just about being in control."

Mingzui looked forward to looking at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin added: "I don't know how to describe it."

Mingzui said bitterly: "Yeah, how do you describe this? Don't mind, junior brother, you don't understand the desire of Jiuxiao Universe cultivators for cause and effect. This is not only a kind of cultivation power, but also faith. In the simplest terms, it is success. God’s way.”

"The path to becoming a god?"

"Yes, once you understand cause and effect, you can become a disciple of Qinglian Lord, and you can touch the road to eternal life. It is what countless people dream of, and I am no exception, senior brother. Unfortunately, for many years, throughout the ages, no one except Master has For people to understand cause and effect, this is said to be a shortcut, but in fact it is more difficult than anything else. Who can understand cause and effect? ​​The young junior brother is amazingly talented and qualified to sleep in the Shaoyu Tower. However, he is still unable to understand, which disappoints the master."

"It's good now. Master finally has a successor." Although Mingzui regretted that he didn't have one, his eyes still looked at Lu Yin with happiness and blessings: "Junior brother, work hard and strive to embark on eternal life as soon as possible. Let me, Qinglian, Shuangshangyu, hahahaha."

Lu Yin smiled. He saw the shadows of his senior brothers in Mingzui. The eldest sister followed him out of Tianyuan and fought against Linghua. The second senior brother Mu Ke gave him a wooden sword and saved him more than once. The third senior brother Mu Xie and the fourth senior brother Qing Ping kept fighting. Stand up for yourself and let them do whatever they want.

They are always very tolerant of their little junior brother.

And Ming Zui is like this too.

The way he looked at him was the same as how his senior brothers looked at him, which made Lu Yin very friendly. Unfortunately, it was not true after all.

"What if I can't become a disciple of Qinglian Lord?" Lu Yin said.

Mingzuo smiled: "Impossible, the master will not let you go. Do you know how long he has to wait for a disciple like you?" After saying that, he thought again: "But since the master gives you a test, it is also There is a possibility of failure, after all, Master also pays attention to the word fate."

"Forget it, no matter what, I think you are very pleasing to me, senior brother. Even if you fail to become a disciple, you can still come to me, but if you can't." He looked forward to Lu Yin: "You want me to be your disciple? I am also very powerful."

Lu Yin was speechless, awesome? If you don't give me face, I can beat you up.

"You're kidding, by the way, junior brother, where are you from? Master said it's a three-person universe?" Mingzui asked again.

Lu Yin nodded: "Tianyuan Universe."

Mingzui was surprised: "I thought it was a spiritualized universe. Yes, if it is a spiritualized universe, Master can just say that there are many people who have spiritualized the universe in Jiuxiao Universe."

"But I really didn't expect that there would be people from Tianyuan Universe coming. Zizi, Tianyuan Universe has already been in contact with Linghua Universe?"

Lu Yin opened his mouth and told some things that happened in the Tianyuan Universe and the Linghua Universe. This not only satisfied Mingzui's curiosity, but also wanted to know something through Mingzui. After all, he was a member of Yu Jiuxiao. .

Ming Zhui's face was heavy and he looked at Lu Yin with admiration: "You are so brave. You can obviously enjoy the blessings in the Tianyuan Universe, but you still kill the Linghua Universe. You Tianyuan Universe has a group of bloody people, and I admire such people."

"If possible, senior brother must find a way to prevent Tianyuan Universe from being restarted."

Lu Yin saluted solemnly: "Thank you, senior."

Ming Zhui waved his hand: "Don't be so polite. I said it was possible, but in fact it is unlikely. After all, Yu Jiuxiao does not participate in the decision-making. The ones who really decide whether to restart which universe are the Gods and some of the great forces of Eternal Sky and Earth. Lord, you have to be mentally prepared. I found that during this period, there is something abnormal about the fifth night pillar, and it is very likely that it will be dispatched."

Lu Yin was surprised: "The Fifth Night Pillar is going to be dispatched?"

Ming Zhui hummed and looked in a direction, which was exactly where the fifth night pillar was: "In external expeditions, the night pillars take turns. The last time it was our fourth night pillar, this time it's naturally the fifth night pillar's turn. , I heard some rumors that the target of the Fifth Night Pillar is likely to be one of your three universes."

Lu Yin's pupils shrank: "Why?"

"Because there are no foreign universes that need to be conquered in the near future." Ming Zhui said.

Lu Yin's heart sank: "Is it possible that it is a newly discovered outer universe?"

Ming Zhui said: "It's possible, but not very likely. The existence of the universe is more cruel than the fighting between cultivators. Even though my Jiuxiao Universe is very powerful, and there is even Yu Jiuxiao who specializes in killing outsiders, I don't dare to expose it at will, especially." At this point, he paused: "Forget it, let Master tell you some things. In short, the universe is cruel and mysterious. My Jiuxiao Universe has experienced more than one extinction crisis, and many times I have to prepare for certain crises. Be prepared, otherwise why do you think the three-person universe exists?"

"This is cruel, but it is also true."

"If one day there is a crisis in the Jiuxiao Universe, the first one to bear the brunt will not be the Jiuxiao Universe, but the Three Universes."

Lu Yin understood Mingzui's words. Jiuxiao Universe provided resources from the spiritual universe, allowing all Jiuxiao Universe practitioners to have a second life, and accepted spiritual cultivation as a method of directly cultivating masters. Linghua Universe also used Tianyuan Universe to As a barrier, one ring within another.

Tianyuan Universe is equivalent to the outermost barrier of the entire Jiuxiao Universe. If it is to be exterminated, Tianyuan will bear the brunt. Jiuxiao needs to restart the universe and add more masters, and the same goes for Tianyuan.

Although Mingzui didn't say it directly, the target of Fifth Night Pillar was very likely Tianyuan Universe.

After all, Tianyuan Universe has developed to this point, and it is time for a restart.

In fact, Lu Yin had known this for a long time, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Are you ready for the fifth night pillar?

"How long do I have?" Lu Yin asked.

Ming Zhuo sympathized: "It depends on how prepared the Fifth Night Pillar is. You have to ask the people on the Fifth Night Pillar. You must be a big shot, or you can enter the Fifth Night Pillar yourself." At this point, his eyes lit up and he looked Lu Yin: "If you can become the leader of the fifth night pillar, you may be able to change your destiny."

"The fifth night pillar, the first night?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Ming Zhui nodded: "Xiao Shou has full control over everything in Xiao Zhu, including the lives of all cultivators."

"But I want to become the God of Imperial Control." Lu Yin said.

Ming Zhui rolled his eyes: "It's ambitious enough, but unfortunately it's difficult. It's not just about reaching the combat power or realm. And having said that, what kind of cultivation level do you have?"

Lu Yin said calmly: "Get through the hardship."

Ming Zui was weird: "Really?"


"Why can't you see it?"

"Senior, do you want to see clearly my misery?"

"That's not what I mean, but I always feel that something is wrong. Forget it, maybe it's because your Tianyuan Universe cultivation method is unique." At this time, he looked at his waist, took out a drop-shaped object, and took a look: "Junior brother, I I still have something to do, so let’s go first. By the way, if you really want to understand the situation, the only way is to join the Fifth Night Pillar. The Night Leader has full power to deal with wartime, and even the God of Control cannot control it. If you want to join the Fifth Night Pillar, then One of the seven girls can do it, I hope you can call me senior brother one day." After that, he left.

Lu Yin watched Mingzui leave with complicated thoughts.

The fifth night pillar?

He remembered that there seemed to be someone from the Fifth Night Pillar here.

Si Linyu, Xian Ding left. He was anxious to return to the Fifth Night Pillar to tell his master what he had seen. Lu Si Zhan was stronger than expected.

I thought it would be a joke for Lu Si Zhan to become the leader of the Four Lin Swordsmen. He would become the weakest leader of the Four Lin Swordsmen in ancient and modern times and would not be a threat to his master.

But he didn't expect that he would transform. That sword was really terrifying.

There is also that person who has come out of the sea. He is related to Qinglian Shangyu, and his sword intention is so powerful. If he comes to help Lu Si Zhan in agreement with Lu Si Yu, that's it. I'm afraid he really wants to challenge the Si Lin Sword. Just to learn swordsmanship, the next target is likely to be the master. The master cannot be defeated, especially at this juncture.

Just as I was thinking about it, I was already far away from the Four Lands. In order to rush for time, I didn't even sit in the beast cart.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared blankly ahead, surprised: "Why are you here?"

Ahead, Lu Yin looked at Xian Ding: "Let's talk."

Xian Ding's eyes flickered, and he wanted to refuse, but he still didn't. He knew he couldn't refuse, so he slowly saluted: "Xian Ding, I have met senior."

Lu Yin landed with Xian Ding, and there happened to be a pavilion, and the two of them were sitting in the pavilion.

"Tell me about the fifth night pillar."

Xian Ding was puzzled, but he still spoke slowly.

Lu Yin listened quietly.

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