Star Odyssey

Chapter 3803 Enlightenment

Lu Si Zhan said: "Many things in heaven and earth are determined. Every time there is a big change, some incomprehensible characters will appear. You can think that they are born in response to the current events, or you can think that the current events are caused by them and cannot be explained. In short, the appearance of this person will definitely change some situations, and once some people know about it, they will not be able to sit still."

Lu Siyu rolled his eyes: "What a shame."

"Girl, it doesn't matter if you don't want to marry him. My father only wants you to be ordinary and live a happy life. This person is destined not to be ordinary." Lu Sizhan said, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and went back.

Lu Siyu looked at the horizon and saw that the beast cart had disappeared.

In the beast carriage, Lu Yin looked out the window. In the distance, meteors streaked across. They might be people or other creatures. Mother trees were connected to the sky, which was the most spectacular background.

Raindrops fall on your hands. Is it raining?

Lu Yin stared into the distance. Among the conditions that Lu Sizhan just mentioned for becoming the God of Imperial Control, there was one condition that he didn't ask too much about, but he knew that it was the most important, that is, not practicing the sequence rules.

Sequence rules are the cornerstone of the road to the strong in the three universes. Anyone who can practice will not miss them. This is common sense.

However, when he arrived at Jiuxiao Universe, his conversations with Si Jiushi, and through other means, Lu Yin learned that the rules of sequence can both achieve and limit a person.

Sequence rules are a shortcut to eternal life, but the road between this shortcut and eternal life is very bumpy.

Just like ordinary people climbing a mountain, it takes five hours to climb from the foot of the mountain to the top, but there is a small path that leads directly to the top of the mountain. It only takes one hour. At first, the small road can be climbed as quickly as the main road, but the section to the top of the mountain is almost vertical. The mountain wall is so smooth that ordinary people cannot climb up. They can only watch the top of the mountain and do nothing.

This is the price of practicing sequence rules.

It allows you to see the top of the mountain faster, but you will never touch the top of the mountain. If you want to climb up from this path, you will have to put in much more effort and time than those who take the main road. This is also It depends on what the sequence rules are.

The ancestor made Yue Ya and the others afraid, just because of his sequence rules, making the path flat was the right way, and it was very possible to climb to the top of the mountain through that path.

But most people who practice sequence rules can't do it.

There are many people in Jiuxiao Universe, especially those who are confident in themselves, who do not know how to practice sequence rules. This is not only because this path is difficult to walk, even if the early stage is fast, but also because, on this path, although it is difficult to climb to the top of the mountain, But it can prevent people on the road from climbing. This is the next weapon.

If you can't even save your life, how can you talk about eternal life?

Some people do not have to practice sequence rules, but have to practice.

Lu Yin didn't know whether he was lucky or not. He had already wanted to practice the sequence rules, but because he didn't have time, he couldn't practice them. So, like those of Luo Heng, he could pick up this next weapon in the future and not leave. path.

The act of picking up the next weapon is called enlightenment.

The mother tree stands in the sky and the earth, as if it has opened up the universe. From bottom to top, there is a blood tower slowly rotating in the infinite distance, and everything around it flows with it, either fast or slow. No one can see it, but it is standing there high above. The horizon remains unchanged forever.

"Yue Ya, violated the ban for the second time, permanently deprived of the control of the gods, exiled to the Fifth Night Pillar, and immediately understood the law."

Outside the Blood Tower, Yue Ya came out in embarrassment, looking up to the sky and begging: "I don't want to understand the Dharma. The God of Control above the Blood Tower, give me another chance, give me another chance, I can enter the Fifth Night Pillar and fight for Jiuxiao, I can Whatever you do, just don’t let me realize the Dharma.”

"Yue Ya, immediately understand the Dharma."

The moon wailed, but could not change the punishment of the blood tower. The dark golden clouds kept boiling, and suddenly rushed towards the distance to escape. However, in the distance, the blood tower appeared, and the clouds changed directions. The blood tower appeared again, and they fled again and again. Towers are everywhere.

"Why, why can't you give me a chance? I want to change my thinking, I want to follow my words, I want to achieve immortality, I want to become a supreme emperor, you are afraid, you are afraid that I will surpass you, you are afraid, hahahaha , you are afraid, the three superiors are afraid of me and one of my subordinates, you are afraid..."

No matter how Yueya screamed and wailed, the Blood Tower was like a wall, blocking him in the middle and making it difficult to leave.

Finally, the dark golden clouds stopped boiling: "Okay, I understand the Dharma. Who said that enlightening the Dharma can't achieve eternal life? Wait, I will definitely find Lu Yin, and I will transform with his consciousness. I will also become the Supreme Commander. You guys stop me. If you can’t help me, you definitely can’t stop it.”

After saying that, there was silence between heaven and earth.

In the land of Jiuxiao, the sky is dark in some places, the sun is shining brightly in some places, the rain is connected to the rainbow in some places, and the wind is rolling up the clouds in some places. The land is vast and boundless.

They had already left the Silin Territory. With the speed of this beast cart, it would only take five days to reach the Valley of Vientiane.

The giant beast that pulls the cart is completely different from the one Si Jiu eats.

Along the way, Mr. Le enthusiastically helped Lu Yin introduce the situation of Jiuxiao Universe. He did not hesitate because Lu Yin came from an outer universe, and he did not dare to do so.

With this kind of strength, it doesn't matter where he comes from, especially since Lu Yin has a career overseas, he is obviously someone known to Qinglian Shangyu, and he is going to help Wanxiang Valley this time, so he is the most distinguished guest.

"You ladies may not treat me as a guest." Lu Yin said casually while leaning in the beast carriage, looking out the window. The scenery of the Jiuxiao universe gave people a boundless beauty, which was completely different from the three universes, just like a fairy tale and reality. Interweaving can be dreamy or cruel.

Mr. Le said respectfully: "How is that possible? The young lady has a gentle personality and will definitely entertain the gentleman well."

Lu Yin smiled, gentle? I don’t know if Ming Xiaolong was the one who scolded me in Yehai.

At least four of the seven fairies scolded him, and Lu Siyu was definitely the loudest.

"By the way, do you have any scars in Vientiane Valley?"

Le Lao was surprised: "Yuan scab?"

Lu Yin didn't look at him, still looking out the window.

"This little old man doesn't know. You have to ask the owner of the valley. Sir, do you need a scar?"

"Just ask." Of course Lu Yin needed it, but he couldn't say it clearly. To Wanxiang Valley, he was helping, and nothing he asked for was too much. But Ming Xiaolong knew that he was doing it purely for conditions, and he was also asked As a peeping thief, if he asks for the scar, he will probably be scolded.

Some things can only be understood and there is no need to explain them.

Le Lao obviously understood.

"Yuanzhu, the word "fate", what you get is destined, and what you give is also destined to the person. The realm of Qinglian Shangyu is far beyond what I can expect." Le Lao said with emotion.

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "I am very destined."

Le Lao was startled. He just sighed and didn't talk to Lu Yin. Is this person so impatient to get a scab?

A few days later, the beast cart had crossed vast stretches of land when it was suddenly stopped.

"Is that senior Wanxianggule ahead?"

The driver came from Vientiane Valley. He looked at the people blocked in front of him and said with a serious expression, "It's Senior Le, what are you waiting for?"

Someone came forward and saluted respectfully: "I am waiting to catch a thief, and I also ask Senior Le to help. The reward will definitely satisfy Senior."

The coachman did not answer, waiting for Le Lao's answer.

Le Lao said: "Don't pay attention."

The driver was indifferent: "Senior is tired and wants to return to Vientiane Valley. Please get out of the way."

Those people looked at each other unwillingly and wanted to say something. The driver drove the beast cart forward, and those people had to get out of the way.

After walking away for a while, Lu Yin looked at his feet: "Come out."

Mr. Le was confused: "Sir, what's wrong?"

Lu Yin pointed at his feet.

Le Lao looked.

A hand stretched out and climbed up on the edge of the beast cart. The driver was shocked when he saw it. He swung out his whip, but was caught by the hand, and a dull voice came out: "No, we are not the enemy."

"Let this person come in." Mr. Le looked outside, followed the hand, and saw a stained man climbing up from under the beast cart. This man had just been hiding underground, and when the beast cart passed by, he followed A journey.

Lu Yin looked at the people who came in with great interest. Although Le Lao's cultivation level was not high, he had reached the ancestral realm. This person had some ability to avoid being discovered. It seemed that this was not always possible depending on the general trend of the world.

The person who came in looked cautious, and his movements were somewhat respectful and distant. Facing Mr. Le, he saluted politely: "Junior has seen the seniors from Wanxiang Valley. He was chased by evil people just now, so he had no choice but to borrow a beast cart for a ride. Returning. I hope the senior will atone for his sins."

Le Lao looked at Lu Yin. The reason why he let this person in was because of Lu Yin. Lu Yin clearly found someone hiding under the beast cart but did not reveal it. He waited for the person to follow him for a distance and then said that he was not sure what Lu Yin was thinking. .

When the visitor saw Mr. Le looking at Lu Yin, he was thinking thoughtfully and hurriedly saluted Lu Yin: "Junior has met you, sir. He has an elegant temperament and extraordinary cultivation. I hope you will forgive me for my rudeness."

Lu Yin looked at this person: "Female?"

The visitor sneered: "Walking on the earth is a lot of inconvenience, so I used some disguise. Sir, don't be surprised."

"How did you do it?"


"How do you calculate where our beast cart will pass by where you are hiding?" Lu Yin asked.

Le Lao looked at the person coming, yes, the world is so vast, the beast cart can fly into the air or land on the ground, it all depends on how the driver drives it. This person is hiding underground. If they didn't happen to pass by, they would definitely be discovered, but their beast cart happened to be How did she do it after letting this person lend her a ride?

The visitor took out a bottle from Ningkong Ring, which contained some powder: "Looking at Jiuxiao, there are many giant beasts being driven, but there are not many that can be favored by big shots. The blue thorn beast is one of them. This road It leads directly to the Vientiane Valley. The people in the Vientiane Valley like to drive the blue thorn beast the most. If you want to avoid those people, the people in the Vientiane Valley are the most confident, and these powders are prepared by myself to attract the blue thorn beast."

"I just sprinkled some powder in the hiding place. Even if the blue thorn beast is flying in the sky, it will be lured down. Although the driver is driving it, but faced with the temptation of these powders, the blue thorn beast may not listen to the driver."

Le Lao was surprised: "Can these powders attract blue thorn beasts? How to do it?"

The woman's face turned red: "Well, behemoths are also living things. As living things, they need to reproduce."

Le Lao understood and looked at the woman strangely.

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