Star Odyssey

Chapter 3819 It has nothing to do with it

Qianshu interfaced: "Girl, don't pay attention to this person. There are too many people who know girl in the universe today. Even in the destroyed outer universe, there are creatures who know the girl's existence. This person is just sensationalizing."

Yingmei's face was solemn: "If you are curious about this person, wait until my Spring and Autumn Slips capture him. You can know anything you want." After saying that, the Spring and Autumn Slips shook, and words shot up into the sky, "Mr. Ya Granny, Mr. Mo" , and a group of masters of Spring and Autumn Slips took a step forward at the same time. The word "Zhen" appeared in front of each of them, connected by words, and based on the Spring and Autumn Slips, they formed a general trend and suppressed Lu Yin.

Lu Yin frowned, Jiuchiyuan was good at uniting, and the Spring and Autumn Slips were the same. Sure enough, the more civilization developed, the more methods it had.

Jiuxiao Universe is just like Tianyuan Universe after countless years of development. It has also plundered the resources and cultivation culture of Linghua Universe. It is a real behemoth.

At this time, outside the Spring and Autumn Slips, a cold light flickered, and the dragon's roar came, bringing the people from the third peak of Death Hill with the intention of helping Lu Yin.

Below, an old man climbed up and faced the Spring and Autumn Slips directly: "Yingmei, don't go too far in everything. There are so many people surrounding you on the Spring and Autumn Slips. I, the Tianmen Luo family, can't stand it."

Yingmei's face was heavy. Death Qiu and Luojia all came forward to help this person. These guys were already enemies of Chunqiu Jian, and now they are adding insult to injury.

Lu Yin glanced at the old man, who nodded to him.

It turned out to be him.

The old man who checked his token at the Tianmen was first instigated by Sheng Gong to check the token, and he threatened Luo Heng's life before he opened the Tianmen. If this man hadn't been a step too late, Qianshu and the old woman wouldn't have had time to do anything to him. Take action.

After all, Luo Jia can be regarded as Chun Qiu Jian's accomplice.

However, Chun Qiu Jian acted against him because of Luo Hun. Chun Qiu Jian and Luo Jia were hostile to each other, and he was implicated.

Now Luojia is helping out, not only to deal with Chunqiu Jian, but also to take Luo Heng away from him, which is a beautiful idea.

"My Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips have never violated the ban. If Death Qiu forces his way in, he will be killed without mercy." Yingmei became fierce and stared at the old man of Luojia: "As for your Tianmen Luojia, if you dare to intervene, the Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips will immediately declare war on Luojia. If you don't die, endlessly."

The old man Luo Jia narrowed his eyes: "Are you threatening Luo Jia?"

Yingmei no longer looked at the old man, but stared at Long Yin. The third peak could cause trouble, but it did not dare to act openly. Otherwise, Long Yin, the leader of the third peak, would definitely be removed. Now he was not looking for trouble. The trouble is that simple.

Everyone wants to help, and there must be more people secretly trying to cause trouble for Chunqiu Jian, but do they dare to show up?

Those who wanted to help were unable to take action, but those who wanted to help Chun Qiu Jian also did not dare to come forward. Chun Qiu Jian could withstand Lu Yin's pressure, but those who wanted to rely on Chun Qiu Jian could not.

At this time, Lu Siyu walked out, and in front of her was a Spring and Autumn Jian Shijing master, who just blocked her figure and prevented her from moving forward, but it could not stop her from speaking: "Yingmei Grand View, Spring and Autumn Jian really want to take action against this person?"

Yingmei frowned and looked at Lu Siyu: "I respect Qinglian, but even if Qinglian is here, I will not let this person insult Chunqiu Jian like this, and call the girl by her first name. The girl's first name is taboo. Since Qinglian is the emperor, you should know."

"As a famous disciple of Qinglian Shang Yuji, and from the Silin Sword Sect, you have offered to help this person several times and no longer care about it, so please don't go too far." After saying that, he also stared at Ming Xiaolong, his eyes full of warning. .

Lu Siyu sneered: "Stop talking about those useless things. You really respect my master, and you dare to take action against this person?"

Yingmei was startled, her face changed, and she stared at Lu Siyu: "What do you mean by this?"

Qianshu, Granny Ya, Mr. Mo and others all looked at Lu Siyu. Is this person involved in Qinglian Shangyu?

Lu Siyu raised his head. Although the gauze covered his face, his delicate and white neck could still be seen: "Don't you know what happened at Si Lin Jian Sect? You helped my father Lu Si Zhan become the leader of Si Lin Jian Sect. it's him."

Everyone was shocked, was it him?

Yingmei's face turned pale.

Qianshu and others couldn't believe it.

It's actually him?

What happened at Silinjianmen has long been spread to Jiuxiao Universe. The tomb where the Spring and Autumn Slips are at this moment is not far from Silinjianmen, so of course they know about it.

It is said that it was a man who came from the sea of ​​karma who helped Lu Sizhan become the Four Immortal Sword Leader, and also helped Lu Sizhan break through the level of overcoming hardship and become the Four Immortal Sword Leader in the true sense.

The specific identity of that person is difficult for outsiders to know. The Silin Jianmen blocked the outside news, but this matter was not blocked.

No one thought that that person was actually Lu Yin.

Yingmei stared at Lu Yin: "Is it you?"

Lu Yin said with a smile, "It's me."

Yingmei gritted her teeth, how could it be him? Trouble. As the battle for the sword heads approached, Mingzui, a famous disciple of Qinglian Shangyu, also appeared. She personally admitted that this person's career overseas must be related to Qinglian Shangyu. Her status is comparable to that of the Seven Fairies, so what should Spring and Autumn Jane do? kill? That was the face of Da Ye Hai. Even if this person had nothing to do with Qinglian Shangyu, just the fact that he came from Ye Hai and made friends with Ming Zhui was enough to make Chun Qiu Jian unlucky.

The disciples of Qinglian Shangyu are scattered throughout the Jiuxiao Universe, not just the Seven Fairies and Mingzui, but even they don't know the identities of some of the disciples.

Being retaliated by those people is like poking a hornet's nest. Even if you don't die, you will lose some skin. Plus, there are Death Hill, Luojia, Vientiane Valley, and there are four sword gates waiting to watch here. How can Spring and Autumn Slips gain a foothold?

The more she thought about it, the uglier her face became.

Grandma Ya and the others were even more ashen-faced, feeling like they had offended Qinglian Shangyu, and the sky was about to fall.

Lu Yin shook his head: "You don't have to worry. I have nothing to do with Qinglian Shangyu. I can tell you this clearly."

Lu Siyu was furious and glared at Lu Yin: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ming Xiaolong kept winking: "You obviously have a career overseas, how can it be irrelevant?"

Lu Yin waved his hand: "There is no need to use Ye Hai's name to scare people. This is a private grudge between me and Chun Qiu Jian. I, Lu Yin, will not use Qing Lian's name to avenge myself. Ying Mei, what should you do?" Just do it.”

Yingmei was afraid and wanted to end this matter. No matter what the relationship between Lu Yin and Ye Hai was, just the words "working in Ye Hai" were enough to make her not want to take action.

"I am in the Spring and Autumn Slips right now. I will give you a chance to surround and kill me. Otherwise, you will hand over Qianshu and that evil servant to me and let the matter be over." Lu Yin said disdainfully.

Yingmei stared at Lu Yin in a deep voice: "Do you really want to get things done?"

Lu Yin said indifferently: "They pushed me out of Tianmen. It's time to settle this account."

Yingmei's eyes flickered, full of murderous intent and ferociousness. She didn't want to mess with Lu Yin, but how could Qianshu hand it over? That is the future of Spring and Autumn Jane.

"Your Excellency, I, Chun Qiu Jian, am willing to pay the price to end this matter. You insulted Chun Qiu Jian before, but you also gave up. I hope you will not force me again."

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back and said, "Hand in."

Yingmei gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Your Majesty, do you really want to destroy everything?"

Lu Yin said disdainfully: "You are not worthy yet."

Yingmei nodded and sneered: "Okay, okay, if that's the case, then don't blame me." She raised her head and looked around: "Do you know where this person came from?" Everyone looked at each other, wondering what Yingmei was talking about now. , Granny Ya has already said that this person comes from the spiritual universe.

Yingmei said: "This person's name is Lu Yin, and he comes from the Linghua Universe. As soon as he arrived in Jiuxiao, he intervened in the battle between the four sword heads. Now he is provoking me, Spring and Autumn Slips. The so-called hatred is not for no reason, but because of my disciple Qian. Shu realized that this person was going to be detrimental to Jiuxiao Universe, so he pushed him out of Tianmen. Originally, I wanted to solve the matter secretly, but this person had extremely high cultivation and colluded with Silin Jianmen. As a last resort, I could only risk offending him. Ye Hai’s risk is taken action.”

Qianshu took a step forward: "Yu Sangtian's killing has made it difficult for everyone in Jiuxiao to easily enter the spiritual universe, and has blocked the understanding of the spiritual universe. This person has joined forces with Yu Sangtian to conspire to harm our Jiuxiao universe. Previously, At the Tianmen, this person attracted an Immortal Realm monster. If we hadn't acted quickly, the Immortal Realm monster would have entered the Jiuxiao Universe, Luojia, is this right or wrong?"

Everyone looked at the Spring and Autumn Slips and felt incredible. A monster in the Immortal Realm?

Lu Siyu and Ming Xiaolong were surprised, they didn't know about this.

Qingyun looked outside.

The old man from Luojia looked gloomy: "At the beginning."

"Just tell me if this person caused the monster in the Immortal Realm." Granny Ya shouted fiercely.

The old man narrowed his eyes: "Yes."

Everyone's eyes changed again when they looked at Lu Yin.

Qianshu sneered: "Colluded with Yu Sangtian, lured immortal realm monsters to break into the Tianmen, there is also a Master Qingcao in the spiritual universe, and now you colluded with the Silin Sword Gate, Lu Yin, what are your intentions?"

Lu Yin listened to Yingmei and Qianshu's words and couldn't help but admire: "Well said, really well said. Use facts to drive falsehoods, stir up Jiuxiao Universe's hatred and contempt for Linghua Universe, use words to mess up the world, kill people and kill people." , he is worthy of being the successor of Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips, his ability to confuse right and wrong is amazing."

Yu Sangtian killed Ru Shi, making countless people in Jiuxiao Universe hate him. Originally, people in Jiuxiao Universe looked down on the three universes. As soon as Ru Shi died, they were full of murderous intentions towards Yu Sangtian. Lu Yin knew this very well. Yue Ya's attitude is too obvious.

Qianshu started with this incident, and combined it with the incident of the immortal realm monster, which turned out to be true, causing everyone to have a cognitive illusion, thinking that Lu Yin was plotting against Jiuxiao to harm them. Yingmei also specifically pointed out that she would not hesitate to offend Ye Hai. , let the people of Yehai worry.

Although he didn't say much, he successfully pushed Lu Yin to the opposite side of Jiuxiao Universe and minimized Chunqiu Jian's hostility towards Ye Hai.

"Lu Yin, no matter how eloquent you are, you can't change the facts." Qianshu said loudly, and then continued: "In order to prevent the people from my Jiuxiao Universe from spiritualizing the universe, Yu Sangtian deliberately killed Rushi, the God of Lower Yu. , that is a slap in the face of Jiuxiao Universe, and it also caused great losses to the major forces in Jiuxiao Universe. Let me tell you one more thing."

He stared at Lu Yin coldly: "Jiuchi Garden has been wiped out."

Everyone was in an uproar: "Jiuchiyuan was wiped out?"

"How is it possible? It's the Jiu Chi Garden in the Northern Territory?"

"Isn't the mountain closed..."

Qianshu said loudly: "Jiuchi Garden was destroyed because it violated the prohibition. What prohibition was violated? It interfered with the three universes."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the Master of Longyin Peak."

Everyone looked at the dragon chanting outside the Spring and Autumn Slips.

Long Yin did not deny it, this was a fact.

Although the news of the destruction of Jiu Chi Garden has been blocked, it is easy for those who are interested to investigate.


Thanks to brothers Tomorrow Will Be Better 19147 for the reward and brothers for their support, thank you! !

More to come, thank you! !

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