Star Odyssey

Chapter 3829 Reappearance

Lu Yin has seen the most Zhuobao, one is Eternal, and the other is Jiang Feng.

He himself only has one Dice Treasure, and now he has a Spring and Autumn Slip.

"What is this? It can't be opened." A voice came from not far away, coming from a Chun Qiu Jian disciple who was trying to open the stone box in front of him.

There were several Chunqiu Jian disciples around but they couldn't open it with help.

Lu Siyu and the others were also attracted and watched curiously.

But after a while, it still couldn't be opened. Lu Siyu shouted from a distance: "Hey, Lu Yin, come and take a look, there's a treasure."

Lu Yin appeared in front of Lu Siyu in a flash, looking at the stone box in front of him, everyone around him stepped back.

Lu Yin put his hand on the stone box and exerted force. The stone box vibrated but was not broken.


Lu Yin was surprised that despite his considerable strength, he didn't destroy it. He increased his strength, and even though the stone box was shaken, it was still not damaged.

Mr. Yibai came over and said, "I have seen this stone box before, but I have never seen it opened. It is said that it originated from the era of the first generation of ancestors, a long time ago."

Lu Yin didn't believe it anymore, he kept increasing his strength, and finally used the infinite power flow. Suddenly, the stone box cracked, and everyone looked at it, curious about what was inside.

That stone is anything but ordinary.

However, after the stone box cracked, there was still a stone box inside.

Lu Siyu was confused: "What does this mean? It can't always be a stone box, the Spring and Autumn Slips are too boring."

Lu Yin didn't pay attention to Lu Siyu's words. He stared at the top of the second smaller stone box after the break. His pupils flickered and his face changed: "You guys stand back."

Lu Siyu wanted to ask something, but was pulled away by Ming Xiaolong.

Everyone around them stepped back.

Lu Yin stared at the second stone box. On the top of the stone box, there was a word - "Heaven" carved on it.

The word "天" was normal in Spring and Autumn Slips, but in Lu Yin's eyes it was abnormal. This word made him think of karma, the guardians of the four directions, and eternity.

He slowly raised his hand, then suddenly lowered it, pressing it towards the word "天".

In an instant, the sky and the earth roared, and everyone felt like their brains had been hammered by something, and they stepped back step by step.

Under Lu Yin's palm, the word "Heaven" bloomed with light, shining in all directions along the five fingers. He wanted to take off, but was suppressed by Lu Yin. This word "Heaven" once made him almost die. The first time he borrowed it from Taikoo City The flame has just burned, and now he does not need to use any power. So what about the power of the Immortal Realm? He can face the masters of the Immortal Realm directly, but he can't suppress a single word written by the Immortal Realm?

When the word "天" soared into the sky, he knew that this word was definitely not written in the Spring and Autumn Slips, but came from the mysterious Immortal Realm powerhouse like Karma and the Guardian Envoy of the Four Directions. And that powerhouse Lu Yin also thought that it was not Master of Green Grass.

No matter how Tianci lied, Lu Yin was now certain that he was definitely not Master Qingcao.

There is also a powerful person in the Immortal Realm hidden in Tianyuan Universe.

That strong man is the mastermind behind the word "Heaven", the word "Slave", eternity, and even Master Qingcao.

If this person were here, Lu Yin would definitely try his best to escape without saying a word, but with just one word, he was completely different from before.

Under the palm, the word "sky" is like a storm of stars that has shrunk countless times, climbing continuously.

Lu Yin's eyes were fierce, the fighting energy of the palm spread, the particles of the Sealing Heaven sequence were included, and infinite power flowed: "Scatter it for me." With a sharp shout, the word "sky" shattered and turned into light spots scattered in all directions. Everything happened very quickly, everyone only felt their heads being hammered, and then they saw dots of light falling from Lu Yin's palm, and there was nothing else.

Lu Siyu turned pale, covered his head, and looked at Lu Yin blankly: "What happened?"

Zuo Ziming walked out from beside Xiaolong and looked at the stone box in shock. He could see clearly that he was a strong man who could overcome the hardships and achieve perfection, but he couldn't imagine that a single word could have such power. Even he had been hammered hard just now. He shook his head.

This is definitely not Yingmei's power, otherwise Yingmei would not have died so miserably.

Lu Yin stood quietly in front of the stone box, not knowing what he was thinking and not in a hurry to open it.

But Lu Siyu was anxious and kept urging.

The low voice slowly opened, and countless eyes were watching, wanting to know what was in the stone box.

If Ming Xiaolong hadn't been pulling him, Lu Siyu would have rushed over long ago.

The main reason is that Xiaolong is afraid of danger.

As the stone box was opened, what appeared in front of Lu Yin's eyes were spirit seeds and some scars, a total of twenty-six.

However, the fate scar is no longer important at this time. It is normal here. However, Lu Yin was a little confused. Spiritual seed?

How could it be a spiritual seed? There are hundreds of billions of spiritual seeds piled outside. Why put spiritual seeds in this stone box? unless.

"Cultivation?" Lu Siyu exclaimed.

Everyone was breathing rapidly, looking at those spiritual seeds hotly and even greedily. They were not ordinary spiritual seeds, but cultivating spirits.

Spiritual seeds can be cultivated into the body, and spiritual cultivation refers to spiritual seeds that can be cultivated. Lu Yin has encountered many masters who have accepted spiritual cultivation.

There are at least thousands of cultivating spirits in this stone box. Is this the greatest secret of the Spring and Autumn Slips?

"It's against the rules, it's against the rules." Zuo gritted his teeth, his expression ugly.

Ming Xiaolong and others all reacted, staring at the cultivators, their expressions darkened.

Even the originally greedy eyes of those around them have been replaced by anger. Of course, that greed still exists. No one wants to get these cultivation spirits. Once obtained, it is enough for a family to transcend and become a force.

No matter how profound the Spring and Autumn Slips were, it would be impossible for them to have so many powerful cultivators.

"If we talk about ordinary spiritual cultivation, any family can produce much more than this, but this is by no means an ordinary spiritual cultivation. Although we can't tell it from the appearance, we Jiuxiao Universe cultivators can probably do it because of our spiritual cultivation. I can feel the intensity of these spiritual cultivations." Seeing Lu Yin's confusion, Ming Xiaolong explained.

She continued: "These spiritual cultivators, at worst, are in the ancestral realm."

Lu Yin's eyes changed: "The worst is the ancestral realm?"

Ming Xiaolong nodded and said in a deep voice: "There seem to be many ancestral realms, but that is because of the huge base of cultivators. In fact, the birth of the ancestral realm is never simple. One of billions may be born, and the family or The power can increase this ratio to a very high level, but it is not so high that it can leave thousands of cultivators at least in the ancestral realm. After all, ancestral realm cultivators can live for a long time, and they may not necessarily die in their own territory. Spiritual seeds may not be left behind, and among them, the ancestral realm is only a part, and some must transcend the ancestral realm, and even reach the level of Lingshi Realm or even survive hardships."

"Not to mention the Spring and Autumn Slips, even the oldest Damengtian in the Eastern Region cannot have this quantity. These are definitely plundered spiritual cultivators. This is against the rules. The Spring and Autumn Slips are against the rules."

Mr. Yibai's face turned pale, and many eyes fell on him, as well as the Chun Qiu Jian disciples, all of whom looked uneasy and trembled in fear. Breaking the ban, these two words in Jiuxiao Universe mean that you will encounter the death hill, which means death.

But, they don't know this.

Someone shouted sharply: "Mr. Yibai, you Chunqiu Jian actually did such evil things, and you will never be redeemed by death."

"Yingmei shouldn't be allowed to die so easily."

"It's strange. Death Qiu has been staring at the Spring and Autumn Slips. How could he not find these cultivators? Their spirit-seeking techniques are infallible, especially since the master of Longyin Peak is here."

"It should have something to do with that stone box, which blocks the spirit-seeking technique of Death Hill..."

Everyone around was condemning it, but Chun Qiu Jian was already dead and Yingmei was dead. It was impossible for those Chun Qiu Jian disciples to know about it at a glance. The only one who might know was Mr. Yi Bai.

Mr. Yibai slowly knelt down, his hair visibly white, looking at the stone box in pain without saying a word.

Anyone who is rational can see that he doesn't know about this, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have no emotions at all just now. It would be too natural.

In the Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips, this Mr. Yibai is an outlier, otherwise Ming Xiaolong and Qingyun would not be allowed to intercede.

Lu Yin put away the scar and looked at Ming Xiaolong and the others: "Spirit-seeking technique?"

Ming Xiaolong explained: "Death Hill specializes in killing those who break the rules. In the Jiuxiao Universe, the most frequent violation of rules is to plunder and cultivate spirits. Once you grab a powerful spiritual cultivator, it is a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step even if your talent is limited and it is difficult to make progress. Therefore, There are many people who plunder and cultivate spirits. Death Hill has a special spirit-seeking technique. Once there are too many spiritual cultivators in a certain place, you can find them if you get close to them, and finally determine whether they are violators."

"There can be some spiritual cultivation in the Spring and Autumn Bamboo Slips, such as Qian Shu's Dzogchen Spiritual Cultivation for Overcoming Suffering and the Dzogchen Cultivation of Overcoming Suffering by Ya Po Po, but there should never be so many."

At this point, she looked at Lu Yin: "Si Qiu keeps making trouble for Chun Qiu Jian, but can't find a reason. I didn't expect that Chun Qiu Jian has something that can block the spirit-seeking technique."

"Who can contact Death Hill and tell them what's going on here?" Lu Yin looked around and spoke.

A Zuo said: "I can." After saying that, he contacted Death Qiu.

Long Yin and the Third Peak kept looking for trouble for Chun Qiu Jian, and they also took action in the previous battle. On the premise that Chun Qiu Jian did not break the ban, they would definitely be punished for taking action. After all, there were so many eyes watching, but if it was confirmed that Chun Qiu Jian broke the ban , they are much better.

Seeing that Zuo contacted Death Hill, Lu Yin directly put away the stone box.

Gang, gang, this trophy cannot be given to Death Qiu.

Having said that, since Chunqiu Jian can get the help of the mysterious immortal realm and block the spirit-seeking technique, how many people in Jiuxiao Universe can do it?

Not only Lu Yin thought about it, but many people also thought about it, and their expressions became even more ugly.

Robbery of spiritual seeds will make people in Jiuxiao Universe uneasy. If there is a group of people hiding in the dark who can rob spiritual seeds without letting Death Hill discover them, who can do anything to them? The strength of that group of people will only increase faster and faster.

"Although there are many spiritual cultivators, there must be powerful spiritual cultivators among them, but they will definitely not reach the top. Otherwise, Spring and Autumn Slips would definitely have to be used in the situation just now." Someone sighed.

Others echoed: "That's true. Is it possible for him to be destroyed without being exposed? Impossible."

"It is estimated that none of them may have the level of spiritual cultivation to overcome hardships..."

No matter what level Lu Yin is, these cultivating spirits cannot be used by people who do not cultivate with spiritual seeds, but they can be melted in the future. The liquid is far beyond the comparison of those uncultivated spiritual species, and can also be traded in the Jiuxiao Universe, and its value far exceeds that million Billions of spiritual species.

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