Star Odyssey

Chapter 3831 Answer

Lu Yin looked at his hands. In the shortest time, he had completed the path of combat power that others had pursued all their lives, but he had also lost the process.

A long, boring, random process.

So, how do you step into eternal life?

He was confused even when he entered the beginning.

"Hey, where are you going?" Lu Siyu asked, his voice startling Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was confused: "I don't know."

"Didn't you say to go to Fifth Sister or Sixth Sister?" Lu Siyu asked.

Lu Yin looked at Zuo: "Restarting the universe will help cultivators, not just those who have overcome hardships."

Zuo nodded: "Yes, some people feel enlightened when they see the universe restart. It is not impossible to transform once, but if you want to witness the restart, there are very few places."


"I don't know. It is said that resources are limited, but we don't know what resources they are."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze, resources? Immortal matter?

In the Jiuxiao Universe, in a certain direction, as far as the eye could see, the huge Seventh Night Pillar crashed down, piercing the earth, and stood upright.

Countless people are heading towards the Seventh Night Pillar. The Seventh Night Pillar has returned from Lan Universe, and they don’t know what they will bring back. This is a good opportunity to join the Seventh Night Pillar, and it is also a good opportunity to trade.

At the same time, a figure came out from the seventh night pillar, pressed the brim of his hat, looked in the direction, and disappeared.

Not long after that man left, another figure appeared in the position where he had just stood. He checked it and murmured to himself: "It should be the Sixth Night Pillar." Just as he was about to stand up, a shadow enveloped him, and another figure appeared. , blocking the sunlight, standing behind him without the person noticing.

The man squatted on the ground and his expression changed.

"I knew this would happen, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon." A lonely voice came from behind.

The man squatting on the ground stared at the ground, his pupils flickering: "Wang Xiaoshou, please forgive me."

"There is no more Xiaozhu. When the Xiaozhu returns, the war will be over. I am just a somewhat powerful swordsman."

The man squatting on the ground didn't dare to move. Is that a bit powerful? too humble.

"Is it useful if I stop you here?"

"It's no use looking back. It's a fact that he will go to the Sixth Occult Pillar. I have already guessed it. I just want to confirm it."

"Hey -, why bother? It's too tiring for you to fight for me." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

The man squatting on the ground didn't dare to get up until half an hour later. He had never participated in the Seventh Night Pillar's foreign war and would never be able to see clearly this night leader. Anyone who had participated would be like him.

Far away, the first person to leave from the Seventh Night Pillar stopped where he was, and three figures appeared in front of him.


"We also want to know who you are and where you are going."

"You block my way, but you don't know who I am?"

"We'll confirm."

"What if you die?"

"Death is also an answer."

Cheng, the blade of the sword flashed with cold light, and it disappeared in a flash. The figure passed over the three people and continued to walk forward.

The three people stood there, unable to move, until a bird landed and accidentally hit one person, who fell to the ground, already dead.

A few days later, the figure was stopped again. In front of him were five people.

"Or to confirm identity?"


"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"The answer is more important."

"Okay." After saying that, he took a step forward, the sword edge flashed past, and the same scene appeared again, all five people died.

A few more days passed. At this time, there were ten people blocking the way. Eight of them were the ones who had died before. They were all spirit seeds who had left the body, and now they were still spirit seeds.

The figure's eyes narrowed: "They are all spiritual seeds out of the body. Okay, let me see how many spiritual seeds you have." After saying that, a sword passed by, and all ten people died.

The figure did not leave in a hurry, but sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

Soon, someone arrived and walked towards the figure step by step.

The figure opened his eyes, stood up, turned around slowly, and looked with a cold gaze: "You are here to die too."

The visitor looked at the figure: "You are Jian Hong."

The figure's eyes narrowed, he raised his hand, took off his hat, and revealed a face that was very ordinary, but allowed the visitor to verify his identity.

"Sure enough, it's you, Jian Hong. We guessed early on that you are most likely to go to the Sixth Night Pillar."

"In order to compete for this opportunity, you are so shameless that you just grab it."

"Hmph, the Sixth Night Pillar is simply not capable of taking it on, so you might as well leave it to us."

"Perhaps the Sixth Occult Pillar will invite you?"

The visitor said nothing.

Jian Hong nodded: "You are from the Fifth Night Pillar. Only the Fifth Night Pillar cannot be invited by the Sixth Night Pillar."

"Let's take action. Let me see how strong Jian Hong is, who once claimed to have the third best swordsmanship in the world." With that said, the person took action, and the sequence particles were as majestic as an abyss, suppressing them violently.

On the opposite side, Jian Hong drew out his sword, raised it, slashed, and at the same time released sequence particles, sinking three points without moving.


There was a flash of cold light.

Jian Hong sheathed his sword, turned around and left.

On the spot, the visitor's pupils flashed: "It's so fast, sword." After saying that, he fell to the ground, and then his body turned into spiritual seeds and shattered.

Still a spiritual species.

The ambushes along the way were actually spiritual seeds.

Jian Hong quickly headed towards the Sixth Night Pillar. The next person who appears will not be so easy to defeat, and will only become stronger and stronger. Will the Taicang Sword Master come to the Fifth Night Pillar?

The starry sky in Jiuxiao Universe becomes unlike the starry sky because of the mother tree.

But this kind of starry sky that doesn’t look like a starry sky is really beautiful.

Above the void, the bamboo pieces floated like a small boat, heading towards the mother tree at neither a fast nor a slow speed.

The bamboo slips were the Spring and Autumn Slips. Lu Yin was sitting on the Spring and Autumn Slips, looking into the distance and stretching.

He separated from Lu Siyu and others in Lingyuan more than ten days ago, including Shui Su, who also said goodbye to him, with an expression of fear that he would stay, which is ridiculous to think about.

But for someone like Shui Su, she couldn't imagine her own height and could only see the danger she brought, which was normal.

After calculating the time, Lu Yin released Qianshu.

Qianshu was trapped in the Dianjiangtai Hell. These ten days were enough for him to drink a pot.

I don't know whether it was because of receiving Qingyun or some other reason, Qianshu appeared in his true form, otherwise Lu Yin would have to find him again, but if he didn't appear in his true form, he wouldn't be able to accept spiritual cultivation.

Qianshu was released. Although his expression was not as dull as Yi Shang's, he was still extremely pale.

Yi Shang has lived too long and has experienced too much. If Qianshu lives as long as Yi Shang, his performance may not necessarily be better than Yi Shang's.

Dianjiangtai Hell is the hell of cause and effect. The past scenes emerge one after another, pain, happiness, and farewell. This is the greatest emotional torture for people. Unless a conscious life is a creature with only survival instinct, it is difficult to ignore Dianjiang. Taiwan hell.

After a while, Qianshu came back to his senses and looked at Lu Yin in front of him, his eyes flickering: "Where is Daguan? Where are the Spring and Autumn Slips?"

Lu Yin pointed at his feet.

Qianshu looked down and his pupils shrank: "Spring and Autumn Slips?"

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back and looked at him calmly: "Are you surprised?"

Qian's book is sluggish, and the Spring and Autumn Slips were taken away by this person. What about the Yingmei Grand View? Where have those predecessors from Spring and Autumn Slips gone? Impossible, how is it possible? Yingmei Grand View possesses the Spring and Autumn Jian Zhuo Bao. With the help of the Zhuo Bao, it can suppress everything. It is a hidden method. Even if it faces the Imperial City of God, it is impossible to lose. How can it be defeated?

Qianshu looked around. Lingyuan had long disappeared, and the surrounding space was flying around. He suddenly stared at Lu Yin: "What's going on?"

Lu Yin frowned: "It seems you haven't recognized the reality yet, so let's continue." After saying that, he grabbed Xiang Qianshu with one hand.

Qianshu immediately retreated and the space changed so that no one could touch him.

But the next moment, he was suppressed and entered Jiangtai Hell again. Qianshu couldn't see the appearance of the Heavenly Way of Cause and Effect at all, let alone his body. A cause and effect was created on his body, which transformed his consciousness, making him think that this starry sky was the only one in the world. It is the consciousness that can escape from the stars.

Looking at the Jiuxiao universe, there are only a few people who can so easily catch those who have accepted spiritual cultivation and possess the perfect skills to overcome hardships.

Ten more days passed, and on this day, Lu Yin released Qianshu again.

Qianshu gasped for breath, veins twitching on his forehead. Those who were killed by the Chunqiu Slips and robbed the cultivators kept appearing and wandering around. He saw himself being caught by the death hill, tortured and losing everything. He saw the Chunqiu Slips falling and listened. Every scream becomes one's own.

He didn't know that it was cause and effect, the cause of the past and the effect of the future. Sometimes cause and effect may not be destiny. Some people also know their own fate, which is also a kind of cause and effect.

Human will is unshakable. Fear, fear, and worry are also wills. Such wills will create corresponding consequences, and that cause is the evil that has been done.

In fact, with the skyrocketing increase in cause and effect, Lu Yin himself didn't even know that the Diantai Hell was changing, and it was already different from the beginning.

Qianshu was lying on the bamboo slices, beads of sweat dripping, and he had not yet recovered from the Dianjiangtai Hell.

After a while, his pupils recovered. He slowly raised his head and looked at Lu Yin. There was fear in his eyes. He didn't want to go to that ghost place again.

Never want to.

"Do you understand now?" Lu Yin asked calmly.

Qianshu swallowed: "Why can you break my physique?"

Lu Yin's lips curled up: "Is it difficult?"

Qianshu didn't know how to answer, not only was it difficult, but if it wasn't difficult, he wouldn't be able to enter Shaoyu Pavilion, wouldn't be valued so much by Yingmei Grand View, and wouldn't be fully supported by Chunqiu Jian.

A Dzogchen Soul Cultivation Spirit for Overcoming the Tribulations came from a certain generation of Spring and Autumn Slips. It was of inestimable value, so he kept it on himself just in case. There was also Grandma Ya who accepted the Spirit Cultivation and also stepped into the Overcoming Tribulations. The ultimate master of the Dzogchen level always follows the path to protect the path.

You can imagine how amazing his physique is.

But it was broken so easily.

"Okay, you don't need to know too much, because from the moment you are arrested, your future is in my hands." Lu Yin said with a smile, his expression calm, like an ordinary person reminiscing about the past.

But when Qianshu saw Lu Yin's expression, he felt a sense of fear that he couldn't contain.

"I just want to know an answer. How are the Spring and Autumn Slips, Yingmei Grand View and the others?" Qianshu asked bitterly.

Lu Yin looked at him and was satisfied: "There is no sharpness in his eyes. Okay, I'll tell you the answer."

Qianshu swallowed again and stared at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin spoke slowly: "The Spring and Autumn Slips are gone."

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