Star Odyssey

Chapter 3833 Six Liang of Gold

Not far away, a young woman came to the river carrying a bucket and whispered: "No one in heaven will cheat us mortals out of their money. For them, mortal money is useless, even if they sell our city." It won’t help them.”

After listening to the woman's words, Lu Yin nodded and took a sip of his drink: "Yes, mortals and heavenly beings are too far apart." He sighed with emotion and looked at the young woman: "Then I will do the math for you for free. How about it? You won’t suffer any loss anyway.”

The young woman looked at Lu Yin in confusion, then lowered her head, not daring to speak.

Lu Yin didn't force it, and the raft continued to drift. The river flowed very slowly, and the dense water plants on both sides were like a green bridge, connecting the two sides.

Weeds impeded the drift of the raft.

Lu Yin didn't move away, letting the raft float in place and sleeping.

After an unknown amount of time, a soft sound reached his ears. He opened his eyes and looked.

It was the young woman who was beating the raft with a bamboo pole and looking at herself.

"It's already dark, why don't you leave? Our city has a curfew. If you are seen, you will be in trouble."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "There are still cities with curfews?"

"You should leave quickly."

"But I haven't told my fortune yet."

The young woman was helpless: "No one believes you, just leave."

Lu Yin smiled and looked at the young woman: "Girl, you have a good heart."

The young woman was stunned and looked at Lu Yin strangely: "I should be older than you."

"Don't you know that heavenly beings can stay young forever?" Lu Yin said with a smile.

The young woman was envious: "God is so kind."

"Do you want a date?"

"don't want."

"Why? You can stay young forever, or you can leave this city and not be bothered by curfews. You can go to heaven and earth and do whatever you want."

The young woman glanced at the gray-white stone house not far away: "My children and husband are here, and I want to accompany them."

Lu Yin smiled lightly: "You are very happy."

"Thank you, you'd better leave quickly, no one will believe you." The young woman said, and then walked away holding the barrel.

Lu Yin looked at her back: "Can you do me a favor?"

The young woman turned back and wondered: "Pull your raft over?"

"Write a word and write it anywhere, on the ground."

The young woman shook her head: "I can't read."

"Write whatever you want, it doesn't matter."

The young woman thought for a while, picked up the branch, and wrote two strokes on the ground - "ten".

"My son seems to have written this word." After saying that, he left and it got dark.

Lu Yin looked at the word on the ground. It turns out that when writing, you don't have to know what the word means. You can also write it for someone or something, and the meaning is not important.

She could obviously write "one", which would be more trouble-free, but she added one more stroke. This stroke is the love for her son and the warmth for this family.

Lu Yin looked at the gray-white stone house, his consciousness swept away, and he eliminated the diseases on the young woman, her husband, and their son: "I wish you a long life."

The water and grass separated, and the bamboo raft continued to drift. Lu Yin didn't know where his destination was. For cultivators, this city is very small and can be crossed in one step, but for ordinary people, it is very big. It is difficult to walk from one end of the city to the other. It takes a day to walk one end, and at least a day and a half if you go around the river.

However, this river not only flows in this city, but also connects to another city. Dozens of cities are on the ground, but in the eyes of practitioners, they are just gravel. If they fall casually, they may not touch anywhere. A city, such a city is too small in this Eternal World.

"Hey, hey."

Not long after drifting, someone shouted in the darkness.

Lu Yin looked around and saw that there was no difference between day and night: "I know you will come to me."

The person calling was an old woman, with a sallow complexion and cloudy eyes, but she was shrewd beyond her appearance.

Hearing Lu Yin's words, the old woman's eyes flickered: "You calculated it?"

"You can tell."

"I don't believe it, can you really tell fortunes?"

Lu Yin said leisurely: "Believe it or not, love."

The old woman looked at the words on the bamboo pole and cloth strips. She hesitated whether she believed it or not.

Lu Yin didn't urge him.

The old woman gritted her teeth: "How to charge?"

Lu Yin was amused: "Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe."

"Then why count?"

"The old woman has lived her whole life and wants to live a clear life. I don't ask you to predict the future. She just hopes that you can make me see the past clearly."

Lu Yin understood: "It's not fortune telling, it's heart telling."

"Tell me how to charge."

"Six taels of gold."

The old woman's body trembled and she looked at Lu Yin in shock: "You, you?"

Lu Yin closed his eyes and took a leisurely sip of his drink.

"How did you know?"

"Tell me, how did you know?"

The old woman was anxious. She had saved a total of six taels of gold in her life. To be honest, for a person of her age, six taels of gold was enough to provide for her retirement, so she hid it very carefully and only looked at it once every other year. Last time It was half a year ago, how could this person know? Even if you are staring at yourself, you can't stare at him for half a year, just for six taels of gold?

When she saw Lu Yin's eyes changed, she felt like she was seeing a ghost.

"Do you still believe it now?" Lu Yin asked, he naturally saw it through cause and effect.

The old woman swallowed and knelt down to kowtow: "Please help me, please help me, please help me..."

Lu Yin waved his hand, and the breeze lifted the old woman up.

The old woman couldn't control her body, and her awe for Lu Yin became even greater.

"My fee is six taels of gold. I have already said it. Are you willing?"

The old woman looked at Lu Yin blankly. Six taels of gold, six taels of gold, that was all her wealth. How could she be willing to give it to this person? How could she live? How do you count the hard work in the first half of your life?

She shook her head, subconsciously unwilling to give it.

Lu Yin looked at her with a faint smile: "Look, don't we have the answer?"

The old woman was confused at first, then her eyes widened and she looked at Lu Yin blankly. Yes, the answer is there, six taels of gold. This is the result of her hard work in the first half of her life. It is everything to her. Everything revolves around these six taels of gold. At this moment, the experiences of the first half of her life kept flashing through, and every scene contained gold. She was working for the gold, and she was working for herself. Everything else had nothing to do with her.

Neighborly quarrels and wars have nothing to do with her.

I don’t want to get married because I don’t want my hard work to be shared by another person.

Looking back on my life, there is no second person.

She collapsed to the ground. At this moment, she was awake but also old.

For the six taels of gold, she forgot everything, so she was confused and wanted to find the answer through fortune telling, but the answer also made her despair.

Lu Yin looked at the old woman sympathetically: "A mortal's life is only a hundred years, and there are many things worth remembering, but you only have six taels of gold. It's sad and deplorable."

The old woman smiled bitterly and lay on the ground: "It's sad, deplorable, and ridiculous."

"Pay me six taels of gold, and you will live a long life. You can still go for thirty years." The old woman is seventy this year. In her mind, she will not live long, and she still has a few years to live at most. Now she heard that She can still live for thirty years, so her heart is naturally excited, but the reward is six taels of gold, which is equivalent to using the first half of her life to buy the second half of her life. Is it worth it? She was confused.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

He didn't let the old woman write. She didn't need to write. Words were just "money" in her heart.

Words do not necessarily have to be written out.

After a long time, the old woman raised her head and looked at Lu Yin: "Old woman, I am willing."

Lu Yin looked at her and smiled.

The old woman stood up tremblingly: "The old woman will hand over six taels of gold to heaven and hope that heaven and man will fulfill her wish."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a liar?"

The old woman turned her back to Lu Yin and whispered: "If you can't buy the first half of your life in a few years or decades, what's the point?"

Lu Yin looked at the old woman's back: "No need."

The old woman turned around and looked at Lu Yin in confusion: "What does Heaven mean?"

Lu Yin said: "Six taels of gold is just sand to me. It's not as good as this current that can take me drifting. Now that you have the answer, I will give you thirty years of life. Enjoy it." After that, he waved his hand casually. , the old woman was blown by the wind, and her body returned to her house in the blink of an eye. The original heaviness in her body disappeared, as if she had returned to decades ago.

She was excited and knelt down in the direction of the river: "Thank you to heaven, thank you to heaven..."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze, picked up the cup, and looked at it in concentration.

The first half of her life, the second half of her life, a few words changed this old woman's life, and also changed the understanding of her by the people around her.

She saw herself clearly.

So, what about yourself? Looking back on the first half of my life, practicing, fighting, fighting, and staying away, I feel very tired when I think about it.

If you are tired, relax.

Lu Yin let the raft drift. This mortal world was really nice.

He always felt like he was making up for something, but he couldn't tell clearly.

At the moment when the old woman was willing to donate six taels of gold, beside the lotus pond in the sea of ​​​​ye, Qinglian Shangyu put his hands behind his back and looked at Eternal Heaven and Earth, with a smile on his lips: "You are really fast. So, how much can you steal in the end?"

The city became lively, and many people came to Lu Yin for fortune telling, all because of the old woman's propaganda.

Lu Yin didn't refuse. Those who came were destined. These people heard the propaganda, believed it, and came. This was a fate and a cause and effect, and he could calculate it.


"Don't read palms?"

"Just read the words."

"What's so good about words?" Although he muttered, he still wrote the word "heart", which had a somewhat mysterious meaning.

Lu Yin looked at the man: "You wrote this word to embarrass me."

"That's what I wanted to write."

"I specially wrote the word "heart". You didn't write it just because it was random. It's because of the meaning of this word. No one can see through people's hearts, but I can. Go back and tell your master that you can get it in thirty years. I gave it to you. She has a lifespan of thirty years. If you want to take her away in advance, don’t blame me for being rude." After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the person disappeared.

People around are surprised, where are the people?

Lu Yin's expression did not change. The person just now was instructed to cause trouble because they were interested in the old woman's six taels of gold and could only get it after the old woman died. Who would have thought that Lu Yin would let the old woman recover? They were furious. , wanting to cause some trouble, but not daring to go too far.

After all, he is a heavenly being.

So I specially wrote the word "heart" to make Lu Yin look embarrassed and force him to leave the city.

Some people write because of others, and some people write because the meaning of the words themselves is different.

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