Star Odyssey

Chapter 3842 Fair Showdown

Let Tai Cang Sword Master become the leader of the night and expel Yue Ya is the best way. As for whether the fifth night pillar can accompany the sixth night pillar to join the battle, he will solve it.

If that doesn't work, who can stop him from joining the Sixth Night Pillar as a night leader?

Liuli invited him to join the Sixth Night Pillar not only because he had helped the Sixth Night Pillar, but also because of the expedition to the outer universe. The Sixth Night Pillar itself was too weak. A large number of experts from the Jiuxiao Universe joined the Sixth Night Pillar, and Liang Li was afraid that he would not be able to suppress it. Things were different when Lu Yin came.

In the final analysis, Liang Li was not the person who could take charge of the Sixth Night Pillar. She was just lucky enough to escape a disaster and became a strong person who survived the hardships and hardships of the Sixth Night Pillar until the end. This was achieved through spiritual cultivation.

Qinglian asked the emperor: "Why do you want to help?"

Lu Yin did not hide anything and revealed his purpose.

Qinglian Shangyu smiled lightly: "Since you want to solve Yue Ya, why bother?" Then under Lu Yin's puzzled eyes, with a casual move, a figure suddenly appeared, and it was Yue Ya.

Lu Yin was stunned.

Yue Ya was even more confused. He looked around blankly and looked at the dull Lu Yin in front of him. What's going on? Shouldn't he be on the fifth night pillar? Where is this?

Lu Yin was confused, what do you mean?

"Your Majesty Qinglian?" Yue Ya was horrified and saluted hurriedly: "Junior, please see your Majesty Qinglian."

At this moment, Yue Ya still appeared as the third generation master of the five palms, facing Qinglian Shangyu with the utmost respect.

Qinglian Shangyu looked at Yue Ya calmly: "You have a grudge against this person."

Yue Ya turned his head and stared at Lu Yin, his eyes flickering. He didn't know what the relationship between Lu Yin and Qinglian Shangyu was. He was extremely uneasy because Lu Yin understood the cause and effect, and Qinglian Shangyu was the eternal life of cause and effect.

Although he was uneasy, every time he saw Lu Yin, he could not hide the greed and heat deep in his eyes. This man was his shortcut to invincibility and eternal life.

"Back to Qinglian, I want to devour this person's consciousness, achieve the goal of following his words, and get close to eternal life."

Lu Yin was surprised. The reply was so real?

He didn't know what Qinglian Shangyu represented in Jiuxiao Universe. It was cause and effect, faith, and the way of heaven.

Yue Ya dared to lie to Blood Tower and Jingmen, but he would never lie to Qinglian Shangyu. The power of cause and effect was too mysterious and unpredictable, especially in this battle of consciousness and universe, he personally experienced how powerful Lu Yin's cause and effect was. Qinglian Shangyu is a being who has cultivated the cause and effect to the realm of immortality, which is even more terrifying.

He didn't dare lie at all.

Qinglian Shangyu looked at Lu Yin: "Yue Ya is here, you can take action."

Yue Ya's body was shaken, and he looked at Qinglian Shangyu in confusion: "Senior, what is this?"

The figure of Qinglian Shangyu disappeared: "Since you have grudges, I will give you a chance to resolve them. Today, only one person can leave alive."

Yue Ya was shocked, how could he be Lu Yin's opponent now? He had already been surpassed when he escaped from the consciousness universe, let alone hearing that Lu Yin single-handedly destroyed the Spring and Autumn Slips at this moment: "Senior, this junior is a person from Jiuxiao Universe, the first People from Wuxiaozhu, this junior is willing to fight to the death for Jiuxiao Universe, why did my senior treat me like this..."

No matter how he shouted, Qinglian Shangyu had disappeared.

He can't escape here, because this is a great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the direction where Qinglian Shangyu disappeared. Is it that simple? Why? Just because he had a grudge with Yue Ya and wanted to solve Yue Ya's problem, Qinglian Shangyu sent him here? It's incredibly simple.

"Senior, this junior is from the Jiuxiao Universe. This person comes from the Tianyuan Universe, has a brain defect, and is hostile to our Jiuxiao Universe. The junior can swallow his consciousness, control his body, and use cause and effect to help the senior. Please give me a chance, junior."

"Yue Ya." Lu Yin said.

Yue Ya stared at Lu Yin, clenching his fists, and his eyes were full of ferociousness: "What is your relationship with Qinglian Shangyu? Why did he help you here?"

The corner of Lu Yin's mouth curled up: "Qinglian Lord is not helping me, he is just giving us a chance to compete fairly. Don't you want to swallow my consciousness and control my body? You can take action now."

Yue Ya's eyes flashed and he kept retreating. He wanted to escape. He could not be Lu Yin's opponent at all. He had not forgotten what this person had faced in the conscious universe. It was a creature in the Immortal Realm. It was he who could make it to Jiuxiao Universe alive. The worst plan I had ever thought of was to send Chenggong to Tianmen to intercept, not really to intercept, but to inquire about information to see if Lu Yin would come.

I didn't expect it to actually come.

The people who claimed the title of Duke and reported the Spring and Autumn Slips had kicked Lu Yin out of the Heavenly Gate. He was grateful, but also fearful and regretful.

I was afraid that Lu Yin could actually escape from under the eyes of a creature in the Immortal Realm. His strength was so terrifying.

It is a pity that Lu Yin will not come to Jiuxiao Universe, and he will never have the chance to swallow this person's consciousness.

But no matter what you think, this has never been the case.

If he wanted to devour Lu Yin, he could only rely on the pattern of Jiuxiao Universe and plan slowly, but why was there suddenly a duel now? Qinglian Shangyu wanted to kill him.

"If you don't take action, then I will take action." Lu Yin didn't want to think about what Qinglian Shangyu planned. Since Yue Ya appeared, just die. After saying that, the consciousness bombarded away. Don't you want consciousness? ? for you.

Yue Ya didn't know how to escape. In his eyes, the surrounding area was blank, but it was like an invisible cage, constantly constricting his scope of action.

As Lu Yin's consciousness bombarded him, he could only collide with his thoughts.

The dark golden air surged out, Si Kongjian.


The void twisted and boiled between the two of them. At this moment, the color of heaven and earth changed.

On the Sixth Night Pillar, countless people looked up to the sky. What's going on?

Wandering, Taicang Sword Master and others looked at the sky and saw nothing, but where did this pressure come from? Someone is fighting.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect blocked everyone's sight and the aftermath of the battle, allowing people to see and feel it, but not be affected.

Yue Ya was knocked back by Lu Yin's consciousness. This person's consciousness became stronger. Could it be that he had swallowed up the consciousness of the entire universe and life?

He struck out with one palm, the technique of the five palms, and at the same time, the spiritual blood tower appeared behind him, blooming and flowing.

He used his spiritual soul. This was his inner strength. The God of Lower Imperial Guards would not use his spiritual soul for the sake of his dignity. But at this moment, Yue Ya used his spiritual soul. Of course, he was no longer the God of Lower Imperial Guards.

So what if he used his spirit soul? Lu Yin stepped out in one step, raised his hand, and pressed it down, using the same technique of the five palms.


Yue Ya's body was shattered, but no blood flowed out. He was originally a thinking body, but now he appeared as dark golden clouds.

"Lu Yin, you and I don't need to differentiate between life and death." Yue Ya screamed, her thoughts boiling, and the dazzling light illuminated the sky and the earth.

On top of the night pillar, Tai Cang Sword Master looked up at the sky, his pupils shrank, was that Sikong Jian?

Lu Yin raised his fingertips, and chains fell from the sky, locking heaven and earth, locking Yue Ya's knowledge of the outside world.

Yue Ya hides in the blood tower, and his thoughts are constantly attached to the blood tower: "Lu Yin, do you really want to fight to the death? I can help you. I can help you in the Jiuxiao universe. After all, I was once the god of imperial control."

Lu Yin clenched his fist, infinite power flowed, his body withered, the war energy in the palm realm covered him, and the particles of the Sealing Heaven sequence came out. Around him, lanterns floated one by one, the true god was at ease, and the nine heavens changed.

Punch out.

Yu Sangtian realized Lu Yin's power and was severely injured.

At that moment, Yue Ya saw it from far away, but had not yet experienced it personally.

Now, he felt it.

Blood Tower, broken.

The loud noise almost shook the dark golden clouds away.

At this moment, Yue Ya understood what Yu Sangtian had said. Lu Yin was already unstoppable.

The broken blood tower reflected Lu Yin's cold face. He stared at the dark golden clouds inside, and he had to make up his mind about those thoughts.

"Ni Hongchen." Yue Ya shouted.

The artistic conception combat skill is against the mortal world, which can make all the power exerted by the opponent flow back. When he first cared about Tianquewai, Yue Ya used this trick to severely injure Lu Yin and the others. He wanted to use this as a trump card to catch Lu Yin, but he failed in the end.

Lu Yin kept staring at Yue Ya. When Ni Hongchen used it, he hit the setting sun and burned your martial arts at the same time.

Artistic conception vs. artistic conception. In the past, Lu Yin was never Yue Ya's opponent, but now, his artistic conception has long been transcended by the understanding of cause and effect. He told fortunes again and again, and saw the world clearly again and again. The setting sun burned Ni Hongchen, although he could not completely The disintegration of Ni Hongchen also caused the power of Ni Hongchen to flow backwards, and was finally contained.

Yue Ya was horrified and held on to the blood tower.

Is Yue Ya weak? Of course he is not weak. His mind can control the strong ones who have overcome hardships. His soul can block Lu Yin's peak power punch without completely shattering it. His artistic conception combat skills can reverse the situation of the battle. He is not weak at all.

But what he faced was Lu Yin, a master who could escape from being chased by creatures in the Immortal Realm and who could single-handedly destroy Chun Qiu Jian.


There was another loud noise, the blood tower was completely shattered, and Lu Yin grabbed the dark golden cloud.

The majestic sequence particles suddenly surged out from around the dark golden clouds. Yue Ya realized the method and used the sequence rules to take action. He picked up this next weapon and became the second foundational power after the soul.

Climb high and look far.

This is Yue Ya's sequence rules and his enlightenment.

People, the higher they stand, the farther they see. The moment the sequence particles from Yueya touched Lu Yin, Lu Yin couldn't restrain a certain desire in his mind. It was infinitely amplified, and was obscured by a desire to destroy everything and conquer everything. His eyes.

His eyes were sharp, as if it were true, the mind would not move, the body would not move, and the mind would not move.

Phew, all the sequence particles were scattered, and Yue Ya was in despair. This was his last strength. He didn't expect to defeat Lu Yin. He just wanted to rely on his enlightenment to climb high and see far away. This made Lu Yin crazy. A person's biggest enemy is always himself, no matter what. Laziness, burnout, arrogance, pain, all these come from oneself.

Although his sequence rules are not good at attacking, they are the most dangerous.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yin suppressed it with such a mantra, motionless as a mountain, and directly dispersed the sequence particles.

Lu Yin grabbed the dark golden cloud. He had too many ways to deal with the sequence rules, but nothing shocked Yue Ya more than the power of Jiuxiao Universe.

Yue Ya defeated Ru Guo and forced Ru Guo to give up his temporary position as the subordinate god. At this moment, he was defeated by the Sutra.

He fought against Yue Ya more than once, and this time, Yue Ya was defeated miserably.

Lu Yin's hand was pressed against the dark golden clouds, and above his palm, there was a sword floating in the air. It was the Sancang Sword Intent, which was drawn but not released. The chill it brought to Yue Ya was much heavier than that of Lu Yin himself.

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