Star Odyssey

Chapter 3844 A strange scene

The dark golden clouds were boiling and almost burning, which surprised Lu Yin. This Yue Ya was in a different state from the others who were pressed into the point of Jiangtai Hell. After thinking about it for a while, he understood.

Ordinary people are pushed into the point of hell, which is equivalent to constantly experiencing the past and tearing open scars. Only conscious life does not care about so-called experiences.

And Yue Ya is not a living thing at all, he is thinking, thinking. There is no history, only the present.

What he encountered in Dianjiangtai Hell would not make him experience pain, but would only make him think constantly, causing his thoughts to boil to the point of almost burning. In this state, Lu Yin didn't know whether he was in pain or numbness, or whether he didn't care. Just imagine, What does it feel like to think about a problem for more than ten days in a row, and your head will explode?

Lu Yin didn't care what Yue Ya felt. He surrounded the dark golden clouds with the stars in his heart. Under the blue sky, his thoughts were suppressed by consciousness. Yue Ya suddenly shouted: "This time it's true, Lu Yin, what do you want?" How about it? I can help you become the God of Control, and I can help Tianyuan Universe avoid restarting, but you can’t kill me.”

The huge palm print fell and hit the dark golden clouds. The terrifying power directly shook the dark golden clouds away, turning them into dark golden streams of light that fell in all directions, but no matter where they fell, they were inseparable from the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart.

At the same time, after Lu Yin died, the Nine Heavens Change collapsed. He took the initiative to erase the Nine Heavens Change, dispersed all his consciousness, and looked for the dark golden thoughts to capture them.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared in the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart.

The stars rotated, the divine power planet, and the consciousness planet drove the stars to rotate rapidly. The Tongtian River was swept up, and a three-color soil storm blew up on the land. Green buds were dotted and fluttered in the wind. In the starry sky, infinite power circulated. The formations are hidden, the wordless heavenly book is hanging high, and the catalog of gods is blooming with golden light, accompanied by the dark golden stream of thoughts, which is like a dark golden meteor shower in the starry sky.

Along with the dark golden stream of light, there are also strands of dark consciousness that fall together, intertwining and colliding with thoughts, causing the starry sky to emit countless firelights.

The dark gold and black collide continuously and fall on the stars, which is extremely gorgeous.

Lu Yin doesn't look good. What's going on? Can't catch it?

Both the First Ancestor and Yue Ya said that he could not seize the mind with his physical strength. He could follow this path by speaking the law. Yue Ya could walk, but he could not.

But Che reminded Lu Yin that changing the state can change the purpose.

He thought of dispersing the memories in his consciousness so as to get closer to the palace without having to endure the oppression of memories.

Now, he also thought of dispersing his thoughts, grabbing them one by one with his consciousness, and constantly integrating consciousness and thinking. It doesn't have to be successful all at once, but any success can give him the power to merge his consciousness and thinking.

This is also inspired by eternal matter.

He doesn't need to integrate all of Yue Ya's thoughts at once. As long as he confines them and continuously integrates them with the corresponding consciousness, he can have the power Yue Ya dreams of.

Lu Yin didn't know how powerful this power called utterance was, but it was definitely not bad, otherwise Yue Ya wouldn't be so obsessed with it.

You must know that the person who is obsessed with Yue Ya is not Yue Ya, but the original owner of Yue Ya's mind, the powerful man in the Immortal Realm.

What's more, Qinglian Shangyu didn't refute Yue Ya's abilities once he succeeded, he just wouldn't let him succeed.

Even Shangyu didn't want Yue Ya to succeed in order to prevent the dead person from being resurrected in the immortal realm. You can imagine how powerful the words were.

But Lu Yin failed at the first step. He cannot capture thoughts.

Those thoughts are constantly being broken up, but every thought that is broken up seems to be an independent life. Under Lu Yin's control, almost every thought that is scattered has surpassed the thought to be captured, but it is constantly being thought about. Playing, can't catch it at all.

It's like a stupid strong man catching a thin but smart monkey.

So much so that the stars in Lu Yin's heart kept colliding with sparks, like an unprecedented fireworks dance.

"Lu Yin, you failed, hahahahaha." A vicious mocking sound came from a dark golden stream of light, and then, voices kept appearing, taunting Lu Yin: "Who do you think you are? Do you want to follow the rules? "


"You deserve to die."

"I curse you to have to die well, hahahaha..."

Countless voices echoed, each stream of dark golden light was a month away. The voices were full of resentment and roaring, and they cursed and cursed to their heart's content.

Lu Yin watched calmly, his thoughts and consciousness kept colliding. He could grab his thoughts with his strength, but what's the use? In the end, consciousness must be integrated with thinking. If the consciousness cannot grasp it, it will still fail.

"Come on, come and catch me, can you catch me?"

"Is this the essence of your power? You are finished. I will destroy you. You are dead."

"Lu Yin, I will make your life worse than death..."

Dark golden streams of light hit the stars, especially the divine planet and land.

But as the infinite power swept across, pushing away those dark golden streamers, some of the dark golden streamers hit ordinary stars, but those stars came from Lu Yin's Tianxing Gong. As the Tianxing Gong operated, the dark golden streamers were swept away directly. go out.

Yue Ya is already a loser. His strength is constantly distracted by his thoughts. It is easy for Lu Yin to erase these thoughts.

But what a shame.

How can we capture thoughts and integrate thoughts?

Yue Ya's curses and curses resounded through the starry sky. Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back, closed his eyes, and listened quietly.

This is all Yue Ya can do.

Name-calling is a sign of incompetence.

As time went by, Yue Ya's insults became more and more unpleasant, full of vicious words. In comparison, Emperor Mie Wu's scolding Yu Sangtian seemed like praise, but Lu Yin heard something different.

Yue Ya's thinking is changing.

In the starry sky, the dark golden light is constantly being scattered. The more scattered, the harder it is to control thinking.

Lu Yin's eyes widened: "You should have died long ago."

"Hahahaha, you finally couldn't help scolding me. Is it useful? You can only scold me. If you have the ability, you can erase my thinking. Lu Yin, you can't, you can't, hahahaha."

Lu Yin said in a low tone: "Your death has nothing to do with me. It comes from the God of Shangyu. You have long been included in the must-kill list by the God of Shangyu."

"You are talking nonsense. I am Yue Ya, the god of subordinates. In the Jiuxiao universe, except for the three superiors, who can do anything to me?"

"Why did you appear in front of me?" Lu Yin shouted, and with a wave of his hand, he tore apart a dark golden stream of light and divided it into more than a dozen.

Yue Ya roared: "It's Qinglian Shangyu, Qinglian Shangyu helped you, otherwise you couldn't do anything to me, it's Qinglian Shangyu."

"Then why were you deprived of your position as the God of Control?"

"It was the Blood Tower Shang Yu, the Blood Tower Shang Yu harmed me."

"You were captured by the Qinglian Lord. Did the Blood Tower Lord stop you? Did the Jingmen Lord stop you? None of them did. They all want you to die." After Lu Yin finished speaking, he waved his hand again, and there was a dark golden light. torn apart.

"No, why did they harm me, why did they kill me?"

"Because you are useless, I lured you into Jiuxiao, and you have disgraced Jiuxiao Universe."

"No, you are despicable and joined that traitor. How could you not be caught? How could you resist? You shouldn't resist." Yue Ya's words became more and more crazier and more brainless, like a child making trouble without reason. .

Lu Yin kept tearing open the dark golden stream of light. He knew that although Yue Ya still controlled these thoughts, his thinking ability was deteriorating.

Thought can give birth to Yue Ya, and it can also make Yue Ya disappear.

If no one takes action against this kind of thinking, a new life will be born in the distant future, maybe it will be called Yueya, maybe it will be named by another name.

Lu Yin was depriving Yue Ya of any trace of his existence in his thinking body: "I'm going to succeed. I will definitely be able to integrate my thinking into my consciousness."

"Impossible, you will never be able to do it. Thinking is the method and consciousness is the direction. Why do you decide the method based on the direction?" Yue Ya roared.

His words gave Lu Yin a flash of inspiration in his mind. He stared at the dark golden light in front of him. It turns out to be like this. No wonder. No wonder. It turns out to be like this.

Yue Ya said it right, thinking is the method, and consciousness is the direction. In other words, thinking is the process, and consciousness is the result. Only the process reaches the result, how can it be that the result reaches the process?

The process is the cause, and the result is the effect. Between cause and effect, the cause always comes first and the effect comes last.

Therefore, Kuzu was sealed in the Mirage Realm. He wanted to reverse the cause and effect, but was not allowed in the forbidden land.

So Qingyun attracted his attention, because Qingyun's physique was also reversing cause and effect.

Yue Ya can fuse his own consciousness to achieve utterance, because he is thinking, he is the cause, and he is the effect. He can never fuse his thinking in reverse, otherwise he will reverse the cause and effect.

The ancestor only told himself that his body was unbearable, but he did not tell himself the causal relationship between thinking and consciousness.

It's no wonder that the ancestors didn't understand cause and effect, nor did they cultivate their thinking and consciousness, so naturally they couldn't think of it.

If Yue Ya hadn't woken him up, Lu Yin wouldn't have been able to figure it out.

He stared deeply at the dark golden streams of light and listened to Yue Ya's curses. If it was a normal Yue Ya, it would be impossible to wake up Lu Yin. He knew that Lu Yin understood the cause and effect and would figure it out, although he did not think that Lu Yin could reverse it. Cause and effect, but not taking risks.

But at this moment, Yue Ya is like a child who has lost his ambition. It is possible to say anything. The more the dark golden light is scattered, the lower his ambition becomes.

Now that the reason is clear, what Lu Yin needs to do now is to change this causal relationship.

It is very simple to change, but only he and Qinglian Shangyu can do it. That is, after the process and the result, add a result. This result is actually the previous process, which is equivalent to saying that one thing has been done. , then review and reverse the process, no matter whether the previous process is correct or wrong, it is exactly the same. In this way, there are more results, and the process is reached with the previous results. This is to increase cause and effect.

To do this kind of thing, it is not just as simple as understanding, but also being able to create cause and effect. Otherwise, how can we add a result?

This result is not what anyone will do next, but an addition to what existed in the past.

Lu Yin turned his eyes and looked at the starry sky in his heart, looking for the dark golden streams of light. Above his head, the Illustration of the Gods was shining brightly, connected to the wordless book. Lu Yin pressed down with one hand to create it for me.

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