Star Odyssey

Chapter 3846 Obsession

Lu Yin can change the minds of everyone in the Sixth Night Pillar at will, let the Fifth Night Pillar join the battle, and completely solve the potential crisis in the Tianyuan Universe. He can also control only one person, Liang Li, and let Liu Li be the villain and bear the abuse of the Sixth Night Pillar. Let the fifth night pillar join the battle.

As long as he can control people's hearts, he has plenty of ways.

But he didn't do it. He just sat next to the cut-off flat land, watching the cultivators visiting from time to time, and hesitating whether to join Yu Jiuxiao.

As soon as he thought, all these people would join.

He wouldn't care if these people joined Yu Jiuxiao, but the power of changing everyone's minds with the power of one thought was too tempting.

He tried several times, but ultimately failed.

Everyone has his own choice to survive. He makes his own decisions about his own life. Others have no right to interfere. You can deprive others of their life and death, but you cannot deprive others of their ability to think for themselves.

This is challenging the bottom line.

Enemies are all. Why should these ordinary cultivators be interfered with? They have done nothing. They are independent individual lives. They have their own dignity, their own scruples, and their own families.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed. Lu Yin kept looking at the ground and heard the practitioners discussing whether to join Yu Jiuxiao.

Liang Liang tried to find Lu Yin several times but could not get close.

Huai Si was put away by him, and even if Lu Siyu contacted him, he could not be contacted.

On this day, he stood up, disappeared, and left the Sixth Night Pillar.

Liangli just asked to see him, looked at the empty ground, and left?

She was a little worried, maybe she wouldn't be angry anymore.

The flowing water on the bamboo raft, the drinks under the sunglasses, and the weird clothes attracted many people's attention, but no one paid attention. Everyone talked behind his back and called him a liar.

In the mortal city closest to the Sixth Night Pillar, Lu Yin appeared, still dressed in the same clothes, flowing with the water, no matter where he went, those who were destined would ask for advice, and those who were not destined would just smile.

He did not take out Huai Si to contact Lu Siyu, nor did he care whether Lu Siyu was contacting him.

All he wants now is peace of mind.

The water continued to flow through, and after a few days it left the city and connected to the next city.

No one in the entire city asked him for divination. The appearance of the cultivator made many people realize that the world is omnipotent and only exists in fantasy. They would rather live in peace and stability.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry. He spread out the white paper and wrote the word "Zhi".

Everyone wanted to let go of their obsession, but he wanted to pick it up.

If there is no obsession, where is the trouble? If there is no trouble, where is the eternal life?

He suddenly understood that sentence a little bit.

Observe that the five aggregates are all empty, and all suffering will disappear.

It took three months for someone to write down a single word for Lu Yin - "money."

It’s this word again. The thinking of ordinary people is very simple. As long as you have money, you can live a good life. This is not greed, but rather not greed.

In the blink of an eye, half a year later, more and more people came to Lu Yin for fortune telling. Lu Yin changed the minds of many people, not by following his words, but by having a broader understanding of the world. He felt more and more, The meaning of my existence is not only because I am alive, but also because I see the world, experience the world, and understand the world for others.

This may be the meaning of life.

"I want to count." By the river, a middle-aged man walked slowly along with the flowing water, without looking at Lu Yin, as if he was talking to the air.

Lu Yin looked at the man. The man looked decadent. The stubble on his face could be considered a mess. His eyes were cloudy and his clothes were dirty. His whole person seemed to be shrouded in haze and plunged into darkness.

This person is a cultivator and has the cultivation level of Star Envoy. He is very ordinary in Jiuxiao Universe, but he can be considered a master in Tianyuan Universe.

Of course, there are high-ranking figures in this mortal city.

I don’t know why it became like this.

"Okay, write it." Lu Yin said.

The man writes in the air, and the air is fixed as the word "Li".

Leave? Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. This was the first time someone had asked him to settle this word. He originally thought that this person would write the word "love". No matter how you looked at it, this person fell into the word "love".

The man still didn't look at Lu Yin and walked slowly along with the water. Along the way, someone saw him and hurriedly avoided it, like a snake or a scorpion.

Lu Yin listened from all directions. As the man appeared, there was a lot of buzz around him.

"It's been nine years, and you're still here. Are all gods and humans so infatuated?"

"But Kui Niang won't go with him, why can't he see through it?"

"It would be great if the heavenly being liked me, I would be willing to go with him."

"You can go. Anyway, you're not married, so Kui Niang can't do it, eh..."

At Lu Yin's fingertips, the spiral of cause and effect headed towards the man, penetrated directly, and saw a secondary picture, that's it.

This person's name is Yuan Huo, a cultivator from far away. He once specifically wanted to join the Sixth Night Pillar, but he was chased by his enemies and was seriously injured and fell into the city. He was rescued by a woman named Kui Niang, and the two got along. Over time, feelings develop.

But Kui Niang is a married woman. Although her husband has been dead for several years, she can remarry. However, the rules of this city do not allow remarriage, because the city was built by a family and has a large population. It is said to be a city, but also a family. It's just a mortal family with a large population.

The rule of this city is that you cannot remarry. Once you marry here, you will stay here for the rest of your life. There are many women in this city who have lost their husbands, and they all live alone, with at most one child.

Kui Niang had feelings for an outsider and wanted to leave. Naturally, the people in the city disagreed. They couldn't stop Yuan Huo, but Kui Niang herself was unwilling to leave. She was born in this city, and although her surname is from this city, she wanted to leave. She is an outsider, but this city is her home. There are too many people she knows and misses here. If she hadn't developed feelings for Yuan Huo, she would have lived a pretty good life here.

Yuan Huo wanted to take her away by force, so he showed his strength and intimidated the entire city. No one dared to say no, but the eyes of those in the city made it difficult for Kui Niang to leave. She couldn't leave, and the eyes were full of them. She looked cold and disgusted, as if she was a traitor.

Power can kill people, but it cannot change people's hearts.

In the end, Yuan Huo failed to take Kui Niang away. Kui Niang still lived in the city. As before, she did not leave. Naturally, the people in the city did not make things difficult for her, seeing her feelings for the city, and because Yuan Huo was also there. Don't dare to embarrass her.

Yuan Huo didn't leave either. He stayed in this city and stayed with Kui Niang from afar. In this way, nine years passed.

He didn't know what he should do. He couldn't let go of his feelings for Kui Niang, but he couldn't take Kui Niang away by force. After all, Kui Niang was an ordinary person. In the past nine years, her appearance had changed so much that she became less and less beautiful. Yuan Huo was willing to see Yuan Huo and locked himself in the room. Yuan Huo didn't want her to suffer, but he didn't want to leave either, so he gave Lu Yin the word "leave".

Lu Yin calculated his feelings, and the feelings of others were much more complicated than Yuan Huo's. What Yuan Huo was waiting for was Kui Niang's courage.

Kui Niang also wanted to leave with him, but she couldn't let go of this city, the people here, or the rules and constraints of the past.

Lu Yin has seen a lot of the various situations in the world. Different civilizations have different rules. It cannot be said that some rules are necessarily wrong, it is just a different way of thinking.

He was lying on the bamboo raft, his sunglasses making the sky dim. Next to him, Yuan Huo's followers were walking on the raft. He didn't believe in fortune telling. How could a cultivator believe it? All he wanted was to talk to people, because Lu Yin was also a cultivator. He just Wanting someone to find a way out for him, or give him a reason to leave, that's all.

"Is Kui Niang willing to leave with you?" Lu Yin asked.

Yuan Huo was not surprised that Lu Yin could see this clearly. After all, he was a cultivator and his cultivation level was definitely higher than his: "Yes."

"Then let her leave with you."

Yuan Huo suddenly stopped, turned around and left. This person couldn't even find a reason for him to leave. If it was so easy to let Kui Niang leave with him, why would he stay here for nine years?

"She will be willing to leave with you." Lu Yin's voice reached Yuan Huo's ears.

Yuan Huo just pretended not to hear.

But when he saw Kui Niang walking out of the house, running towards him, and telling him that she was willing to leave with him, Yuan Huo was stunned. Everyone else in the city was also shocked. They all looked complicated and didn't know what to do. .

They have trapped Kui Niang for nine years. Now Kui Niang is leaving, what should they do?

It can't be stopped, is it still the same look as nine years ago?

But Kui Niang didn't even look at those eyes, she just hugged Yuan Huo affectionately: "Let's go."

Yuan Huo turned his head and looked towards the river, where Lu Yin smiled at him.

It was him, he must have made Kui Niang change her mind, but how did he do it? There are ways to control others in the cultivation world, but what about that?

"What do you want, senior?" Yuan Huo regretted, what was the purpose of this person, he controlled Kui Niang.

Lu Yin said: "You want to take her away, and she is willing to leave with you. Just leave. Why do you ask?"

Yuan Huo was puzzled: "What do you want, senior? Please speak up."

"You don't need anything, just take her away." Lu Yin said.

Yuan Huo's eyes flickered as he looked at Kui Niang holding him, gritted his teeth, jumped into the air, and flew towards the distance.

In the city, everyone was silent and really left.

On the bamboo raft, Lu Yin regained consciousness.

The next moment, Kui Niang regretted it: "Brother Yuan, please let me go back."

Yuan Huo was puzzled: "Mother Kui, you are the one who is willing to come with me."

"I know, I want it, but, I still can't let it go."

"Why? Nine years, I've been waiting for you for nine years."

"You shouldn't wait for me, let me go back, please, Brother Yuan."

Kui Niang returned to the city, ran back to the house, and locked the door.

People in the city didn't understand what was happening.

Yuan Huo ran to question Lu Yin.

Lu Yin asked back: "Why do you have to take her away? Could it be that this city is a prison?"

Yuan Huo's body trembled and he looked at Lu Yin blankly.

Lu Yin stared into his eyes: "You are just taking her away to fulfill an obsession in your heart. You think that taking her away is giving her an explanation and an explanation for your relationship, but have you ever considered her? ? She is not willing to leave, and this city has not expelled you, why do you have to leave?"

"This is her home, and you are so disgusted with staying here? The fact that you have stayed here for nine years means that there is no one in the outside world that you care about. If this is the case, why do you want to leave?"

Yuan Huo's eyes were dull and he was looking at the river in ecstasy.

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