Star Odyssey

Chapter 3853 Full Sense

The ancestral realm is not qualified enough to protect oneself, let alone the mere spiritual realm.

In the battle of Yu Jiuxiao, sometimes even the strong ones in the Beginning Realm could not protect themselves.

"Most of the cultivators participating in the war are only in the spiritual realm. Sixth sister, I am in the ancestral realm, so why can't I go?" Qiunan Hongye said, and then ended the call.

The veiled eyes seemed to be looking into the distance, looking at the sixth night pillar, where countless cultivators were still arriving, wanting to join and participate in the expedition.

In the world of cultivation, it is too difficult to climb up. Some people can only cultivate slowly with the most basic resources throughout their lives. The probability of birthing an ancestral realm is actually about the same as that of Tianyuan Universe, but because of the number of cultivators in Jiuxiao Universe It's an exaggeration to see many Ancestral Realm powerhouses.

In particular, all Lu Yin saw were cultivators with backgrounds and opportunities. Ordinary cultivators could not interact with him at all. Naturally, he saw many strong people.

But most of them are ordinary.

If these ordinary cultivators want to get ahead, they can only work hard.

The Yu Jiuxiao battle was an opportunity.

Not to mention what you can get from the outer universe if you survive, just the merits of participating in the battle are enough to push all practitioners up one step, and some even two or three steps, which can save countless time.

Although there is a high probability of death, there is an endless stream of people who want to join the battle.

Of course, it depends on who the expedition is for.

There was an expedition to the Zangtian Universe, but there were only a few participants. It was only through forced recruitment by the major forces that the number of participants was gathered.

The external rumors of this expedition to the outer universe are not strong, otherwise the Eternal Emperor would not have issued the order for the expedition just a few years ago.

The length of time from the discovery of an outer universe to the issuance of the order for an expedition has become the basis for almost everyone to judge the strength of that outer universe.

The time for issuing the expedition order this time can be said to be one of the shortest, so there were many people participating in the war.

Lu Yin came to the cut-off ground. At this moment, the place below was crowded with cultivators, and the crowd was noisy. It was completely different from twelve years ago.

Lu Yin understood after listening.

No wonder so many people participated in the war, because they all thought that the foreign universe was not a threat and they could seize the war merits and resources of the foreign universe.

At this time, Liangli arrived and stood behind Lu Yin with a troubled expression.

"Whether the Fifth Night Pillar participates in the war or not has nothing to do with me." Lu Yin said calmly.

Liuli sighed and saluted slowly: "I failed to fulfill my promise, sir. I'm sorry."

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back. What's the promise? It's just a way to change people's hearts. Liang Li, a strong man who has overcome hardships and great perfection, doesn't know that his heart has been changed, so there is nothing wrong with the three superiors testing him. Understood.

"It has nothing to do with you." Lu Yin said.

Liang Li didn't know what to say, "compensation", what could she have that could catch this person's eyes?

She saw the scene when Lu Yin broke through the Beginning Realm. After all, that place was not far from the Sixth Night Pillar.

Shocking is the only word that can describe it.

She didn't expect that Lu Yin didn't even reach the Beginning Realm at that time. She couldn't imagine how strong this person was now.

That's why she contacted Qiunan Hongye and asked Qiunan Hongye to come forward to resolve the matter. She was really unsure about facing Lu Yin.

This is because Lili didn't see Qinglian Shangyu and the others appearing. If he had seen them, his mood would have been even more different at the moment.

Following Lu Yin's gaze, Liuli said: "Everyone thinks that this battle will not be too dangerous, because the time when the Emperor Yongsheng issued the expedition order was so fast that they all felt that this battle was just like taking credit. In fact, it was , any battle against the outer universe is not simple, even the weakest outer universe we have ever conquered will suffer heavy casualties."

"It would be great if half of them come back. Most of them only come back with blood-stained spiritual seeds."

Lu Yin looked at Liuli: "Where is that foreign creature? Show me to me."

He didn't want to discuss these things with Liang Li, he had experienced too much war.

Liang Li was surprised: "Sir, haven't you seen it?"

Lu Yin said: "No." When he escorted Jian Hong to the Sixth Night Pillar, he saw the alien cosmic creature, but did not study it carefully.

To be honest, he has even killed monsters in the Immortal Realm. He is not too curious about the creatures in the outside world. He is leaving the Sixth Night Pillar at this moment and takes a look before leaving.

Liuli nodded: "Sir, please come with me."

"That foreign creature was handed over to the Emperor of Eternal Life after he left the Sixth Night Pillar twelve years ago. As the expedition order was issued, the Emperor of Eternal Life sent the creature to the Sixth Night Pillar again, letting me Waiting to study its combat methods in order to start a war..."

Following Li Li's introduction, Lu Yin learned about the strangeness of the creatures in the outer universe.

It was a tadpole-like creature with a completely transparent body, and its internal organs, which were composed of particles, could be seen.

The Seventh Night Pillar captured a batch and sealed them in the original treasure formation, making them unable to move.

"This kind of creature, we call it - total sense."

"It uses the invisible state of humans as its attack channel. It can also travel through space, including parallel time and space. It seems that it does not live in the same universe as us."

"The attack method is to decompose the granular organs in its body and pour them into other organisms, assimilating the biological organs and turning them into granules. Once it is over, the organism will die."

Lu Yin was surprised. It looked somewhat similar to Xu Fuyou in Tianyuan Universe. It could travel through space, but Xu Fuyou did not have such an attack method.

"The single attack method of fully-sentient creatures is to assimilate biological organs, but the attack channel is the most troublesome, which is why they are called fully-sensory."

"We humans can smell smells, and some smells are so strong that they can be seen, but most smells are invisible, except of course for us practitioners, but this kind of fully-sensory creature can see, not only smells, but at first, When the Seventh Night Pillar discovered them, they used vibration as a channel, causing the Seventh Night Pillar to kill a number of people."

"Shocked?" Lu Yin was curious.

Wandering introduction: "When living things move, they will have an impact on the space. Even an ordinary person, as long as he moves, there will be an impact. This impact is very subtle and difficult to detect, but full-sense creatures can see it and can also It can use the impact of this vibration as a channel to flow into living organisms."

"Shock is the first attack channel discovered."

"The second attack channel, as I just said, is smell."

"And the third attack channel." Liuli looked solemnly: "Sight."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes.

Wandering introduction: "For this kind of fully-sensory creature, the line of sight is like a channel that ignores space, including previous vibrations and smells. This is also true. When they touch this channel, they ignore the distance of space. Directly enters the body of a living thing, so in this expedition, everyone must cover their eyes, otherwise there will be great casualties." "These are the three attack channels that have been discovered so far. The eternal emperor reminds that in addition to these three attack channels, there are also There are more troublesome attack channels, and this creature can evolve, because the line of sight attack channels are obtained after they are caught by the Seventh Night Pillar."

"When I first met fully-sensory creatures, I didn't find that they could use line of sight as an attack channel. Once there are new attack channels, every discovery will inevitably be accompanied by huge casualties."

Liang Li sighed: "When fighting in the outer universe, the most fearful thing is not understanding the opponent's attack method. The price of verifying that method is life. Countless lives can be exchanged for it."

"Why doesn't the Immortal Master help you see clearly how foreign creatures attack? Wouldn't this reduce the cost?" Lu Yin asked.

Liuli said: "I don't know, the Immortal Supreme Protector must have their reasons, and some creatures are constantly evolving. Even the Immortal Supreme Protector cannot tell how far they will evolve. Not every creature is like us humans. Easily seen.”

Lu Yin pondered, could it be a chain of cause and effect?

A strong person in the Immortal Realm is restricted by the causal chain and cannot take action freely.

The universe is vast, and even the Immortal Realm is just one of the creatures. The biggest thing is always the universe, and it is impossible to let the Immortal Realm make the decision.

The invincibility of the immortal realm also comes with limitations.

Moreover, some outer universes may not have powerful people in the Immortal Realm.

"Sir, are you willing to go on an expedition with us? With your strength, there will definitely be no danger." The old story of wandering was brought up again.

Lu Yin shook his head: "No time."

Displaced and disappointed.

"How many night pillar expeditions are there this time?"

"In addition to our sixth night pillar, there are also the second night pillar and the fourth night pillar."

Lu Yin nodded, Mingzui was going to accompany him on the expedition.

The Second Night Pillar is located between the Western Region and the South Region, and the Fourth Night Pillar directly belongs to the South Region. No wonder there are so many people coming to the Sixth Night Pillar. They are actually from the East Region and the North Region.

It is not easy for cultivators from these two realms to go to the Second Night Pillar and the Fourth Night Pillar. They can only go to the Sixth Night Pillar.

Lu Yin glanced at Liang Li. This woman was quite shrewd. Which Xiaozhu accompanied her to the war was definitely not chosen at random.

Not to mention the Seventh Night Pillar, there is also the Eighth Night Pillar in the Eastern Region. If the Eighth Night Pillar can participate in the battle, most of the cultivators here will probably be willing to go, and there will be no one in the Sixth Night Pillar.

The fifth night pillar cannot participate in the war not only because of past grudges, but also for this reason.

After all, the fifth night pillar and the sixth night pillar are adjacent to each other and both belong to the Eastern Region. Others are more willing to choose the fifth night pillar.

No wonder Liang Li took the risk of offending himself and asked Qiunan Hongye to come forward to prevent the Fifth Night Pillar from joining the war, otherwise the impact on the Sixth Night Pillar would be too great.

As far as the eye can see, the Sixth Night Pillar is completely different from what it was twelve years ago.

There are no less than five strong people who have survived the hardships alone, among them there are also acquaintances, Lu Feichen and Lu Jing, who have also come to join the battle, and there are also some strong people they don't know.

If the Sixth Night Pillar had such strength back then, how could the Fifth Night Pillar dare to stop Jian Hong's arrival.

"I wish you victory in this battle, and I will leave first." Lu Yin said.

Liuli asked: "Where are you going next, sir?"

"Western Region, Hidden Heaven City." Lu Yin didn't hide anything, and there was nothing worth hiding.

Liuli was surprised: "Sir, you want to go to the Western Regions? Then you need to use Tiansuo. That is the fastest way."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "What Tiansuo?"

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