Star Odyssey

Chapter 3894 The Universe Restarts

In the distance, Gu Duanke walked out, sweeping away his fatigue, his eyes were deep, and he walked towards the top of the mother tree.

Lu Yin looked around, and in his eyes, there were more strings of sequences in the starry sky, converging on the mother tree. There, like the ancient city of Tianyuan Universe, was the origin and end point of the strings of sequence.

In the Tianyuan Universe, there is an ancestor biting the String of Sequence, and here, the miasma should have suppressed the String of Sequence, but the miasma was absorbed by Lord Lan Ye, causing the String of Sequence to scatter and is about to be restarted.

What Gu Duanke has to do is to make this step happen immediately.

Everyone in the Seventh Night Pillar killed the orchid monster, and the rest looked to the sky, waiting for the restart.

As a sword light swept across the void, slashing the heaven and earth, the universe shook. Immediately afterwards, the orchid monsters that had not yet died screamed, making strange and harsh sounds. The dark green miasma scattered in all directions, the mother tree split, and the tree The skin keeps falling off, and miasma gushes out from inside, like a dark green waterfall.

And there are cracks in the starry sky, the sky and the earth are colliding, parallel time and space are overlapping with parallel time and space, causing squeezing, the stars are broken, and the universe is shattering.

Gu Duanke landed and appeared under the night pillar. He raised his sword and struck the end of the night pillar horizontally. The night pillar was hit by an invisible force and flew away from the starry sky.

Everyone in the Seventh Night Pillar chased after them.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and looked down. The sword that Gu Duanke had just struck across Xiaozhu was very interesting. It was not a power, but it was better than power. He passed the Xiaozhu with his sword intention. It did not hit Xiaozhu, but the strength of the sword intention was still there. Landing on the Xiaozhu, a single sword intention could not shake the Xiaozhu. Just now Gu Duanke seemed to have a sword, but at the same time he fired hundreds of sword intentions, and then pushed the Xiaozhu into the starry sky.

In terms of strength, Gu Duan Ke cannot shake Xiao Zhu, but his sword can cut through everything.

Using sword intent to simulate strength, it is extremely easy to achieve what ordinary people cannot do. This is the strength of Jiuxiao Sword Head.

In comparison, I don’t know how long it will take Gujing to reach this point.

And this was just a random sword strike from Gu Duanke.

Except for Lu Yin, no one cared about Gu Duanke's sword. Everyone looked towards Lan Universe to witness the restart of the universe.

The universe restarts, the stars explode, everything will cease to exist, the strings of the sequence are broken randomly, causing chaos in parallel time and space, and the interweaving of various celestial phenomena is enough to form countless pictures that are difficult to understand, and these pictures are the ones that cannot be understood. The goal is to achieve the Great Perfection of overcoming suffering and come to witness the restart of the universe.

People are born in the universe and die in the universe. Everything exists based on the universe. Everything that appears in the universe is reasonable. The so-called cultivation is to transfer this reasonableness to oneself.

The realm of immortality is also the rationality of the eternal existence of the universe.

Many people have had an epiphany after watching the universe restart. An epiphany can change their entire lives.

Master Lan Ye has not returned. He stays in Lan Universe to experience the restart.

Immediately afterwards, another person rushed out of the Night Pillar and headed towards the restarted Lan Universe. They were also strong men who had overcome hardships and reached perfection. Lu Yin had never seen them before.

Jiuxiao Universe hides many masters.

As the man rushed out, Lu Si Zhan, Wan Lou, Jing Lian, Wei Heng and others all headed towards Lan Universe.

Including Luofu and Sijiu Shi, they all went.

Only the ancestral realm can barely withstand the danger of the universe restarting. If you encounter a powerful celestial phenomenon, you will die. You can't go to the ancestral realm at all.

Almost all of the nearly a thousand people who were qualified to accompany the Seventh Night Pillar to witness the restart of Lan Universe this time rushed out. If they were afraid of death, they would not come.

Only by experiencing the restart of the universe up close can we understand anything.

A group of people also rushed out of the Seventh Night Pillar.

Qingyun also went, and Yin Po wanted to follow, but Qingyun stopped her, leaving Yin Po to find her own feelings.

Jian Hong and the Nine Immortals have all gone.

Gu Duanke took a step forward and headed towards Lan Universe: "Although I have witnessed the restart of the universe once, I still have to try."

Lu Yin also headed towards Lan Universe.

The universe restarted, I didn’t expect to see it so soon.

He would like to see how the restart of the universe can allow people to enter the realm of immortality.

Entering the Lan Universe, the surrounding starry sky is extremely unstable. The cracks in the void cut the entire Lan Universe, and almost no intact place can be found. Several of the cultivators who entered the Lan Universe have been devoured, and one of them died in two parallel time and spaces. Oppression leaves nothing behind.

Lu Yin stood tall in the starry sky, with black cracks spreading all over his body, causing no harm to him.

There was a roar and thunder above the head, and absolute darkness was revealed from time to time, swallowing everything.

This is the end of the universe.

The mother tree has collapsed and is floating in the starry sky, constantly shattering and shrinking as the cracks in the void swallow it up.

Miasma is also absorbed due to void cracks.

Looking around, the farther away it is, the brighter it is. The farthest point, as far as Lu Yin can see, is a point of light, constantly twisting and changing. The universe seems to be breathing, and every breath will crush countless time and space.

Lu Yin saw Gu Duanke. He was specifically looking for the place where time and space overlapped, as if he was grasping for something.

Master Lanye sank into the mother tree, the miasma spread overwhelmingly, and he was also grabbing something.

The same is true for the stranger who has overcome the hardships of Dzogchen and is strong.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and he felt crazy and manic. He saw it. He saw the eternal matter, densely packed eternal matter. Gu Duanke and the others were catching those eternal matter.

Can they see eternal matter?

No, what they can see is only the eternal matter at the moment when time and space overlap, but there is eternal matter everywhere in the entire universe, and they cannot see it.

Lu Yin didn't think about how these immortal substances came from. He knew why the Great Perfection of Overcoming Suffering could break through the realm of immortality.

Because only they can find the eternal matter at the intersection of time and space when the universe restarts, and grab it. The others can't do it. No wonder, no wonder.

But it is not enough. Eternal matter alone is simply not enough.

Lu Yin stared at Master Lan Ye. He had captured the most immortal matter with his miasma, and for some unknown reason, the overlap of time and space kept appearing around him. Could it be because he fit in with Lan Universe?

Together, Gu Duanke and the strange Dzogchen strongman who had overcome the hardships and caught the eternal matter could not compare to him.

Sometimes, with every breath he takes, eternal matter enters his body.

Lu Yin also started to grab the eternal substance. Such a good opportunity could not be missed.

He did not expect that the most common place for the eternal matter that he wanted to find would be the restart of the universe.

Regardless of anything else, let’s catch him first.

The feeling of madness allowed Lu Yin to see the eternal matter. He grabbed it at a speed that was unmatched in the conscious universe.

In the conscious universe, eternal matter only exists in the residual world. He has to find it slowly. Here, he can find the place with the most eternal matter and grab it. The speed is several times, even ten times faster than in the conscious universe.

Lu Yin's eyes were red. The more immortal substances he had, the greater his chances of facing the immortal realm.

Lu Yin observed Gu Duanke and the others, and they also observed Lu Yin.

Everyone was surprised to see that Lu Yin could actually capture the eternal matter, especially what Lu Yin grasped was not the eternal matter at the intersection of time and space, and they couldn't understand it. They didn't understand how Lu Yin did it.

This child has obviously just broken through the beginning, and has not even set foot in the hardships. Could it be that he can directly skip the hardships and achieve eternal life?

Gu Duanke didn't understand.

Master Lan Ye also saw it, the miasma was his eyes, and he was like a fish in water in Lan Universe.

Seeing that Lu Yin was no slower than him in grabbing the eternal matter, he was also confused, but he quickly calmed down and ignored Lu Yin. Breaking through immortality was the key.

Lu Yin and the others are grabbing the eternal matter, while the others are watching the stars of the universe's destruction and restart. Some people have epiphanies, some die, and some people are anxious and vomiting blood.

Qingyun told Po Yin not to worry about her and try to break through the realm of immortality on her own. Po Yin just smiled bitterly. She accepted spiritual cultivation and became the Great Perfection to overcome hardships. There was no chance of entering eternal life and there was no need to try.

She cannot see the eternal substance.

The Great Perfection of Overcoming Suffering is a watershed. If you have reached this stage of self-cultivation, you can see the eternal substance. If you have not cultivated to this stage, or you have reached this stage with the help of spiritual cultivation, you cannot see it.

The universe is fair and there are no shortcuts to eternal life.

The reboot of the universe is a slow process, not an instant.

However, the release of the eternal substance is also the first few years of the restart, so they only care about the first few years.

Half a year passed quickly, and Lu Yin's eyes were red as he grabbed onto the eternal matter. It was ten times faster than the consciousness universe grasping the eternal matter. How could he not be jealous?

On this day, he suddenly felt something strange. He walked through the universe, came to the location where the mother tree collapsed, and saw Master Lanye.

At this moment, Master Lan Ye entered a situation on the verge of death. It was not man-made, but the eternal matter was counterattacking.

Lu Yin didn't expect that the eternal matter could also backfire.

It is a substance that is obviously immortal, but it can cause death. The universe is really strange.

And this step is precisely the step to comprehend the realm of eternal life.

Grab the eternal matter, use the eternal matter to make the body repeat the process of origin and decay, and cooperate with the restart of the current universe. If everything goes well, you can enter eternal life. The eternal matter will stay in the body forever, and you can see the eternal matter at any time. And this step The most important thing is not the eternal material, but the state of mind.

The destruction and restarting of the universe, the destruction and restarting of the self, if they can be equated, it means achieving eternal life.

Lu Yin originally thought that there was no shortcut to eternal life, but in fact, this was the shortcut to eternal life.

It is so difficult to achieve eternal life by oneself and survive hardships. I have almost never heard of it. However, if you can replace yourself with the universe, and your state of mind is consistent with the universe, it will be possible to take that step, and that step will be the state of eternal life.

If Lord Lan Ye can be in tune with the state of mind of Lan Universe, which is destroyed and restarted, he can keep the eternal matter in his body without being counterattacked, and step into the realm of immortality in one fell swoop.

He's trying to take this step. Because the immortal substance he grabbed was to the point where it could backfire.

Gu Duanke also came over and looked at Master Lan Ye.

"I have taken this step, but failed."

Lu Yin looked at Gu Duanke: "How do you feel?"

Gu Duanke smiled bitterly: "If you can experience the feeling, why bother lingering in misery?"

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