Star Odyssey

Chapter 3905 Gathering

The wind blew by, lifting Dan Jin's hair and flying in the wind.

Lu Yin was speechless at this moment. Dan Jin would not lie to him at this time, which meant that she was really so committed to the emperor and really spoke for Tianyuan Universe.

Gu Duanke's voice came to his ears: "Mr. Lu, most people in the Jiuxiao Universe don't know the strength of Dan Jin Xiayu. They generally believe that Dan Jin Xiayu is not as strong as ordinary people who can survive the hardships of Dzogchen, but no one objects to letting her To become a god, that’s why.”

"Of the five gods of imperial control, the one with the highest prestige was Dan Jin."

"She is a person who can intercede for her enemies. She values ​​the stability of the Jiuxiao Universe."

Lu Yin thought of Jiuxian's words. She didn't want to get involved in the fight between Yue Ya, herself and Yu Sangtian, and she didn't want to drag Dan Jin, the God of Yu, into it. At that time, Lu Yin didn't care, but looking back now, Ruo Dan Jinxia Yuzhen is just as Gu Duanke said, this woman is indeed worthy of respect.

Of course, from Yu Sangtian's perspective, this woman is definitely a formidable enemy, and she is determined to replace Yu Sangtian.

It used to be Yu Sangtian, but now, it’s about myself.

At this time, the birds on Jingquetai were chirping, suppressing all sounds.

Qingyun stood on the Jingque Terrace, looking down: "After passing the imperial order from Jingmen, Lu Yin, Xingfan, Dan Jin, Gu Duanke, Wucheng, Bai Xia, Jue Ling, Ku Ji, climbed up to the Jingque Terrace."

The sky and the earth echoed with Qingyun's voice, and what followed was a huge portal that suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yin and Gu Duanke.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, looking past Dan Jin and Xingfan, towards the tree crown, the Jingque Terrace? I didn't expect to go there under such circumstances.

Want to see Jingmen Shangyu?

Dan Jin took a deep look at Lu Yin, turned around and headed towards the portal. After passing the portal, she could reach the Jingque Terrace without having to climb the mother tree.

Xingfan looked at Lu Yin with both resentment and fear in his eyes, and followed closely behind.

Guduanke approached Lu Yin: "This is a decision, and the people shouting are the masters of the strongest forces in the four regions."

Lu Yin was surprised: "The master of the most powerful force?"

Gu Duanke nodded: "Damengtian of the Eastern Region, Wushang is missing. The person who replaces Wushang in commanding the Dreamtian is Wucheng, Bai Xia, the master of the Shaoyu Building in the Southern Region, Jue Ling, the head of the Jue family in Zangtian City in the Western Region, and Jue Ling, the head of the Jue family in Zangtian City in the Northern Region. Kuyuan's plan to take over Kudeng's place, Jingmen Shangyu has no intention of making his own decision on this matter, but will leave it to the people below."

"But why are you calling me? If I go, why don't the others in Yu Jiuxiao go?" Gu Duanke was also a little confused.

Lu Yin said: "Let's go." After saying that, he walked towards the door.

The consciousness has already climbed onto the Jingque Terrace, but it cannot reach the speed of consciousness with the help of eternal matter. It is difficult to climb onto the Jingque Terrace in an instant. It takes time, and since the portal appears, it is the entrance, and it must be done this way.

Gu Duanke sighed and followed very tiredly.

Below, countless people are envious. No matter what the reason is, it would be a blessing to see the God of Superiority here.

In the eastern region, in the withered yellow forest, a group of children were laughing and playing, and the adults were chasing after them: "Stop, little bastards, the forest is dangerous, don't run."

"Haha, Dad, you can't catch up with me, you can't catch up with me."


The child ran too fast, and suddenly, a portal appeared. Seeing that the child was about to hit the portal, the face of the adult behind changed greatly: "Be careful."

The expected impact did not happen, and a hand was placed in front of the child to block it.

The child stared blankly at the hand in front of him, followed it, and looked to the side. There were piles of dead leaves, and he could vaguely see the shape of a human. A pair of eyes were staring at him, with a smile on his face. In conjunction with the sudden appearance of the door, it was extremely eye-catching. .

The child screamed: "Ghost--"

The adults were also scared, but they rushed over, hugged the children, and ran away without looking back.

On the same spot, the hand scratched his head, and the dead leaves fell off, revealing an old man with a vicissitudes of life: "Ghost? Where is the ghost? Don't scare people. Scaring people will scare people to death. I'd better leave quickly, don't be sure there is a ghost."

"Hey -, after sitting idle for so many years, why hasn't Master come back yet? Why did Yu Hao Duan Duan shout at me at the door? Isn't it good for the outside world to think that I am dead? By the way, it couldn't be me that the little bastard is calling, right? It’s so scary, it’s gone, gone.”

In the Southern Territory, a young man was walking on the earth, looked up at the sky, and snorted dissatisfied.

Behind her, the maid followed closely with her sword in hand. She heard a snort and asked in a low voice: "Master, what's wrong?"

The young man said: "Then Lu Yin caused trouble. What did he ask me to do? I can't beat him. He said something that shouldn't be said. He got into trouble for nothing."

The maid was surprised: "Is there anyone who the young master admits he can't beat?"


"Then, Master, do you want to change weapons?"


"Replace it with what?"


"Okay." After saying that, the maid put away her sword, took out a long spear from Ningkong Ring and held it in her arms, which was very nondescript.

The two walked slowly, gradually heading towards the sky, where there was a portal that followed them all the time.

In the Western Region, Jue Clan land, Jue Ling rubbed his head, feeling a little uneasy.

"Mother, the emperor of Jingmen has ordered you to set off quickly. You can't let the emperor of Jingmen wait. The portal has already appeared." Juerou advised.

On the side, Jueqing said: "We may not be able to see Jingmen Shangyu, but it's not good to keep Miss Qingyun waiting for too long."

Jue Ling sighed: "Why would you ask me to go to the fight between Lu Yin and Xingfan? Normally you should call Yujing to go."

Juerou glanced at Jueqing with a guilty conscience, wondering if it might be related to her telling Lu Yin about this.

"Mother doesn't want to see Jingmen Shangyu?" Jueqing asked.

Jue Ling shook his head: "It is a great honor to meet the emperor, but at this time we have to go and make a clear decision on this matter. It is not good to offend anyone."

"No, sir, I will definitely not blame mother. If mother is afraid of offending Xingfan and Dan Jinxiayu, she will say that Lu Yin is wrong." Juerou interjected.

Jue Ling glared at her: "Nonsense, do you think that Lu Yin is a kind person? It's even worse to offend him. Have you forgotten the fate of Cheng Shi? Don't think that you can be arrogant after knowing him for a few days. You can't mess with this person. I, the Jue family, are far from being able to interact with him casually."

Juerou stuck out her tongue and said no more.

She knew very well that Lu Yin would not blame Jue Shi, because she was the one who told Lu Yin about this.

In the Northern Territory, Ku Ji set out. Before leaving, he glanced at Tianmen and asked the people in Ku Yuan to guard it.

The Tianmen at this moment is completely different from the Luojia guarding the Tianmen back then. The Luojia guarding the Tianmen was full of majesty, while the Kuyuan guarding the Tianmen must have much stronger combat power than the Luojia, but with this momentum, some were lying down and some were prone. Some actually stood on their heads.

The practitioners in Linghua Universe were speechless and couldn't understand why such a group of weirdos appeared in Jiuxiao Universe.

It's terrifyingly strong.

Jingque Terrace, huge portals connected to the sky and the earth.

Lu Yin stood on one side and looked around curiously. After all his anger was gone, he was very curious about the Jingque Tower, especially the flying birds.

I remember correctly, Qingyun seemed to have invited him to participate in the Jingque Terrace. He had an opportunity to ask questions to the emperor, but he didn't know when.

But he doesn't seem to need it.

Beside him, Guduan Passenger Station stood upright, not daring to move. This was under the eyes of the Emperor Yongsheng, which was in sharp contrast to Lu Yin.

Opposite, Dan Jin and Xing Fan were also standing, neither speaking to each other.

Soon, someone arrived. It was Kuji. He came to the door and stood calmly at a distance, not looking at anyone.

Immediately afterwards, Jue Ling also came and glanced at Dan Jin and Xing Fan. They didn't look at anyone and waited quietly. This is a habit formed by people who often report to the emperor.

Looking at Lu Yin again, Lu Yin happened to be looking at her as well.

Jue Ling nodded to show friendship.

At this time, an old man arrived, dressed very simply and with a dead leaf on his head: "I'm old and innocent. It's been a long time, everyone."

Jue Ling glanced at Wucheng, stepped aside, and walked a little further away like Ku Ji, acting as if he was not close to anyone.

Lu Yin looked at Wucheng curiously. Is he the current owner of Damengtian? I don’t know if I know anything about Wujie.

"Long time no see, old friend." Gu Duanke said to Wucheng.

Wucheng smiled: "I almost didn't see you."

"How to say?"

"The old man almost buried himself."

Dan Jin looked at Wucheng: "How is Damengtian doing recently? He is restrained and restrained by Wujie. He sometimes goes too far."

Wucheng laughed and said, "It's good that someone restrained me."

These words surprised everyone. Does anyone dare to take action against Damengtian's people?

Wucheng didn't say anything more, smiled and stood far away.

Finally, Bai came down, but the maid did not follow him. He stayed outside the Jingque Terrace, carrying a spear with a look of displeasure on his face.

Lu Yin found that these people had obvious characteristics. This person should be the master of Shaoyu Building, Bai Xia.


Bai Xia put down his spear and glanced not far away: "The smell of blood is so cruel. You dare to kill people in Jingque Terrace." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at him.

Bai Xia smiled: "Let's be friends, I'm not your opponent."

Lu Yin was stunned, it was quite straightforward.

At this time, Qingyun walked out of the void, and everyone looked at her.

She represents Jingmen Shangyu.

Qingyun glanced at Lu Yin and then looked at Xingfan: "Just now, what happened at Jingque Terrace was already known to Jingmen Shangyu, and there was no need to pay attention to it at first, but it happened at Jingque Terrace and involved spiritual changes. Three It is up to you to decide who is right or wrong in this matter and how to resolve it."

Wucheng and others calmly looked at the ground, their eyes looked at their noses, and their noses looked at their hearts. It had nothing to do with me.

Lu Yin raised his eyes and looked at Xingfan opposite.

Resentment flashed in Xingfan's eyes, and he walked out, facing the door and saluting: "Reporting to the emperor, I have found a solution to the spiritual transformation, which can be eradicated. I have the support of a group of cultivators in Jiuxiao, but this Lu Yin relies on With a high level of cultivation, he forcibly killed my Jiuxiao Universe cultivator and prevented the resolution of the spiritual transformation. I suspect that there is his shadow behind the spiritual transformation, and I also ask the God of Heaven to uphold justice."

Dan Jin frowned and looked at Xingfan.

Qingyun said calmly: "Xingfan Xiayu, this matter is left to everyone to make a decision. This is the justice given by Jingmen Shangyu. You should not report it to Shangyu again, but let them make a decision for you."

Xingfan raised his eyes: "Dare I ask, girl, what is the relationship between Lu Yin and the Qinglian Emperor?" This is her only concern. She wants to achieve her goal. If Yehai intervenes, it will become impossible. , so the suggestion to restart Tianyuan Universe was also made by Wen Jun and others, without facing Lu Yin directly.

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