Star Odyssey

Chapter 3912 Invitation

White what? People from the Bai family? A member of the Bai family of Hanxian Sect in Tianyuan Universe?

Lu Yin frowned, his intuition telling him that the secret Feng Bo told was really important, but if it was related to Hanxian Sect, why was it so important? The ancestors of the Bai family of the Hanxian Sect died in Taikoo City, and Bai Xianer also died. The Bai family no longer had any entanglement with him, so how could they have any big secrets.

So what if Yongheng is really a member of the Bai family? Even if the guess is bolder, Bai Mu, the ancestor of the Bai family who died in Taikoo City, is fake, and Yongheng is Bai Mu, so what? Did it affect you? Does it affect the current pattern of the universe? No impact at all.

Tianyuan Universe can't affect it, let alone the Bai family.

So, is this Bai a surname?

Lu Yin kept flashing past scenes in his mind, trying to find clues, but unfortunately, he couldn't find anything.

By the way, Nine Immortals.

Lu Yin crossed the Tianmen and took out the Lingyun Stone that was connected to the Linghua Universe to contact the Nine Immortals.

Some time passed and there was no response.

It was estimated that there would be no need for the Spirit Cloud Stone when returning to Jiuxiao Universe, so Lu Yin took out Huaisi and contacted Qingyun.

In the Seventh Night Pillar, Lu Yin and Qingyun met more than once, and they left their contact information.

At the Jingque Terrace, Qingyun looked at Lu Yin in the light curtain in front of him: "Mr. Lu, what's the matter?"

Behind her, Granny Yin was extremely vigilant and watched closely. This boy had finally found the girl's contact method and they could not be left alone.

Lu Yin said: "I want to contact the Nine Immortals."

Qingyun was surprised and looked at Granny Yin.

Granny Yin came forward: "Nine Immortals? What are you doing with the Nine Immortals?"

Lu Yin said: "We met in Linghua Universe, and I have something to ask."

Granny Yin wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. Although she was wary of this boy, his strength was amazing. He might reach the realm of immortality one day. Even if he did not reach it, with his current strength, looking at Jiuxiao, he was second only to the immortal realm. Yu, as long as it doesn't involve the girl, it's better not to offend me.

After getting the contact information of Jiuxian, Lu Yin ended the conversation and contacted Jiuxian.

Soon, the image of the Nine Immortals appeared in the light curtain.

"Mr. Lu, are you looking for me?"

"I want to ask a question." Lu Yin said.

Jiuxian shook his head: "I have no problem exchanging with Mr. Lu."

Lu Yin looked behind her: "Are you in the Northern Territory?"

"how do you know?"

"It can be seen that the mother tree behind you is the Abyss of Misery. You came from the Eastern Region for Lan?"

Jiu Xian took a sip of wine: "Sir, Lan and Feng Bo are both eternal people. Naturally, I want to go to Tianmen. I heard that she is the leader among the cultivators of the spiritual universe."

Lu Yin shrugged: "Then you're too late, she's already dead."

Jiuxian's expression changed and he looked at Lu Yin: "Sir, did you kill her?"

Lu Yin said: "I want to solve the spiritual transformation. I know that she is doing something behind her back, so I won't let her go."

The Nine Immortals looked calm.

"Uncle Feng is also dead."

The Nine Immortals were shocked and stared at Lu Yin: "You also killed Uncle Feng?"

Lu Yin shook his head: "I didn't kill him. He was resurrected by the True God Immortal Art. He should have died in the hands of Eternity. I still have questions to ask him, so I came to you."

Jiuxian clenched his fists, with a terrifying murderous intent in his eyes. He took a sip of wine and his face turned red.

After a while, she threw away the wine gourd and said, "Since eternity can resurrect him once, it can also resurrect him twice, right." She looked forward to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin thought for a while and nodded: "Maybe."

Feng Bo is Jiu Xian's biggest enemy. She went to spiritualize the universe to find Feng Bo. Jiu Xian is a strong person who can overcome hardships. Maybe her misfortune is Feng Bo.

If Feng Bo really dies, it will be a blow to her even if he dies in her hands.

Lu Yin did not deny Jiuxian's hope and gave her the motivation to pursue it.

"What do you want to ask?" Jiuxian sat down without any image.

Lu Yin asked: "What is the grudge between you and Uncle Feng? How much do you know about him?"

The Nine Immortals were puzzled: "What does my enmity with Uncle Feng have to do with you? It has nothing to do with eternity."

"I just want to know."

Jiu Xian laughed: "Okay, if you want to know, I will tell you..."

Soon after, Lu Yin put away his thoughts, but still didn't get any clues.

The hatred between the Nine Immortals and Feng Bo is actually very simple, but very deep-seated.

Once upon a time, Uncle Feng was a guest in the family of the Nine Immortals. For some reason, Uncle Feng wiped out the whole family of the Nine Immortals. At that time, the Nine Immortals were traveling, so they escaped. At that time, Uncle Feng was much more powerful than the Nine Immortals. .

Later, Yongheng took Feng Bo to the Tianyuan Universe. Feng Bo's cultivation progressed slowly, but because of the motivation of hatred and the cultivation in the Jiuxiao Universe, the Nine Immortals made rapid progress and surpassed Feng Bo. Not only did they enter the Beginning Realm, but they also crossed over. Misery.

She searched all over Jiuxiao but couldn't find Uncle Feng, so she went to Linghua Universe.

The hatred is very clear. The only thing that is unclear is why Feng Bo wiped out the whole family of the Nine Immortals. The reason why the Nine Immortals have not found out yet.

Lu Yin exhaled. The clue was broken. If he wanted to continue, he could only resurrect Feng Bo from eternity. Will he be resurrected? If Eternally re-cultivates the True God Immortal Technique, maybe he will really know it, and then it will be possible to know the secret.

He no longer hesitated, said hello to the people in Kuyuan, walked out of the Tianmen, and headed towards the spiritual universe.

Solving the Tianyuan universe crisis is the most important thing.

Lu Yin deliberately found the location connecting the time and space of Yushen Mountain and the spiritual universe, and looked at the connection between the two time and space. This is the place where the Immortal Realm monster was thrown into the time and space of Yushen Mountain.

He thought that the monster would be gone after he threw it in, but he didn't expect that it would remain there until now.

Why did Master Qingcao keep this passage?

It is precisely because of this channel that practitioners of the Linghua Universe continue to enter the time and space of Yushen Mountain. Based on this calculation, Master Qingcao is likely to participate in the changes in Linghua, even if he is not in the Linghua Universe.

At this moment, with the return of the group of spiritual universe cultivators from the Yushen Mountain Spacetime, they brought the conditions negotiated with Lu Yin.

Master Su said that although Shi Xiu and others were surprised that Lu Yin came out of the Tianmen, they were not surprised that Lu Yin could suppress those cultivators.

Today's spiritual universe is completely different from the original spiritual universe.

With the arrival of Wujiang, nearly half of the top masters in the Linghua Universe have either died or been captured. There are also a group of masters who have defected to Wujiang. The remaining ones are not even one-third of the original ones. Yu Sangtian has disappeared. Among the seven Sangtians, one has closed himself off and the other has not. When it comes to the world, no matter how miserable it is, the Linghua Universe like this may not even be as good as the Tianyuan Universe. How can we fight against Lu Yin?

Moreover, Lu Yin is not only powerful, but also extremely strategic, and the spiritual universe can only be manipulated.

Lu Yin has returned to the Linghua Universe. He is back after more than thirty years.

Looking at the familiar starry sky in the distance actually gave Lu Yin a sense of pleasure. Is it because there was no one stronger than him in this starry sky? Or have you stayed in this starry sky for a long time and developed feelings?

Lu Yin didn't know that although he was invincible in battle, he was still a human being, an ordinary person of flesh and blood, and he sometimes had more emotions than ordinary people.

Even in the face of the starry sky that was his former enemy, he has left too many legends here.

When coming to Linghua Universe, the first thing to do is to deal with the insect nest.

He didn't know why the insect nest was brought to the Linghua Universe. If the insect nest crisis in Tianyuan Universe could not be solved with the help of the power of the Linghua Universe, he would rather the insect nest stayed here. The Linghua Universe wanted to use the Tianyuan Universe as a barrier to dream.

Now that the Linghua Universe is being brought to the Tianyuan Universe to resolve the insect nest crisis, it must also be resolved here.

The nest must be eliminated completely.

The depth of a small distance is unimaginable to those who have not experienced it. The remains of the insect nest seen by Cheng Shi's Secret Slip show that this civilization is not far away from humans. Whether it is the Linghua Universe or the Tianyuan Universe, it should not be exposed.

Having said that, the insect nest cannot appear in the Linghua Universe for no reason. Could it be that someone from the Tianyuan Universe brought one here?

I can think of it, and so can my ancestors and the others.

It did not live up to their thoughts.

I don’t know what happened to the people who came here.

Consciousness fills the starry sky of the Linghua Universe overwhelmingly, solving batches of bugs. The Linghua Universe does not care about these bugs, causing the bugs to reproduce very quickly. Fortunately, Linghua Universe practitioners are all over the universe, and they can determine the location of bugs better than Tianyuan Universe. .

At the same time, he is also looking for the Eternals, which is a big problem.

The cultivators of the spiritual universe gathered towards the space-time warship, just like the expedition to the Tianyuan universe.

Countless cultivators went there excitedly. The reason for this was because Lu Yin also promised that the spiritual universe cultivators who helped Tianyuan Universe solve the crisis would have the opportunity to go to Jiuxiao Universe to practice in the future. This promise was what made so many cultivators excited. reason.

He opened the way for these people.

Not only immortality, as long as they can enter Jiuxiao to practice, they will be free from the pain of having their spiritual seeds plundered. They see no hope of resisting Jiuxiao Universe, so they can only join Jiuxiao. This is the idea of ​​many cultivators.

Some people want to resist Jiuxiao Universe and give them their freedom, while some people want to join Jiuxiao Universe. Lu Yin has almost integrated these two types of people.

In addition, there is no quota limit, anyone who wants to participate can participate, which makes the entire spiritual universe boil.

Half a year later, in Lingbao Domain, Su Shidao put down his fishing rod with a bitter look on his face and looked back: "I am not your subordinate."

"Of course." Lu Yin said, standing not far from Master Sudao, looking at the stars, not knowing what to think.

"Then you still force me."

"Just for fun, it's fun if everyone goes."

"You forced me to become Sang Tian, ​​and now you force me to go to Tianyuan Universe. Do I owe you?"

Lu Yin smiled at Su Shidao: "It's not a force, it's an invitation. I invite you on behalf of Tianyuan Universe."

Su Shidao looked solemn: "Tell me the truth, what is your plan? Jiuxiao Universe cannot tolerate Linghua Universe knowing the truth. Linghua Universe is too important to them."

Lu Yin thought for a while: "Originally, Jiuxiao Universe wanted to destroy the practitioners of the three eras of Linghua Universe in order to completely hide the truth."

Su Shidao narrowed his eyes, instinctively disbelieving, but suddenly thought of what is worth paying attention to in today's spiritual universe? Most of the masters were killed or injured, and even if they disappeared for several eras, the price would not be too high.

"I have fought for all of you cultivators who know the truth to be transferred to the Tianyuan Universe. The truth can be spread in the Tianyuan Universe, but it must not be spread in the Linghua Universe." Lu Yin continued.

Su Shidao stared at Lu Yin: "Seriously?"

Lu Yin laughed: "For Jiuxiao Universe, there are many ways to solve this matter, but this is the only way that can solve it without harming my interests."

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