Star Odyssey

Chapter 3919 Method

This is what they came up with within five years of the Fifth Pillar's voyage.

Although the attack channel of the fully-sensory creature cannot be determined, there is only one target, which is human beings.

A person's death must be accompanied by a fully-sensory creature in his body. So when something happens to someone, the people around him will immediately erase that person and the surroundings together, completely wiping out the fully-sensory creature.

This is not cold-blooded, but done out of necessity.

A person whose organs have been replaced by a fully-sensory creature will never survive. Jiuxiao Universe had already experimented with it, and it was like transforming a person into another species, and it was a dead species. Even the immortal God cannot create a person out of thin air. People.

Therefore, when fighting in the omnisensory universe, the biggest taboo is not to give omnisensory creatures a chance to enter the body. Once pain occurs, it will be too late.

If a fully-sensory creature can kill a cultivator, it means that the fully-sensory creature has mastered a new attack channel. Others cannot deal with it in a short time. Complete erasure is the only way.

If it were just vibration, smell and sight, the other three night pillars wouldn't have been so brutal.

This can only be done before fully understanding the battle situation in the full-sense universe.

Gather all the cultivators of the Fifth Night Pillar in one position and guard all directions in that position, like hedgehogs, not giving the fully-sense creatures any opportunity to take advantage of, while Lu Yin goes to collect intelligence.

If Lu Yinruo couldn't collect information, then the only way to do it would be to go to Yu Lai forever.

Unless everyone in Xiaozhu is dead, information will definitely be obtained.

But when Lu Yin's consciousness enveloped the Sixth Night Pillar, his expression completely darkened.

There was not a single living person on the Sixth Night Pillar. The ground was filled with corpses as far as the eye could see. The war drums were broken and stained with blood. Under the cut plane, the stray corpses were still there, with blood flowing along the plane. There was another body. The corpse left Lu Yin silent. Lu Jing, the master of the Sword Sect, also died here.

Lu Yin looked at the corpse of Lu Jing. Lu Yin clearly remembered the famous picture from all ages. He used the famous picture to prove his heart, looked at the vast seas of heaven and earth, and understood the killing with a sword. It seemed like yesterday, but now, he died here.

What's strange is that there is still a ferocious murderous intent on Lu Jing's face. This killing intent is so clear, as if he could draw his sword to kill at any time, but under this killing intent, he died.

Lu Yin looked at Liuli again. There was no murderous intent on Liuli's face, but a sad look.

how so?

One was sad, the other was full of murderous intent, both had no external injuries, but they both died. Both of them were masters. One survived the hardships to perfection, and the other survived the hardships, and his death was unclear.

There weren't even any traces of shooting around.

Lu Yin's consciousness swept across the ground. Some of the corpses stretched out, some of them died tragically, and some were just like killing scenes and wanderings. They died in strange ways. As for the corpses of fully-sense creatures, there were none. Not a single one.

All dead?

Lu Yin's consciousness spread beyond the Sixth Night Pillar and spread to the meteorite belt.

Suddenly, countless transparent tadpole-like creatures rushed out and headed towards the Sixth Night Pillar, aiming directly at Lu Yin, who was a fully-sensory creature.

These fully-sensory creatures shuttle through the void, sometimes appearing and sometimes disappearing, like a vast ocean, submerging the entire Sixth Night Pillar.

In the distance, Taicang Sword Master and others from the Fifth Night Pillar saw it and were shocked.

So many fully-sentient creatures? Are all the Sixth Night Pillar dead? No one solved it.

The next moment, ripples appeared in the starry sky, spreading in all directions, coming from Lu Yin. He sent out ripples of power, sweeping towards the ocean-like telesensory creatures. Countless telesensory creatures turned into fragments and died. There were no corpses left, and some were just grains. The specks of light dissipate, quite beautiful.

But compared to the corpses everywhere on the Sixth Night Pillar, it was shocking.

These fully-sensory creatures pose no threat. Lu Yin can easily wipe out a large area. This is exactly the Seventh Night Pillar's original judgment of the fully-sensory creatures. They are very weak and can be solved.

So they brought back the fully-sensory creatures, handed them over to the God of Control by the Sixth Night Pillar, and were judged by the God of Control to be extinct.

The result is correct. These fully-sensory creatures are indeed easy to destroy and can be said to have no resistance. However, their killing methods are also difficult for humans to resist. Forget about the known methods, they can evolve and have more unknown methods. Once touched by one of these means, you are dead.

Displacement cannot be avoided.

The ripples destroyed a large area of ​​fully-sensory creatures. Countless people in the Fifth Night Pillar thought it was too simple, so they just followed it and took action.

It's so unreasonable, as if the strength and defense of human beings are no different from ordinary people in front of these creatures.

Around Lu Yin, one after another full-sensory creatures swam out of the void. He specifically tested it and looked at the fully-sensory creatures. He only felt that there was an extra creature in his sight. He could not touch it with his hands, only his sight could see it.

Lu Yin smelled the smell of blood again, and at the same time, a strange feeling came, as if the smell of blood brought something.

And as the ripples spread, the ripples vibrated and swam with full-sense creatures, approaching Lu Yin in strange directions, as if they were using the power of the ripples to swim on the waves.

The vibration, smell, and sight were all there, giving Lu Yin an intuitive feeling.

Lu Yin moved his fingers, and the surrounding void shattered, creating the initial universe.

The omnisensory creatures that attacked Lu Yin along these channels were destroyed in an instant, with no chance of getting close.

It's not that simple. There must be fully-sensory creatures with special attack channels.

Just as he was thinking about it, far away, someone on the Fifth Night Pillar screamed, howling in agony, and fell to the ground.

The people around him took action immediately. Some wanted to stop him, but it was too late. The wailing cultivator was directly killed.

"What are you doing?" The person who stopped him was so angry that he went crazy and attacked the people around him. The person who died was his brother.

The surrounding cultivators did not fight back, only resisted.

"You are crazy. Those creatures are so fragile and can easily wipe out a large area. Why did you kill my brother? Why." The man roared, his eyes red and full of hatred.

The people around looked at each other. They just took action subconsciously. It came from the instinct of sailing in the past few years. If they were given a choice, they might not take action.

"Hua Lie, in the past few years, you have been under orders to practice the war method of the fully-sensory universe. Have you forgotten? Your brother has been penetrated by a fully-sensory creature, so he must die. He can't survive." Someone advised. road.

Hua Lie glared at the man: "Maybe there is a way? There is no way in the Jiuxiao Universe, but this is the Full Sense Universe, and even if I die, I promised my brother to take a whole body home."

As soon as he finished speaking, another person screamed, not far away. This time, the people around him did not take action subconsciously, but watched the person slowly die in pain. Then, as if he was infected, someone screamed again.

"Take action, take action quickly. Have you forgotten Xiao Shou's order? Cancel it immediately."

The Fifth Night Pillar was in chaos, people were dying everywhere, and they didn’t know how they died.

Lu Yin returned to the Fifth Night Pillar, looking down from a high position with a stern face. He raised his hand and struck it down with a palm. With the palm as the center, the void shattered and spread, turning into a crack in the sky and earth to wrap up the entire Fifth Night Pillar. The huge initial universe of Wuxiaozhu.

This scene shocked everyone.

Even though everyone knew that Lu Yin was very powerful, they didn't expect that he could hit such a majestic blow. This blow could no longer be considered as a cultivator's level. Only the Immortal Realm could have this kind of power.

Taicang Sword Master and others were stunned.

If this palm hits them, they will definitely die.

The initial universe that encompasses the Fifth Night Pillar will be invisible to all sentient creatures. No matter where they are hiding in the void, as long as they are in that direction, they will die.

Lu Yin stared down: "Anyone who has been successfully penetrated by a fully-sensory creature will be erased immediately. If there is any delay, he will be killed without mercy."

"Yes, Xiaoshou."

"Yes, Xiaoshou..."

Lu Yin frowned and looked around. He didn't know how many fully-sensory creatures he had killed just now. There should be a lot of them, but there are still more here. This is just this meteorite belt. Looking at the entire fully-sensory universe, how many fully-sensory creatures are there? Can't even think about it.

Perhaps it would be fastest to simply restart the universe.

Where are the origin and end of the sequenceable string? Are there so many parallel time and spaces? And where are the other three people from the Night Pillar? Are they all dead? Second, there is no trace of the Four Night Pillars.

"Our known attack channels no longer work. These omnisensory creatures have new attack channels. We must find other people. They have been in the omnisensory universe for so long, so they must have information." Tai Cang Sword Master shouted.

Jinglian was troubled: "How to defend against unknown channels? Unless we continuously exert the initial combat power and can directly destroy a piece of the initial universe, we will never find these things."

"The attack in the Beginning Realm cannot last long." Wei Heng said coldly.

Jinglian bared her teeth: "That's you."

Wei Heng stared at him and didn't say much. Compared to Jinglian, he was indeed worse at maintaining combat power.

He attacks stronger, but Joren can hold on better.

Lu Yin looked around and saw omnisensory creatures appearing in the distance. The cause and effect spiral entangled at his fingertips, throwing out the cause and effect, and the karma was the end. He couldn't believe that he couldn't find those people.

Cause and effect is not only the cause and effect of human beings, but also the cause and effect of all things.

Everything that appears in the universe has cause and effect.

Even a grain of dust has its origin, but Lu Yin doesn't have the energy or the karma to trace the origin of a grain of dust.

That is something that spans endless years, even longer than the realm of immortality.

And fully-sentient creatures are even more causal.

One side of the universe has cause and effect for that side of the universe, and the entire square inch away, the entire universe, also has cause and effect.

Lu Yin's causal spiral passed through a group of fully-sensory creatures, creating scenes one after another. He used his causal karma to search for Mingzui, and finally found it.

He saw Mingzui destroying large swathes of fully-sensory creatures, and these fully-sensory creatures hit by Karma were far away from Mingzui at that time. Lu Yin saw him pushing the Fourth Night Pillar into a certain passage. That passage It looks like it's connected to a parallel time and space.

Lu Yin continued to play the spiral of cause and effect. He wanted to confirm the location of the passage. Since Mingzui brought the Fourth Night Pillar there, it proved that there might be a battlefield where the fully-sense creatures could be destroyed.

Scenes kept appearing. In addition to Mingzui, he also looked for the cause and effect of Qiunan Hongye. Qiunan Hongye did not die, but followed the person who passed through, but on the second night pillar.

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