Star Odyssey

Chapter 3926 Give it a try

Nowadays, the insect nest crisis in Tianyuan Universe has been contained with the return of Wujiang. Human beings have begun to counterattack the insects and continue to clean up parallel time and space. However, the number of experts is too small to solve it in a short time.

If Linghua Universe is looking for trouble at this time, it will be really troublesome.

Dou Sheng Tianzun held the golden long stick and looked at the border: "Looking for trouble? Do they still have experts?"

Shan Gu was confused: "How has Ling Hua Universe been tortured by Lord Lu? Does it make you so confident?"

On the side, Mu Zhu said: "Anyway, you shouldn't have the idea to cause trouble for our Tianyuan Universe."

While talking, one by one the masters went to the border. As Dou Shengtianzun's golden long stick swept across, the insects on the border were swept away. The next moment, the war boat was restarted and rushed through the portal, slowly stopping in front of everyone.

Chu Yi's eyes were sharp: "It is indeed a spiritual cosmic battle boat."

Before they could think about it, Ernan stood on the bow of the ship and shouted excitedly: "Master Lu ordered the spiritual universe to support Tianyuan, but there is no limit to what he has ordered."

Ahead, a group of experts from Tianyuan Universe stared blankly, what? Lord Lu ordered Linghua Universe to support Tianyuan Universe?

No one expected this.

Even the people in Wujiang did not expect that when they returned to Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin was being chased by immortal monsters, and the captured cultivators in Linghua Universe were all forcibly taken away by Master Qingcao.

How did Lu Yin do it? Not only can he escape from being chased by monsters in the Immortal Realm, but he can also order the Spiritual Universe to support the Tianyuan Universe under the nose of Master Qingcao. It is unbelievable and unbelievable.

Ancient God, Wu Tian, ​​Jialan Zhiluo, Xu Zhu and others looked blankly at Chu Yi and the others. Didn't they say that Lu Yin was being hunted and had to escape? Didn’t it say that Master Qingcao returned to the spiritual universe? How is this going?

In the distance, Mie Wuhuang bared his teeth and looked incredulous. What on earth did that Lu Yin do?

He listened to Wujiang's group of people talking about what happened in the conscious universe, and couldn't help but feel lucky that he had escaped early, otherwise he would have encountered the monsters in the Immortal Realm and Master Qingcao, but Lu Yin had encountered them and ran away, how could he still command the spirits? Transform the universe to help? Damn it.

No one could figure out what was going on.

Master Su said, Zi Tianshu and others looked at the masters of Tianyuan Universe in front of them with solemn expressions. They were indeed very strong. Tianyuan Universe was far from what they had guessed.

They felt the power of the ancient gods, felt the unfathomable depth of Lu Yuan, and also felt the fighting spirit of Jialan Zhiluo, the Ancestor of the Netherworld, Mu Ke, and others, and that charging aura actually suppressed them.

After many changes, the Linghua Universe has long lost its murderous intent. Now it is compared with the Tianyuan Universe.

They know very well that their greatest advantage lies in their numbers. The general strength of Linghua Universe cultivators exceeds that of Tianyuan Universe. This is also the confidence that can help Tianyuan Universe solve the crisis. However, among the top masters, they are no longer as good as Tianyuan Universe at this moment.

Tianyuan Universe is no longer the weakest among the three universes.

Under the orders of Wang Wen, Wei Rong and others, the four war ships of Linghua Universe headed towards the four parallel times and spaces and began to exterminate the insects.

When they saw the parallel time and space bugs all over the Tianyuan Universe, they understood why Lu Yin wanted to completely eliminate the bugs in the Linghua Universe before they set off. It turned out that the crisis in the Tianyuan Universe came from those bugs.

Lu Yin didn't tell them what the crisis in Tianyuan Universe was, he just said that the more cultivators who go to support, the better.

Now they know.

But, how come bugs appear in the spiritual universe? Did Wujiang bring him there? By the way, disaster.

Su Shidao thought of the disaster. Lu Yin only found out about this person's existence at the last moment. Why was he spiritualizing the universe? Even an idiot would guess that he might have brought the bugs that transformed the universe.

Thinking of this, Su Shidao felt inexplicably angry. He actually transferred the crisis to Ling Hua Universe, which was hateful.

It's a pity that he was so kind to this person along the way.

But this matter is definitely not something he can make the decision about. The people in Tianyuan Universe are quite dark.

Fortunately, Lu Yin himself is not bad, and he helps Linghua Universe deal with those bugs. From this point of view, his quality is even better than that of people like Tianyuan Universe.

On the other side, in the Tianshang Zongzong Hall, Lu Yuan, Ancient God, and Chu Yi all gathered around Ernan and heard what Ernan had said to bring Lu Yin.

"Leave them behind?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Resolved?"

Er Dong said: "No, Lord Lu means not to let them return to the spiritual universe."

"Why is this? We won't let them live in our Tianyuan Universe from now on." Chu Yi was puzzled.

Er Dong said: "This is what Lord Lu means. This is just the first batch. He wants the practitioners of this era of Linghua Universe and even the next era to come to Tianyuan Universe and let the Tianshang Sect divide the regions for them. Anyway, in this life Don’t even think about returning to the spiritual universe.”

Wang Wen smiled: "This plan sounds familiar."

Wei Rong nodded: "The time and space of the Sixth Continent and then the Three Lords were encroached on like this. Does the Lord of the Land want to get the entire spiritual universe?"

Ernan shook his head: "I don't know, Master Lu didn't tell me."

Lu Yuan slapped the table: "In that case, let's find some other crisis. Anyway, as long as Tianyuan is in crisis, they can't leave."

"Other crises? How to find them?" Dou Sheng Tianzun was confused.

Wei Rong's lips curved up: "Make up a story, Tianyuan is ours, you can say whatever you want."

The ancient god turned and walked away.

"What are you going for?" Lu Yuan asked.

The ancient god didn't even look back: "Go and talk to Emperor Mie Wu and tell him not to spill the beans. This guy is getting to know our Tianyuan better and better."

Chu Yi agreed: "It's time to have a good chat. Call up Xing Toad, Xu Huan and Li Beast and let's talk together."

There is a cauldron in the square of His Highness Zongzheng Tianshang. Inside the cauldron, small saplings stretch out their branches and leaves to look outside from time to time, and then shrink back in disappointment.

"He has news."

The green leaves suddenly poked out, shining with green light, which was very gratifying. The person who was talking towards them was Mr. Mu.

After returning from Wujiang, Huang Shen went to Taikoo City and grabbed the string of sequence on behalf of Mr. Mu, and Mr. Mu was freed.

Mr. Mu raised his hand and touched the green leaves of the sapling: "He is safe and will come back."

The sapling was happy, and the green leaves were caressing Mr. Mu’s face.

Mr. Mu looked at the sapling, then at the cauldron, then raised his head and looked at the starry sky: "We have come so far, and I have nothing to worry about." After saying that, he looked at the Tianshang Sect again, and stepped out. Disappear and reappear, entering the mirage realm and coming to the river of time.

On the long river of time, a light boat rowed by, and there was a faint sound of singing.

On the other side of the river bank, Qianying stood, staring at Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu glanced at the opposite bank, smiled, raised his feet, stepped out, and entered the river. From the bottom of the river, a tripod slowly rose, making the river boil over time.

Weinu stared at Mr. Mu: "What else do you want?"

Mr. Mu stood on the long river, as if the years had lifted him up: "When you are old, you must give it a try, otherwise it will not be a problem for the apprentice to keep working hard outside."

"Don't mess around." Weinu warned. She had never seen such a person. He was obviously not in the Immortal Realm, but he could influence the passage of time more than the Immortal Realm. That tripod was too strange.

Mr. Mu smiled, said no more, and slowly lowered his body into the cauldron.

After Mr. Mu completely disappeared, Weinu released her clenched fists and just stood by the river, watching.

In the full sense of the universe, more than a year has passed since Lu Yin grabbed the String of Sequence. Mingzui and Yu continued to explore along the passage of time and space, and finally brought news on this day that a section of Greedy Devour had disappeared.

Lu Yin's eyes widened suddenly, staring at the parallel time and space: "Let's go."

After saying that, he entered that parallel time and space with Mingzui and Yu.

After Lu Yin left, the captured sequence strings dispersed directly, and the void was shattered by countless ripples, but quickly returned to normal.

This is a parallel time and space that has not passed before. Countless flowers in the starry sky are torn to pieces, and there are traces of spikes everywhere, obviously from Greedy, but Greedy is gone.

Lu Yin and the others quickly found the traces of the battle in the starry sky, and followed the traces to find the passage to the next parallel time and space. In this all-sensory universe, all parallel times and spaces where flowers are planted have connected passages. This passage is actually for the movement of all-sense creatures. .

In fact, if you focus on the fully-sensory creature, you may be able to find the existence behind it, but it will also take a long time.

The greed in the next parallel time and space of the passage was also resolved, and then in the next parallel time and space, there was no greed in that parallel time and space. Lu Yin used cause and effect to hit the fully-sensory creatures and flowers, collided with the causal line, found a passage, and continued.

After searching for parallel time and space, they finally came to a completely different parallel time and space.

Each of the flowers in this parallel time and space is as big as the flower that blocked the entrance to the passage. There are fully-sensory creatures everywhere, countless glowing planets floating, and in the distance, a huge mother tree.

Lu Yin's eyes widened, and he finally found it.

Mingzui and Yu looked at each other and found it. It was too hard. If it weren't for Lu Yin, it would have taken them who knows how long to find this parallel time and space.

In an expedition to the outer universe, it is normal for a battle to last hundreds and thousands of years, but how long has it been now? This is the horror of cause and effect.

The three of them moved towards the mother tree, concentrating their auras and not daring to release any power of exploration, lest the being behind it escape.

Under this starry sky, a kind of silent depression made their hearts heavy, and they always felt that something existed.

Especially Mingzui and Yu, who are strong men who have overcome hardships and experienced great perfection, feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. The closer he got to the mother tree, the more depressing he felt.

Moreover, there was a vague and strange collision sound. Is it the collision and incitement of wings?

There were only mother trees and flowers in this direction, and nothing could be seen. Lu Yin and the others changed directions and approached the mother tree. Soon after, the three of them stared at the huge mother tree in the distance, and the moth clinging to the trunk of the mother tree.

It was an extremely huge transparent moth creature, one-third the size of the mother tree. Its body shone with the same light as the planet. Its transparent wings occasionally vibrated and made a permeating sound. Its entire body lay on the trunk of the mother tree. , as if sleeping.

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