Star Odyssey

Chapter 3931 Return

"We also guessed when the fully-sensory creatures died in large numbers, but we didn't expect Mr. Lu to be so relaxed and amazing." Yu said, staring at Lu Yin with deep admiration in his eyes.

Mingzui laughed: "I don't even know who the junior brother is. He is the second genius in the history of Jiuxiao Universe to understand cause and effect. Junior brother, you have made great achievements this time. Let's see who can say something when we go back. From Tianyuan Universe What's wrong? You can also become the Royal Guard of God."

Lu Yin was no longer interested in the God of Control. He just looked at the mother tree with a complicated expression and a heavy heart. He was not happy. He had clearly solved the transparent moth and the expedition was over.

Is it because of this mother tree? It conveys sadness.

Lan Universe's mother tree also gave him such emotions, sadness and brokenness. At that time, he never thought that he would experience those emotions, but even if he did, it would not prevent Lan Universe from restarting.

He is not a saint, sympathy cannot help him survive in the universe, and the mother tree of one universe cannot make him fall out with Jiuxiao Universe.

When the universe restarts, the mother tree will eventually be destroyed.

Of course, if it was possible to avoid destruction, he still wanted to try it.

"Senior, can it be saved?" Lu Yin asked.

Mingzui shook his head: "It's hopeless."

"Can you move back to Jiuxiao?"

Yu said: "It is withering."

Ming Zhui sighed: "The more people understand the universe, the more grateful they are to the Mother Tree. Our Jiuxiao has exterminated more than one universe, and there has never been a precedent of bringing the Mother Tree back. It's not that we can't, but that we don't dare."

“The more mother trees there are, the more likely they are to be exposed.”

"And this mother tree has obviously declined. Even if it is moved back, it may not survive. Junior brother, don't think too much about it."

Lu Yin took back his hand. He had forgotten that the mother tree not only supported the universe, but also exposed the universe, so the transparent moth moved the mother tree away.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I'm here to see you off." After saying that, he pressed his palms on the mother tree, and with a bang, the mother tree shattered and dispersed.

Yu wanted to say something, but looking at Lu Yin's back, he didn't say anything.

Generally speaking, in an extinct universe, the mother tree should disappear with the restart of the universe, but looking at Lu Yin's state, he wisely said nothing. Some people can make exceptions.

The mother tree shattered and gradually dissipated, and green light appeared in it and entered Lu Yin's body.

The broken mother tree of Lan Universe also has this light.

"Did you see anything?"

Mingzui and Yu were puzzled: "What?"


"Junior brother, are you okay?" Mingzui was afraid that Lu Yin would be beaten silly.

Lu Yin said: "According to the process, is it time to look for useful resources next?"

Yu nodded: "As long as it is confirmed that there is not much danger in the current universe, the cultivators on the Night Pillar can look for resources. All available resources will be brought back to Jiuxiao, and one of our Night Pillars will stay here to determine the number of parallel time and space. , and finally determine the time for restart."

Lu Yin has returned to the main time and space. At this moment, the cultivators on the Night Pillar no longer need to line up in formation. There is no danger in this universe.

Not even a decent creature.

The fully-sentient creatures have completely wiped out this universe.

Although the full-sensory space war was the weirdest war that many people had ever experienced, it ended quickly and did not allow them to take action at all.

But if they were given a choice, they would rather face the Zangtian Universe, at least knowing how they died.

The cultivators went to the Sixth Night Pillar one by one. They were originally Sixth Night Pillar practitioners.

The sound of drums sounded, coming from Qiunan Hongye. She stood in front of the war drum and beat the drum for the Sixth Night Pillar.

Immediately afterwards, the second night pillar, the fourth night pillar and the fifth night pillar all beat drums, resounding through the starry sky.

"I'll wait and give you a ride."

"Give you a ride."

"Go safely..."

Lu Yin also came to the Sixth Night Pillar and looked at the cut plane. The long blood stains were very dazzling, coming from displacement.

"If we go back again, the Sixth Night Pillar may not even have a decent night leader qualification." came Lu Feishen's voice.

Lu Yin said: "You want to stay?"

Lu Feichen nodded: "Lu Jing is dead, and the Sixth Night Pillar has also lost the master of the Great Perfection in overcoming hardships. I want to stay."

"I don't know how long it will take for the Sixth Night Pillar to recover. I originally thought that we could join more masters in this battle to restore the Sixth Night Pillar, but I didn't expect it to be like this." Lu Yin said, thinking of Liang Li's longing for the expedition. If at that time What would happen if he promised her to join the Sixth Night Pillar?

Lu Feichen looked at his sword: "This is the universe. When you get within a small distance and truly see the Jiuxiao Universe clearly, all your arrogance will disappear. We are still very weak."

Lu Yin glanced at him: "Your sword intention has improved, which is very good. It seems that there is hope to achieve the Great Perfection of Overcoming Suffering."

Lu Feichen put down his sword: "Thank you very much."

"Have you ever blamed me?"


"Intervene in the battle for the Si Lin Sword Head and give up the Si Lin Sword Head that you are determined to win to Lu Si Zhan."

"No, not then, not now."

Several months passed. During this period, the cultivators searched for resources everywhere and found many resources that were useful to Jiuxiao Universe. Among them, the ones that concerned them the most were actually stones.

The night pillar can travel through the universe, relying on that kind of stone. Only special stones can carry the night pillar to travel through time and space.

Neither Tianyuan Universe nor Linghua Universe has that kind of stone. It’s not that there is none, but it was collected by Jiuxiao Universe.

Jiuxiao Universe has gradually increased its number from one night pillar to nine through expeditions to outer universes.

Stone is the resource they care about most.

When the Sixth Night Pillar was cut, apart from the dead cultivators, the biggest loss was actually the stone.

There are endless resources in this universe, and it is impossible to determine them in a short time. Jiuxiao Universe practitioners can only identify the resources they want most, bring the information back to Jiuxiao Universe, and then send Xiaozhu to collect it.

You can stay at most for a few more months before returning to Jiuxiao Universe.

Lu Yin is actually not in a hurry to go back. Linghua Universe has four battle boats to support Tian Yuan, so Tian Yuan should be fine.

On this day, Lu Yin suddenly noticed that there were prying eyes from outside the universe. This surprised him and made him wonder if they could be creatures from the outer universe.

The transparent moth's careful concealment made him feel a little like walking on thin ice, and he subconsciously headed outside the full-sensory universe to determine the source of his gaze.

Stepping out of the omnisensory universe, Lu Yin looked into the distance and looked into a pair of eyes. They were human eyes. After seeing Lu Yin, the man's eyes moved, as if he recognized Lu Yin, and then his body was dragged by some force. Pull and disappear.

He Fangshan?

The person just now came from the Jiuxiao Universe, came out of the Hefang Mountain, and checked the situation of the All-Sense Universe. That person was the child in Qing Xing's story, the child tied to the bamboo pole.

He saw the battle situation in the entire universe, just like the previous battle situations that required support.

Lu Yin felt relieved and returned to the Full Sense Universe.

He found that he had lost his sense of security just like a transparent moth. The farther he looked, the less sense of security he felt.

Jiuxiao Universe's hiding is not like the transparent moth hiding the mother tree. He is also afraid that one day he will be found by a powerful creature, making the Jiuxiao Universe human race become the second transparent moth.

With a heavy heart, the Second Night Pillar, the Fourth Night Pillar, and the Sixth Night Pillar headed towards the Jiuxiao Universe. It was time to return.

The fifth night pillar resides in the omnisensory universe.

Lu Yin was the leader of the fifth night pillar, but he didn't want to stay, so he appointed Tai Cang Sword Master as the leader of the night and followed the sixth night pillar back.

Not long after the three night pillars left the full-sense universe, a long blue sword came out of the void. The blade was sky blue and entwined with a fishy smell. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a nebula flowing around. The person holding the sword was not a hand, but a hand. It was a tentacle-like object, covered with green moss, which continued to spread out of the void, but then stopped: "It's gone, how could it be gone? Can the existence of Jiuxiao be strong enough to solve it? Or is a new realm of immortality born?" "

"What is Qixu doing?"

"I thought it could expose Jiuxiao. It's really a blessed clan, haha." After saying that, the moss-covered tentacles disappeared with the blue sword.

The people staying at the Fifth Night Pillar didn't notice it at all.

At the same time, just a few inches away, far away, under the dark and deep starry sky, a huge creature roared angrily, its claws thrust out continuously, consuming the void, leaving deeper traces that stretched endlessly into the distance.

If Lu Yin were here, he would definitely recognize that the sharp claws belonged to the immortal monster.

The monster in the Immortal Realm is extremely huge and attacks the person who is so small to it that it can barely see it. However, that person keeps pushing it out, getting further and further away from its original position. It becomes angrier, roaring, roaring, and trying to shake. Shattered starry sky.

Master Qingcao was carrying a bamboo basket and looked helplessly at the behemoth in front of him: "I told you, please cooperate with me and slowly retreat. If I don't attack you, don't resist. It's useless if you resist. You will definitely be pushed away by me. Yes, why bother?"

The two remaining eyes of the Immortal Realm monster glared at Master Green Grass, and its sharp claws stabbed out again.

"If you were in your heyday, it would be really difficult for me to deal with it, but now you are meaningless. You are just a body in the immortal realm. If Lu Yin's killing power was stronger, you would lose your life. Be obedient. Stand back, I don't want to kill you, but keeping you here can cause him some trouble."

The sharp claws continued to thrust out, completely ignoring Master Qingcao's words.

Half a year later, the Immortal Realm Monster has retreated a lot from its previous position. Master Qingcao calculated the time: "It's almost time. It's time to go back. I hope you won't disappoint me." After saying that, he looked at the Immortal Realm Monster again. : "It hurts a bit, bear with it."

The next moment, the green grass grew infinitely, covering the starry sky, and swept the immortal monsters away. The green grass covered with immortal matter swept away the immortal monsters.

"I said that you are just a shell of the Immortal Realm now, completely useless. Hatred is really terrible, making you so irrational."

"Even if this distance allows you to find Lu Yin again, it will take some time." After saying that, Master Qingcao turned around and left. Suddenly, he looked in another direction, his expression changed from leisurely to solemn, and the wind was light and the clouds were calm. Anger gradually appeared on his face: "How could the insect nest civilization move in the direction of spiritual transformation? Could it be that spiritual transformation also has an insect nest?"

He suddenly thought of something. It must be that Tianyuan Universe diverted the trouble to the east and sent people to throw away the insect nest and spiritualize it.

Hateful to do such a thing.

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