Star Odyssey

Chapter 3945 No distinction between good and bad

Jingmen Shangyu slowly said: "Death brings death to other civilizations. When we first noticed that civilization, we knew that the Jiuxiao Universe was in a catastrophe. If we couldn't avoid it, we could only fight to the death. Fortunately, we could avoid it. ”

"Can you win?" Lu Yin asked.

Yu Shen smiled at Jingmen: "Win? You are overthinking. What we were thinking at that time was to throw Tianyuan Universe out."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed.

"When a civilization encounters an unsolvable disaster, all it has to do is find a way to continue. I believe that in the Tianyuan Universe, you have also encountered situations where you need to continue a certain force or a certain family. If this situation is raised to the entire human race, it is us. That’s what I was thinking about at the beginning.”

"Even the bloody maniac Blood Tower has no intention of fighting. All he can do is throw the furthest Tianyuan Universe out, that's all."

Speaking of this, Jingmen Shangyu looked at Lu Yin: "Actually, compared with Linghua, Tianyuan is very happy. Neither has its resources been plundered, nor has its cultivation method been changed, nor has anyone been prosperous or harmed. Tianyuan seems to be the best. Distance is not only a barrier, but sometimes it is also the last chance. Lu Yin, we appreciate that you can carry Tianyuan and fight for spiritual transformation and break into the sky. This is also the reason why we have always supported you. Otherwise, just understanding the cause and effect will not make us so good. Tolerate you, at least the eternal substance, you can’t keep it.”

Lu Yin remembered that Gu Duanke had said that no one in the Jiuxiao Universe could retain the material of immortality except the Immortal God, including the God of Lower God. At that time, he wondered if these three Gods of God were too kind to him. , as if Tianyuan Universe is his biological son.

At that time, he knew that the Immortal Emperor's eyes were on the entire human race, not limited to Jiuxiao, but now it seems that his understanding of the Immortal Emperor was still low. They not only had a realm of cultivation, but also a realm of thought. This realm Only by transcending everything can you have it.

Eternal life, neither good nor bad.

"Senior, although I couldn't find the white bones and the demon, I know that there was a black hand behind the battle at Lushan, and it was Yongheng." Lu Yin said.

The people on the doorstep were surprised: "That traitor?"

Lu Yin nodded.

The emperor on the shocked door was deep in thought.

After a moment, she said: "Eternity is very special. He is a traitor to mankind, and a traitor to evil. In fact, he is also a traitor to death."

Lu Yin knew that Yongheng was a traitor to humanity and Zhengjie, but he didn't know that he was actually related to Deathly Silence.

"what happened?"

"Eternal is an elusive person. He has existed for a long time. He is said to be human, but he is different from humans. He is not human. No one can tell it at first. He betrayed humans, and then betrayed Jiuji. , and then disappeared for a while, and when he reappeared, he was already mixed with Death Silence, but soon betrayed Death Silence. At that time, this person was very famous, and the entire Jiuxiao Universe was trying to catch him, but he managed to escape."

"No one knew where he had escaped at the time. As the news from the Tianyuan Universe came, we learned that he had created the Eternal Clan in the Tianyuan Universe, intending to replace the Tianyuan Universe with the Eternal Clan and dominate it. The reason why he was able to hide was because It’s Master Qingcao, you also asked Master Qingcao about eternity, but he didn’t say anything.”

"I don't know much about this person. He has been hiding in the dark."

Lu Yin thought it was ridiculous. He controlled Tianyuan, transformed into war spirits, suppressed consciousness, traveled to the Nine Heavens, and had seen the eternal emperor, but he only allowed one eternity to be hidden, like a thorn. This thorn not only thorns him, but also thorns the Jiuxiao Universe, and even existences such as Zhenji and Death Silence.

What is going on in this eternity?

Jingmen Shangyu interrupted Lu Yin's thinking: "The battle at Qishan allowed you to see the crises in the darkness of Jiuxiao, but you don't need to worry about these crises for the time being. We haven't found them for so many years. I wanted to see how you use cause and effect. It seems that whether we can break through or not is still in vain. I will take this opportunity to tell you something to avoid your random suspicions."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, making random suspicions? What's the meaning? Jingmen Shangyu was pointing at him.

What did she see?

Lu Yin did have suspicions. Ever since Qing Xing reminded him, he had another guess about the three Immortal Emperors. Although that guess was mostly vigilant, he was not so vigilant before.

Jiuxiao Universe used practical actions to resolve Lu Yin's vigilance about restarting Tianyuan, making Lu Yin subconsciously no longer hostile to Jiuxiao Universe. However, Qing Xing made Lu Yin regain his original caution.

Jingmen Shangyu slowly opened his mouth and told a story from the past: "There once appeared a person in the Jiuxiao Universe, named Qixu. She was the fourth powerful person in the Immortal Realm in that era. I was not born at that time. ."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, eternal life?

Jingmen Shangyu recalled with his eyes: "But she is not from my Jiuxiao universe. No, how do I put it? She is not a human being, but a collection of emotions of all things. At first, Qinglian Shangyu didn't know that she came to Jiuxiao. Let them be alert, but the battle for immortality is no small matter, and they did not deal with her immediately, which led to a catastrophe."

"Qixu spread his emotions to Jiuxiao, amplifying the greedy desires of countless people, leading to killing each other. When they found out, at least one-fifth of the cultivators in the Jiuxiao universe fell into hatred. In desperation, Qinglian Shangyu They had a series of duels with her.”

"Qixu is very powerful, but when faced with the siege of three immortals, he could only retreat. He was constantly seriously injured and fled. However, he did not withdraw from Jiuxiao, but kept hiding. From then on, Zongji appeared, and what followed was a long-lasting war. A chase and the disaster that Qixu brought to the Jiuxiao Universe. Because of his unique emotional ability, he was fine against Qinglian Shangyu and the others, but he couldn't avoid it even if he attacked other cultivators, even if he survived the hardships and attained perfection."

"Fortunately, Mi Jinshangyu created a technique called the Thousand Years of Dreams. Everyone who practices the Thousand Years of Dreams will have no body or spiritual seeds after death, only dream spirits, and dream spirits can be tracked. Emotional creatures, just like fully-sensory creatures can see emotions, Dream Spirits can also see them. It is precisely because of the power of Dream Spirits that Qixu can no longer bring disaster to the Jiuxiao Universe."

"And in the final battle, Qixu died, and perished together with Mi Jin Shang Yu. It wasn't that they didn't help Mi Jin Shang Yu at that time, but they couldn't. Only Mi Jin Shang Yu could catch Qixu."

Lu Yin understood, no wonder Qing Xing said, two of them ran away, leaving one to fight to the death.

He did not doubt the words of Jingmen Shangyu, and Yongsheng Shangyu would not be so mean.

He just didn't understand: "The three superior gods have already severely damaged Qixu, why do they still want to confuse the superior to die with her?"

Jingmen Shangyu smiled bitterly: "Do you think it is so easy to die in the Immortal Realm? Not to mention back then." At this point, she paused and said nothing more, "It is difficult to die completely in the Immortal Realm. Qixu has not died yet. ."

Lu Yin was shocked: "Didn't you say that we will die together?"

"We both died together, but Qixu's power still remains in Jiuxiao."

Lu Yin stared blankly at Jingmen Shangyu. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind: "Seven fairies?"

Jingmen Shangyu nodded and looked at Lu Yin: "Qixu and Mijin died together. Before her death, Qinglian Shangyu divided her control of emotions into seven parts and hid them in the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. As time goes by, these emotions continue to dissipate, and one day they will be noticed if they continue like this, so they have to take out the seven emotions and integrate them into the bodies of seven women, who are now the seven fairies."

"So the seven fairies have more or less character flaws, and they bear these flaws for Jiuxiao."

"Wait a minute." Lu Yin interrupted Jingmen Shangyu, not caring about being rude. He had too many questions to answer: "Are the seven fairies from Jiuxiao Universe? Also, who noticed? And did the senior seem to have something to say just now? Said, junior does not have to know, but just confirms again, it is best to know."

Yu Dan smiled at Jingmen: "There are some things that I won't tell you, so don't ask. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but it's just that I haven't had the time. You already know more than anyone else outside the Immortal Realm of Jiuxiao Universe, including the Great Master. I don’t know much more than you, so I should be content.”

"As for the seven fairies, one of them does not belong to the Jiuxiao Universe. At that time, one of them lost control of her emotions and escaped from the Jiuxiao Universe. Fortunately, Qinglian Shangyu caught her in time and integrated into the body of a woman from the outer universe within a limited time. So that one The woman was brought back and became one of the seven fairies.”

"As for who noticed it."

She looked solemn: "Do you think Qixu came here accidentally?"

Lu Yin's eyes flickered: "Is there someone behind her? She is in the immortal realm."

Jingmen Shangyu put his hands behind his back: "I can also say that there are people behind me. Qinglian Shangyu and Blood Tower Shangyu are all higher than me, right? Eternal life does not mean supremacy."

Lu Yin looked at Jingmen Shangyu: "Then who is behind her?"

Jingmen said: "I said, there are some things that I won't say, so don't ask. Those who are supposed to know will know. In short, you have to know one thing. Qixu's death must not be spread, and must be sealed in the sky." In the universe, for this reason, Qinglian Shangyu spent a huge price to retain Qixu's ability through the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. This is not easy. It can be said that the news of Qixu's death is also equivalent to a bait, a person who can catch Bait for crisis.”

Lu Yin was speechless: "There are too many baits in Jiuxiao Universe."

Jingmen Shangyu was helpless: "There is no way. The more we come into contact with, the more bait there will be. Any bait here is enough for us to drink a pot. It may bring disaster. Now you still want Tianyuan to merge into Jiuxiao." ?"

To be honest, Lu Yin hesitated. He felt that Jiuxiao was more dangerous than Tianyuan.

He has encountered many crises in Tianyuan Universe, but at least he knows who the enemy is, but in Jiuxiao Universe, he doesn't even know who the enemy is.

The distance between them is like a lake. You can't pick anything up. If you pick it up, you will lose your life.

The silent suffocation pressed in his heart, making Lu Yin very uncomfortable.

"Of course, there is no need to be too pessimistic. Our human race is not weak. The three immortal realm experts are enough to stand in the forest of the universe. Just be careful not to encounter those fishing civilizations. We have also destroyed several universe civilizations. Well, after all, we are not good people." Jingmen said.

"Senior saying this will not make this junior happy. On the contrary, this junior believes in karma." Lu Yin said silently.

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