Star Odyssey

Chapter 3952 Insect Lord

Yujing and others looked at each other. Mr. Tingchao did not hesitate to ask people to retreat. Then, all the practitioners retreated, and the starry sky suddenly became silent.

Lu Yin released the starry sky in his heart, and the heavenly law of cause and effect shrouded Shanyou. This was the second time, but this time, he did not intend to directly check the cause and effect. In addition to cause and effect, he also had words to follow, and in the path of cause and effect, he Also – create cause and effect.

In the heart of the starry sky, the light of the Illustrated Book of the Gods connects to the wordless book, and the picture keeps flashing. Lu Yin waves his hand casually, creating cause and effect. At the same time, words are used as pens, and the heaven and earth are painted. Things move according to the heart, people move at will, in the dull and dull world. In his eyes, he took a picture with one hand.

Shan You watched Lu Yin's palm fall, and his mind almost collapsed. He didn't want to die. He wanted to send back the news of the lost clan. He didn't want to die.

The stronger the desire to survive, the more broken the mind becomes.

As Lu Yin's palm fell, it suddenly stopped half a finger away from Shan You. In an instant, the Illustration of the Gods inserted cause and effect, and Lu Yin's voice reached Shan You's ears: "This war is won."

The single bad boy was distracted, and scenes appeared in his mind. In the war, he destroyed the human race and was invincible. The Immortal Monument suppressed everything, and the endless sea of ​​insects swallowed up the starry sky. At the same time, he also saw the lost tribe, saw the super ancient card, everything They can all be obtained. In this war, the Hive Civilization won.

"Tell me, how did we win?" Lu Yin spoke again, Shan You did not hesitate to tell everything he knew, whether it was a planned or imaginary war.

Whether it is a plan or a fantasy, it is completely possible to succeed based on the existing strength of the Hive Civilization. What Lu Yin needs to know is the reason why the war can be successful. For this reason, the victory of the Hive Civilization represents Humanity lost.

Danyou enthusiastically told everything, and Lu Yin's cause and effect continued to be consumed.

In the distance, Yujing and others could vaguely see Lu Yin's back. They couldn't understand what Lu Yin was doing and could only wait.

Jue Huang, Ye Ge is healing his wounds, and he is lucky not to die.

Juerou pursed her lips and looked into the distance worriedly. Mr. Lu was not invincible. He had just vomited blood.

At this moment, she thought of what was recorded in the family's ancient books. No civilization can be easily destroyed. The Quanshi Universe thought it could be easily solved, but in the end, it supported the Fifth Night Pillar and Mr. Lu. Today's insect nest civilization, as well as all previous universes civilization.

Civilization itself represents will and infinite possibilities.

Humanity is far from invincible.

At this moment, she grew up.

Soon after, Lu Yin threw the bad guy into the hell of the general stage to increase the cause and effect, and at the same time took away his lost race card.

That card is called - Barrier, and the trap is a defense that imitates the third barrier starry sky and reaches the limit.

Danyou did it, he used a barrier to defend against the Heaven and Earth Guiyi Lingbao Formation, which was extremely powerful, but it was useless in front of Lu Yin, and Lu Yin followed his words, and Lu Yin didn't even need to break the barrier to defeat Shanyou.

The information he got from Shan You made Lu Yin feel heavy.

The insect nest civilization only has one realm of immortality, the Immortal Lord, so what? Can this war really be won?

On their own, they were just the first batch of bugs, which were used to test the combat power of Jiuxiao Universe. The real attack was on the second batch.

The insect sea of ​​the insect nest civilization is endless, and there are also many green immortals. There are not many green immortals who have reached the level of single inferiority and perfect combat power to overcome hardships, and above them there are four major insect masters, who are called by the immortal masters. Extreme combat power, so far, none of the four insect masters have appeared.

In the winning battle scene Shan You saw, the four insect masters were the second batch to arrive and were also the main force attacking the spiritual universe. Facing them, humans had no chance of winning.

The four major insect masters are Chang, Wujianzhi, Shan Xiao and Luo Chan.

Chang, in the single-inferior perception, is a terrifying creature with enough power to overturn the starry sky. So far, the Hive Civilization has never seen a creature that can surpass Chang in power. Even the Immortal Lord said that under eternal life , in terms of strength, no creature can surpass Chang.

In the scene of winning the war that Shanyou saw, he said something enthusiastically: On that day, the long came and tore the universe apart, showing the power that makes human beings despair. That power overturns everything and buries all human will. , becoming the last straw that determines victory or defeat.

In the time of eternity, a strange creature, the sun and the moon alternate, the universe moves like a coil, and it is a creature that controls time.

No living thing can leave alive in front of the Infinite Time. This has never happened before. The insect hive civilization has endless battles. The Infernal Time is the controller of that time. In any war, the most powerful enemy can be handed over to the Infinite Time. Time, timeless time, never failed.

In the winning battle scene Shan You saw, Lu Yin's death came from the time of eternity.

Shan Xiao, like Shan You, was born from the third barrier. She came out in human form. She was a beautiful girl with thick yellow curly hair and wearing a princess dress. However, it was this girl who took away the power of the most powerful person of the Lost Clan, the Emperor. That kind of power that puts everything under me and cannot be looked at directly allowed Shan Xiao to surpass all the Qingxian in a very short time and become one of the four insect masters.

Even if Shan You didn't fall into the illusion of winning, Lu Yin knew about Shan Xiao.

He had seen Shan Xiao when he used cause and effect to investigate Shan Xiao.

Shan Xiao is the biggest traitor in the history of the Lost Clan's war. If it weren't for her, the Lost Clan would have launched the last battle long ago. Of course, they will still lose against the Immortal Lord, but the time of defeat will be much earlier.

Shan Xiao can be regarded as a pure lost tribesman, because she escaped from the insect nest after she was born and was adopted by the emperor.

She is the emperor's adopted daughter and the person the Lost Clan hates the most.

The last insect master was named Luo Chan, which was the direct reason why Lu Yin felt that it would be difficult to win the war.

Luo Chan played the greatest role in the fantasy of winning the war that Shan You saw.

Lu Yin had wondered before how the insect nest civilization could be divided into four in a short period of time and attack the spiritual universe from four directions. The distance between them was so far away that even a leaf of green lotus would take years to reach.

The insect nest civilization arrived soon.

The answer is Luo Chan.

Luo Chan is a strange life in the universe. Shanyou's understanding of it is that it is beyond the cognition of all living creatures, not involved in cause and effect, jumping out of the long river of time and endless space, because it can move instantly.

In this small distance, in the boundless universe, Luo Chan can move instantly.

This is an extremely terrifying talent. Even those in the Immortal Realm cannot do it, but Luo Chan can do it.

And it can give other creatures the property of space transfer, allowing other creatures to swim in space within a certain range, as long as it leaves its breath.

That's why there are four directions to attack the spiritual universe, and there is a war that Shanyou believes is a must-win.

Just imagine, when Luo Chan arrives, he keeps shifting the direction of the insects. Whichever direction the human defense is strong, the insects will move to another direction. Humans cannot react at all. The sea of ​​insects can completely throw away the humans and directly attack the Linghua Universe or the Jiuxiao Universe. At that time, not even the realm of eternal life could catch up.

And Luo Chan could arrive at any time.

This feeling is like spreading the insect nest civilization throughout the entire universe. How can humans fight against it?

They are always faced with air.

No matter how we defend ourselves, it is impossible to stop the insect nest in the entire Jiuxiao universe. Any gap will become a key point for the insect nest civilization to enter.

Lu Yin is very strong, but he can't guard against the entire universe. If Luo Chan were here, he could just take the bug away. Lu Yin wouldn't be able to catch up with him. Even if he took time to catch up, it would be just like playing games if he left.

These are the four insect masters of the insect nest civilization. Even if there is no immortality realm, Lu Yin still feels heavy pressure. Even if there are strong immortality realms in Jiuxiao Universe, even if the immortal master has not arrived, it still makes him feel that it is difficult to win.

The insect hive civilization is really too special. They have too many strange talents, inexplicable reproduction speed and constant transformation power. If they have one or two immortal realms, they will definitely be qualified as a fishing civilization.

No, they don't have fishing civilizations, they just look for them.

Master Qingcao's thinking is too simple. He also wants to use Tianyuan as a barrier to block the insect nest civilization. It is ridiculous. If he attracts the insect nest civilization, it is not that Tianyuan is in crisis, but that the entire human race is in crisis.

The key is that Qinglian Shangyu and the others are not here.

Lu Yin believed that he was invincible in immortality. Even if he faced the four insect masters one-on-one, he was not afraid. He did not think that these four insects could defeat him, but what he was facing now was a war, not a personal fight.

Luo Chan is so important in the war that it can almost determine the success or failure of a civilization.

Lu Yin wasn't sure he could find it.

Only the immortal realm can do it.

However, the Hive Civilization has gone through wars and must have faced powerful people in the Immortal Realm, so it will not be without vigilance.

The heavy pressure made the starry sky darker.

Even though his back was turned to everyone, everyone could still see that Lu Yin seemed to be suppressed a lot.

They did not disturb Lu Yin and waited quietly.

Soon after, Lu Yin found Mr. Tingchao, Jue Ling, Yu Jing and other masters who had reached the level of Beginning Realm and Overcoming Disaster, and told them the information he learned about the Insect Nest Civilization.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe that the Hive Civilization was so powerful.

The single inferiority can already ignore the attacks of Jue Ling and Yu Jing, two strong men who have overcome the hardships of Dzogchen. Even the most powerful spiritual treasure formation in the Hidden Universe, such as Tiandi Guiyi, is difficult to deal with. I thought it was the only one in the insect nest civilization. He was inferior to the Immortal Lord, but he was told that there were actually four stronger Insect Lords. Especially the existence of Luo Chan made everyone unable to believe it.

They know that the universe is vast and there are many magical creatures, but they do not believe that there are such creatures that are beyond cognition.

The existence of such a creature is so unreasonable.

Lu Yin said in a deep voice: "I know you don't believe it. In fact, if it weren't for the cause and effect, I wouldn't believe it either, but that's the fact."

Jue Ling's eyes flashed, has it been announced? I have confessed that I understand cause and effect.

Yujing and the others were not surprised at all. In fact, as time went by, Lu Yin's understanding of cause and effect had already spread among the top cultivators. What was missing was his own admission.

Now that he admitted it, everyone was not surprised, but they also felt an inexplicable shock that was hard to suppress. They didn't know whether it was envy or jealousy.

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