Star Odyssey

Chapter 3968: Can you still play like this?

Lu Yin thought for a while: "I fought against Wu Jianshi. To be honest, I didn't see through it. Although I had the upper hand, my attacks were relatively passive."

"I'm very proactive." The master pointed to the oar behind his back: "No one I want to hit can escape. Just ask them."

Lu Yin subconsciously looked at Qing Xing and Dan Jin.

Qing Xing smiled bitterly: "Believe her, she is known as someone who will not be hit and who can definitely be hit."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yin wondered, wouldn't he be hit? He has met several people, including Zhenwu Night King who can divert damage, Chu Jian, a disciple of Great Heavenly Lord, and Qianshu from Chunqiu Jian. They all claimed that they would not be hit, but in the end they were all beaten badly by him.

He seems to have a lot of restraint with this kind of person.

There is no creature in the universe that is absolutely immune to being hit, and the Immortal Realm is no exception.

And what does it mean that you can definitely hit it?

"Literal meaning, you will know when you take action." The Lord looks weak, but he is stronger than anyone else. His face is a bit dull, but his eyes are full of fighting spirit.

Lu Yin had not decided which one to kill originally. Since the master was inclined to kill Wu Jianzhi and he was still sure of it, then Wu Jianzhi would be the one to kill.

Behind, a door connected to the sky and the earth opened, and Jingmen Shangyu walked out. Without saying anything, he just waved his hand and released something.

Lu Yin was surprised, eternal matter?

Not everyone can see the eternal matter. In the past, he had to use the crazy and manic feeling given to him by the meteorite to see it. But since the battle energy of the palm realm broke through to the life energy, he can see it without using the crazy and manic feeling. .

Is this for yourself?

However, Lu Yin thought too much and saw the Great Master walking out and taking away some of the eternal matter. She could also see it directly.

Immediately afterwards, Qing Xing's body surface surged with air, which was Luan Gu's Qi Jue, originating from Mijin Shangyu.

The palms wrapped in the air flow grabbed the eternal matter and took away a batch.

Then Dan Jin raised her hand, and two pill-like objects collided with each other, annihilated, and then also took away part of the eternal matter.

Lu Yin was surprised, could he take advantage of it?

Those who have survived the Great Perfection can see the eternal matter at the intersection of time and space when the universe restarts. They can use the eternal matter to understand the origin and decay of the body and find the breath of life, but it does not mean that they can use the eternal matter.

Either he has the energy of life himself, or he has mastered the immortal combat skills, otherwise even if he has the eternal substance, he will not be able to use it.

Gu Duanke said that those of them who have witnessed the restart of the universe cannot hide the eternal matter at all. Once they return to the Jiuxiao Universe, the eternal matter must be handed over. In fact, even if there is eternal matter, most people cannot use it.

However, all three of them can be used.

Lu Yin didn't expect this.

Qingxing is a disciple of Mijin Shangyu, and it is normal for him to master the immortal battle skills. The master masters Death Hill, and he belongs to the blood tower shangyu lineage, but she is the eldest sister of the Seven Fairies. She is the famous disciple of Qinglian Shangyu, and can master the immortal battle skills. It's not impossible, but what about Dan Jin? Apart from alchemy, I have never heard of her having any other combat skills.

Could it be the alchemy method?

"You don't want the rest? Then give it to me?" the master glanced at Lu Yin and said.

Lu Yin unceremoniously collected the remaining immortality substances. There was a lot of it, at least a few hundred points, which was enough for him to catch for a while.

The others were not surprised that Lu Yin could use the eternal matter. They knew each other well, and they almost had a consensus about Lu Yin. Lu Yin was the first person under the immortality. This was never denied by the Great Master.

Although they don't understand how Lu Yin practices.

"I leave this battle to you all." Jingmen Shangyu looked solemn: "If you really can't do anything, you can retreat decisively."

The Great Master said: "If we can't kill even one insect master together, it will be really troublesome."

Qingxing threw away the wine bottle: "You can then consider escaping. Anyway, my master has considered it before."

Jingmen Shangyu looked at him: "The insect nest civilization won't let us escape until then."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Let's go."

A green lotus leaf headed into the distance.

"Assign them to each other. Qing Xing and Dan Jin are responsible for creating an environment that will never be affected. We cannot allow Wu Jianshi to escape. Lu Yin and I will be the main attackers," the master said.

Qingxing and Danjin did not refuse.

The Great Master looked at Lu Yin and said, "Tell me the tricks I will use to fight you in the time of Wu Jian."

Lu Yin spoke slowly, making Qing Xing and Dan Jin look heavy.

Time, everyone who understands it may use it differently. When it comes to speeding up time, stagnant time is the most common, and the use of time in Infinite Time opened their eyes.

Especially the ninth level, it can actually throw people into another long river of time, never to be reincarnated, which sounds permeable.

"I haven't figured out what the specific ability of the fifth grid is. At that time, I injured it with cause and effect." Lu Yin said.

"Return the time." The Lord said solemnly.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Return time?"

The Lord explained: "Everything you have experienced is time, and once time passes, it will never come back. It returns the time you have passed back to you, which means that you now have the person you once were. time, causing the body to be squeezed, which is a time contradiction."

"If your body's defense is weak, you will be crushed to pieces."

Lu Yin understood, no wonder.

Qing Xing was surprised: "How can you still play with time like this?"

The Great Lord said: "There are so many ways to play. There are countless creatures in the universe. How many of us humans alone understand time? Looking at the entire universe, there are too many. Each creature has a different grasp of time. It depends on who plays. It’s better.”

"What about you?" Qing Xing asked.

Lu Yin also looked at the Great Master. She could immediately analyze the fifth level of Wu Jianzhi's ability, and it was obvious that she would surpass him in terms of time.

The Lord said calmly: "I also have my own way of playing." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin: "Then there must be other time tricks in the time of Wu Jian. I will be the main attack, and you cooperate."

"Okay." Of course it would be better if someone takes the lead. Lu Yin often walks at the front. It's not that he likes it, but it's that no one can help him. But it's different now.

It’s best for the boss to take the initiative.

"There's one more thing, you haven't forgotten the conditions of the Seven Fairies, right?" the master said suddenly.

Lu Yin nodded: "Have you thought about the terms?"

The Great Master and Lu Yin looked at each other: "I want you to destroy the evil spirits."

Lu Yin was surprised. He thought that the conditions proposed by the master at this moment would be related to the war of the insect nest civilization, but it was actually related to the war?

"Zheng Jie is deeply hidden and the threat is too great."

"I know, and I have been looking for a solution, but if it were so easy to solve, it would no longer exist. Your conditions are too difficult."

"It was not easy to solve before, but now there is one more person."


"No one knows what the purpose of this person is. He betrayed humanity, betrayed the gods, and also betrayed Death. We don't know much about him, but you should know him very well." The Great Master looked at Lu Yin: "That's why I If you put forward this condition, eternal existence will be a disaster or a blessing, it’s up to you.”

Lu Yin smiled bitterly: "You think too highly of me, Yongheng is quite difficult to deal with."

"He probably thinks of you the same way." The master said, and then fell silent.

The boundless sea of ​​​​insects is extremely spectacular, and the number of insects has increased so much that it is no wonder that so many people in Jiuxiao Universe are uneasy.

Dan Jin rushed out and threw out pills. Those pills were made by melting time and space.

There are many parallel time and spaces in a universe, some of which are large and some of which are small. Danjin's method is to use time and space to cast a pill. It is said to be a pill, but it is actually a compressed void.

People in Jiuxiao Universe respect Dan Jin not only because of his strength, but also because this method of forging pills continuously consumes parallel time and space, allowing Jiuxiao Universe to avoid the fate of being restarted.


The void was extinguished, and each pill method crazily destroyed the sea of ​​​​insects.

The sudden battle made them breathe a sigh of relief, but it turned out that humans couldn't bear it first.

The dark green vines spread a little bit, spread all over the starry sky in an instant, and swept towards Danfa. It was Qingxian, a strange Qingxian who appeared.

The alchemy bombarded the vines. Although the vines were constantly shattered, the vines grew extremely fast and actually resisted the alchemy for a while.

Behind the sea of ​​​​insects, Nidu is there, surrounded by circles of vines, protecting them inside.

Suddenly, their vines protecting Wu Jian were broken with one finger, and the air currents stirred up the void. Luan Gu burst out with Qi, Qing Xing walked out, tore apart the vines, and faced the Ni who hit him hard, and Wu Jian also Jump the needle to the first space, the timeline.

The stream of light shuttled back and forth, Lu Yin pushed Qing Xing away, held Ni's huge body with one hand, and pointed at Wu Jian's time with the other.


Ni's body was violently blasted away, and cracks appeared in its extremely hard shell. It was horrified. It didn't expect Lu Yin to suddenly appear.

Lu Yin flicked his fingers with his other hand, and the force hit Wu Jian Shi, and was spread by Wu Jian Shi with time, constantly passing away. Suddenly, Wu Jian Shi avoided the spot, and the wheel of cause and effect swept past.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, knowing that he had escaped.

Just as he was about to take action again, his eyes were stunned when he saw a paddle appearing above Wu Jian, and he slapped it hard: "Be honest."


The sound of Jin Ge rang in his ears. Lu Yin stared blankly into the distance. He was hit by the paddle for a moment. There was an invisible barrier outside the alternation of the sun and the moon, encompassing the sun, moon and needle. At this moment, he was struck by the paddle. Taking a hard photo, black cracks can be seen in the barrier with the naked eye.

The needle of Infinite Time jumped directly to the fifth grid. Lu Yin, Qing Xing, and the Great Master who had just been slapped hard were all squeezed by the invisible force. Its target could not be one person, but all of them.

If Dan Jin hadn't been far away, he would have been included in the return time of the fifth grid.

"Return time? I don't want it, and no one can give it to me." The master slapped the oar horizontally, just like rowing a boat. There was no boat or water, but it seemed to be dragging something and flinging it towards Wu Jianzhi.

In an instant, the pressure on Lu Yin and Qing Xing disappeared.

Lu Yin was surprised, the master actually took away the time that was returned to them?

Wu Jianzhi kept going backwards, and he probably never expected that such a thing would happen. The needle jumped again, the ninth grid, this time it was not aimed at Lu Yin, but only at the Great Lord. The river of time appeared, and it wanted to drag the Great Lord into the river of time. .

Although Lu Yin brought pressure to it, it was visible pressure.

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