Star Odyssey

Chapter 3999 Calculate yourself

A banging sound spread throughout the mountain village, causing many people to turn on their lights.

The oars separated the two white bones, but it could not stop the spread of scarlet power, which melted them instantly.

The Great Lord's oars moved the void, and the sky and the earth turned gray. The lights that were on were extinguished one by one. It was not artificially extinguished, but time was flowing backwards.

As a ferryman on the long river of time, the Lord can turn back time to a certain extent.

However, time in this mountain village and this small world has been turned back. It can be turned back for a long time, but the melting bones have not changed.

The Great Master closed his eyes and reluctantly took out his thoughts: "Failed."

Turning back time is not a panacea. In Tianyuan Universe, fate gave Lu Yin a chance to turn back time, allowing the Time Ferryman to get time back on track.

The time of the entire universe has been turned back, but it cannot affect the realm of immortality. At most, it will allow Yu Sangtian to return, but it cannot completely turn back Yu Sangtian's time.

Because Yu Sangtian is a powerful person who can overcome hardships and achieve perfection.

The power to melt bones comes from eternity. The previous eternity was the strong one who survived the hardships and great perfection, but now the eternity is stronger and has blazed a path that no one can understand.

Even the Great Master cannot turn back that power.

Lu Yin's voice came from Huaisi: "It's expected."

"Then you still let me take action and see my joke?" The master was dissatisfied.

Lu Yin said: "You have to give it a try, just in case you get careless."

The Great Master looked at the traces of melting on the ground: "Such a person would not be careless. I was careless. If I had known he was so decisive, I should have caught the bones first. It would be better than death."

"There's no point in catching her."

"Is it meaningful to let her melt? You guessed it right, she is the only clue you can hold on to eternity. Now that it is gone, what do you want to do?"

In the city lord's palace, Lu Yin looked at Huai Si and said calmly: "There is another way to try. Senior, give me some time."

"how long?"

"I don't know, it may be very fast, or it may be very slow."

"Nonsense, but I have plenty of time, and the environment here is not bad. You can take your time." After saying that, the master put away his thoughts, looked at the wind-swept fields in the distance, and sneered: "This traitor really knows how to enjoy it. Fun for ordinary people.”

In the city lord's palace, Lu Yin put away his thoughts, sat in the courtyard, closed his eyes, and in his mind, scenes of the past during this period emerged one after another.

He seems calm and cautious, but he can't get rid of his superior mentality. He seems to be vigilant for eternity, but secretly, is it more than eternity?

Always reflect on yourself and never follow the same path as your ancestors.

But what we are walking on now is not the same old road?

There is more than one eternity in the darkness, and there may be others staring at you and eventually replacing you.

The words Yongheng left for him in the previous place were like a brand, deeply imprinted in Lu Yin's heart.

He couldn't see every dark corner clearly, not even the Eternal Lord. In that case, it was up to him.

The heavenly law of cause and effect was released and merged into the great heavenly phenomenon of cause and effect. Lu Yin stood up and opened his arms: "Let me see who is plotting against me. My own destiny is the end."

Calculate yourself horizontally and use yourself as a guidepost. Because of yourself, the result is calculation. If someone calculates yourself, I hope this cause and effect astronomical phenomenon can give an answer.

There was a roar, the heaven and earth shook, and thunder resounded.

Countless people looked up, and the sky changed, giving people a depressing feeling, as if the sky had become lower.

In Lu Yin's eyes, the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect was tumbling, connected with the heavenly path of cause and effect, turning into a spiral of cause and effect penetrating itself, constantly creating lines of cause and effect, colliding with each other. At the same time, an indescribable feeling made Lu Yin subconsciously look in each direction. In that direction, he saw a middle-aged man, in another direction, he saw an old woman, in yet another direction, he saw...

He saw many people, too many people. These people were all within the cause and effect of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. Although he had not come into contact with these people and had never seen them, the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect enveloped the Jiuxiao Universe. Let him see it.

It doesn't matter whether he sees it himself or not. In all calculations of cause and effect, if there is an effect, there is a cause. If there is a cause, the effect can be derived.

And as the lines of cause and effect collided, Lu Yin saw some connections clearly.

He saw those people gathering at a certain time, and something happened during that time, and the cause and effect ultimately involved was the whole incident.

Lu Yin's eyes were filled with chills. Some of those people had wanted to kill him a long time ago, when he had just entered Jiuxiao.

Among those people, there are some who are connected with Zongheng and want to use the general trend to see him clearly and expel him.

Among those people, some even smeared him during the Insect Hive Civilization War. It was those people who made rumors spread in Jiuxiao Universe that he deliberately delayed the breeding time of insects and let Jiuxiao and the Insect Hive Civilization perish together.

He originally thought that the matter had been resolved, but the person who secretly took action was Zheng Jie, who asked a man named Hei Ye from the southern region to control the Yan family and unite various families. Many cultivators denounced him.

This is an eternal or desperate method.

But apart from them, there were voices of condemnation in the Nine Heavens and the Earth. Not all of them came from Gong Jie. There were also some people who simply couldn't stand Lu Yin and followed the trend of condemnation.

Not only did these people denounce him at that time, but now the selection of the First Young Master to replace Lu Yin also came from the voices of those people.

Those people look down on Tianyuan and Linghua, thinking that they are above the sky. Even if they are knocked down to the mortal world, they are still arrogant, but they dare not stand up.

Lu Yin immediately passed the appearance of those people to Death Qiu, and let Jiuxiao Universe resolve the matter on its own.

Those people were not worthy of him taking action personally.

This is the Jiuxiao Universe. If you calculate yourself horizontally, you can figure out the people or things that plot against him in the Jiuxiao Universe.

Among these causes and effects, the stronger the people involved, the more causes and effects are consumed, and the greater the reaction of the cause and effect astronomical phenomena.

Lu Yin looked up at the celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and it seemed that there were many people plotting against him.

Just now, those were just minions, not worthy of causing any movement in the celestial phenomena of cause and effect. Now, there is movement.

The heaven, earth and sky are boiling with cause and effect, making bursts of roaring noises.

In the land of Jiuxiao, countless people panic, countless people pray for blessings, and kneel down. They don't understand what happened, especially after experiencing the battle with the insect nest civilization, they don't want to face the war of civilization again.

On the Jingque Terrace, the emperor on the Jingmen looked deeply at the sky. Is there any movement in the celestial phenomena? Lu Yin can induce the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect. How does he do it?

Even though the Jingmen Shangyu, who is in the Immortal Realm, can see cause and effect to a certain extent, and can even take action with the help of certain causes and effects, he cannot truly control the cause and effect, let alone the cause and effect of Qinglian Shangyu.

Lu Yin's ability to induce the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect was like an ant moving the scales, and everyone in the family was astonished and wondered how he did it.

Spiritualizing the universe, Master Qingcao also looked up.

He took a deep breath and said, "With the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect, if you enter the mirage realm again now, I'm afraid that even with the help of mirage realm cause and effect, I won't be able to do anything to you. Therefore, you should see this universe clearly, and what your choice is and my choice." Whether it’s the same or different, I’ll wait and see.”

The mother tree swayed, and the fallen leaves filled the sky.

There were countless black shadows floating on the earth.

In the City Lord's Mansion, fallen leaves were scattered, and the wind became stronger and stronger, blowing Lu Yin's hair.

Cause and effect follow one another, but no one saw such a magnificent scene.

Suddenly, the cosmic phenomena of cause and effect surged. Lu Yin suddenly opened his eyes and looked across a long distance. He saw a person, a person who seemed to be sitting calmly on the top of the mountain. However, at this moment, cause and effect boiled violently and pointed directly at him. This person was plotting against him. .

who is he? The consumption of cause and effect is so great, causing such a violent reaction in the cosmic phenomena of cause and effect, even ordinary hardships and the Great Perfection cannot be achieved.

A war in the Insect Nest Civilization allowed Lu Yin to see the details of the Jiuxiao universe. Even the seven old guys who couldn't fight in the First Night Pillar came out, but he still hid such a master. This person was wrong.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect has declined again, suppressing countless people.

The person sitting on the top of the mountain slowly raised his head, and naturally noticed it, especially feeling uneasy.

He shouldn't be uneasy.

At this moment, there was only the will to fight, the will to fight against Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's duel with the commander completely aroused his fighting spirit. Now he was sitting on the top of the mountain to suppress that fighting spirit. But for some reason, the fighting spirit became more and more intense, so that all he could think about was Lu Yin, fighting. , he wants to fight.

The boiling fighting spirit is like the boiling causal celestial phenomenon.

A portal opened in front of Lu Yin's eyes, coming from Jingmen Shangyu. As he stepped out, the person appeared on the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the moment the portal appeared, the man's fighting spirit instantly stopped, his eyes fixed on the portal, shocked by the door?

Lu Yin walked out of the door and came face to face with the man.

The man looked at Lu Yin and his eyes narrowed. On the opposite side, Lu Yin also saw the man clearly and saw clearly the pair of scarlet vertical eyes.

"No." Lu Yin's lips curled up, and it was indeed useful to calculate himself laterally. If he only had the law of cause and effect, he would not be able to calculate himself, but he could do it with the help of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

Only he can do it in the current universe, because the cause and effect of the celestial phenomena comes from Qinglian Shangyu, and Qinglian Shangyu cannot deduce himself.

This is Lu Yin's unique advantage.

Now, relying on this advantage, he found Zhenyi.

Originally, he wanted to find eternity by weighing the snow. In his mind, there was a high probability that there would be death under the Blackpool, but he didn't expect it to be death. Now, in order to find death, he actually found death. It's really interesting.

Opposite me, the man stared at Lu Yin: "Why did you find me?"

Lu Yin asked back: "Is it difficult? The method comes from Jingmen Shangyu."

"Impossible." The man's tone was low, dry and intermittent: "Immortality can't be found. We, you, used other methods."

Lu Yin shook his head: "That's because you don't understand the Immortal Emperor too much." After saying that, he suddenly took action, stagnated in the void, parallel time, and grabbed the man.

Having experienced the meltdown and death of ruthless people several times, Lu Yin was naturally vigilant and tried to control him first.

Time and space were stopped, and Lu Yin kept approaching the person with one hand.

The man's body didn't move, but his eyes moved with Lu Yin.

When Lu Yin saw it, his consciousness suddenly came out. This person was not simple.


A sharp shout followed his words.

This person is not affected at all. The cultivator's own thinking is limited, and he has a hidden ability that can hide from the realm of immortality.

This power of the Immortal Realm comes from Qixu. As long as Qixu's power does not disappear, the Immortal Realm will not be able to completely find Zong Jie.

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