Star Odyssey

Chapter 4003 A Type of People

Lu Yin said in a deep voice: "This word has appeared in Tianyuan Universe."

Yu was not surprised when he came to the door.

Lu Yin continued: "Originally, I thought that Master Qingcao was behind this word, but now it seems I was wrong. No matter how hostile Master Qingcao is to Jiuxiao, he shouldn't be the one behind Zhengyi."

"He is not qualified." Jingmen Shangyu said bluntly.

Lu Yin also felt the same. Master Qingcao's immortal realm did not give him as strong a feeling as the master of the blue sword shadow just now.

There is unknowability behind everything, and Master Qingcao is by no means unknowable.

Next, Lu Yin told Jingmen Shangyu about Yuanqi, inferring that there was a force behind Yusangtian and Yongheng, pushing Yuanqi to go to Tianyuan Universe to kill Mijin Shangyu.

"At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but through Linghua Universe a person named Ye Ge found out that not only Yu Sangtian forced Yuan Qi to go to Tianyuan Universe, but Eternal Life also came to Linghua Universe specifically to ask Yuan Qi to go to Tianyuan Universe by name, and According to time calculation, Eternity should not be able to span Linghua and Tianyuan. The round trip time is too long, so there must be other means to allow him to cross this distance in a short time."

"Do you suspect it's Master Qingcao?"

"It was before, and now, I suspect that it was the mysterious immortal realm, which is the existence behind eternity, that single-handedly contributed to the death of Mi Jinshangyu. It is very likely that it is hidden and unknowable."

"One more thing. The cultivator who died in Tianyuan Universe and was given the word "天" said before his death that the word "天" came from Master Qingcao. Since that cultivator knew the existence of Master Qingcao, the immortal realm, he also pushed this word to Master Qingcao. Master Qingcao, then, even if the existence behind eternity is not Master Qingcao, Master Qingcao still knows something."

Jingmen Shangyu nodded: "It's possible."

Now the situation is gradually becoming clearer. The appearance of the word "天" is either an imprint of the unknowable whole, hiding the evil, and Yu Sangtian and Yongheng want Yuan Qi to go to the Tianyuan universe, in order to confuse Jin Shangyu, the executor. It might be the Master of Green Grass, but it’s the whole agnostic thing that’s driving it behind the scenes.

The greater possibility is that there is an unknown person hidden and becoming the driving force behind everything.

This coincides with Lu Yin's previous speculation.

He always felt that there was another existence hidden in Tianyuan Universe, and that existence kept staring at him until he understood cause and effect.

"Also, I once had a decisive battle with the Sifang Guards in the Mirage Domain. A figure and a red sword appeared. Now that I think about it, the style of that sword is similar to the blue sword just now." Lu Yin said solemnly. .

Jingmen Shangyu had a headache: "The more we talk about it, the more likely it is that there is an unknown hidden there, but what's the point of hiding it? If we want to exterminate human civilization, we can join forces with Qixu to lead other civilizations to fight against us humans."

Lu Yin said: "No matter what, we are sure that there is an unknown hidden person, and Master Qingcao is cooperating with it. So, what is Master Qingcao's real purpose?"

Jingmen Shangyu hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Have you ever experienced the days of being oppressed, driven, and enslaved?"

Lu Yin understood that just like the Wild God, the starry sky beast was enslaved by the Tianshang Sect, which caused it to develop a heart of destruction.

Linghua Universe had a dark past. During that time, Jiuxiao Universe continued to have people become Linghua, and they did not regard Linghua Universe practitioners as human beings. Robbery and enslavement often occurred, and Linghua Universe had to protect those people. This This experience will indeed make Master Qingcao resentful.

If it weren't for the decisive battle between Yu Sangtian and Ru Shi, who killed Ru Shi, the god of imperial control, so that the practitioners of the Jiuxiao universe would not dare to spiritualize easily, Lu Yin would have seen another spiritualized universe, one full of killing, resentment, and confusion. of spiritualized universe.

Master Qingcao has gone through this period of time, and it is normal for him to get rid of the current situation of Linghua Universe being plundered for resources by Jiuxiao Universe.

"Wangshi gave him a promise." Lu Yin said. Only for this reason would Master Qingcao help Wuzhi: "Kewuzhi clearly wants to destroy human civilization."

Jingmen Shangyu shook his head: "If human civilization stagnates in its status quo and never emerges from the realm of immortality, lingering like ants, what's the point of being ignorant? Would you go to Tianyuan Universe to deal with a mangy dog?"

It's hard to hear, but it's the truth.

But Lu Yin always felt that something was wrong. Master Qingcao was in such an eternal state, and he knew that in the past history, humans had fought with the Unknown, would he still take refuge in the Unknowable? Let human civilization decline?

Or did Anonymous give him other promises?

Just when he was about to ask again, Jingmen Shangyu exhaled heavily: "We can't see clearly whether Master Qingcao is now joining forces with Anonymous, but he once joined forces with Qixu."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Can you bear this?"

Jingmen Shangyu smiled bitterly: "I was not here. There was no Jingmen Shangyu at that time. It was Qinglian Shangyu who told me that before his death, Mijin Shangyu specifically told him not to deal with Master Qingcao. There is only one reason. When human beings are facing annihilation. During the disaster, Master Qingcao had to stand up, he is a human being after all."

Lu Yin's eyes were shocked and he was in awe, Mi Jinshangyu, this is Mijinshangyu. Many places in the Jiuxiao universe, including human's foreign strategy, are inseparable from Mijinshangyu. His spirit is admirable, and his Wisdom is also something people look up to. It would be a pity for such a person to die.

However, although Lu Yin admires such a selfless person, if he is given a choice, he may not protect Master Qingcao.

Master Qingcao will help mankind. The prerequisite for becoming the fighting force of human civilization is that human civilization encounters a disaster. But before that, perhaps this disaster is related to Master Qingcao.

It is indeed a pity to die in the immortal realm, but it is better than being buried in this eternal realm.

Mijin Shangyu and Huizu are the same kind of people, different from me.

I can never be that selfless.

"Senior, do you think Mi Jinshang Yu did the right thing?" Lu Yin asked.

Jingmen Shangyu shook his head: "I don't know."

Lu Yin looked at her: "Does Tianyuan Universe also have a door?"

Jingmen Shangyu and Lu Yin looked at each other deeply: "It once happened, but it was destroyed."

"Has it been destroyed?" Lu Yin thought thoughtfully. If the matter was pushed backwards, it was precisely because the gate of Tianyuan Universe was destroyed that Jiuxiao Universe did not care about Tianyuan Universe, so it promised Master Qingcao not to contact Tianyuan Universe, so the Eternal Clan Got a foothold.

So, whether it can be understood that the gate has to be destroyed is not only Jiuxiao Universe's idea, but also an unknowable idea.

So if there really is something unknowable, can it be hidden in the Tianyuan Universe?

Lu Yin is used to thinking about many things backwards. It's not that he is smarter than Jingmen Shangyu, it's just that when he came out of the Tianyuan Universe, what he saw and thought was different from Jingmen Shangyu.

Especially since he is not in the realm of immortality, there are no certain restrictions.

He is freer than the eternal state.

Yu Yao looked at the starry sky at the startled door: "If the door could be broken with the first palm, maybe it wouldn't attract the attention of the unknown."

Lu Yin looked at the imperial figure at the startling door: "Senior, have you tried your best?"


Lu Yin stared at her.

Jingmen Shangyu looked back at Lu Yin: "But that was the strongest palm I could hit in a hurry."

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and nodded: "Senior, there is no need to blame yourself. If you want to break the door with one palm, you may be delayed for a moment. That moment will also make Wu Zhi aware of it. The difference is that there will not be a second sword shadow. This difference is different from that of senior It’s irrelevant, this junior didn’t let this second sword shadow do anything.”

"It's the juniors who should blame themselves. They should have informed the seniors in advance. That's not a big deal."

"It's not that I didn't know you were taking action, it's just that no one expected that the door would suddenly appear." Jingmen Shangyu interrupted. After speaking, he looked at Lu Yin curiously: "Speaking of which, you seem to have that scarlet power."

Lu Yin told about his cultivation of divine power: "Does Qixu know this power?"

Jingmen Shangyu nodded: "Yes."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Senior, aren't you worried that junior will not be able to control this power and will eventually become an unknown person?"

Jingmen Shang Yu laughed: "Qing Lian Shang Yu has used cause and effect to investigate your life. Although it may not be complete, he can probably understand you. Do you know his evaluation of you?"

"I would like to hear the details." Lu Yin was curious.

The imperial guard at Jingmen looked solemn: "You are sick."

Lu Yin: "??"

Why are you still swearing?

"You have an almost pathological obsession with the inheritance and freedom of your race's civilization, and you have an almost pathological persistence in sticking to your own bottom line. You are seriously ill, so anyone can betray humanity, but you will never, because you You will never get over your own hurdle, there is no cure for this disease.”

Lu Yin originally thought that he would hear all kinds of words of praise. He was qualified to be praised by the Immortal Realm. No matter how humble he was, he was definitely qualified.

But he didn't expect to hear such words. He didn't know whether they were good or bad words. However, some people had commented that he was greedy for money, ruthless, worthless, etc. It didn't matter.

Yu Yu smiled at Jingmen: "I appreciate your illness."

Lu Yin: "..."

"If Master Qingcao also has your disease, Misjin Shangyu will not die. If everyone in human civilization has this disease, maybe our human civilization will one day become a fishing civilization and not live in such fear. " Jingmen Shangyu sighed.

"I really hope Master Qingcao has this disease."

Before he finished speaking, Master Qingcao walked out of the void and stared blankly at Jingmen Shangyu: "Are you cursing me?" He only heard the last sentence.

Jingmen Shangyu glanced at him and left without saying a word.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin: "I have been targeted. Qixu's death can no longer be concealed."

"Is there an unknown hidden in human civilization?" Lu Yin asked directly.

Master Qingcao did not answer, but asked: "Did you see clearly?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "You are cooperating with Wangzhi. What promise did Wangzhi give you?"

"You still didn't see clearly, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me this question." Master Qingcao shook his head: "Then continue." After that, he left.

Lu Yin stood there. He could not force Master Qingcao to speak, but Master Qingcao did not refute.

Lu Yin felt uneasy. Human civilization seemed to be prosperous. Three immortals in Jiuxiao Universe and one immortality in Linghua Universe, plus a few cultivators, were enough to stand in the forest of the universe and exterminate all the aliens that came close to exposing Jiuxiao Universe. Fang Wenming, but now he sees clearly that human civilization is too tired.

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