Star Odyssey

Chapter 4016 Red Hanging Coffin

Jiuxiao Universe's unwillingness to win over foreign civilizations is also due to Qixu's incident. Those who are not from our race must have different intentions. This is Jiuxiao Universe's attitude.

Jiuxiao Universe only trusts humans.

Although Lu Yin comes from Tianyuan Universe, he can be accepted even though he comes with hostility.

In the universe, no creature can truly be accepted by Jiuxiao Universe, no matter how sincere it is.

Foreign creatures like the Spirit Alliance have not been accepted, they are only given a place to live in the Jiuxiao Universe. They are equivalent to a higher level of Xi, nothing more.

"How did you find me?" Ur asked.

Lu Yin's consciousness merged again. He wanted to take advantage of Wuer's shock to see him and see if he could see the memories related to him through this moment.

Memories come flooding back.

When Ur saw Lu Yin, his first reaction was to run away. After finding out that he was being controlled, his second reaction was to see the red hanging coffin.

Yes, it was the red hanging coffin she took with her when she escaped.

That red hanging coffin is more important than her own life, because it belongs to Qixu and is unknown.

If he hadn't just seen Lu Yin's sudden change in thoughts, Lu Yin would have ignored the red hanging coffin.

After all, those cultivators who were tested for spiritual fusion were all in the hanging coffins. Lu Yin had specially checked those hanging coffins, and there was nothing special about them.

Hanging coffins are very special in Lu Yin's cognition, so he cares about hanging coffins wherever he encounters them.

Yitianque, he had seen the mirage when he approached the memory palace, saw a woman in red walking towards nothingness step by step, and heard the word "hanging coffin", which opened his dusty memory.

He had heard Death speak of hanging coffins.

I also saw the dark cliffs and the black hanging coffins entangled with vines through the Star Reaching Tower. These memories were originally forgotten, but they came to life at that moment.

Therefore, Lu Yin was extremely concerned about the hanging coffin.

Now this red hanging coffin in Ur is definitely extraordinary.

Could it be that those black hanging coffins entangled with vines belong to the unknown?

Isn't that where the unknown lies?

But how could Death know the unknowable?

Lu Yin took out the red hanging coffin from Wu'er's Ningkong Ring, and when his consciousness returned to his body, he hit Wu'er between the eyebrows with one finger.

Ur was stunned on the spot, staring stupidly at the red hanging coffin in front of him, this, this?

She couldn't understand why Lu Yin was eyeing the red hanging coffin.

Lu Yin controlled Ur with one finger, his eyes fell on the red hanging coffin, and he touched it. The indescribable feeling made him subconsciously retract his hand. At that moment, his heart seemed to be grabbed by an icy force, and thoughts surged in his mind. It means boundless killing, full of destruction and madness.

He had experienced this feeling before. He had used divine power before, and it felt like this.

The feeling of touching the red hanging coffin is far more intense than when the divine power changes.

Xiang Siyu raised her hand to touch the red hanging coffin.

Lu Yin reminded: "Don't move."

Xiang Siyu was puzzled and looked at Lu Yin curiously.

Lu Yin said: "You can't touch this thing." After saying that, he said again: "Senior, this belongs to Qixu."

Jingmen Shangyu walked out and walked towards the red hanging coffin with a solemn expression.

Wu'er's eyes shrank when he saw Jingmen Shangyu, knowing that he could not escape at all.

She just didn't understand why Lu Yin could find her, and why he cared so much about the red hanging coffin. Even the God of Imperial Control had never seen this hanging coffin, and it was well hidden by the master. How could Lu Yin care about it? .

Jingmen Shangyu came to the red hanging coffin with heavy eyes: "This thing gives me a very uncomfortable feeling."

"Senior, please take it away." Lu Yin also felt uncomfortable. He always felt that the hanging coffin frightened him. He believed in his own instinct and couldn't touch this thing.

Jingmen Shangyu nodded, looked at Ur, said nothing, and left with the red hanging coffin.

After Jingmen Shangyu left, Lu Yin merged into Ur's body again. There was no need to talk nonsense. It was best to see the memories.

This Ur can hide no secrets.

Memories come flooding back.

The first thing Lu Yin felt was Ur's confusion. She couldn't figure out why she was discovered and why Lu Yin cared about the red hanging coffin.

And Lu Yin also knew that Qixu had always hidden the red hanging coffin and had never been seen by Qinglian Shangyu and the others.

No wonder Ur was so surprised.

Red hanging coffin, red hanging coffin, Lu Yin focused on the memory of the red hanging coffin.

Through Ur's memory, he saw Qixu, a faceless realm of immortality that appeared in human form after entering the Nine Heavens.

Noble, beautiful, and cold, this was the impression Qixu gave to that era.

Wu'er saw Qixu sleeping in the red hanging coffin. The moment he saw Qixu, Qixu was injured. Wu'er had already hidden himself at that time because Qixu and Qinglian Shangyu had a falling out.

Her identity has also been determined and remains unknown.

If Qixu hadn't been injured, Wu Er wouldn't have seen her sleeping in the red hanging coffin.

Suddenly, "Lu Yin" was shocked. He saw a red thread coming out of the hanging coffin and floating around the world.

It is that red line, the red line that hides and melts practitioners.

But Qixu was still lying in the red hanging coffin.

If Qixu is gone, Lu Yin will suspect that the red line is her and she is not dead.

But the red line floated out of the world, and Qixu was still there, which meant that even if the red line belonged to her power, it did not mean that she was still alive.

Although it is difficult to die in the immortal state, it is not absolute.

Faced with the siege of Jiuxiao Universe's Digital Immortal Realm, a Mysterious Master died at the same time. Qixu must have died.

Wu Er could not see the battle where Qixu and Mi Jinshangyu died together, and was not qualified to see it.

She only knew that after Qixu died, she hid in the red hanging coffin and slept.

This slumber lasted for many, many years.

Wuer didn't know anything about the function or origin of the red hanging coffin. She only knew that it was what Qixu valued most and that it could hide her.

Lu Yin understood why he had merged into the body of a cultivator before. The cultivator was so close to Ur, but could not see Ur's light group, because Ur should be in the red hanging coffin at that time, which meant The hanging coffin can shield the dice.

Then this hanging coffin may also be some kind of dirty treasure.

Everyone wants a turbid treasure, but Lu Yin doesn't want this turbid treasure. It's too pervasive.

It's better to let the Immortal Realm face the unknown directly, he doesn't want to stand out.

Lu Yin couldn't see all of the majestic memories. He had seen the memory about the spiritual species fusion experiment, he had also seen the memory about the hanging coffin, and the next one was Qixu.

He wanted to see clearly the various aspects of Ur and Qixu's relationship.

Qixu is cold, noble, and beautiful, but besides these, she is actually a good master.

She taught Ur very carefully, and although her voice was cold, it felt warm in Ur's ears.

Wu Er's most impression of Qixu is dependence. She respects Qixu and is even more dependent on Qixu. No matter whether Qixu is an enemy of humans or something else, she just wants to follow Qixu. This dependence and respect has allowed her to hide Zhixu until now. .

Unknown, what exactly is it?

Lu Yin couldn't figure it out.

Why does such a fishing civilization have warmth for civilized creatures that want to be destroyed?

Is it pity?

Wu'er's feelings for Qixu are real, and Qixu's care for Wu'er is also real.

But Qixu's heart towards the destruction of the Jiuxiao Universe is even more genuine.

Ur also has this in his memory.

She knew very well that Qixu wanted to destroy human civilization.

She was willing to help Qixu, even if it cost her everything.

The door was not opened by Qixu. This is a very important memory. But after searching Ur's memory, he still couldn't figure out where the door came from. Ur asked Qixu, and Qixu only answered three words - "Balance Envoy." "

Apart from these three words, there is nothing else.

There was another memory that Lu Yin found hard to believe, that is, the fusion of spiritual species was not what Qixu had imagined.

"Spiritual seed fusion, you really know how to think about it."

"Master, what kind of spiritual fusion?"

"Human cultivation relies on spiritual species as the core. If spiritual species can be integrated, will their combat power increase dramatically?"

"Can spiritual species be fused?"

"I don't know, let's give it a try, maybe?"

This conversation is hidden in Ur's memory. Through this conversation, Ur clearly understands that the fusion of spiritual species is not what Qixu thought.

But who can tell Qixu this?

It's definitely not Qinglian who controls them. Could it be that one, the Balance Master? The door and the fusion of spiritual species all come from that balancer. Who is that balancer? Is it a person or some kind of force? That red line?

The more you try to see clearly the unknowable, the less clearly you see it.

How much do Qinglian Shangyu and the others know about the unknown?

They may never tell themselves until they reach eternal life.

Even if he has the fighting power to fight against the Immortal Realm.

After his consciousness returned to his body, Lu Yin slapped Ur on the head, knocking her unconscious and throwing her into the Hell of Diantai to increase the cause and effect first to prevent her from being melted.

Xiangsiyu had been watching, and seeing Lu Yin's consciousness returning, she said goodbye.

Lu Yin was grateful: "Thank you very much. Without you, I might not have been able to find her."

Xiang Siyu smiled: "You're welcome. If you want to use it in the future, come to me anytime."

Lu Yin: "..."

"You speak very uniquely."

"Really? No one said that, so I'll leave first." After saying that, Xiang Siyu left.

Lu Yin looked at her leaving figure. Everyone has their own path. The rain of lovesickness goes smoothly. Practitioners who overcome hardships and achieve perfection will definitely be able to increase their combat power to the extreme level by spending time. But at her level, in the end, I still want to break through to eternal life.

Human desires can never be satisfied. This is not a bad thing. Without desires, where would the motivation come from?

I don’t know if she would choose to live the life of an ordinary cultivator, which is difficult to cultivate, but it is possible to break through to eternal life, or this smooth life, where she will definitely reach the extreme level, but it is extremely difficult to achieve eternal life.

Why do people want to become stronger?

Because I don’t want to choose, I want them all.

Ur's cause and effect can be said to be too much or too little. It is less than Lu Yin imagined, but it is more than ordinary people who are strong in suffering.

Logically speaking, Wu Er has lived for so long, so there should be quite a lot of causes and effects, but Lu Yin knew it as soon as he thought about it.

She has been trying to fuse spiritual seeds for so many years, and has not done anything directly to the outside world. Even if the cause and effect caused by the spiritual fusion of those cultivators is calculated to her, it is indirect.

It was like saying that she had spent those years in vain, at least for Lu Yin.

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