Star Odyssey

Chapter 4018 Creation

At this moment, Wu'er was unwilling to give in. She didn't want to be taken advantage of by Lu Yin, but she couldn't break away: "You." Before she said the words, her body shook, her pupils were confused, as if she had lost her soul, and she stood still in place.

She tried the spiritual fusion method of a normal cultivator in self-karma.

In fact, she had tried this kind of thing a long time ago. Lu Yin knew that, but the six-point dice could only allow Lu Yin to see the past memory of the creature, but he could not use the memory to infer what the creature would do next, how to do it, and how. Think, he has no way of knowing.

Therefore, although he clearly saw the method of fusion of spirit seeds, it was not easy to extrapolate this method to normal spiritual cultivators.

It would take too long for him to do it himself, it would be much faster for Ur to try.

This is one method, and another method is to calculate cause and effect, just like he calculates the end of the moon, calculates the following of words and deeds, calculates the time of eternity, and calculates the time template.

Causation can be calculated on a certain basis.

Yue Ya was striving in the direction of following his words. He knew this result long ago, so he could be deduced by Lu Yin.

And Wu Jianzhi even used templates.

The calculation is not made out of thin air, it must at least have a certain basis.

What Ur is doing now is to build this foundation. Of course, it would be better if he could directly try and succeed.

The Great Astronomical Phenomenon of Cause and Effect began to be consumed, but how much was consumed, Lu Yin did not know.

If Qinglian Shangyu takes action, it will definitely not consume much. Wuer is far worse than Qinglian Shangyu. It is not on the same level. It is like Lu Yin using the law of cause and effect to create an ancestral realm cultivator. It will not consume much.

But now that Lu Yin used the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect to create Ur's cause and effect, he didn't know how much it would consume.

But the scope of the cause and effect astronomical phenomenon is so wide, even if it continues to consume for one year, ten years, or a hundred years, it will still be within the scope.

Lu Yin didn't think about it and stared at Ur intently.

Time keeps passing. Lu Yin has never spent so long on a person's cause and effect. It has been half a year. Wu'er is immersed in his own cause and effect and keeps trying, but he doesn't know how.

Lu Yin could see the scene of creating cause and effect. He had created cause and effect in the first place to make the boss think that the Hive Civilization was victorious, allowing him to see clearly the strength of the four insect masters.

But there is no need to watch Ur's attempt. Watching it again after it is over will save you some karma.

Six months later, Ur is still trying, with no intention of ending.

Lu Yin looked at the picture of her trying. Failure, failure, were all failures. She had failed many times. In the cause and effect, she did not need to find anyone. The cause and effect created itself. There was no need to find a spiritual seed, it was also self-created.

The efficiency of trying is much higher than trying in the dark underground.

Over the course of a year, she tried many times, but all ended in failure. The result of this failure was not surprising to her. It was the same as what she had originally envisioned. It was just that so many attempts allowed her to improve some of her ideas.

However, the result is still stuck at the last step.

At that step, the scarlet power of Zhenji can do it, but humans just can't do it.

Lu Yin stunned her and put away the law of cause and effect. There was no need to try again. What Wu Er tried and what Lu Yin knew mutually verified each other. The only difference was that one step.

The so-called fusion of spiritual seeds is to plant a tree in one's body, with the tree as the source, branches opening up to all things, and nirvana being born. It is different from any cultivation method that has been seen before.

Spiritual seeds are fruits. How many fruits can a tree have? have no idea.

At present, the maximum that a cultivator can produce is three fruits. Zhi and Ur both have three fruits, while Jie Zun and Hua Wuzui have two fruits. Theoretically, there can be more fruits. Just look at that. Can the tree withstand it.

The cultivators of Gongzhen use the scarlet power as a tree, supporting the branches and blooming all things. What about human beings? Why a tree?

This method of spiritual seed fusion helps spiritual seed cultivators, and the spiritual seed cultivation, the source of all cultivation, comes from the spiritual seed, from the liquid spiritual seed that melts the spiritualized universe. The spiritual seed is already the source of cultivation, changing the way of cultivation. How easy is it to change the source? Can spiritual seeds still be cultivated?

It is possible for Tianyuan Universe's cultivation method to use the ancestral world as its source and plant a tree in the body, but it is also very risky. Not everyone can control the formation of the ancestral world.

The scarlet power of Zengjie comes from the unknown, not from the cultivation of Zengjie cultivators themselves, so this power can be controlled by external forces to form trees. This is the biggest difference between Zengjie cultivators and human cultivators.

One is a tool and the other is self.

If the self is allowed to become a tool and the form of cultivation can be changed by external forces, then is the self still the self? Who would want to have their life controlled by someone else?

This is the last step, and this step has stuck the human cultivators.

To completely separate the unknowable from human beings can also be seen as to completely separate the unknowable from human beings.

Lu Yin looked at the stars. Could it be that if you want to become a fishing civilization, you must change the form of cultivation, make people lose themselves, lose their freedom, and even have their destiny controlled by the most powerful person? Only then can the potential of a race be fully unleashed?

If he controlled the entire human race, the power he would exert would be much greater than it is now.

But at that time, were humans still humans?

What did fishing civilization gain? What has been lost?

Qinglian Shangyu and the others all hope to bring Jiuxiao Universe to the level of fishing civilization, but can they afford that price?

If you get something, you will lose it. If there is a cause, there will be a result. Qinglian Lord should know it best.

Human beings have too many emotions, which is an advantage, but in this cold cosmic forest, it's like walking barefoot. Even if you can walk very far, your feet will be full of blood.

Normally, if you can't find a way to break through this step, then you can only continue to rely on cause and effect.

Ur has laid the foundation, and God will do the rest.

The heavenly law of cause and effect is released, connecting the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect, and the cause and effect spiral connects the sky and the earth, and the calculation is made.


The heaven and earth shook.

Everyone in Jiuxiao Universe was almost numb. During this period, the world was constantly roaring, and they didn’t know why.

Jingque Terrace and Jingmen Shangyu looked at the sky. She was a little uneasy. Lu Yin's movements were getting louder and louder. She didn't know if it would have any impact on the cause and effect astronomical phenomena.

She now particularly hopes Qinglian Shangyu will come back to see him.

Others can't see it, but in Lu Yin's eyes, the world at this moment is magnificent.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect kept pressing down like an ocean. The spiral of cause and effect crazily consumed the method of calculating the fusion of spiritual species. Lu Yin stared at the sky, his consciousness was being consumed. Cracks appeared on the earth, the void exploded, and turned into an invisible force sweeping the surrounding area.

Those cultivators who were blocked by Lu Yin's consciousness were all trembling. Many people subconsciously stepped back. They couldn't see the cause and effect, but they felt that there was a monstrous monster in front of them.

Xiao Qingwang and others looked at each other, cause and effect, it must be cause and effect, but it's a pity that they can't see it.

The cause and effect continues to be consumed, Lu Yin stands tall in the sky and the earth, the strong wind blows, and gradually rises into the sky. He is shrouded in the cause and effect, and there seems to be some possibility in him.

Lu Yin's eyes were excited. If it was possible, then he should succeed and take that step.

Karma was entrenched crazily, spinning around him, and the roar of the great celestial phenomena of Karma became more and more intense, as if the sky was collapsing, making it difficult for countless people to breathe.

Lu Yin releases the starry sky in his heart. If you want to see it, I will show it to you to see what the possibilities are.

With a click, a crack penetrated the Jiuxiao Universe, startling countless people.

Even Jingmen Shangyu was shocked and looked down, what on earth is Lu Yin doing? Why is the movement so great?

Spiritualizing the universe, Master Qingcao looked up into the sky, his spiritual threads trembled, the heaven and earth roared, and countless lands in the thirty-six domains collapsed, as if the sky collapsed.

what happened?

He took one step forward to the Nine Heavens Universe.

The vibrations of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect spread, heading towards a small distance, and a roar came from far away from the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, with excitement and excitement, as if it had found its direction.

In the Jiuxiao universe, the spiral of cause and effect continuously shuttled through the starry sky in Lu Yin's heart, and finally headed towards a ball of green, surrounding it with joy.

Lu Yin looked at the green light group. Is that the light group left behind after the death of the mother tree?

Is that an opportunity?

Cause and effect boils, and heaven and earth become pure.

Lu Yin restrained himself from the law of cause and effect, landed slowly, sat cross-legged, and closed his eyes.

The great celestial phenomena of cause and effect fell silent.

The world also returned to peace.

Master Qingcao appeared outside of Lu Yin's consciousness and looked at Lu Yin from a distance, wondering what he had done with the help of the celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

During this period of time, people were constantly being found out, and it came from him.

He can use some kind of power to integrate the Zhuo Bao into the body of the cultivator to search for it. This is not surprising, but it is a bit surprising that there is such a big movement.

Even if the blue sword shadow and the door were destroyed before, it was nothing more than this.

The more noise Lu Yin made, the more uneasy he became.

On the contrary, Jingmen Shangyu breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, not only because the celestial phenomena of cause and effect had returned to calm, but also because Lu Yin seemed to have accomplished something.

Could it be that he really created the method of fusion of spiritual species?

If this is the case, the combat power of Jiuxiao Universe practitioners will skyrocket. If this method is useful to them, then.

She looked towards the top of the tree in one direction, where Mijin Shangyu once stood.

The calm after the storm is comforting, but uncomfortable.

Countless people are worried, fearing that the next moment will be more violent weather.

The same is true for Jiuxiao Universe cultivators. Too many people look at the sky. The crack across the sky makes people tremble. If that crack is not in the sky, but falls on the earth, it can divide the entire Jiuxiao Universe. For two.

What kind of power is this?

This great power does not come from Lu Yin, but from the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

In other words, Qinglian Shangyu has the terrifying power to split the Jiuxiao universe into two. This is bottomless power.

When Lu Yin and Xiuzhu went to restart the Lan Universe, they had to find the Sequence String before they could restart it. However, Qinglian Shangyu might not even need it, as he could directly destroy a universe.

On the ground, a gentle breeze was blowing. It was obviously very warm, but it gave Xiao Qing Wang and others a feeling of biting cold wind.

They felt that Jiuxiao Universe seemed to be less stable.

"Huh? What is that?" someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked and saw grass blooming on the ground, swaying in the wind, with a shining light, and very energetic.


"This grass is growing too fast."

"Could it be that Master Qingcao is here?"

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