Star Odyssey

Chapter 4027: Prepare to fight

He just wanted to include some parts so that Tianyuan Universe did not need to guard all directions.

But he didn't expect that it would be extremely easy to peel off the cause and effect of the Tianyuan universe. It was so easy that he thought he could do it, so he gave it a try.

It turned out to be successful, but it caused his Karma and Heavenly Dao to suffer a heavy blow, directly consuming most of it.

He merged into the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and stripped away the cause and effect of the Tianyuan universe, without any consumption. However, leveraging the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect to display the wall of cause and effect made him pay such a heavy price, and his own energy was completely consumed and he could not move.

With Xiao Bo Da, his small one is too small, but that big one is the entire universe.

This is the most exaggerated.

Fortunately, it was successful now. The entire Tianyuan Universe is encompassed by the wall of cause and effect. If the Hive Civilization wants to enter, it must attack by force. Once it is attacked, regardless of time, Tianyuan Universe will definitely be alert.

"What did you do?" Master Qingcao stared at Lu Yin. At that moment, he knew that the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect had moved, but he didn't know how.

The scope of the cause and effect sky phenomenon is too wide. Lu Yin leveraged the cause and effect sky phenomenon covering the Tianyuan Universe and transformed that area of ​​the cause and effect sky phenomenon into the cause and effect city wall. However, looking at the cause and effect sky phenomenon of the entire Tianyuan Universe, the scope is just One-tenth, no, not even one-tenth.

Looking at the vast celestial phenomenon of cause and effect across the entire square inch, maybe it’s one percent?

Lu Yin couldn't bear the fact that he only moved one percent of the cause and effect of the heavenly phenomena. Even Master Qingcao couldn't see what he had done.

He had already taken advantage of it.

Lu Yin increasingly realized that the gap between himself and Qinglian Shangyu was a bit exaggerated.

How strong is Qinglian Shangyu?

In the Tianyuan Universe, when the cause and effect astronomical phenomenon was stripped away, the roar was even more intense, but no one knew what happened.

Jiang Feng came to Tianshang Sect, but he couldn't tell either.

And when the wall of cause and effect appeared and blocked the insect nest civilization, they thought of the distance.

Jiang Feng, Lu Yuan, Gu Shen and others headed towards Fang Cun Distance. This loud noise occurred in the entire Tianyuan Universe. If you want to see the entire Tianyuan Universe clearly, Fang Cun Distance is the only way.

Something might have happened within a small distance.

Outside the Tianyuan Universe, or to be precise, outside the Karma City Wall, the Insect Hive Civilization was blocked.

Shan Xiao was in disbelief: "Causation? Human beings used karma to block us? Protect Tianyuan Universe? How is that possible?"

Luo Chan disappeared, and it followed the water flow to find a location where it could enter Tianyuan Universe.

But he couldn't find it. Luo Chan appeared in various directions outside Tianyuan Universe, trying to find loopholes, but the wall of cause and effect was like a sky dome, encompassing the entire Tianyuan Universe.

"Master, there is no loophole." Luo Chan's voice was also filled with disbelief.

Shan Xiao's eyes flickered, human beings, this civilization is full of uncertainties.

The Hive Civilization destroyed many civilizations, but human civilization was the toughest and most difficult to deal with.

In the battle for the third barrier, if the master hadn't broken through to the level of eternal life before the battle, the master's real body might have been called upon in that battle.

Now, before we can break into this human civilization, we are blocked from the outside.

Who took action?

The tentacles of the water drop-shaped creature moved: "Interesting, really interesting, human beings are really incredible."

"Using cause and effect to cover a small distance, we can detect our entry, which is different from using cause and effect to protect this universe. It seems that this universe is very important to the eternal life of mankind, and he is actually willing to pay such a high price. "

"I just don't know where that eternal life is, whether it is here or in another human universe."

"Master, what should we do now?" Luo Chan asked.

The water drop-shaped creature said: "I can only attack by force, but I can't take action. The eternal life expert of mankind is willing to pay the price, but I can't."

"You guys take action. Since the eternal life expert protects this universe in this way, it means that this universe has no power to compete with us. He has no choice. Then, before the support of another human civilization arrives, attack in ."

"Even if it's just one day ahead of schedule, it's enough to destroy this universe. If that eternal human life exists in this universe, it's better, I'll deal with it."

"Yes, Master." Shan Xiao and Luo Chan responded.

The next moment, the Insect Nest Civilization took action and bombarded the Karma City Wall point by point.

The wall of cause and effect comes from the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, not Lu Yin's own power, otherwise it would be easily broken.

Now, if you want to break through the wall of cause and effect, you must not only break the characteristics of the wall of cause and effect, but also deal with Lu Yin's support.

In the distance, a leaf of green lotus continued to move towards the Tianyuan Universe. Lu Yin once again integrated into the celestial phenomenon of karma with the law of karma. He endured the pain and continued to make up for the wall of karma that was attacked by the insect nest civilization. He must hold on until he could rush back.

"Senior Qingcao, don't forget to promise me that the insect's immortality realm will be left to you." Lu Yin gritted his teeth and said. It was not easy for him to deal with the immortality realm insect in his current state.

If the other party is the Immortal Lord, the situation will be quite unfavorable.

Lu Yin hoped that the opponent was not the Immortal Lord. Although this was equivalent to having one more Immortal Realm creature in the Hive Civilization, it was still better than facing the Immortal Lord.

Master Qingcao had no choice but to say, "I'll do your best."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he continued to stare at the wall of Karma.

The Karma City Wall blocks the approach of the insect nest civilization and blocks movement, making Tianyuan Universe unable to detect the sea of ​​​​insects that are bombarding the Karma City Wall.

However, the roar of the cause-and-effect celestial phenomenon shook the Tianyuan universe before, so much so that Lu Yuan, Jiang Feng and the others went to a small distance to find the cause, and soon they saw the boundless sea of ​​insects far away from them.

The Tianyuan Universe was boiling, and the Tianshang Sect ordered that all practitioners in the Tianyuan Universe be gathered to prepare for the battle against the Insect Nest Civilization.

The six paths of the three realms, the six masters of the three yangs, the eight inner and outer paths, and the sects and darkness all gathered in the Tianshang Sect, and all the micro-array weapons, black energy sources, mechas, Tianyuan armor, etc. were all taken out.

The cultivators of the spiritual universe also gathered towards the Tianshang Sect.

Su Shidao's face was extremely ugly: "Foreign civilization?"

Lu Yuan said in a deep voice: "I'm not lying to you this time. The insect nest civilization has arrived, and it is related to the survival of the entire Tianyuan Universe."

Master Su was speechless. This was tantamount to admitting that he had tricked them into staying, but now he had no time to talk about that: "How is the strength of the insect nest civilization?"

Jiang Feng frowned: "I don't know, it was blocked by an invisible force. We don't know where that force came from. We can't see it, but we can touch it. It blocked the entire insect nest civilization. Now the insect nest civilization is attacking the blocking force. No. I know how long that force can hold back.”

Emperor Mie Wu came and bared his teeth: "What's going on? What's going on?"

The ancient god glanced at him and said briefly.

Mie Wuhuang's mentality collapsed. Who did he provoke? I thought that hiding in the Spiritual Universe would be the worst, and that you could be free in the Conscious Universe, but when you arrived in the Conscious Universe, you were constantly being hunted and enslaved, and you finally tried your best to escape to the Tianyuan Universe. You were suppressed when you first arrived, and then... After a series of bad news, Linghua Universe was sent to support him. He knew that Lu Yin must be doing well.

I had already accepted my fate, but I didn't expect that Tianyuan Universe would be attacked by the Hive Civilization.

That's civilization, a whole civilization.

"I++++" Emperor Miewu cursed angrily, letting out all the grievances he had felt during this period. All kinds of indescribable dirty sounds were heard. Fortunately, Lu Yuan closed the main hall in advance, otherwise it would have been lively if heard from outside. .

You know, at this moment the Tianshang Sect has gathered the entire Tianyuan Universe combat power.

Even the weaker cultivators use mechas, Tianyuan armors, and black energy sources to join the war. Once heard by them, it is equivalent to being heard by the entire Tianyuan universe, and the majesty of the Tianshang Sect will be wiped out.

Jiang Feng raised his eyes, thunder flashed in the boy's hole, and an invisible chill enveloped Miewhuang. Miewhuang was speechless. Only then did he realize where this place was and how many ruthless people gathered there.

"No matter how unhappy you are, just hold it in for a while. You will take the lead in this battle." Lu Yuan said indifferently.

Emperor Miewu was furious: "Why?"

"Just because you look mighty." Wu Tiandan said calmly.

Emperor Mie Wu opened his mouth, and his eyes fell on him, and he could only keep silent.

First battle? Just kidding, the worst he can do is run away, who would care about him after all this fighting?

No matter what happens to others, he will definitely survive, thinking, looking at the index finger of his right hand, this is his trump card.

In the distance, Shan Gu's heart was heavy. He felt that feeling again. The sea of ​​insects descended, no grass could grow, and civilization was cut off.

He had encountered it at the third barrier before, and now it was here again.

The atmosphere in the main hall was dull, and Jiang Feng walked out: "Everyone, put down all the burdens of your thoughts, clear your minds, and concentrate on fighting. If you win this battle, it's acceptable. If you lose, the universe will be destroyed. I don't want human civilization in Tianyuan Universe to be extinct. What the ancestor saw when he came back was chaos, and I didn’t want Xiaoqi to come back and see nothing.”

"He can't be without a home, and all of us can't be without our homes."

"Everyone, prepare to fight."

"Hit." Lu Yuan shouted, startling the people next to him.

The ancient god's eyes were stern.

Wu Tian was full of fighting spirit.

In the main hall, everyone slowly walked out and looked ahead. The endless human cultivators gathered, but there was silence. Everyone looked at the main hall of Tianshang Sect and looked at the strong men who led them to fight one by one.

At the center of everyone's gaze were the statues of the ancestors and Lu Yin.

Just now, Jiang Feng's words were spread out for everyone to hear.

You can have fear, but you can't retreat if you fight.

There is only one Tianyuan universe, and human civilization is here. Fighting to the death is the only option to win.

Jiang Feng looked at everyone, his invisible aura rising to its peak, his gaze penetrated the void, looking at the boundless sea of ​​insects, and the water drop-shaped creature at the front.

The water drop-shaped creature gave a surprised look and looked at Tianyuan Universe, as if looking at Jiang Feng.

"Interesting. Although this feeling is not eternal life, it conforms to the law. It should be a shortcut. This human being should not affect me, but he has. It means that after taking that shortcut, his future will be smooth."

"It came at the right time. If it were later, an eternal being might have been born in this universe."

Shan Xiao didn't understand what the drop-shaped creature was talking about. It seemed that the universe in front of him was not simple.

But no matter what, as long as there is no eternal life, there is no way to resist their attack.

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