Star Odyssey

Chapter 4045: A Last Stand

Master Qingcao looked at him: "The universe is restarting, and people are constantly trying to overcome the hardships and achieve perfection, and want to step into eternal life, but do you think who can succeed after so many years? How long has it been since the last shocking breakthrough? Jiuxiao Universe is eager to give birth to a new one. In the realm of immortality, I keep trying, but the hope is slim.”

"However, they did not put their hope in those people. There is one person who has been impacting the realm of immortality. He has already gone through the process of experiencing the origin and decline of eternal matter, and is approaching eternal life. That person has passed the most difficult level. , it’s only a matter of time before we can break through the realm of immortality.”

"Some people have already achieved this in this era, so those geniuses voluntarily sleep, wake up occasionally to move around, comprehend the world, and then continue to sleep, just to wait for this person to break through the immortality, so that the next era of impact on the immortal realm will come."

"Although no one is sure that only one immortal realm can be born within a certain period of time, it is too dreamy to say that two, or even three, will be born at the same time. Instead of dreaming, it is better to wait, and it is worse than failure."

"As for the others, the universe is going to restart anyway, so it's better to let them try. Success or failure doesn't matter. It's not within the scope of the emperor's consideration anyway."

Only then did Lu Yin realize that this was the case.

Shaoyu fell into deep sleep to wait for a great era that would lead to a breakthrough in immortality.

"Who is that one who is attacking eternal life?" Lu Yin asked.

Master Qingcao said calmly: "A person who has a great reputation but has never appeared before."

Lu Yin's thoughts changed and he blurted out: "Bitter lamp."

Master Qingcao nodded: "The bitter abyss of the northern region, the bitter lamp."

Lu Yin understood. No wonder Ku Deng had been cultivating in the spiritual universe. He had been in the Jiuxiao Universe for so long, and even experienced the Insect Hive Civilization War. Ku Deng never returned, and he was actually sprinting towards the realm of immortality.

"The spiritual universe is very strange. It was there that Jingmen took the key step to enter the realm of immortality. Then he disappeared within a short distance for a thousand years, and then returned to the realm of immortality."

"It was also she who suggested Ku Deng to practice under the abyss of the spiritual universe."

"No one in the outside world knows what Ku Deng is doing. They only think that he is guarding the spiritual universe for Ku Yuan, but in fact he is attacking the realm of immortality." Master Qing Cao said.

Lu Yin looked at the distance. He entered Jiuxiao and fought against the masters from all sides. No one in Jiuxiao dared to speak except the God of Control. He considered himself the number one person under immortality.

In terms of combat power, he may really be the best person in eternity.

But in terms of realm, Ku Deng is the real first person under the Immortal Realm. After all, Master Qingcao was not known for his combat prowess before he broke through the Immortal Realm.

There have been so many amazing talents in the Tianyuan Universe, and the Jiuxiao Universe is certainly not bad either.

"But even if Ku Deng is attacking the Immortal Realm, it doesn't mean that he will definitely succeed before the Jiuxiao Crisis." Lu Yin said.

Master Qingcao nodded: "Yes, he has been in the spiritual universe for a long time. The probability of a successful breakthrough when Jiuxiao is in crisis is not high, but I mentioned him just to tell you not to take yourself too seriously. You belong to Tianyuan. The universe does not belong to Jiuxiao."

"You really don't want Jiuxiao to have a good time." Lu Yin said lightly.

Master Qingcao did not answer.

Lu Yin said solemnly: "No matter what, Jiuxiao has helped me, I have to do my part. I can block the insect nest civilization with cause and effect from a distance, and I can also help Jiuxiao here once, at least to Jiuxiao." The universe delays time, and the longer it delays, the more likely it is that Blood Tower Shangyu and Qinglian Shangyu will wait."

"However." At this point, Lu Yin glanced at Master Qingcao: "I can only protect the Jiuxiao Universe. There is nothing I can do to help the Linghua Universe."

Master Qingcao laughed: "There is no need to deceive me. Jingmen would rather you protect Linghua than Jiuxiao. Don't forget that Linghua is the source of Jiuxiao's cultivation. Not only can it provide spiritual liquid, but also many Door of Dharma.”

Lu Yin's eyes widened. Master Qingcao indeed knew the secret of the Gate of Laws. This secret could be hidden from everyone in the Linghua Universe, including Yu Sangtian, but it was impossible to hide it from Master Qingcao.

What's more, Master Qingcao has already cooperated with Anonymous.

"In addition to these, there is another very important thing in the spiritual universe." Master Qingcao said suddenly.

Lu Yin stared at Master Qingcao with deep eyes: "The center of the seven causal funnels."

Master Qingcao nodded with a smile on his face.

The spiritual universe is connected to seven causal funnels by Xingfan with spiritual threads. If any cultivator dies, the spiritual seed will enter the causal funnel, and eventually turn into liquid and be poured into Jiuxiao, becoming the source of cultivation in the Jiuxiao universe.

In the middle of the seven causal funnels, there was a rectangular object. Lu Yin had seen it and wanted to see it clearly, but he just couldn't do it.

That rectangular object is constantly filled with cause and effect, and I don’t know what it is.

He always kept this in mind.

However, he had no intention of buying this thing. That thing must belong to Qinglian Shangyu.

The huge figure seen on the day of worshiping the spirits was also Qinglian Shangyu.

"What is that thing?" Lu Yin was curious.

Master Qingcao shook his head: "I don't know either. Qinglian has been in the imperial family much longer than me. The pattern of Jiuxiao and Linghua existed long before I was born."

"I guess that thing is either a Zhuobao, or it is some way of using the cause and effect of the Qinglian Lord. It is precisely because of that that the spiritualized universe of cause and effect can continue to appear."

Lu Yin said: "That's why you don't care. The nymph nest civilization really destroyed the spiritual universe, and it just happened to destroy the pattern of resources being plundered by Jiuxiao Universe for you."

Master Qingcao did not deny it.

Lu Yin was focused on saving Tianyuan Universe, while he was focused on spiritualizing the universe.

Coming to Tianyuan with Lu Yin, the biggest risk was that Tianyuan would be destroyed and Linghua could not save him. This was why he kept persuading Lu Yin on a leaf of green lotus.

According to his guess, if Tianyuan can be successfully rescued, the spiritual universe cultivators who keep Tianyuan's universe will give up the entire spiritual universe. In the end, the Zerg Hive Civilization will have a decisive battle with Jiuxiao. Even if the Zerg Hive Civilization is defeated in the end, Linghua The pattern of the universe and the Jiuxiao universe is also likely to be destroyed.

This is the ending he most wants to see.

As for the people in the spiritual universe, if you want to succeed, you have to pay a price, and those people are the price that is paid.

The premise is that a group of people who can spiritualize the universe must be preserved.

He didn't dare to take risks, so he kept persuading Lu Yin on a leaf of green lotus.

Today, the Yuan Universe has been rescued, and the situation is developing in the direction most beneficial to him. No matter what the outcome of the decisive battle between Jiuxiao and the Hive Civilization, the Linghua Universe will definitely be destroyed. Jiuxiao Universe cannot protect itself and still save one. In the spiritual universe, the other party has two realms of immortality after all.

Then, the pattern of Jiuxiao and Linghua will be destroyed.

Even reshaping this pattern will not happen quickly.

If it were more perfect, perhaps his goal would be achieved without having to take action.

He is the most relaxed at this moment.

Lu Yin suddenly understood and looked deeply at Master Qingcao: "Perhaps, I know what agreement you made with Anonymous."

Master Qingcao smiled: "You just saw me clearly, but you didn't see the universe clearly."

"I didn't see you clearly either. If you hadn't persuaded me to return to Jiuxiao on a leaf of green lotus, I could really see clearly. Now, there is some contradiction." Lu Yin said.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin and turned to leave.

Lu Yin looked at his leaving figure with a complicated heart.

If the guess is correct, it is impossible to force Master Qingcao to do something at this moment. He has his stubbornness.

I can only help Jiuxiao Universe as much as possible.

Master Qingcao has a saying that is right. Without oneself, Jiuxiao is still the same Jiuxiao. It will not go to destruction because of losing oneself. Oneself is not that important yet.

But it's better to have your own help than not.

The most troublesome thing is that I have consumed a lot of Karma and Heaven, and I don’t know which step I can take.

In the Jiuxiao universe, the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect roared, shaking the sky.

Many people already know that this sound is related to Lu Yin.

But many people know that Lu Yin left Jiuxiao Universe to support Tianyuan Universe, so why can he still influence Jiuxiao Universe?

Especially those who were taught the Nirvana Tree Dharma on a green lotus leaf were even more puzzled.

On the Jingque Terrace, the emperor on the Jingmen clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the starry sky: "I know, the insect nest civilization is approaching, and there are two immortal realm bugs."

The roar has been reduced a lot.

"Congratulations, you saved Tianyuan Universe." Jingmen Shangyu smiled, a smile from the heart. At her level, Tianyuan, Linghua, and Jiuxiao are not completely limited to a certain universe, they are all human civilizations.

In Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin's eyes were heavy. Compared to Jingmen Shangyu, he could not achieve equality among all living beings because he preferred Tianyuan in his heart.

I wonder if one day I will enter the realm of eternal life, will I still have this kind of selfishness?

In Jingque Terrace, the voice of the emperor above Jingmen spread throughout Jiuxiao: "The insect nest civilization is attacking again, Jiuxiao - prepare for war."

The word "prepare for war" made the entire Jiuxiao universe boil. In an instant, countless cultivators soared into the air and headed towards the areas they were guarding.

The night pillars vibrated, especially the first night pillar that rose directly into the sky, activating the Jiuxiao Pillar Spiritual Treasure Formation.

Compared with the first time they faced the insect nest civilization, this time they were much more stable, but everyone was in a depressed mood.

The Hive Civilization has been defeated once, and now it is making a comeback. There is only one possibility. They are sure to win.

Jiuxiao Universe is facing life and death.

Lu Yin looked around Jiuxiao through the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, watching countless cultivators preparing for war. At this moment, Jiuxiao universe had an aura of looking back at death. If people are in the universe, if people are not, the universe will die.

The decisive battle between civilization and civilization is always the most tragic.

No one knows whether they will still be alive at the next moment.

The entire Jiuxiao Universe is preparing for war. If you look closely, more people are saying goodbye.

Each cultivator left his hometown to become a son, a father, a mother, a teacher, a family, a sect, Jiuxiao, and human civilization.

They have no way out, they can only fight to the death.

Lu Yin clenched his fists. The biggest threat to the Hive Civilization has always been Luo Chan. Without it, why would he be so passive?

They can see clearly, and the Immortal Master of the Insect Nest Civilization can see even more clearly.

What it gives Luo Chan must be unimaginable protection. Master Qingcao failed to kill Luo Chan before, and even if he is given another chance, he may not be able to do it.

Luo Chan's protective power may even surpass that of the insects in the Immortal Realm.

Only by seeing Luo Chan clearly can we see the entire insect nest civilization clearly.

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