Star Odyssey

Chapter 4049: Everyone’s Path

Although Mr. Mu is not an eternal being, he, like himself, can cross the realm of life to fight against the realm of immortality. After all, Mu Zhu said that Mr. Mu gave the enemy of the immortal realm a hard blow, but it is not clear how hard it was.

Now that Mr. Mu is sinking into the river of time, is he preparing to break through the realm of immortality?

It would be great if so.

Lu Yin took a deep breath: "I hope Master can break through the realm of immortality, and Tianyuan Universe will also be protected."

Lu Yuan hummed: "We also hope, by the way, Xiao Qi, have you thought about what kind of talent you want me to plant for you, ancestor?"

Lu Yin was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the ancestral world of ancestor Lu Yuan was a fertile soil that had no ability to attack or defend, but could be fertilized.

The Illustrated Book of the Gods and the Dianjiangtai were born out of this.

Later, as the ancestor breaks through the Beginning Realm, the third talent can be bred.

The ancestor had always kept the third talent, and when Lu Yin chose, he handed over his life to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was moved: "Ancestor, you can do it according to your own ideas, you don't have to give me a talent."

Lu Yuan shook his head: "I don't have any ideas. My whole life has been messy, ancestor. When I was a child, I got into fights and caused trouble everywhere. When I grew up, I would find trouble for anyone I didn't like. I didn't look down on anyone. Now that I have experienced so many things, it's my turn to help. Now My strength is enough, it’s not my turn to contribute, and it’s useless to have another talent. On the other hand, if I can give you a talent, it might transform you.”

Lu Yin thought for a while: "Okay, I'll think about it again."

"Haha, don't worry, I'm back anyway, I have plenty of time."

"This battle was a blast. Even the Immortal Realm was defeated. Maybe we old guys can break through again, hahahaha." Lu Yuan laughed and left.

Lu Yin looked at the departing figure of Patriarch Lu Yuan. Is there a breakthrough? That’s right, it’s time to break through.

There was no one in the Three Realms and Six Paths who was not a top genius, but because of the oppression of the ancestors, they delayed the opportunity to break through to the Beginning Realm, and were taken advantage of by the Eternals. Now that a long time has passed, they have accumulated enough, and they have experienced a war with the Eternal Realm. , breakthrough, logical.

If the Three Realms and Six Paths can break through to the level of overcoming suffering and even the Great Perfection of overcoming suffering, Tianyuan Universe's combat power will completely increase.

I also teach the Nirvana Tree Method. Although it is not as fast as the fusion of spiritual seeds in Jiuxiao Universe, it is also a new direction for Tianyuan Universe cultivators. It is the same as the difference between the current cultivation methods of Tianyuan Universe and Jiuxiao Universe.

Jiuxiao Universe is more likely to give birth to strong people, while Tianyuan Universe is more likely to give birth to unknowns.

He wants to make up for the scale of the future that has been weakened by the spiritualized universe, allowing human civilization to fully bloom.

Look at how many fishing civilizations dare to cause trouble in this small distance.

The Hive Civilization is by no means the last.

Lu Yin returned to the Tianyuan Universe, and his surroundings gradually turned gray. Time was frozen, and light flowed around him. With a wave of his hand, time flowed backwards, and the long river of time appeared.

In the mirage realm, the long river of time is connected to the Tianyuan Universe. A shabby boat drifts down the river and gradually comes into view of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at the boat and said slowly: "Zhaoran, it's okay. I'm back."

Inside the boat, Zhao Ran walked out and stood on the board looking at Lu Yin with calm eyes.

She seemed calm, but Lu Yin could feel that she was much more relaxed.

The Hive Civilization attacked Tianyuan Universe. If Zhao Ran had not taken action and cooperated with Jiang Feng to fight Yongsheng, Tianyuan Universe would not have been able to wait for Lu Yin's return.

Zhaoran looked at Lu Yin, said nothing, and wanted to return to the canopy of the boat.

Lu Yin said: "I'm going to Mirage, so let's take a short boat ride."

"It's up to you." Zhao Ran said, the voice was still so familiar, which made Lu Yin dream back to the past, thinking of the girl who liked to make scented tea, her eyes were always confused, but she always remembered herself.

When Zhao Ran returned to his role as the ferryman of the River of Time, Lu Yin was scolded for pulling the River of Time, saying that he would be punished for causing the River of Time at will. But now, this matter is not mentioned at all.

As for entering the mirage realm, Lu Yin used to be unable to do so. Without Weinu's help, he couldn't get in. Now, with the rapid increase in time, he can directly enter the mirage against the long river of time. Weinu described it as a fiction, and she couldn't even stop it. .

But now Zhaoran is the ferryman of the long river of time. He doesn't care about Weinu, but he cares about Zhaoran, so he has to say hello.

Lu Yin took one step forward and boarded the boat with his feet on the flowing light.

Inside the boat canopy, Zhao Ran was sitting like that.

The surrounding starry sky disappears, and the long river of time returns to the mirage realm.

Lu Yin looked towards the shore: "The virgin is not here?"


"fear me?"


Lu Yin stood on the board and looked down: "My master is in the river?"

Zhao Ran hummed: "It's sinking, I don't know why."

Lu Yin looked at the bottom of the river, then looked at Zhaoran again: "Do you still like making scented tea?"

Zhao Ran raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yin. He didn't answer and fell silent.

Lu Yin was helpless, his appearance had not changed, his voice had not changed, and his heart for Tianyuan Universe had not changed, but he had changed after all.

As the light streamed back and forth, Lu Yin stepped onto the shore, looked towards the Forbidden Land of Cause and Effect, and walked towards it.

I had never seen it before, but this forbidden land of karma was clearly a forest, a very ordinary and ordinary forest, but the fruits produced by these big trees were karma.

And in this forest, cause and effect exists like air.

This is a space where cause and effect is the soil and cause and effect is the nourishment.

Lu Yin stepped in, and immediately, cause and effect entangled him.

The first time he entered here, he was led into cycles by cause and effect, experienced the past again and again, and saw the fruit of his own appearance, as well as his own child, Xiaoxuan.

At this moment, his heart ached again.

Obviously there is no such child, but the love for the child and the heartache for the child really exist.

Cause and effect cycle, what is true and what is false?

If a person spends his life in illusion, is that illusion still false to him?

In front of my eyes, a big tree appeared and produced a fruit. That fruit was exactly the same as myself.

Lu Yin looked at the fruit and saw it again.

The first time I entered, I was the fruit, understood the cause and effect, picked the fruit myself, and now I see this fruit again, so was what I experienced during this period true or false?

Lu Yin stared at the fruit blankly.

Guo Guo slowly opened his eyes and looked at him.

The two looked at each other, and after an unknown amount of time, Lu Yin exhaled, waved his hand, and the cause and effect dispersed, the tree disappeared, and the fruits also disappeared.

Regarding cause and effect, he thinks he has understood a lot, but he is still far from it. However, at this moment, he cannot understand more. This is a feeling.

Here, he couldn't understand anything more, but the scene just now was buried deep in his heart, and one day it would reappear, allowing him to clarify his thinking about reality.

The Karma Forbidden Land was said to be a forbidden land, but it couldn't stop Lu Yin in the slightest.

He saw this clearly.

Soon after, he came to the front of Ku Zu.

Once, Ku Zu wanted to reverse the cause and effect, which caused the cause and effect in the forbidden area to be sealed, and helped him lift the seal of Master Qingcao. Now, he wants to help Ku Zu come out.

"Senior, I'm back." Lu Yin spoke, stood in front of Ku Zu, and bowed deeply.

In front of him, Ku Zu was sitting cross-legged, his body surrounded by cause and effect, like a hill.

Kuzu could speak, but now, Lu Yin called, but he did not speak.

Lu Yin stared at Kuzu and discovered something strange. Kuzu was changing.

How should I put it? Originally, he reversed the cause and effect, and felt a great rebellion in the forbidden area, so he attracted the cause and effect of the forbidden area to come to seal it. But as time goes by, these causes and effects should slowly decrease, because the so-called great rebellion was only at that time, then The cause and effect of sealing him is the most at one moment, and the further it goes, the less.

But why has it increased?

It seems that there is some kind of stickiness in Kuzu's body, which continuously attracts cause and effect, and once it comes, it cannot leave.

Lu Yin looked deeply at Kuzu, what happened?

It is very simple to save Ku Zu, just get rid of these causes and effects. Lu Yin can do it, but he is in no hurry to take action. Ku Zu seems to have his own plan.

He used some method to pull away the cause and effect.

Yes, that's bullshit.

Lu Yin just looked at it like this for a long time. Will things turn into extremes? It originates from Kuzu and also transformed from Kuzu.

Kuzu also embarked on the path of cause and effect, but unlike himself, the path he took was a bit strange.

Lu Yin saluted Ku Zu again, turned around and left. There was no need to intervene. This was Ku Zu's choice. He had his own way.

I really look forward to the day when Ku Zu comes out to see what path of cause and effect he follows.

Next, Lu Yin tried to absorb the cause and effect in the forbidden land of cause and effect, but was disappointed that he couldn't do it.

These causes and effects are just like the celestial phenomena of cause and effect, they seem to belong to others.

He cannot directly appropriate it for himself.

In other words, I am temporarily unable to snatch the cause and effect from others.

He walked around the forbidden area and saw clearly the forbidden area of ​​cause and effect, but he could not find the source of these causes and effects. He had no choice but to leave the forbidden area. There was no time to waste now. This road was impassable. He wanted to Go the other way.

Before leaving, he said goodbye to Kuzu.

Walking out of the forbidden area, looking at the long river of time: "There is also a ferryman in the Jiuxiao Universe. I will ask her for advice on how to help you get out of the long river of time and take you home."

He remembered this matter in Jiuxiao Universe and originally planned to ask, but too many things happened, one after another, and it also involved the origin of the Great Master, so he never asked.

Zhaoran looked towards the shore: "No need, I belong to the river of time, and this is my home."

Lu Yin said: "The Tianshang Sect is also your home. You have to go home and see. The flowers you raised are still there. You can't always ask others to help water them." After saying that, he tore the void and left.

Zhaoran looked at the empty shore, are there flowers?

Tianshang Sect, when Lu Yin returned, the bells rang throughout the universe.

Countless people turned their faces to the Heavenly Sect and paid homage: "Welcome Lord Lu."

"Welcome Lord Lu."


Countless voices echoed across the starry sky.

Lu Yin stood on the ladder to heaven, looking at the stars. With a flick of his finger, the power rippled and spread along the starry sky, killing all the bugs it came into contact with along the way.

The power spread wider and wider, as if the entire universe was treated as a flat surface and stirred for a while.

In an instant, the Tianyuan universe became pure.

Only the insects that escaped to parallel time and space were left.

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