Star Odyssey

Chapter 4055 Constant

Su Shidao looked around and saw no one: "Where is Master Qingcao?"

Lu Yin said: "When you prepare to go back, he will naturally appear."

Su Shidao's eyes flickered, he thought for a moment, then stood up: "Okay, that's it, thank you Mr. Lu for not stopping me from going back."

"You're welcome, drink tea before leaving."

"No, it's an emergency."

"Drink tea before leaving, respect other people's achievements." Lu Yin repeated.

Su Shidao glanced at the tea cup, picked it up, drank it all, and then left.

Lu Yin took a light sip of tea. If the people of Linghua Universe wanted to go back, it would actually have no impact on Jiuxiao Universe.

No matter where the path of cultivation in the spiritual universe will eventually lead, even if it is a dead end, people will still fight if they should. Everyone feels that they can become the second supreme, and there is no path at all.

Moreover, he will also give these people new hope.

Whether they can successfully return to the spiritual universe depends on Master Qingcao's attitude. This can also be regarded as a test by Lu Yin to Master Qingcao.

What is being tested is not Master Qingcao's position, but his unknowable tendency.

After drinking tea, Lu Yin left the courtyard and went to the main hall of Tianshang Sect, where many people were waiting.

As Lu Yin appeared, everyone kept asking about his experience.

His experience is a legend to the people of Tianyuan Universe, even the ancient gods and others think it is a legend.

Especially the Jiuxiao Universe, they don't know much about it, and they really want to know the situation outside the Tianyuan Universe.

Lu Yin told everyone about his experience in Jiuxiao Universe. Everyone was stunned and praised him for being the master of Tianyuan Universe. He was still prosperous after leaving Jiuxiao.

"So, Uncle Feng is from Jiuxiao Universe? He was brought to Tianyuan by Eternity." Hongyan Mabisi asked.

Lu Yin nodded: "Uncle Feng has died time and time again. He and Eternity have secrets from each other, but now the secrets are worthless. The secret he knows about Eternity is that Eternity has joined Death Silence, or that he has seen Eternity practice with his own eyes. The power of death."

There is something wrong with the eternal bones. Since it can join the dead silence, it means that his bones also have a life of their own and are given by the dead silence.

This is the secret Feng Bo knows, but this secret is semi-public.

No matter what kind of secrets Eternal Life has, Lu Yin will find a way to find him out. Although this person is not in the Eternal Life Realm, he feels that it is more troublesome than the Eternal Life Realm. He is the kind who hides the deepest secrets.

In particular, he also stole three of Qixu's turbid treasures, and he didn't know what the last turbid treasure was.

Death and silence, which one is easier? Eternity can travel among them, which shows its nature.

Hongyan Mavis said bitterly: "It's just a lost dog from the Nine Heavens universe, but when I came to Tianyuan, I was trapped in the mirage for so many years. It's really sad."

Lu Yuan sympathized: "Kaihong, don't be too inferior. In fact, you have trapped him in the mirage for so many years. Otherwise, if the Eternals has a master like Uncle Feng, the outside world may not be able to support him."

The Ancient God nodded: "Yes, the Eternals have always lacked masters in those years. The Seven Gods of the First Space and the Three Qings and Six Haos of Parallel Time and Space have never gathered together. One or two more masters can completely overturn the battle situation."

"If the red card also comes out, wouldn't it be tied again." Jialan Zhiluo said.

Chu Yi coughed.

"Is that Lan really the last member of the Eternal Tribe's Three Qings and Six Haos?" Ancestor Lu Tianyi asked.

Lu Yin nodded: "Not bad."

They knew about this matter after Wujiang returned. Lu Yin knew Lan's identity through Meng Sangtian in the conscious universe, and then told everyone on the way from the conscious universe to Torch City when he was being chased by monsters in the Immortal Realm.

But without Lu Yin saying it himself, they still didn't believe it.

"Eternal thinking is really far-reaching. That Lan has existed for a long time. So, Eternal has already planned it." Mu Shen sighed.

"How can we defeat the Tianshang Sect without some calculations?" The ancient god said solemnly.

The destruction of Tianshang Sect will be their eternal pain.

If not, the situation in Tianyuan Universe would be completely different. Why would it be pulled down so much by Jiuxiao Universe?

They also now know the future scale.

Linghua Universe interfered with Tianyuan Universe in order to destroy the future scale of Tianyuan Universe.

Without the Tianshang Sect, Tianyuan Universe's cultivation was completely off track. Although some geniuses were born, more died due to the killings of the Eternals.

If it can develop smoothly, no one can say how powerful Tianyuan Universe is at this moment.

But, then, would Lu Yin still be born?

Lu Yuan looked at Lu Yin. Lu Yin was born from Lu Xiaoxuan. Without the game between the Eternal Clan and the Great Heavenly Lord, there would be no Lu family being exiled. Lu Xiaoxuan is still the same Lu Xiaoxuan, a born noble son, carefree, in the Lu family Under his protection, he might be able to cultivate to the ancestral state, but it would be far from Lu Yin.

The scale of the future was broken, causing the Tianyuan Universe to lose eras, but Lu Yin was also born.

And Lu Yin's future is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Even the Jiuxiao Universe has never seen such people.

So, will the future scale of Tianyuan Universe be weakened?

Or is it that part of the future scale that has been lost will be made up one day?

So what Linghua Universe did was only disrupt the future scale of Tianyuan Universe, but not really destroy it.

Could it be that everything in the universe is irreversible? Is it all doomed?

Lu Yin also thought about this. Is his birth an extension of the future or a compensation?

Chun Qiu Jian gained something through luck, but lost even more.

Man can conquer nature, this is what countless people firmly believe. They think they have changed their destiny through cultivation, but is this true? Or is it that cultivation is already doomed?

So, who determines all this?

The most terrifying thing is the fact that the universe cannot be changed even if it interferes with the universe.

Ce Wangtian suddenly asked: "What is the current situation?"

Everyone looked at Lu Yin.

Only Lu Yin can explain this problem.

In today's universe, Tianyuan, Linghua, Jiuxiao, there are consciousnesses around them, and even more universes, there are insect nest civilizations, and there are monsters in the immortal realm.

In the past, what they saw was limited to the Tianyuan universe, but now it is different. They are eager to understand the situation of the universe.

The farther a person sees, the greater the sense of crisis.

Lu Yin stood up, walked to the door of the main hall, and looked at the starry sky: "I can't say for sure, but human civilization is becoming more and more prosperous, and another immortal has been born in the Jiuxiao Universe."

Everyone was overjoyed, but some were worried: "What is Jiuxiao Universe's attitude towards our Tianyuan?"

The lessons of Linghua Universe prevented them from truly treating Jiuxiao Universe as their own.

Lu Yin said: "Friendly."

Everyone was relieved.

Lu Yin continued: "We cannot rely on others' attitudes towards us. We must have the ability to protect ourselves."

People's hearts are unpredictable, these four words should always be remembered.

"There must be a lot of worries in Jiuxiao Universe." Wang Wen suddenly said something, which puzzled everyone.

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen: "What do you say?"

Wang Wen thought for a while: "I don't know, but regarding the situation of Jiuxiao Universe just mentioned, I feel that Jiuxiao Universe seems to be unable to focus all its energy on itself."

"We have destroyed one universe civilization after another, and there are three immortal realms, but we have allowed a master of Qingcao to waver in his stance. Moreover, Your Highness, Chessman, you have done a lot of things in Jiuxiao Universe, but no one cares about it. It feels like you are at your mercy." ."

"It can be seen as a sign of disdain from the superiors, or it can be seen as a sign of disdain." He said with a stern look on his face: "I hope you can do something to disturb the muddy water."

"But these are just my feelings. After all, I don't know much."

Lu Yin pondered. The problem Wang Wen saw came from his understanding of the cultural attributes of cultivation. The majestic Jiuxiao universe was above everything else, but he was allowed to make trouble by just one person like him.

This itself is unreasonable.

If Jiuxiao Universe was united and there were no internal or external worries, Lu Yin would definitely not be so smooth.

Just like when Linghua Universe attacked Tianyuan Universe, it was defeated because of the cultural attribute of cultivation and was defeated by thinking strategy.

The Hive Civilization thought that it could control the universe with Luo Chan's talent. Their defeat also lay in their failure to truly understand human civilization.

If you want to defeat a civilization, you must truly understand it.

"Give me the order. In two months, the human cultivators will gather in the original space. I want to teach the Dharma." Lu Yin said.

Outside the main hall, the Second Night King saluted respectfully: "Yes, Lord Lu."

Everyone in the main hall was surprised, "Preaching the Dharma?"

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky and realized that the Nirvana Tree Technique would naturally be passed on to Tianyuan Universe.

It's funny to say that he created the Nirvana Tree Technique himself, but he didn't practice it. It can also be said that he hasn't had the time to practice it yet. As for people in Tianyuan Universe, they can practice it, but the effect is far less rapid than that of people in Jiuxiao Universe.

The Nirvana Tree Method was originally understood to create the method of fusion of spiritual seeds. Jiuxiao Universe cultivators can comprehend, practice and succeed in the shortest time, but Tianyuan Universe cultivators cannot do it because they do not have spiritual seeds.

But it doesn’t mean that the Nirvana Tree method is useless.

Practicing the Nirvana Tree Technique itself does not conflict with your own practice. It is just an opportunity to connect all powers. If you don't use it, you can treat it as if it doesn't exist. But once you can use it, your combat power will skyrocket.

It's like the ancestors passed down the Xingyuan cultivation method. Each of the nine mountains and eight seas has its own creation, and it is not exactly based on the Xingyuan cultivation method.

For Tianyuan Universe cultivators, the Nirvana Tree Method is a possibility, a possibility to break the once fixed cultivation thinking and break through the unknown path.

Even if only one person takes another path through the Nirvana Tree Method, it is worth it.

Although it is said to be a method of teaching, in fact, most people only get the cultivation thoughts of the Nirvana Tree Method. Lu Yin does not have so many green light spots to give them, and what he can give to is only a limited group of people.

This is the most he can do for Tianyuan Universe.

After all, Tianyuan Universe is not Jiuxiao Universe.

At this moment, nearly half of the cultivators in Jiuxiao Universe who have received the inheritance of the Nirvana Tree Method have succeeded, and their combat power has increased exponentially, shocking even the Insect Hive Civilization.

After talking to everyone for a while, Lu Yin left the Tianshang Sect and arrived at the nearby Earth.

It’s been a long time since I visited the Earth, and I feel like I’m in another world.

It has been more than 140 years since I left the Tianyuan Universe. The last time I came to the earth was almost not long before I left the Tianyuan Universe. At that time, I found the reason why the earth would be destroyed every once in a while, and it came from Hunji.

I don’t know what the earth is like now.

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