Star Odyssey

Chapter 4058 Two Statues

The ancestor created the starting point, and Lu Yin created the end point.

I don’t know how many people can walk this road.

People with higher cultivation level can feel the greatness of this road.

Countless green light spots scattered, coming from the big green tree, were not real.

As for Tianshang Sect, Lu Yin shed a batch of real light spots, allowing Lu Yuan and other six realms of the Three Realms, including Great Elder Shan Gu, Mu Shen and others to practice the Nirvana Tree Technique.

As long as one of them achieves great success in this way, it is enough.

But Lu Yin didn't believe that only one person could achieve success. These people were all geniuses. The Nirvana Tree Technique might not make them successful, but it could give them another way of thinking.

Countless people inside and outside Tianshang Sect were fanatical.

Far away, the entire Beginning Space was enveloped by the vision taught by the Nirvana Tree.

The statue of Lu Yin was hunched over and he bowed deeply: "Master, disciple, I have obtained the Dharma."

"Disciples must live up to the master's teachings and carry forward the Nirvana Tree Dharma."

"Xiaoyu, what about you?"

Yan Ruyu did not answer.

Tuo Lin looked confused.

Yan Ruyu whispered softly in her ears: "Master."

Tuo Lin smiled: "My master is also your master, Xiaoyu."

At this time, he discovered that a statue appeared behind Xiaoyu, which was exactly the same as the statue he was carrying. It was Lu Yin.

"Xiaoyu, you also have a statue of Master. Master recognizes you."

"I know, Master, he recognizes me. I am also Master's disciple. Master, I will definitely live up to your teachings and carry forward the Nirvana Tree Dharma."

"Xiaoyu, you are so kind."

Tuolin's statue emits a faint light, and Yan Ruyu's statue also emits a faint light. One is made of stone. It looks ordinary, but has charm. The other is made of sequence particles and comes from Yan Ruyu. She herself doesn't know what rules she has understood. , this is not important, she hopes to condense all these rules into a statue of the master, not a single particle is missing.

The two statues complement each other and shine in this inconspicuous corner of Tianyuan Universe.

On Earth, in front of the statue of Lu Yin, countless people shouted enthusiastically. They may not realize the greatness of the Nirvana Tree, but they can feel Lu Yin's selflessness and dedication. The warmth of that kind of protection makes each of them feel at ease.

Zhenyuxing, beside the tavern, Taoxiang and others also looked up in the direction of Tianshang Sect.

Further away, in the major flow realms of the inner universe, the Universe Sea, the Falling Star Sea, the New Universe, etc., countless people looked at him enthusiastically. Their respect for Lu Yin was indescribable.

Never had anyone reached such heights in their hearts.

The ancestor is too far away, so Lu Yin is real.

Under the starry sky, on four huge war boats, many spiritual universe cultivators also looked in the direction of Tianshang Sect in shock. The Nirvana Tree Technique also gave them desire, and they also wanted to practice.

Lu Yin did not ignore them.

Green light spots also fell on them. Although it was illusory, the desire it brought was extremely real.

Su Shidao, on the other hand, received the real green light spot and looked at Tianshang Sect with complicated eyes.

He didn't expect that what Lu Yin said was true. He really cared about the entire human civilization, whether it was Tianyuan or Linghua, he could treat everyone equally in his eyes.

That's true.

This is his pattern.

In a parallel time and space in Tianyuan Universe, Tengu breathed out in boredom.

Wang Xiaoyu sat calmly.

The God of Forgotten Ruins looked at the red sword in his hand in ecstasy: "It made such a big fuss as soon as I came back. It's really powerful to kill Yongsheng. Xiao Lu Yin, I don't even dare to face you now, haha."

Wang Xiaoyu opened her eyes: "It's time to go."

"Where to go?" Wangxu God asked.

Wang Xiaoyu said indifferently: "No matter where you go, leave Tianyuan."

"Leave? Why, are you willing to let him go?"

"You will be found if you don't leave. You have seen how powerful Lu Yin is now. Even Master Qingcao can't protect us."

The Tengu shuddered when he heard this, remembering Lu Yin's battle with the Immortal Realm monster, the suffocating pressure, let's go, it's better to go.

The corners of Wangxu God's mouth curved in a charming arc: "Master Qingcao will not protect us." After saying that, he suddenly drew his sword, and passed Wang Xiaoyu with one sword, killing the Tengu directly.

Wang Xiaoyu did not evade, and his shoulder was torn open by the sword, leaving a trace of blood.

The Tengu looked at the red long sword and wailed, turned around and was about to run away, but was still a step too slow. It could also be said that it was unable to escape in front of the Forgotten God. The sword pierced its skin and made a louder wailing sound. .

"Okay, what's the name of the ghost? I'm not going to kill you."

The Forgotten God shook his hand casually, blood spilled out, and he looked into the distance with a deep gaze: "If you don't want to be found, you have to pay the price."

Wang Xiaoyu glanced at the scar on her shoulder and turned pale. The sword didn't seem heavy, but the damage it caused her was huge. After all, it came from that sword.

In another parallel time and space in Tianyuan Universe, a spaceship was sailing in the starry sky. Inside the huge spaceship, hundreds of people were busy.

They serve only two people, who are also the owners of the ship.

In the restaurant, Yu Leng looked pale and his eyes were worried.

"Sir, don't worry. All the bugs have been wiped out. The people from the Tianshang Sect have just left, so there will be no problem." A middle-aged man said respectfully, then waved his hand, and a group of women brought the dishes, which were arranged one by one, very delicately.

Opposite Yu Leng, Mo Bai held his chin and looked at the starry sky: "Are the people from the Tianshang Sect gone?"

"Already gone." The middle-aged man replied. He glanced at Mo Bai, with heat flashing in his eyes. This woman was too tempting. He didn't dare to look at her. One look at her would shorten his life.

"You go down and let everyone else go down too." Yu Leng ordered.

The middle-aged man hurriedly led everyone back.

He and Mo Bai were the only ones left in the restaurant.

"what to do?"

Mo Bai's eyes shifted and looked at Yu Leng: "Afraid?"

Yu Leng narrowed his eyes, his gaze was cold, but he was also worried: "He came back and beat back your civilization. I thought that once the insect nest civilization came, no one would be able to stop it, but as soon as he came back."

"How have you been in these years?" Mo Bai's voice was soft.

Yu Leng thought for a while, nodded first, and then shook his head. He didn't know how to answer.

Mo Bai looked at him with pity: "Eat, these are the dishes you like."

Yu Leng was helpless: "How can I think about eating now? Let's all go. Leave Tianyuan Universe and go anywhere. Stay far away from him. I really don't dare to face him. He, he, he is too scary." Having said this, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Mo Bai's hand, his eyes blazing: "Let's go, don't worry about anything, not humans, not insect nests, just let's go."

"Where do you want to go?"

"You can go anywhere."

"Don't care? Human civilization is no match for us, and we will eventually win."

Yu Leng was irritated: "That's because you don't understand Lu Yin. You don't understand what level he is in our hearts as humans. How much humans worship him. He is a god. You won't understand."

"Mo Bai, you are not a bug, you are a human, right, you are a human, you are a human, let's go, let's go."

Mo Bai raised his hand, touched Yu Leng's head, and said softly: "Okay, let's go."

Yu Leng exhaled heavily, looking forward to the beautiful and flawless face in front of him, with the crystal-carved skin so alluring: "Really?"

Mo Bai smiled and flicked his hand, the light flickered, blood splattered around, and fell on the dining table, it was extremely bloody.

In the corner, Yu Leng's head rolled and made a soft sound.

And his body was still sitting at the dining table.

His eyes were so unbelievable that he stared blankly at Mo Bai, that seductive fairy.

Mo Bai retracted his hand, wiped the blood stains, glanced at the corner with his snow-white eyes without pupils, and looked at Yu Leng: "Don't blame me, you are right, that human being is too scary, I don't want to be found, so please die. , so many years of hard work.”

Yu Leng opened his mouth to say something, but the light in front of him gradually dimmed, and finally he fell into darkness and died.

Mo Bai stood up, stepped out, and disappeared.

After she left, the spacecraft exploded and completely turned into dust.

As the Tianshang Sect spreads its teachings, countless things, big and small, happen in every corner of the Tianyuan universe. It’s like the filth scattered in the corners has been swept away, making it much cleaner.

But the rest will only hide deeper.

The teaching of the Nirvana Tree Method did not last long, and after it was over, the practitioners still stayed where they were.

Lu Yin returned to the courtyard.

Long Xi made him a cup of tea.

Lu Yin took the tea and looked at Long Xi: "You are not Zhaoran, and you don't need to be the second Zhaoran."

Long Xi smiled slightly: "Thank you for the Nirvana Tree Technique."

Long Xi, like many people in Tianshang Sect, formed a tree in his body through green light spots.

Jiuxiao Universe cultivators can directly tie spiritual seeds to trees, while Tianyuan Universe cultivators can only take their time. All the power they cultivate may be connected to the tree, and this cannot be done in a short time.

Lu Yin said: "Take your time, I don't know what impact the Nirvana Tree Technique will have on Tianyuan Universe." After saying that, he looked at Long Xi: "I'm not used to you being like this."

Long Xi sat down.

Lu Yin took a sip of tea and said, "It's much better now."

Long Xi is not Zhaoran and cannot be Zhaoran. She is fundamentally different from Zhaoran.

Perhaps, she is more like the owner here.

A few days later, the practitioners gradually dispersed, and everyone bowed to the Tianshang Sect before leaving.

Until half a month later, Lu Yin sat in the courtyard, released the law of cause and effect and merged into the cause and effect of the Tianyuan universe, and used the cause and effect to calculate himself horizontally to see if there was anyone in the Tianyuan universe who plotted against him.

Tianyuan Universe roared, and now many people knew that this roar was related to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin stood up, and the cause and effect turned into a tornado and fell from the sky, penetrating through his body and calculating.

The roar of the universe becomes more intense.

Lu Yin looked at the stars. With this movement, there was indeed someone plotting against him. Who? Maiden? Eternals? Hive civilization?

Tianyuan Universe does not have the same internal and external troubles as Jiuxiao Universe, but it is not much better. What he is most worried about is that if Anonymous is really hiding something, the greatest possibility is in Tianyuan Universe. Can he find out that Agnostic?

Once found out, he will be a powerful person in the Immortal Realm.

Master Qingcao's position is more agnostic.

At this moment, Lu Yin suddenly regretted and was impulsive. He shouldn't have looked for him so quickly.

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