Star Odyssey

Chapter 4062 Unfair

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin: "It's not the origin, it's the confusion of the present."

Lu Yin nodded: "So that means the senior knows that Mi Jinshangyu is Huizu?"

Master Qingcao was surprised: "You also know, cause and effect is really convenient, you can know things long ago."

"Yes, Hui Wen, one of the Nine Mountains and Eight Seas, was created by part of Mi Jin's thinking, but he is not Mi Jin."

"Senior, why didn't you take action against Huizu?"

"I said, he is not Mi Jin, he is just thinking. Yue Ya's thinking predecessor is also an eternal life. It is impossible to attack him because of this." At this point, he said: "And Hui Wen will never become Mi Jin, unless By practicing self-cultivation to achieve eternal life, he might be able to awaken his lost memories, but he doesn't have this chance."

"Can Sir Mi Jin come back to life again?" Lu Yin asked.

Huizu's death has always been a pain for Tianyuan Universe, but now that Huizu cannot survive, it would be a comfort if Mijin Shangyu can reappear.

After all, Mijin Shangyu is in the realm of eternal life, and eternal life is not so easy to die.

Master Qingcao looked at Lu Yin: "The biggest constant in a person's life is that it is always changing. Situations, patterns, interpersonal relationships, cultivation status, and even civilization are all changing. You cherish every relationship around you and everyone who has helped you. People, but in the end, these people will leave one by one. As you improve in cultivation, especially when you become an eternal life, everyone will leave you."

"Master Lu, have you ever thought about it?"

Lu Yin and Master Qingcao looked at each other: "What do you want to say?"

Master Qingcao sighed: "What you hope to reappear is not Mijin Shangyu, but Huiwen, because Huiwen is a corner of your emotional map. It may not be as important as the Lu family, but it is also something you are unwilling to lose."

"Don't talk about Hui Wen. Even the Lu family, your master, and those in the Three Realms and Six Paths will die one day. You are persistent in trying to catch them. The more persistent you are, the more you will bear. If one day Tianyuan Universe is destroyed Destruction, can you withstand this blow and survive, or will you collapse?"

At this point, he looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Originally, I thought you had a great chance of achieving immortality, but now, you have made me see the fact clearly. You can make unlimited breakthroughs in combat power, but it is difficult to escape from the realm. Myself, little one, even though you have been in war and experienced death, that is your comfort zone. As long as Tianyuan Universe is not in the way, your comfort zone is not in the way. Get out of the comfort zone, otherwise you will stop here. ”

Lu Yin never thought about this. He always wanted to protect what he cared about, and protect the Tianyuan Universe. He did it and was satisfied. From the moment Tianyuan Universe resolved the crisis, even when he was in the decisive battle with the Immortal Realm, he did not hesitate. Peace of mind is the comfort zone.

Breaking out of your comfort zone?

Could it be that this is his own misfortune?

Emotional territory, is it human civilization or your own emotional territory that you are protecting?

"Many creatures have said that emotion is the greatest weakness of human beings. Perhaps they said these words because of species opposition, but have you ever thought that maybe it is also common sense in the universe?"

"Emotions can indeed stimulate the potential of living things, but most emotions can blind the living beings themselves."

Lu Yin's eyes jumped: "Deceived?"

Master Qingcao smiled: "It seems you understand."

Lu Yin frowned, so it turned out to be so, so it turned out to be like this.

Why is it so difficult for human beings to find their own misfortunes? Some strong people who have overcome misfortunes think they have found it, and have even reached the Great Perfection of Overcoming Misfortunes, and even the ultimate level below immortality, but it is almost impossible to break through the realm of immortality.

It is true that he can overcome hardship and gain eternal life, but is hardship really the one he has found?

Why is it so difficult for people to find their own suffering?

Emotions are the biggest obstacle that obscures suffering.

The richer the emotions, the less able people are to find their own suffering.

"But if there is no emotion, how can there be suffering?" Lu Yin murmured.

Master Qingcao was helpless: "This is the most unfair to human beings. Human beings have emotions. More or less will not work. If there is less, there will be no suffering. If there are too many, the suffering will be obscured."

"That's why the realm of immortality is difficult to enter."

"In fact, it's not just human beings. Every species has its greatest injustice when it breaks through the realm of immortality. It's just that we can't see it, so there are very few eternal lives in the universe."

"Otherwise there are too many eternal lives, and the universe would not be so peaceful."

Lu Yin was bitter and calm, yes, it was very peaceful. Human civilization has experienced many civilized wars, but if there were more eternal lives, it would not be like this.

It's peaceful now in comparison.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lu Yin was confused.

Master Qingcao looked back at Zhan Zhou: "Just think of it as your reward for taking in these people."

Lu Yin also looked behind. On the war boat, Su Shidao had already informed Master Qingcao of his decision. It was obvious that the practitioners were reluctant to stay, but they did not dare to contradict Master Qingcao's decision. The atmosphere was very dull.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Can Master Mijin reappear?"

Master Qingcao shook his head: "I don't know. Eternal life is not easy to die, but I have never experienced resurrection."

"Furthermore, even if he is resurrected, he is still confused about the present, not Hui Wen. Hui Wen is Hui Wen, and confused about the present is just confused about the present."

"Hui Wen is willing to scheme against the Eternals and sacrifice himself for your Tianyuan Universe, but if it were Mi Jin, he might not do this. You have to distinguish clearly, they are two people."

Lu Yin suddenly asked: "What about the God of Death?"

Master Qingcao was stunned: "The God of Death?"

"Where is Death?"

Master Qingcao was confused: "What is the God of Death? What does it have to do with the God of Death? The God of Death you are talking about is Chu Heizi, a disciple of Taichu? The little guy who created the death energy?"

Lu Yin stared at Master Qingcao. There was indeed confusion in his eyes. He did not hide it at all. Either he really didn't know, or he was pretending to be too similar.

"Isn't he dead?" Master Qingcao became more and more confused.

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

Master Qingcao stared at Lu Yin: "Is it possible that he is not dead?"

"If he died, why couldn't he find his body?"

Master Qingcao said: "You got the left arm of the God of Death, and his other bodies fell into the cemetery. However, with the return of Taichu's left hand, most of the cemetery was scattered. You can find it yourself."

Lu Yin couldn't see through Master Qingcao. Did he really think that the God of Death was dead or was he hiding it?

If he didn't know that the God of Death was still alive, telling him might bring unexpected trouble to the God of Death, so Lu Yin didn't say anything.

If the God of Death is really not dead, judging from the words he once revealed to himself, his understanding of the unknowable may not be as good as Master Qingcao, then where is the God of Death?

Jialan Zhiluo was sealed in the body of Tianfeng, the guardian angel of the four directions. It was surprising. Will the God of Death be trapped in the same place?

After leaving Zhanzhou, Lu Yin did not return to the Tianshang Sect. In the Tianyuan Universe, there were no enemies on the surface, and the enemies hidden in the dark could not be found. But apart from these, there were more important things to do, that is, to improve the battle. force.

Improve the overall combat power of Tianyuan Universe.

The Tianyuan universe is too unbalanced. It exists on its own. Jiang Feng can fight against masters of the Immortal Realm. But below them, most of them have the strength of the Beginning Realm of the Three Realms and Six Paths. There are few who can survive the hardships. They lack the perfection of overcoming the hardships. Strong.

The ancestor and Mr. Mu have overcome the hardships and reached perfection, but one is missing and the other is in seclusion, and they will not appear for the time being.

Lu Yin desperately wanted to increase the combat power of Tianyuan Universe to deal with the possible war of civilizations that would follow.

The Insect Nest Civilization has lost most of the Green Immortals and Insect Masters. The most difficult person to deal with is the Immortal Master, and the Immortal Master can be handed over to Qinglian to control them, and will have little impact on the cultivators below.

But the unknown side is good at attracting other civilizations to deal with the civilization that wants to be destroyed.

It is tantamount to saying that human civilization will inevitably face a more powerful civilization whose overall combat power exceeds that. Only by improving the combat power of the civilization itself can it cope with it.

The best way to improve Tianyuan Universe's combat power is--mirage domain.

Before leaving Tianyuan Universe, he reached a condition with Weinu and entered the mirage a fixed number of times, which improved the combat power of a group of people.

Now there is no need, he can directly enter the mirage realm and lead the long river of time upstream.

It can be said that after the duel with Wu Jianshi, Lu Yin may not be much worse than the ferryman of the long river of time in the field of time. What he lacks is the understanding of the long river of time itself.

After returning this time, he has entered the mirage realm several times.

But even if he wanted to bring people in to practice, he had to tell Zhao Ran beforehand. He didn't care about Weinu, but he cared about Zhao Ran.

Pulling the long river of time, Lu Yin went upstream and entered the mirage realm.

Standing on the bank of the long river of time, looking at the lonely boat in the distance: "Zhao Ran, I want to bring a group of people to practice. Will it be any trouble for you?"

Zhao Ran calmly said: "It has nothing to do with me."

Lu Yin nodded, and just as he was about to leave, a paper cut came out of the fog of time, and it came to life, with an appearance that Lu Yin had never seen before.

He looked at the paper-cut: "You are so afraid of me that you don't dare to show your face. Why, are you afraid that I will take action against you?"

The paper cut made a maiden's voice: "Master Lu, you shouldn't enter the mirage realm casually."

Lu Yin looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile: "Zhaoran didn't stop her, so what does it have to do with you?"

Weinu said in a deep voice: "Master Lu is really overbearing. It seems that he regards this mirage as his own home."

Lu Yin nodded: "Absolutely."

"Lord Lu, do you still remember what I told you before? The more you get from the universe, the worse it is. It is also for your own good to prevent you from entering the mirage realm. Cause and effect can not only be formed with people, but also with the universe. "Wei Nu said.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed. These words reminded him of Chun Qiu Jian's luck. Luck seemed to be constant. The extra luck Chun Qiu Jian gained at that moment would be returned in the end.

There is something really special about the ferryman of the long river of time.

"We are not enemies. I have told you this several times. I hope Master Lu will bear it in mind." Weinu continued.

Lu Yin smiled: "If human civilization is gone, will the word enemy still exist?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Not only will I enter the Mirage Realm myself, but I will also bring a group of cultivators from the Tianyuan Universe to help them increase their combat effectiveness and prepare for the civilized war that may occur next."

"No." Weinu became anxious.

"You want to stop me?"

"The greater the movement in the mirage domain, the easier it is to be returned to the mainstream. You don't want Tianyuan Universe to lose the mirage domain."

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