Star Odyssey

Chapter 4065 Coincidence

Lu Yin was startled: "Shan Gebi?"

Shan Gobi is the area under his feet, and the location where the Lost Tribe is located is called Shan Gobi. He did not expect that the super ancient card was also called Shan Gobi.

Shan Gu looked deeply at Lu Yin: "Master Lu, do you know that since I escaped from the third barrier, my heart has become silent, and when did it awaken that silent heart?"

"The first time I lured Shan Gobi." Lu Yin did not hesitate.

Shan Gu nodded and said in a heavy tone: "Yes, it was when Lord Lu first introduced Shan Gobi. No one in the Lost Tribe except me knew that it was an ultra-ancient card. The level corresponding to the ultra-ancient card was too high. Even the successive emperors of the Lost Tribe could not control it, so I did not tell the land master about it at that time."

"Even if the land master can later fight against a strong player in the sequence rules, it will still be far from that card."

"Lord Lu's vision is still limited to the Tianyuan Universe, but we have participated in the war with the Insect Hive Civilization and faced eternal life. It is the humanoid Qingxian of the Insect Hive Civilization. Super ancient cards can escape under his nose, not Tianyuan The beginning of the universe can be explained by overcoming hardships, so."

Lu Yin raised his hand: "There is no need to talk about the past. Now I just want to know about this card and." At this point, he looked at Elder Shan Gu: "Whether you can control this card, are you willing to let me know about it?" I'm in control."

"Of course we are willing." Great Elder Shan Gu stood up excitedly and looked at Lu Yin fervently: "All of us are willing. The third barrier has been destroyed. We, the losers of civilization who are lingering on, are not qualified to avenge the enemy. Only Lord Lu, only Lord Lu, can you can do it."

"I know this is very humble, and even more despicable. The hatred of the third barrier belongs to us, but we want to entrust it to you, Master Lu, but we really have no choice. As long as there is a slight possibility, we also hope to take revenge ourselves, even if we die together with the Immortal Master ."

"But we can't do it. We can't reach that level at all."

The more Elder Shan Gu said, the more excited he became: "In the history of our Third Barrier, no one has been able to control Shan Gobi. We don't know its origin, but it does belong to our Third Barrier and is unique to our Third Barrier." The power, but no one can control this power, not even in history. If the emperor could control Shan Gobi, how could the Third Barrier be destroyed so easily."

"We have won the final war. The emperor, regent and the others tried their best, and all the hidden masters of ancient and modern times reappeared. The scale is definitely not compared to the Tianyuan Universe at this moment, but." He sat down feebly: "We lost to eternal life. It was a desperate war. From the joy of victory to the despair of destruction, the change was too fast."

"Those ancient strong men and magnificent cards were turned into ashes. Many people sang war songs before they died, but they could not change the fact of destruction."

"The emperor burned out the last trace of blood, the emperor's cards were taken away, the regent was wiped out, nothing was left, nothing..."

Lu Yin listened quietly, the last brilliance of civilization was magnificent but cold.

Like the last fireworks, they just made a splash in the long river of time.

Silence. After Elder Shan Gu finished speaking, he fell into a long silence.

Lu Yin took a sip of tea and waited quietly.

After a while, Elder Shan Gu came back to his senses and hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, Lord Lu, I was distracted again."

Lu Yin put down the teacup: "Understood."

Great Elder Shan Gu took a deep breath and suppressed his sadness: "Since the attack of the Insect Nest Civilization and after I met Shan Xiao, many memories of the Third Barrier have surfaced in the past. Those memories should have been sealed away."

"There is a legend among them, which may be related to Shan Gobi."

Lu Yin listened curiously.

"Legend has it that a strange man appeared in the history of our Third Barrier. No one knows what his cultivation level is, what his name is, and no one knows what the card is called. We only know that this man used his fantastic ideas to construct a unique world. A trap that can only be explained by coincidence. That trap once shocked the Third Barrier and attracted the Emperor's eyes." He looked at the teacup and watched the tea leaves floating inside: "Coincidence, coincidence, coincidence, the Emperor's feelings towards that trap The evaluation is a coincidence, and the evaluations of the trap by other powerful people in that era were also coincidences."

"But coincidence does not prevent it from becoming a legend."

"However, that person was short-lived and disappeared just when he was about to become famous in the Third Barrier. No one knew where he went. Some people speculated that he was assassinated because of the trap. Some people wanted to take the trap away. Others speculated that he felt that he could no longer be in the Third Barrier. Moving forward, I left the third barrier and went to the small distance. In short, that person and that trap left a mark in the history of the third barrier."

"But there is only this vague stroke, and there is nothing else."

After speaking, Great Elder Shan Gu looked at Lu Yin: "If this legend is related to the ultra-ancient card, then the trap in the ultra-ancient card may be this coincidental trap."

"Except for this legend, I haven't been able to think of anything related to the super ancient cards after thinking about it for a long time."

To say it was to say nothing. Lu Yin didn't want to know the legend of this card, he just wanted to know how to pull it down.

He made a great wish before and used the super ancient card to defeat the true god's heaven-changing skill. At that time, he thought that his ambition was as high as the sky. Now, even if his horizons are broadened, his words cannot be more exciting.

Could it be that the card wanted him to become the strongest in the universe, the master of all civilizations, so that he could be recognized?

This is impossible, after all, the card itself only exists in the third barrier, and it also has limitations.

There may be other reasons for not pulling it down.

"Then how did your previous emperors lead you?" Lu Yin asked.

Elder Shan Gu thought for a while: "Some show heroic spirit, some show off one's own combat power, and some." He hesitated and said: "Showing muscles."

Lu Yin: "..."

Elder Shan Gu said: "Actually, the further you get to the back, the more it looks like a joke to pull Shan Gobi. No one thinks that they can really pull this card out."

Lu Yin rubbed his head: "That's really troublesome."

Great Elder Shan Gu said: "Moreover, it seems that this card cannot be exchanged between the inside and outside of the world."

The so-called exchange of internal and external worlds refers to similar barrier cards such as Shan Xiao's imperial cards, etc., which can use the traps in the cards to attack the outside world, but most Lost Tribe cards cannot do this.

Even the Heavenly King Card once mastered by Great Elder Shan Gu and the Eternal Darkness mastered by Lu Yin could not do it.

The exchange of internal and external heaven and earth is one of the criteria for the Lost Clan to evaluate the strong. The more powerful the card, the more it can be done.

After Lu Yin upgraded the Aurora card to the ancient card level, Aurora could do the same.

But this Gobi can't exchange the internal and external world, so it will be of very little help to Lu Yin. If he has a way to trap the eternal state in the card, why bother to use the card to take action?

Lu Yin's interest in this super ancient card instantly dropped.

Great Elder Shan Gu was helpless. This is what the emperor said: "In fact, it is not completely certain that the exchange between the inside and outside of the world is impossible. After all, no one has controlled Shan Gobi. The land master may be the first."

Lu Yin shook his head: "It's difficult."

Great Elder Shan Gu didn’t know what to say, it was indeed too difficult.

Lu Yin looked at Great Elder Shan Gu: "Actually, your Lost Clan's cultivation method is very strange. Although cards and traps are your ultimate moves, they also limit you. You are still able to give birth to powerful men like the Regent and the Emperor. ."

"That emperor can definitely reach the ultimate level of combat power under eternal life."

Great Elder Shan Gu nodded with respect in his eyes: "The emperor is definitely the most powerful person. I could only feel that kind of aura when Emperor Wu was resisting the water droplets of the Tianhe River in the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, he did not reach the Immortal Realm after all and could not get out. A crucial step."

"The Emperor once said that when a person and a Ka become one, even though the Ka is powerful, the human will also transform."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Is that so?"

Great Elder Shan Gu said bitterly: "I haven't reached this level yet, I don't know, but in the last battle, the top level masters are indeed different from us. We can only use card traps to kill insects, but those top level experts themselves are The traps and killing moves that put pressure on people and cooperated with the exchange of internal and external worlds have buried too many masters of the Hive Civilization."

He hoped to look at Lu Yin: "Perhaps Shan Gebi may not be able to help Lu Lord kill the Immortal Realm, but can it improve Lu Lord's strength?"

Lu Yin blinked: "Do you believe it?"

Elder Shan Gu coughed and said nothing.

Lu Yin even doubted whether Shan Gu had made up these words to coax him to lure Shan Gebi.

But it really moved his heart. Although he can fight against the Immortal Realm now, it is too difficult. He can't even kill a half-broken Immortal Realm monster, let alone face Master Qingcao and the others.

He could only fight and win, but it was too early.

He thought about talking to Uncle Jiang to see if he could cultivate Uncle Jiang's power, but he had asked before and it was unlikely.

Jiang Qingyue also mentioned something to him.

Baiyun City's time and space has its own unique cultivation method, which is related to Uncle Jiang's three artifacts. He cannot take this shortcut.

If the card can really help him take a further step, it would be even better.

Lu Yin stood up and walked outside.

Elder Shan Gu followed anxiously: "Master Lu, what about Shan Gobi?"

Lu Yin said: "Take me around, senior."

Shan Gu didn't understand what Lu Yin wanted to say, so he could only respond: "Okay, please come with me."

There are many traps in the time and space where the Lost Clan live, and they are most afraid of stepping on traps when they come here. Lu Yin still remembers being told not to run around when he first came here.

But there are no traps around here.

Elder Shan Gu led Lu Yin to walk on the streets. The streets were very simple, not prosperous, and there were not so many advanced businesses. They were like ancient bazaars, stretching far away.

Along the way, every lost tribesman who met Lu Yin saluted and thanked Lu Yin for his great kindness.

When the Sifang Guards tried to exterminate the Lost Clan, it was Lu Yin who saved them. To Lu Yin, their gratitude comes from the bottom of their hearts.

It would take a long time to walk through this street, but Lu Yin was not in a hurry and walked step by step.

Great Elder Shan Gu also led him step by step.

From dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn.

No one on the street went back, it was like time had been frozen.

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